US military jet bombs Syrian army base.....wth?

Bullshite! And none of our business. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change' and then creating a horrific mercenary terrorist gang. Just more deadly meddling. It's time to come home. We don't belong in those lands. We never did.
That is your opinion and you have a right to your opinion. You should be prepared however to back up claims you make with something other than official Syrian government news and Iranian press releases. If that is all you have to back up your seemingly slanderous claims, expect to be challenged.

Yes, because only the American Government/Corporate Media tells the truth. Seriously, you've been hoodwinked again into supporting another War. ISIS is nothing more than a bloody mercenary terrorist gang created by your Government and its allies. They want Assad dead. Simple as that.
You believe ISIS is not a Jihad terrorist group but rather a simple mercenary army with no religious or ideological foundations and claim I am the one being hoodwinked? Look in the mirror dude.

Oh, they're Jihadists. That's fact. But they're also mercenaries. They got their funding and arms from nations that wanted Assad dead. I'll let you figure out which nations they are. Just do the math.
They got their funding and continue to get it by pillaging Syrian and Iraqi resources. They began by the looting of entire cities and towns. Vast amounts of gold, silver and foreign currency were obtained when the larger cities such as Raqqa and Mosul overrun. It is comical how you conspiracy nuts claim ISIS needed weapons from the west. They got an abundance of weapons when the Iraqi Army abandoned all those weapons for them to confiscate at will.

Gee how did ISIS invade Iraq? With harsh words?


Get your time lines right Camp. They were an established terror army in Syria well before they invaded Iraq.
It's not 'if'. It is targeting the Syrian Military. It's always been about killing Assad.

Why, because you say so?

'Regime Change.' The U.S. and its allies declared it a long time ago. They've wanted Assad dead for years. ISIS is a mercenary terrorist gang created to do the job. And it was created by the U.S./West and Saudi Arabia. Americans need to wake up.
Again, straight out Iranian propaganda to influence Iraqi and Syrian Sunni tribes to align with Iranian militias instead of US supported forces. Show links to your nonsense and it is sure to link back to Iranian sources.

Who wants Assad dead the most? Just do the math. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia created a mercenary terrorist Frankenstein to kill him. And these latest bombings prove that. They're helping ISIS. It is what it is.
No, they didn't. Assad got caught up in the Arab Spring. He has been a brutal totalitarian dictator in Syria since he inherited the same position from his father. He is a minority Alawite denomination of Shia whose family rules over a majority Sunni nation. When the Sunni's began protesting and peacefully demonstrating for new and fair elections and a sharing of governmental powers they were met with government snipers and military violence. Blaming the US and western nations is just BS put out by the Iranians who are protecting their Shia ally.

Try again. The west orchestrated the so called Arab Spring..

Obama Admin Orchestrated the Arab Spring
Last edited:

Iran has never funded Al Qaeda or ISIS. That would be America and its closest allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. While your Government was funding & arming them, Iran was trying to kill them.

and that has what to do with Putin wanting Assad gone?


Putin is defending Syria against your mercenary terrorist gangs like ISIS. What you call 'Rebels', are really just U.S./Saudi mercenaries paid to kill Assad. Putin may have started out supporting Assad going, but now things have changed.

Putin sees American 'close allies' like Saudi Arabia and Turkey supporting ISIS and other terrible mercenary groups. So that ship has probably sailed. After Turkey killed its pilots, all bets are probably off.
Ironically, al-Qaida's wholesale introduction into Iraq came at the hands of Assad's regime. From 2005 until the end of the American occupation of Iraq, Assad's military intelligence services and their Iranian backers sought to defeat the US forces by training, financing and arming al-Qaida operatives inside Syria and dispatching them across the border to foment chaos and destruction.

General David Petraeus and other senior American officials warned Assad that he was igniting a fire that would eventually burn his house down, but Damascus did nothing to stop the flow of fighters, culminating in a crippling blow to Maliki's government the day Iraq's foreign and finance ministries were bombed. Maliki publicly condemned his future ally in Damascus for the attack.

And so, Syria's unravelling spilled into Iraq, and vice versa. Powerful regional tribes such as the Shammar and Anezah, faced with countless dead and persecuted members in both countries, banded together with former Iraqi and Syrian military officers, embracing Isis jihadis as their frontline shock troops. Cash poured in from sympathetic donors around the region.

Fuck Assad.
Fuck Assad sucking RW's.
That is your opinion and you have a right to your opinion. You should be prepared however to back up claims you make with something other than official Syrian government news and Iranian press releases. If that is all you have to back up your seemingly slanderous claims, expect to be challenged.

Yes, because only the American Government/Corporate Media tells the truth. Seriously, you've been hoodwinked again into supporting another War. ISIS is nothing more than a bloody mercenary terrorist gang created by your Government and its allies. They want Assad dead. Simple as that.
You believe ISIS is not a Jihad terrorist group but rather a simple mercenary army with no religious or ideological foundations and claim I am the one being hoodwinked? Look in the mirror dude.

Oh, they're Jihadists. That's fact. But they're also mercenaries. They got their funding and arms from nations that wanted Assad dead. I'll let you figure out which nations they are. Just do the math.
They got their funding and continue to get it by pillaging Syrian and Iraqi resources. They began by the looting of entire cities and towns. Vast amounts of gold, silver and foreign currency were obtained when the larger cities such as Raqqa and Mosul overrun. It is comical how you conspiracy nuts claim ISIS needed weapons from the west. They got an abundance of weapons when the Iraqi Army abandoned all those weapons for them to confiscate at will.

Gee how did ISIS invade Iraq? With harsh words?


Get your time lines right Camp. They were an established terror army in Syria well before they invaded Iraq.
My timeline is right. ISIS started out in Iraq as ISIL. Joined the war in Syria and returned to Iraq where the Maliki regime gave them a stunning victory that shocked the region. When they were in Syria they were just an average rebel group trying to become as big as al Nusra and al Qaeda. It was the Mosul arms depots that created ISIS. More armor and artillery than they had drivers and operators. They needed to conscript Iraqi Baath veterans and former Saddam soldiers.

Iran has never funded Al Qaeda or ISIS. That would be America and its closest allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. While your Government was funding & arming them, Iran was trying to kill them.

and that has what to do with Putin wanting Assad gone?


Putin is defending Syria against your mercenary terrorist gangs like ISIS. What you call 'Rebels', are really just U.S./Saudi mercenaries paid to kill Assad. Putin may have started out supporting Assad going, but now things have changed.

Putin sees American 'close allies' like Saudi Arabia and Turkey supporting ISIS and other terrible mercenary groups. So that ship has probably sailed. After Turkey killed its pilots, all bets are probably off.
As usual Paul, you have no links or sources to back up your wild conspiracy theories. Why do you expect people to believe those conspiracy theories?

Iran has never funded Al Qaeda or ISIS. That would be America and its closest allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. While your Government was funding & arming them, Iran was trying to kill them.

and that has what to do with Putin wanting Assad gone?


Putin is defending Syria against your mercenary terrorist gangs like ISIS. What you call 'Rebels', are really just U.S./Saudi mercenaries paid to kill Assad. Putin may have started out supporting Assad going, but now things have changed.

Putin sees American 'close allies' like Saudi Arabia and Turkey supporting ISIS and other terrible mercenary groups. So that ship has probably sailed. After Turkey killed its pilots, all bets are probably off.
As usual Paul, you have no links or sources to back up your wild conspiracy theories. Why do you expect people to believe those conspiracy theories?

Like i said, what you call 'Rebels', are really just merceneries paid by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to kill Assad. ISIS is just one of the brutal mercenary gangs in Syria.
Why, because you say so?

'Regime Change.' The U.S. and its allies declared it a long time ago. They've wanted Assad dead for years. ISIS is a mercenary terrorist gang created to do the job. And it was created by the U.S./West and Saudi Arabia. Americans need to wake up.
Again, straight out Iranian propaganda to influence Iraqi and Syrian Sunni tribes to align with Iranian militias instead of US supported forces. Show links to your nonsense and it is sure to link back to Iranian sources.

Who wants Assad dead the most? Just do the math. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia created a mercenary terrorist Frankenstein to kill him. And these latest bombings prove that. They're helping ISIS. It is what it is.
No, they didn't. Assad got caught up in the Arab Spring. He has been a brutal totalitarian dictator in Syria since he inherited the same position from his father. He is a minority Alawite denomination of Shia whose family rules over a majority Sunni nation. When the Sunni's began protesting and peacefully demonstrating for new and fair elections and a sharing of governmental powers they were met with government snipers and military violence. Blaming the US and western nations is just BS put out by the Iranians who are protecting their Shia ally.

Try again. The west orchestrated the so called Arab Spring..

Obama Admin Orchestrated the Arab Spring

Neither one of your links come from objective news sources. They aren't even news sources. They are conservative agenda driven political commentaries. That is fine if you are establishing a reason and source for forming an opinion, but they are certainly not objective and fact-driven articles. Richard Pearle, seriously, Mr. Neo con himself.

Iran has never funded Al Qaeda or ISIS. That would be America and its closest allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. While your Government was funding & arming them, Iran was trying to kill them.

and that has what to do with Putin wanting Assad gone?


Putin is defending Syria against your mercenary terrorist gangs like ISIS. What you call 'Rebels', are really just U.S./Saudi mercenaries paid to kill Assad. Putin may have started out supporting Assad going, but now things have changed.

Putin sees American 'close allies' like Saudi Arabia and Turkey supporting ISIS and other terrible mercenary groups. So that ship has probably sailed. After Turkey killed its pilots, all bets are probably off.
As usual Paul, you have no links or sources to back up your wild conspiracy theories. Why do you expect people to believe those conspiracy theories?

Like i said, what you call 'Rebels', are really just merceneries paid by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to kill Assad. ISIS is just one of the brutal mercenary gangs in Syria.
You saying it doesn't make it true. It just means you believe the Iranian propaganda you have been subjected to. If fits your agenda to blame America for all the ills of the world. Note should be taken however that even after repeated request, you fail to provide sources for your claims. You know that those claims lead back to Iranian and Syrian roots.
Iran has never funded Al Qaeda or ISIS. That would be America and its closest allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. While your Government was funding & arming them, Iran was trying to kill them.

and that has what to do with Putin wanting Assad gone?


Putin is defending Syria against your mercenary terrorist gangs like ISIS. What you call 'Rebels', are really just U.S./Saudi mercenaries paid to kill Assad. Putin may have started out supporting Assad going, but now things have changed.

Putin sees American 'close allies' like Saudi Arabia and Turkey supporting ISIS and other terrible mercenary groups. So that ship has probably sailed. After Turkey killed its pilots, all bets are probably off.
As usual Paul, you have no links or sources to back up your wild conspiracy theories. Why do you expect people to believe those conspiracy theories?

Like i said, what you call 'Rebels', are really just merceneries paid by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to kill Assad. ISIS is just one of the brutal mercenary gangs in Syria.
You saying it doesn't make it true. It just means you believe the Iranian propaganda you have been subjected to. If fits your agenda to blame America for all the ills of the world. Note should be taken however that even after repeated request, you fail to provide sources for your claims. You know that those claims lead back to Iranian and Syrian roots.

Ok, so who do you believe is funding & arming the Syrian Rebels/Mercenaries? Where are they getting all their cash & weapons from? I'm willing to listen. What you got?
and that has what to do with Putin wanting Assad gone?


Putin is defending Syria against your mercenary terrorist gangs like ISIS. What you call 'Rebels', are really just U.S./Saudi mercenaries paid to kill Assad. Putin may have started out supporting Assad going, but now things have changed.

Putin sees American 'close allies' like Saudi Arabia and Turkey supporting ISIS and other terrible mercenary groups. So that ship has probably sailed. After Turkey killed its pilots, all bets are probably off.
As usual Paul, you have no links or sources to back up your wild conspiracy theories. Why do you expect people to believe those conspiracy theories?

Like i said, what you call 'Rebels', are really just merceneries paid by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to kill Assad. ISIS is just one of the brutal mercenary gangs in Syria.
You saying it doesn't make it true. It just means you believe the Iranian propaganda you have been subjected to. If fits your agenda to blame America for all the ills of the world. Note should be taken however that even after repeated request, you fail to provide sources for your claims. You know that those claims lead back to Iranian and Syrian roots.

Ok, so who do you believe is funding & arming the Syrian Rebels/Mercenaries? Where are they getting all their cash & weapons from? I'm willing to listen. What you got?
Smuggled oil, antiquities and they have control of a large portion of the heroin trade out of Afghanistan being removed from the Taliban. They already control the hashish trade into Europe. Add to those sources common criminal endeavors such as extortion and kidnapping all over the middle east. And don't forget, they are a government and levy taxes on all who reside in the areas under their control.
Putin is defending Syria against your mercenary terrorist gangs like ISIS. What you call 'Rebels', are really just U.S./Saudi mercenaries paid to kill Assad. Putin may have started out supporting Assad going, but now things have changed.

Putin sees American 'close allies' like Saudi Arabia and Turkey supporting ISIS and other terrible mercenary groups. So that ship has probably sailed. After Turkey killed its pilots, all bets are probably off.
As usual Paul, you have no links or sources to back up your wild conspiracy theories. Why do you expect people to believe those conspiracy theories?

Like i said, what you call 'Rebels', are really just merceneries paid by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to kill Assad. ISIS is just one of the brutal mercenary gangs in Syria.
You saying it doesn't make it true. It just means you believe the Iranian propaganda you have been subjected to. If fits your agenda to blame America for all the ills of the world. Note should be taken however that even after repeated request, you fail to provide sources for your claims. You know that those claims lead back to Iranian and Syrian roots.

Ok, so who do you believe is funding & arming the Syrian Rebels/Mercenaries? Where are they getting all their cash & weapons from? I'm willing to listen. What you got?
Smuggled oil, antiquities and they have control of a large portion of the heroin trade out of Afghanistan being removed from the Taliban. They already control the hashish trade into Europe. Add to those sources common criminal endeavors such as extortion and kidnapping all over the middle east. And don't forget, they are a government and levy taxes on all who reside in the areas under their control.

I take it you're referring to ISIS. I think you're vastly exaggerating its power and reach. However, that could account for some of its funding. I can acknowledge that. But there are many other Rebel/Mercenary groups in Syria. Who's funding and arming them?
'Regime Change.' The U.S. and its allies declared it a long time ago. They've wanted Assad dead for years. ISIS is a mercenary terrorist gang created to do the job. And it was created by the U.S./West and Saudi Arabia. Americans need to wake up.
Again, straight out Iranian propaganda to influence Iraqi and Syrian Sunni tribes to align with Iranian militias instead of US supported forces. Show links to your nonsense and it is sure to link back to Iranian sources.

Who wants Assad dead the most? Just do the math. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia created a mercenary terrorist Frankenstein to kill him. And these latest bombings prove that. They're helping ISIS. It is what it is.
No, they didn't. Assad got caught up in the Arab Spring. He has been a brutal totalitarian dictator in Syria since he inherited the same position from his father. He is a minority Alawite denomination of Shia whose family rules over a majority Sunni nation. When the Sunni's began protesting and peacefully demonstrating for new and fair elections and a sharing of governmental powers they were met with government snipers and military violence. Blaming the US and western nations is just BS put out by the Iranians who are protecting their Shia ally.

Try again. The west orchestrated the so called Arab Spring..

Obama Admin Orchestrated the Arab Spring

“Arab Spring” Delusions

Neither one of your links come from objective news sources. They aren't even news sources. They are conservative agenda driven political commentaries. That is fine if you are establishing a reason and source for forming an opinion, but they are certainly not objective and fact-driven articles. Richard Pearle, seriously, Mr. Neo con himself.

Of course it's all neocon crap----Bush began it and Obama has continued to pursue it with the help of Hillary et al.
Just because you don't like a conservative link doesn't mean it's not true.
The story is a lie. Made up by Syrian government news agency. They probably bombed their own or it was a Russkie strike gone wrong.

Yes, it has to be a 'lie.' Because it didn't come from the American Government/Corporate Media. Go figure?

The fact that it's coming from a Chinese news agency doesn't really speak to credibility.

How about the far left New York Times blog site..
The OP propaganda said ISIS invaded the base after it was bombed.

I don't see that in the NYT article.

And the NYT article says Syria is claiming we bombed it, not that we did.

The US is saying the Russians did it.
The story is a lie. Made up by Syrian government news agency. They probably bombed their own or it was a Russkie strike gone wrong.

Yes, it has to be a 'lie.' Because it didn't come from the American Government/Corporate Media. Go figure?

The fact that it's coming from a Chinese news agency doesn't really speak to credibility.

How about the far left New York Times blog site..
The OP propaganda said ISIS invaded the base after it was bombed.

I don't see that in the NYT article.

And the NYT article says Syria is claiming we bombed it, not that we did.

The US is saying the Russians did it.

Says the far left propaganda drone!

Of course if this was pre 2009 we know you would believe that the US did it..

From the far left LA Times..

U.S. officials, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter, suggested that an errant Russian military strike was responsible for the Syrian casualties.

U.S. denies Syrian accusation that coalition bombed government troops
The story is a lie. Made up by Syrian government news agency. They probably bombed their own or it was a Russkie strike gone wrong.

Yes, it has to be a 'lie.' Because it didn't come from the American Government/Corporate Media. Go figure?

The fact that it's coming from a Chinese news agency doesn't really speak to credibility.

How about the far left New York Times blog site..
The OP propaganda said ISIS invaded the base after it was bombed.

I don't see that in the NYT article.

And the NYT article says Syria is claiming we bombed it, not that we did.

The US is saying the Russians did it.

Says the far left propaganda drone!

Of course if this was pre 2009 we know you would believe that the US did it..

From the far left LA Times..

U.S. officials, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter, suggested that an errant Russian military strike was responsible for the Syrian casualties.

U.S. denies Syrian accusation that coalition bombed government troops

American Government/Corporate Media can be quite hilarious.
Yes, it has to be a 'lie.' Because it didn't come from the American Government/Corporate Media. Go figure?

The fact that it's coming from a Chinese news agency doesn't really speak to credibility.

How about the far left New York Times blog site..
The OP propaganda said ISIS invaded the base after it was bombed.

I don't see that in the NYT article.

And the NYT article says Syria is claiming we bombed it, not that we did.

The US is saying the Russians did it.

Says the far left propaganda drone!

Of course if this was pre 2009 we know you would believe that the US did it..

From the far left LA Times..

U.S. officials, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter, suggested that an errant Russian military strike was responsible for the Syrian casualties.

U.S. denies Syrian accusation that coalition bombed government troops

American Government/Corporate Media can be quite hilarious.
Nowhere near as hilarious as the Putin propaganda you regurgitate.
Yes, because only the American Government/Corporate Media tells the truth. Seriously, you've been hoodwinked again into supporting another War. ISIS is nothing more than a bloody mercenary terrorist gang created by your Government and its allies. They want Assad dead. Simple as that.
You believe ISIS is not a Jihad terrorist group but rather a simple mercenary army with no religious or ideological foundations and claim I am the one being hoodwinked? Look in the mirror dude.

Oh, they're Jihadists. That's fact. But they're also mercenaries. They got their funding and arms from nations that wanted Assad dead. I'll let you figure out which nations they are. Just do the math.
They got their funding and continue to get it by pillaging Syrian and Iraqi resources. They began by the looting of entire cities and towns. Vast amounts of gold, silver and foreign currency were obtained when the larger cities such as Raqqa and Mosul overrun. It is comical how you conspiracy nuts claim ISIS needed weapons from the west. They got an abundance of weapons when the Iraqi Army abandoned all those weapons for them to confiscate at will.

Gee how did ISIS invade Iraq? With harsh words?


Get your time lines right Camp. They were an established terror army in Syria well before they invaded Iraq.
My timeline is right. ISIS started out in Iraq as ISIL. Joined the war in Syria and returned to Iraq where the Maliki regime gave them a stunning victory that shocked the region. When they were in Syria they were just an average rebel group trying to become as big as al Nusra and al Qaeda. It was the Mosul arms depots that created ISIS. More armor and artillery than they had drivers and operators. They needed to conscript Iraqi Baath veterans and former Saddam soldiers.
ISIS started out as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and they were in Syria from the onset of the "peaceful" protests. And they had funding prior to their grand entrance in Iraq as they returned with a caravan of new Toyota pickup trucks. You don't accept the Iranian news service as being credible, how about your own government?
Camp, don't you ever get tired of defending the indefensible?
The fact that it's coming from a Chinese news agency doesn't really speak to credibility.

How about the far left New York Times blog site..
The OP propaganda said ISIS invaded the base after it was bombed.

I don't see that in the NYT article.

And the NYT article says Syria is claiming we bombed it, not that we did.

The US is saying the Russians did it.

Says the far left propaganda drone!

Of course if this was pre 2009 we know you would believe that the US did it..

From the far left LA Times..

U.S. officials, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter, suggested that an errant Russian military strike was responsible for the Syrian casualties.

U.S. denies Syrian accusation that coalition bombed government troops

American Government/Corporate Media can be quite hilarious.
Nowhere near as hilarious as the Putin propaganda you regurgitate.

See how this far left drone is obsessed with Putin..

The far left is so desperate for leader ship that they have become obsessed with Putin..

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