US issues terror alert over anti-government extremists

I said Biden would be a national disaster, and I was absolutely right..... I told ya so people. The Democrat's are a super disaster. Their hypocrisy is so unbelievable, that anyone with just a fraction of their brain power can see what's going on.
With the brain power you have, you'll never be able to explain the national disaster. Too bad for you.
Just let the facts set you free, and don't go crying to Mama when you are paying higher taxes for everything.
The facts tell us you are a liar. What national disaster liar? Don't run like the coward you are by talking about something else.
The facts are being distributed as we speak. Don't you follow your leadership, and his new found friend (the ink pen)????
That ink pen proved you are a lying piss ant.
Ain't it funny how you Democrat's want to attack, attack, attack by way of cursing and talking stupidity, but it's only a deflection of course.
You and your ilk live in this alternate universe totally detached from reality. It was bad before Trump, but now, you folks are nothing more than brainless potato heads.

Me and my ilk are the heart and soul of this country bub, and don't you ever forget it. You and your ilk are out to destroy it, and we won't forget it.
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I bet

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
Strange if there is a national terror alert it should start with BLM and ANTIFA in Seattle and Portland, Then there is the guy in DC in the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo hat not much of a threat but annoying.
Just more Democrat anti trump bs.
Neither BLM nor Antifa struck at the heart of our government like the rightwingnut Al-Qaeda-in-US did. Sad that whataboutisms are your only escape.
Vandalism is vandalism
Riots are riots
Arson is arson
Murder is murder
Rape is rape
Occupations are occupations

Sad that you ignored all that for A YEAR.
And seditious insurrection is seditious insurrection. So what's your point? And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa. I don't see any righties condemning the seditious insurrection committed by Trump supporters. I only see them either supporting it, or trying to excuse it by crying butwhatabout BLM.
If you don't see it then you're not paying attention.

I created a couple threads the day after BLASTING the stupidity of those people.
I've also heard popular right wing personalities condemn their actions.

Just because a handful of idiots on here support it doesn't mean everyone does.
A handful of idiots don't support that insurrection. Millions do. Get a clue. 74 million people don't vote for someone as evil and corrupt as Trump for no reason. Trump handed out all the bells and dog whistles they wanted to hear.
Turn off CNN. It's making you look even dumber, if that's even possible.
CNN didn't vote for a criminal. 74 million insurrectionists did.
CNN voted for a criminal....Crooked Joe....and his crooked family...
With your campaign on this forum for massive lying, you won't be proving that. All you do here is lie, and everyone knows it.
Yet you didn't site one lie...hmmmmmm....
Do you have your head screwed on backwards? You have not proven Joe Biden is a crook. That is the lie. Dude, get help. You are cognitively handicapped.
Oh come on...we heard him brag about blackmailing the Ukrainian president...its on youtube....the same thing they said Trump did on his impeachable phone call...come on idiot wake up....his drug addicted son makes more money doing nothing than anyone on the are one stupid fuck...

Imbecile, you heard no such thing. You only think you did because you're conservative crazy.

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money

Dumbfuck, for it to have been "blackmail," J'Biden would have to have personally gotten something out of it. He got nothing. You've always been this rightarded, haven't you?
He did stupid...he got his son and his sons employer out from under a national crime investigation so Hunter could keep daddy and Dr mommy's checks rolling must be dumb or blind and willingly void of any integrity what so ever.....remind me never to play cards with a lying dishonest scumbag like you....
Nope, you're lying. His son wasn't in any trouble with the law and his son's company wasn't actively being investigated. And despite your drivel which you just made up from whole cloth, the prosecutor who replaced Shokin, did reopen the investigation and did prosecute the owner of his son's company, who had to pay back taxes. So while you pretend as though his son's job would have been in jeopardy had his company been prosecuted, the reality is it was ultimately prosecuted post-Shokin and Hunter Biden didn't lose his job.

So there was nothing at all for J'Biden to personally gain by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired which means, despite your hysterics, there was no blackmail. Turns out, you're just a loon. :cuckoo:

But who here didn't already know that?
You lie...
Nope, I never lie. Had what you said been true, Twice Impeached Trump's Justice Department would have gone after Biden for blackmail. They didn't because what I said is indisputable truth.
You are right, you don't lie, you just repeat them. We know that you and an original thought will never meet.
And Biden still didn't blackmail Poroshenko.
Biden is the one being blackmailed by China.

Suuure he is. :cuckoo:

China is the new Soros.
You being so sure of yourself, while millions say otherwise makes you what ?? It makes you the same thing you hated Trump for, but funny how you can't see it.

Dumbfuck, "millions" of you still think Twice Impeached Trump won the 2020 election but it was stolen from him. So referencing "millions" as though that lends you any credibility actually exposes you have none.
He did win in a landslide...they had to resort to stealing the election.....see how much of a minority you are a member of?....better wake up douchbag....
His 40+ executive orders proves that he didn't win nothing, so he renders over half of the government and this country non- affective so he can say "I am the president, I am the president, I am the president, I am the president, nana nana boo boo".... Unbelievable. So what's he gonna do, lead by executive order ?????? The whole thing because they cheated is a sham, and they are proving that daily now, otherwise they took control of the country instead of winning control of it.

The supreme court ought to be a shamed of itself right about now, and Roberts is the lowest human being in the courts system.

A politicized court system serves no one, and that's just what this nation has now. The courts have failed this nation huge, and even Trump didn't realize it until it was to late.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of western civilization.
They wouldn't grant us a real audit and signature and address verification...and you know just won't admit can it be that we had double the amount of ballots mailed out and fewer rejected ballots ever?....that just doesn't add up....Biden is the resident only not the president....
Sorry cheating ass Republicans had no issues in 2016, when over a million minorities were purged illegally and 1600 polling places were closed in minority areas keeping the black vote out of the election. Why weren't you so concerned about the cheating then? Because you know you would have lost, had it not been for voter suppression. The Left was ready for that scam this time, and if it hadn't been for that scam in 2016, Trump would have lost. Get a fucking clue cheater.
Ok, so where was your uproar then ??? Why didn't you legally challenge the election in the Court's ????? Why act stupid in the situation, otherwise if you truly thought wrongs were committed ????? Do you think everything is settled by violence, looting, burning, murdering, and anarchy ???? Undoubtedly you do think that way or the outrage would be on an equal footing, but it's not.
Alert is aimed at "lone wolf' types.
Please resume your normal activities.
Gee, I'm a lone person on a remote farm, and the only damage being done to the United States is a puppet President for pro-communist Democrats pulling strings that puts the Constitution of this nation in the waste bin. Not only have Democrats handed Joe Biden the entire list of good things President Trump did for getting business owners to create millions of high-paying jobs that increased revenue, placed minorities in a good fiscal position to enjoy the American dream that all the somebody else's had. Trump brought jobs lost to foreign countries back home, and the Democrats did all they could to cancel every good thing he did that would make America great again.

We probably should do something about continued assault on the Constitution by deep Staters, but the Democrats growled out so many threats to cancel people who criticized themselves in any way.

Yall are having such a good time hurting Donald Trump's wins and blanket threatening against any and all who don't go along with all that power grabbing Democrats are granting themselves exclusive rights to.

You might not benefit all that grabbing when it goes against the Demmies in the not too distant future.

Because if you do damages to a past President, just keep in mind that what you do to go around eventually comes right back around to your own lap.

They're dismantling our Country right before our eyes and moving fast!
I despise it fully, and fighting back diplomatically is optional if we can tolerate the smell of present day San Frsncisco's scatted streets thanks to impeachment freaks, the dowager Pelosi and her two ghouls foul, Schifty and Madnadler. :blowpop:
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A testing of the courts is at hand, because right now lawsuits should be going crazy against this administration that is already starting off as being one of the worst administration in the history of this country.

Ending border security during a pandemic is a huge threat to national security, and to the health and well-being of our citizen's. By ending wall construction, and the message it sends to everyone south of the border was a wrecklace act, and now threatens the well being of our nation during a pandemic. The act alone should call for articles of impeachment to be drawn up against Biden immediately, and the immediate securing of our border should be done by our military.
A testing of the courts is at hand, because right now lawsuits should be going crazy against this administration that is already starting off as being one of the worst administration in the history of this country.

Ending border security during a pandemic is a huge threat to national security, and to the health and well-being of our citizen's. By ending wall construction, and the message it sends to everyone south of the border was a wrecklace act, and now threatens the well being of our nation during a pandemic. The act alone should call for articles of impeachment to be drawn up against Biden immediately, and the immediate securing of our border should be done by our military.
It should, but Chief Justice John Roberts took the easy way out of doing right by the American people's favorite President, Donald John Trump in the recent past. It would be a miracle for the chief justice to suddenly acknowledge himself as the final chance to rid the people from the pursuant communism the Democrat vote cheaters are instituting against the Constitutional republic that convinced other Continents to throw off monarchical regimes in favor of democratic republics that honor people who labor to make life good for everyone. We started freedom's fire for human beings who never got anything but unpleasant shoved at them from spoilt monarchs based on nepotism plus constant whining. :blahblah:
A testing of the courts is at hand, because right now lawsuits should be going crazy against this administration that is already starting off as being one of the worst administration in the history of this country.

Ending border security during a pandemic is a huge threat to national security, and to the health and well-being of our citizen's. By ending wall construction, and the message it sends to everyone south of the border was a wrecklace act, and now threatens the well being of our nation during a pandemic. The act alone should call for articles of impeachment to be drawn up against Biden immediately, and the immediate securing of our border should be done by our military.
It should, but Chief Justice John Roberts took the easy way out of doing right by the American people's favorite President, Donald John Trump in the recent past. It would be a miracle for the chief justice to suddenly acknowledge himself as the final chance to rid the people from the pursuant communism the Democrat vote cheaters are instituting against the Constitutional republic that convinced other Continents to throw off monarchical regimes in favor of democratic republics that honor people who labor to make life good for everyone. We started freedom's fire for human beings who never got anything but unpleasant shoved at them from spoilt monarchs based on nepotism plus constant whining. :blahblah:
Robert's being reported on as yelling and berating his colleges in a closed doors session over doing the right thing was enough to make this nation cringe at what has taken place now.

Why was their a lack of transparency in our judicial system over all that matters to this nation ??? Was there intimidation of witnesses, co-workers, officials in order to achieve an outcome by those opposed to President Trump's policies and style of leadership ??? Can they actually site their disagreement with his policies in which would warrant their actions to flip this nation upside down in order to defeat him ??? Watching Tucker Carlson, and now it is reported that some young guy in Florida has been arrested by the FBI for his mockery of the political class by way of using memes to mock them ??? It is said that he used trickery to get people not to vote in the 2016 election ? Trickery ??? What the heck is going on folks ?? Are we seeing the Nazi character being reborn in this country ??? Can't wait to see the evidence on exactly why this 31 year old was arrested down in Florida. If legit, then so be it, but undoubtedly something isn't right if it is being reported in the ways that it's being reported that it's not right.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
Exactly... He's grabbing for every straw that he can. The symbolic gesture was probably erected in the interest of justice only.

I wonder if Faun has evidence to couple the two together, otherwise as being joined in their intent or is he joining things together just to empower his point when there is none ???..

Of course justice wasn't to come in the form of an actual -human being- being put to death, but otherwise it represented a person's career probably ending after conducting the vote without consideration of the challenges that were against the vote as it went forward.

Everything made it look like the fix was in, and the voters felt as if they were being wronged. Not to justify the frenzy that took place inside the capital, but the frustration of the people is understood.

The bottom line is none of the politician's got killed, captured or harmed, and with a crowd that size if the intent was to become such a thing as is being accused, then a hand full of capital Police wouldn't have been able to stop such a thing. It proves that the intent was peaceful protest, and nothing more for the protestor's there, but yes a hand full of radicals took matter's into their own hands to intimidate the vote by entering the building. They didn't represent the majority there, and politician's need to be very careful not to call it that way just for political purposes. The government and the leadership should want to build support for law and order, not keep tearing it down.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
If it's functional, what's the difference? And again...

Thank G-d that treasonous mob didn't find Mike Pence.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
Exactly... He's grabbing for every straw that he can. The symbolic gesture was probably erected in the interest of justice only.

I wonder if Faun has evidence to couple the two together, otherwise as being joined in their intent or is he joining things together just to empower his point when there is none ???..

Of course justice wasn't to come in the form of an actual -human being- being put to death, but otherwise it represented a person's career probably ending after conducting the vote without consideration of the challenges that were against the vote as it went forward.

Everything made it look like the fix was in, and the voters felt as if they were being wronged. Not to justify the frenzy that took place inside the capital, but the frustration of the people is understood.

The bottom line is none of the politician's got killed, captured or harmed, and with a crowd that size if the intent was to become such a thing as is being accused, then a hand full of capital Police wouldn't have been able to stop such a thing. It proves that the intent was peaceful protest, and nothing more for the protestor's there, but yes a hand full of radicals took matter's into their own hands to intimidate the vote by entering the building. They didn't represent the majority there, and politician's need to be very careful not to call it that way just for political purposes. The government and the leadership should want to build support for law and order, not keep tearing it down.
Imbecile, had that treasonous mob found Mike Pence, they would have murdered him, whether or not they used that gallows is irrelevant. They were clearly hunting for him to hang him.

And you support that insurrection, don't ya?

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
If it's functional, what's the difference? And again...

Thank G-d that treasonous mob didn't find Mike Pence.

Give us proof that the two went together or is it that you are attempting to put these things together without proof they went together ?

Show us if the gallows erector's knew the one's that entered the building saying what you say they were saying. If you can show us where the two specifically knew each other, and that the two were joined then so be it. Then it comes down to words being literally spoken or symbolically spoken as in Mike Pence career would be no more if found to be allied with the anti-Trumpers in the republican party. If literally spoken, then that was wrong, but if politically spoken, then it was spoken as a political career ending death, and not as a literal death.

I'm guessing the investigations will be working to determine intent.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
Exactly... He's grabbing for every straw that he can. The symbolic gesture was probably erected in the interest of justice only.

I wonder if Faun has evidence to couple the two together, otherwise as being joined in their intent or is he joining things together just to empower his point when there is none ???..

Of course justice wasn't to come in the form of an actual -human being- being put to death, but otherwise it represented a person's career probably ending after conducting the vote without consideration of the challenges that were against the vote as it went forward.

Everything made it look like the fix was in, and the voters felt as if they were being wronged. Not to justify the frenzy that took place inside the capital, but the frustration of the people is understood.

The bottom line is none of the politician's got killed, captured or harmed, and with a crowd that size if the intent was to become such a thing as is being accused, then a hand full of capital Police wouldn't have been able to stop such a thing. It proves that the intent was peaceful protest, and nothing more for the protestor's there, but yes a hand full of radicals took matter's into their own hands to intimidate the vote by entering the building. They didn't represent the majority there, and politician's need to be very careful not to call it that way just for political purposes. The government and the leadership should want to build support for law and order, not keep tearing it down.
Imbecile, had that treasonous mob found Mike Pence, they would have murdered him, whether or not they used that gallows is irrelevant. They were clearly hunting for him to hang him.

And you support that insurrection, don't ya?
Again you spew unproven words and accusations based upon the word (if), because what you claim could have happened didn't happen, and if your words rang true with a crowd that size, America would still be fighting upon literally a physical battlefield situation today.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
If it's functional, what's the difference? And again...

Thank G-d that treasonous mob didn't find Mike Pence.

Give us proof that the two went together or is it that you are attempting to put these things together without proof they went together ?

Show us if the gallows erector's knew the one's that entered the building saying what you say they were saying. If you can show us where the two specifically knew each other, and that the two were joined then so be it. Then it comes down to words being literally spoken or symbolically spoken as in Mike Pence career would be no more if found to be allied with the anti-Trumpers in the republican party. If literally spoken, then that was wrong, but if politically spoken, then it was spoken as a political career ending death, and not as a literal death.

I'm guessing the investigations will be working to determine intent.

I don't know whether they went together or not. Nor does it matter as that treasonous mob went to hang Mike Pence. Whether they used that one or constructed another inside the Capitol had they caught him, it doesn't matter. And for no reason other than Trump lied to them about Pence's constitutional ability to send electoral votes back to some of the states he lost. Trump convinced them that was his last hail mary to save the country for them and the election for him. And when Mike Pence clarified there's nothing in the Constitution allowing him to do that, Trump's base lost their collective minds and stormed the Capitol in search of Pence. If Justice prevails, Trump and his minions will face capital punishment for treason.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
Exactly... He's grabbing for every straw that he can. The symbolic gesture was probably erected in the interest of justice only.

I wonder if Faun has evidence to couple the two together, otherwise as being joined in their intent or is he joining things together just to empower his point when there is none ???..

Of course justice wasn't to come in the form of an actual -human being- being put to death, but otherwise it represented a person's career probably ending after conducting the vote without consideration of the challenges that were against the vote as it went forward.

Everything made it look like the fix was in, and the voters felt as if they were being wronged. Not to justify the frenzy that took place inside the capital, but the frustration of the people is understood.

The bottom line is none of the politician's got killed, captured or harmed, and with a crowd that size if the intent was to become such a thing as is being accused, then a hand full of capital Police wouldn't have been able to stop such a thing. It proves that the intent was peaceful protest, and nothing more for the protestor's there, but yes a hand full of radicals took matter's into their own hands to intimidate the vote by entering the building. They didn't represent the majority there, and politician's need to be very careful not to call it that way just for political purposes. The government and the leadership should want to build support for law and order, not keep tearing it down.
Imbecile, had that treasonous mob found Mike Pence, they would have murdered him, whether or not they used that gallows is irrelevant. They were clearly hunting for him to hang him.

And you support that insurrection, don't ya?
Again you spew unproven words and accusations based upon the word (if), because what you claim could have happened didn't happen, and if your words rang true with a crowd that size, America would still be fighting upon literally a physical battlefield situation today.
The only reason it didn't happen wasn't for lack of trying, it was thanks to the heroic efforts of police who lured that treasonous mob away from Pence and Senators while other police scuttled Pence away for his own safety.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
Exactly... He's grabbing for every straw that he can. The symbolic gesture was probably erected in the interest of justice only.

I wonder if Faun has evidence to couple the two together, otherwise as being joined in their intent or is he joining things together just to empower his point when there is none ???..

Of course justice wasn't to come in the form of an actual -human being- being put to death, but otherwise it represented a person's career probably ending after conducting the vote without consideration of the challenges that were against the vote as it went forward.

Everything made it look like the fix was in, and the voters felt as if they were being wronged. Not to justify the frenzy that took place inside the capital, but the frustration of the people is understood.

The bottom line is none of the politician's got killed, captured or harmed, and with a crowd that size if the intent was to become such a thing as is being accused, then a hand full of capital Police wouldn't have been able to stop such a thing. It proves that the intent was peaceful protest, and nothing more for the protestor's there, but yes a hand full of radicals took matter's into their own hands to intimidate the vote by entering the building. They didn't represent the majority there, and politician's need to be very careful not to call it that way just for political purposes. The government and the leadership should want to build support for law and order, not keep tearing it down.
Imbecile, had that treasonous mob found Mike Pence, they would have murdered him, whether or not they used that gallows is irrelevant. They were clearly hunting for him to hang him.

And you support that insurrection, don't ya?
Again you spew unproven words and accusations based upon the word (if), because what you claim could have happened didn't happen, and if your words rang true with a crowd that size, America would still be fighting upon literally a physical battlefield situation today.
The only reason it didn't happen wasn't for lack of trying, it was thanks to the heroic efforts of police who lured that treasonous mob away from Pence and Senators while other police scuttled Pence away for his own safety.
They didn't even step outside the velvet ropes. They took some selfies, didn't disarm the cops, and left when asked.
The clean up operation involved picking up a few discarded cigarrettes according to the press reports.
And since when did "terrorists" demand election audits ffs.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
Al Qaeda wanted an Islamic Caliphate, the destruction of western civilisation, and death to all non Believers.
Right wingers election audit.
And instead of asking for an election audit, Al-Qaeda-in-US invaded our Capitol, tried to seize it, and wanted to murder the vice president of the United States and other lawmakers. Had they succeeded, that could have led to the destruction of the United States.
Gotta throw that vice-president stuff in there so your bullcrap has some teeth eh ??? No one was gonna kill no one hopefully, but you gotta roll with your lies saying that they were going to, but only as a narrative even though no proof of that exist because none of it took place thank God.

However, many of your so called peaceful protestor's through out the summer did loot, burn, murder, and committed violence in America, and yes they attacked the government by killing police officers, tore down statues, laid siege on Washington DC, and other areas of the country. But all that was ok with your ilk, because in your mind wrongs were committed even before the wrongs could be proven, yet you don't afford the republicans even a "peaceful" protest for what they perceive as wrongs being committed. Bottom line is that you and your ilk are hypocrites of the inth degree.
Imbecile. Outside the Capitol they constructed a gallows with a noose while inside, they hunted for the VP as they chanted, "hang Mike Pence!"
An actual gallow?
Or a piece of street theatre?
Come on now....tell the truth.
Exactly... He's grabbing for every straw that he can. The symbolic gesture was probably erected in the interest of justice only.

I wonder if Faun has evidence to couple the two together, otherwise as being joined in their intent or is he joining things together just to empower his point when there is none ???..

Of course justice wasn't to come in the form of an actual -human being- being put to death, but otherwise it represented a person's career probably ending after conducting the vote without consideration of the challenges that were against the vote as it went forward.

Everything made it look like the fix was in, and the voters felt as if they were being wronged. Not to justify the frenzy that took place inside the capital, but the frustration of the people is understood.

The bottom line is none of the politician's got killed, captured or harmed, and with a crowd that size if the intent was to become such a thing as is being accused, then a hand full of capital Police wouldn't have been able to stop such a thing. It proves that the intent was peaceful protest, and nothing more for the protestor's there, but yes a hand full of radicals took matter's into their own hands to intimidate the vote by entering the building. They didn't represent the majority there, and politician's need to be very careful not to call it that way just for political purposes. The government and the leadership should want to build support for law and order, not keep tearing it down.
Imbecile, had that treasonous mob found Mike Pence, they would have murdered him, whether or not they used that gallows is irrelevant. They were clearly hunting for him to hang him.

And you support that insurrection, don't ya?
Again you spew unproven words and accusations based upon the word (if), because what you claim could have happened didn't happen, and if your words rang true with a crowd that size, America would still be fighting upon literally a physical battlefield situation today.
The only reason it didn't happen wasn't for lack of trying, it was thanks to the heroic efforts of police who lured that treasonous mob away from Pence and Senators while other police scuttled Pence away for his own safety.
They didn't even step outside the velvet ropes. They took some selfies, didn't disarm the cops, and left when asked.
The clean up operation involved picking up a few discarded cigarrettes according to the press reports.
And since when did "terrorists" demand election audits ffs.
"What?? They didn't even step outside the velvet ropes."


So now the dems want a permanent fence around our house...they want to wall off the nations capitol....but they forget its not their house...its ours....

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