US Military Not Ready to Take on iran

Barry and Barry's daddy, BOTH anti-colonialists, believe(d) the US should be eliminated as a world power and influence. Barry has done what he could to make sure that happens. The military has been slashed. Bill Clinton was the President who announced the US would no longer be maintained at a level where we could face war on 2 fronts. We have declined since.

Whenever the liberals want to reduce the deficit they always put the military's head on the chopping block. I remember a campaign promise to address and eliminate all the fraud, waste, and abuse in Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps ,etc - billions....and nothing was done. The military, however, did not escape.

Barry and the Libs spent nearly $1 trillion on Obama's failed 'Stimulus' bill, a bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY DNC-benefitting pork, did not address decaying infrastructure, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10/1%), Obama had to admit there were no shovel-ready programs, and ended up costing tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have saved/created...while the military was drastically cut. (Barry and Hillary had enough money to pay for a POS waste of tax payer money like that but they couldn't afford a couple extra security guards for Ambassador Stevens...or at least the cost of a plane ticket to get him out of harm's way?!)

Even recently Navy SEALs appeared before Congress to testify that they have to SHARE weapons to go into combat because of the lack of funding. (Yes, the Joint Chiefs / Sect of defense should be kicked in the jewels for this as well.)

US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea
U.S. Marines participate in joint landing exercise in South Korea on March 12. (Woohae Cho/Getty Images)

Despite having the largest military budget in the world, the United States probably wouldn't be ready if it were forced into a "great power war" with China, Russia, Iran or North Korea, says the nation's top general.

Military leaders voiced concern on Wednesday about their ability to fight a war with global powers like Russia, telling a congressional hearing that a lack of resources and training was weighing on America's combat readiness, reported Reuters.

US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea

Ridiculous. None of the supposed "powers" you mention has any real combat experience in 30 years. They have no non-coms or junior officers with anything but training exercises not live fire, in the shit experience.. Iran? LMAO!! We'd squash that little bug with two ICBMs....try to keep in mind we haven't used our nuclear arsenal since Nagasaki in 1945. Don't mess with the BIG can't survive even a nip from us.
Iran isn't a threat to invade the US. However, if the US were to engage in an Asian theater against the mentioned nations, the difficulty of attempting to invade Iran is sufficient that we should simply keep to ourselves and let other nations kill themselves.

I've supported disengagement from the Middle East for years. We've just meddled too much over there. We've created much of the awful mess in the Middle East. It's time to pull back. If they wanna make war and kill each other, than so be it. We don't belong in their lands. We never did.

that's what you people said in the 1930s about ADOLF

we arent talk about apartheid regime like israel here. only israel can be compare with adolf hitler and nazism :D:rolleyes:

right----we are not talking about Israel ---we are talking about NAZI FILTH IRAN----and the stink of Hezbollah and Shiite shit sluts who tie bombs to their whore asses for the GLORY OF ALLAH. The very first mosque to which I was "INVITED" was a Shiite shit mosque------it was a LONG TIME ago--------almost 50 years ago. At that time I had not learned YET just how SHITTY is shiite
Marja' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

for example.maybe one marja say cigar is haram and anothet dont say it .maybe one marja say suicide bomb in israel is haram and .........

you made no point at all-------the fact that there are various flavors of Shiite shit is
of no importance----it remains shit and it remains centered in the shit pile it has made of iran
With the focus so much on taking on Americans fed up with the regime there is neither time nor money to even think about Iran or any other cluster of Our Kenyan Emperor's brethren and sistern (intentional).
Most Americns who support endless meddling and war, wouldn't tolerate other nations endlessly meddling in U.S. affairs. It really is a 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' scenario. Americans really do need think about that more often.

I would not know-----I never met an American who supported endless meddling and war. I have met people like you who claimed ADOLF WAS OK

Too many Warmongers in the U.S. They need to practice what the Bible says more often. 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' Time to dramatically scale back the meddling and war.

the "bible" says what HILLEL said---even the bible does not attribute those words
to "GOD" The bible also says------a fair translation of which is------
"do not stand idle in the face of (that is a rough translation of---"at the place of..." or "before"-----the flood of your neighbor. (neighbor kinda means-----'other people in the world' ) -----actually its really the talmud
US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea
U.S. Marines participate in joint landing exercise in South Korea on March 12. (Woohae Cho/Getty Images)

Despite having the largest military budget in the world, the United States probably wouldn't be ready if it were forced into a "great power war" with China, Russia, Iran or North Korea, says the nation's top general.

Military leaders voiced concern on Wednesday about their ability to fight a war with global powers like Russia, telling a congressional hearing that a lack of resources and training was weighing on America's combat readiness, reported Reuters.

US Military Not Ready to Take on Russia, China, Iran or North Korea

Ridiculous. None of the supposed "powers" you mention has any real combat experience in 30 years. They have no non-coms or junior officers with anything but training exercises not live fire, in the shit experience.. Iran? LMAO!! We'd squash that little bug with two ICBMs....try to keep in mind we haven't used our nuclear arsenal since Nagasaki in 1945. Don't mess with the BIG can't survive even a nip from us.

someone smart said "PRIDE GOETH BEFORE A FALL" (I have no idea what
"goeth" means)
I've supported disengagement from the Middle East for years. We've just meddled too much over there. We've created much of the awful mess in the Middle East. It's time to pull back. If they wanna make war and kill each other, than so be it. We don't belong in their lands. We never did.

that's what you people said in the 1930s about ADOLF

we arent talk about apartheid regime like israel here. only israel can be compare with adolf hitler and nazism :D:rolleyes:

right----we are not talking about Israel ---we are talking about NAZI FILTH IRAN----and the stink of Hezbollah and Shiite shit sluts who tie bombs to their whore asses for the GLORY OF ALLAH. The very first mosque to which I was "INVITED" was a Shiite shit mosque------it was a LONG TIME ago--------almost 50 years ago. At that time I had not learned YET just how SHITTY is shiite
Marja' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

for example.maybe one marja say cigar is haram and anothet dont say it .maybe one marja say suicide bomb in israel is haram and .........

you made no point at all-------the fact that there are various flavors of Shiite shit is
of no importance----it remains shit and it remains centered in the shit pile it has made of iran

dani----from the cesspit Iran-----has been instructed by the ayatoilet dogs to avoid
making intelligible responses on the net-----he commented that my post is funny
as per the advice of his handlers
that's what you people said in the 1930s about ADOLF

we arent talk about apartheid regime like israel here. only israel can be compare with adolf hitler and nazism :D:rolleyes:

right----we are not talking about Israel ---we are talking about NAZI FILTH IRAN----and the stink of Hezbollah and Shiite shit sluts who tie bombs to their whore asses for the GLORY OF ALLAH. The very first mosque to which I was "INVITED" was a Shiite shit mosque------it was a LONG TIME ago--------almost 50 years ago. At that time I had not learned YET just how SHITTY is shiite
Marja' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

for example.maybe one marja say cigar is haram and anothet dont say it .maybe one marja say suicide bomb in israel is haram and .........

you made no point at all-------the fact that there are various flavors of Shiite shit is
of no importance----it remains shit and it remains centered in the shit pile it has made of iran

dani----from the cesspit Iran-----has been instructed by the ayatoilet dogs to avoid
making intelligible responses on the net-----he commented that my post is funny
as per the advice of his handlers

dani AGAIN commented "funny" He is PERSERVERATING <<<< a clinical
sign often seen in dementia
Iran already kicked America's ass THREE times.
1- Deposed the US puppet (Shah)
2- Took US hostages from the US embassy.
3. Stopped the rescue mission of said hostages.
...U.S. China especially, has no interest. Why kill off your best customer? China owns much of the U.S. at this point. It doesn't need war. The mission has already been accomplished.
M(utually) A(ssured) D(estruction) - to destroy them, all we have to do is repudiate our China debt, and they collapse overnight. Mission accomplished.
Iran already kicked America's ass THREE times.
1- Deposed the US puppet (Shah)
2- Took US hostages from the US embassy.
3. Stopped the rescue mission of said hostages.

the shah was not a US puppet-----in fact he very clearly defied the US many times
in his career as "king". We grow PISTACHIOS in California only because HE
decided to stop exports of those nuts to the USA-------Way back then ---IRANIANS
loved that guy------The criminal invasion of the US embassy was done by criminal
Ayatoilet followers whose asses Carter kissed. The "rescue" was a limp-wristed
timed to fail project by Carter whose tongue was up Khomeini's ass at the time.
"We" (thank god) are not -----carter
First of all....why would we want to take them on?
Haven't we learned our lesson on global military intervention

Secondly, we are the only military power in the world capable of executing wars around the globe
we arent talk about apartheid regime like israel here. only israel can be compare with adolf hitler and nazism :D:rolleyes:

right----we are not talking about Israel ---we are talking about NAZI FILTH IRAN----and the stink of Hezbollah and Shiite shit sluts who tie bombs to their whore asses for the GLORY OF ALLAH. The very first mosque to which I was "INVITED" was a Shiite shit mosque------it was a LONG TIME ago--------almost 50 years ago. At that time I had not learned YET just how SHITTY is shiite
Marja' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

for example.maybe one marja say cigar is haram and anothet dont say it .maybe one marja say suicide bomb in israel is haram and .........

you made no point at all-------the fact that there are various flavors of Shiite shit is
of no importance----it remains shit and it remains centered in the shit pile it has made of iran

dani----from the cesspit Iran-----has been instructed by the ayatoilet dogs to avoid
making intelligible responses on the net-----he commented that my post is funny
as per the advice of his handlers

dani AGAIN commented "funny" He is PERSERVERATING <<<< a clinical
sign often seen in dementia
because revolution guard marja is khamenei .all iranian marja isnt khamenei
First of all....why would we want to take them on?
Haven't we learned our lesson on global military intervention

Secondly, we are the only military power in the world capable of executing wars around the globe
The US hasn't won a war since WWII. Capable of starting a war, yes. Capable of winning a war, no.
right----we are not talking about Israel ---we are talking about NAZI FILTH IRAN----and the stink of Hezbollah and Shiite shit sluts who tie bombs to their whore asses for the GLORY OF ALLAH. The very first mosque to which I was "INVITED" was a Shiite shit mosque------it was a LONG TIME ago--------almost 50 years ago. At that time I had not learned YET just how SHITTY is shiite
Marja' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

for example.maybe one marja say cigar is haram and anothet dont say it .maybe one marja say suicide bomb in israel is haram and .........

you made no point at all-------the fact that there are various flavors of Shiite shit is
of no importance----it remains shit and it remains centered in the shit pile it has made of iran

dani----from the cesspit Iran-----has been instructed by the ayatoilet dogs to avoid
making intelligible responses on the net-----he commented that my post is funny
as per the advice of his handlers

dani AGAIN commented "funny" He is PERSERVERATING <<<< a clinical
sign often seen in dementia
because revolution guard marja is khamenei .all iranian marja isnt khamenei

roflmao-------watta brilliant excuse-------THE MARJA ALLAHS are what shits up iran with shiites
Russia, China, N Korea or Iran are not going to engage us militarily. If they tried, we would quickly crush them

The next major war will be a cyber attack in which they can wipe out finance, communications, power at the stroke of a key
Last edited:
First of all....why would we want to take them on?
Haven't we learned our lesson on global military intervention

Secondly, we are the only military power in the world capable of executing wars around the globe
The US hasn't won a war since WWII. Capable of starting a war, yes. Capable of winning a war, no.

We are not stupid enough to fight a war of the magnitude of WWII
WWII left us as the worlds primary super power
Nothing has changed
Marja' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

for example.maybe one marja say cigar is haram and anothet dont say it .maybe one marja say suicide bomb in israel is haram and .........

you made no point at all-------the fact that there are various flavors of Shiite shit is
of no importance----it remains shit and it remains centered in the shit pile it has made of iran

dani----from the cesspit Iran-----has been instructed by the ayatoilet dogs to avoid
making intelligible responses on the net-----he commented that my post is funny
as per the advice of his handlers

dani AGAIN commented "funny" He is PERSERVERATING <<<< a clinical
sign often seen in dementia
because revolution guard marja is khamenei .all iranian marja isnt khamenei

roflmao-------watta brilliant excuse-------THE MARJA ALLAHS are what shits up iran with shiites
fact1: israel is hostage for iran regime
fact2: usa dont attack iran because of fact1
fact3: iran regime havnt religious reason for fact1,why iran dont care chinese moslem ?
This is an obvious money grab from the military complex. Some on them trying to scare people .

If we have the biggest military , how can we not be ready to fight smaller militaries?

you underestimate both the IRANIAN military and the RUSSIAN military--

BTW ---WHO is the military complex? You seem to be imagining a
greedy owner of the navy and army ---GRABBING GOLD
Russia could take out ISIS in Syria (don't forget we took out the much stronger Al Qaeda in Iraq). They are tough due to their nukes, but not the crazies Russian Bear of the Cold War. Iran is a paper dragon.
First of all....why would we want to take them on?
Haven't we learned our lesson on global military intervention

Secondly, we are the only military power in the world capable of executing wars around the globe
The US hasn't won a war since WWII. Capable of starting a war, yes. Capable of winning a war, no.

We are not stupid enough to fight a war of the magnitude of WWII
WWII left us as the worlds primary super power
Nothing has changed

world war III has already started-------it started 5 years ago--------declared by
the 'UMMAH"--------the event some people like to call "ARAB SPRING"-----
The term "ARAB SPRING" is apt-------the program is very analogous to
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