US kills al-Qaeda figure responsible for Charlie Hebdo

We shouldn't applaud murder. Even necessary murder.

consider the dilemma of the muslim of today. The way to community prestige is "I KILLED DA KAFIR" ------and then came the dreaded "DRONE" The family of NADIR HAMID SOOFI are now BIG SHOTS in Pakistan. They are celebrities which enhances every aspect of their lives including the marriagability of the girls in the family. (hamid was one of the machine gun toters in Garland, Texas). Now the dilemma upon the rest of the kids in the family. The attempt to kill kaffirin failed----HOW DO THEY MAINTAIN the glow of "KAFFIR KILLER"??? Just consider-------not only did they lose a member----they have to LIVE UP to their new found celebrity--------and then came the DRONE

Hey ROSIE----- I noticed that you like to type like THIS----- as you do it ALL the time. I also noticed that you have a Muslim FETISH----- and you should probably TALK to somebody about it. I think you need THE HUG
We shouldn't applaud murder. Even necessary murder.

His death potentially saved the lives of many many innocent people.

I would add-----for delta-dawn------"necessary murder"-----does not exist------if a killing is necessary-----then it is not, by definition, "MURDER" ----------ya gotta say "homicide"-----
------your issue is, more accurately, Let's not celebrate death (sorry----I am feeling picky today)

Absent legal finding of fact, due process, or a declaration of war, it's murder.
We shouldn't applaud murder. Even necessary murder.

His death potentially saved the lives of many many innocent people.

As our mothers told us growing up, two wrongs don't make a right.
this is why people with your mindset can not be allowed to be in charge of operations like you know what the last thing these people saw?...this was on the front of the missile?..........


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