US kills another ISIS leader

So you question the integrity of SEAL TEAM 6 and or the members to make on the ground combat situation decisions. It also sounds like you wanted to give a trial to the guy who admitted planning and ordering 9/11, like his public bragging about it wasn't enough cause to put a shoot on sight order in effect.
Think about how disturbed an American has to be to be angry that we killed Bin Laden. If that is not a warped and perverted case of Obama derangement, nothing is.

Bush tried to kill Saddam in the first hour of the war. You idiot.

Instead, he killed hundreds of thousands of innocents - for no reason. And refused to even go after bin Laden.

Obama killed bin Laden and the right tried to take credit for it. When that didn't work, they whined about him getting a trial.

He got just as much of a trial as he gave all the people he murdered.
So you question the integrity of SEAL TEAM 6 and or the members to make on the ground combat situation decisions. It also sounds like you wanted to give a trial to the guy who admitted planning and ordering 9/11, like his public bragging about it wasn't enough cause to put a shoot on sight order in effect.
Think about how disturbed an American has to be to be angry that we killed Bin Laden. If that is not a warped and perverted case of Obama derangement, nothing is.

Just incredible, isn't it?

They have accused the military commanders of lying. CIA too.

Anyone who does not see that the rabid right wants to see the US go down has not been paying attention.
I'm all for killing thaose Al Qaeda bastards, but I think Obama's policy to unlawfully loan the USAF to AQ to take over Lybia is an act of high treason punishable by death.

Bush tried to kill Saddam in the first hour of the war. You idiot.

Instead, he killed hundreds of thousands of innocents - for no reason. And refused to even go after bin Laden.

Obama killed bin Laden and the right tried to take credit for it. When that didn't work, they whined about him getting a trial.

He got just as much of a trial as he gave all the people he murdered.
I check back on here and see you are upset

The fact remains:Bush Jr captured sadamm and brought him to trial

Obama just assassinated bin laden in cold blood

Bush tried to kill Saddam in the first hour of the war. You idiot.

Instead, he killed hundreds of thousands of innocents - for no reason. And refused to even go after bin Laden.

Obama killed bin Laden and the right tried to take credit for it. When that didn't work, they whined about him getting a trial.

He got just as much of a trial as he gave all the people he murdered.
I check back on here and see you are upset

The fact remains:Bush Jr captured sadamm and brought him to trial

Obama just assassinated bin laden in cold blood
Saddam hadn't actually attacked us or even committed a crime against us. Nor did we put him on trial. We turned him over to the Iraqi's who put him on trial and handed out a death sentence.

Bush tried to kill Saddam in the first hour of the war. You idiot.

Instead, he killed hundreds of thousands of innocents - for no reason. And refused to even go after bin Laden.

Obama killed bin Laden and the right tried to take credit for it. When that didn't work, they whined about him getting a trial.

He got just as much of a trial as he gave all the people he murdered.
I check back on here and see you are upset

The fact remains:Bush Jr captured sadamm and brought him to trial

Obama just assassinated bin laden in cold blood
Saddam hadn't actually attacked us or even committed a crime against us. Nor did we put him on trial. We turned him over to the Iraqi's who put him on trial and handed out a death sentence.
No duh idiot

And what did Obama do? Just assassinate with out due process and a lawyer or a jury. He just killed.
No interagation or nothing Obama just kills

That's what the left does, they believe they are beyond the law
Yea we know, liberals love charter assassination as much as out right assassination, no due process for them, Bush Jr brought sadamm to trial , Obama just out right killed bin laden

Bush tried to kill Saddam in the first hour of the war. You idiot.

Instead, he killed hundreds of thousands of innocents - for no reason. And refused to even go after bin Laden.

Obama killed bin Laden and the right tried to take credit for it. When that didn't work, they whined about him getting a trial.

He got just as much of a trial as he gave all the people he murdered.
I check back on here and see you are upset

The fact remains:Bush Jr captured sadamm and brought him to trial

Obama just assassinated bin laden in cold blood
Saddam hadn't actually attacked us or even committed a crime against us. Nor did we put him on trial. We turned him over to the Iraqi's who put him on trial and handed out a death sentence.
No duh idiot

And what did Obama do? Just assassinate with out due process and a lawyer or a jury. He just killed.
You are the one being an idiot. The Congress gave war powers to the President after 9/11 that acted as a declaration of war against al Qaeda and bin Laden. The attempt to capture his was legal in regards to American law. Juries and courts are not needed for justification to kill enemies during war. That he was killed in the attempt to capture him means nothing legally. The US was right, the President was right, SEAL TEAM 6 was right and America cheered and held parties in New York and Washington DC.
No interagation or nothing Obama just kills

That's what the left does, they believe they are beyond the law
Guess we should send you to train the SEALS how to do the job, or just send you and your team.

Hell, we want him to kill more of them instead of acting like a mosquito on an elephant's ass.... Why doesn't he????

Oh right. And if Obama puts 10,000 troops back into the region we won't hear a peep of criticism from the ODS'ers?

Wanna bet?
Just about the fact that Obozo gave up all our gains and let ISIS grow while he did practically nothing. No complaints about actually killing the bastards for a change, though.

Hell, we want him to kill more of them instead of acting like a mosquito on an elephant's ass.... Why doesn't he????

Oh right. And if Obama puts 10,000 troops back into the region we won't hear a peep of criticism from the ODS'ers?

Wanna bet?
Just about the fact that Obozo gave up all our gains and let ISIS grow while he did practically nothing. No complaints about actually killing the bastards for a change, though.

What gains? Can you elaborate for us--what gains did we give up?

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