US Military Responds To Arctic Warming


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
US Military Responds To Arctic Warming

Twenty-five nations gathered yesterday to hear US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel give a major address outlining the impact of rapid Arctic warming on US military operations in the region, and when America’s top military official affirms that global warming is a real phenomenon demanding a critical adjustment of military resources it would be nice, to say the least, if the global warming deniers in Congress would go home and do something useful to support our troops, such as freshening up their Support Our Troops bumper stickers or whatever.

Well, dream on. In his keynote speech for the 5th annual Halifax International Security Forum Hagel carefully avoided discussing the pivotal role of human activity and greenhouse gas emissions.

Since that doesn’t quite make for a good schooling, we’re still going to be hearing plenty from the usual global warming denial suspects in Congress, with plenty of support from their base (according to a Pew poll released November 1, only 25% of “Tea Party Republicans” are convinced that what is happening, is not happening).

Read more at US Military Responds To Arctic Warming | CleanTechnica

The Action Plan kicks off with this unequivocal case for action:

While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, we have a moral obligation to future generations to leave them a planet that is not polluted and damaged. Through steady, responsible action to cut carbon pollution, we can protect our children’s health and begin to slow the effects of climate change so that we leave behind a cleaner, more stable environment.

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You know it's not enough to accomplish much of anything. But at least he's not fabricating a non-existent, scientific controversy.
It's freaking freezing along the Mexican border. Where is the cold weather coming from if it isn't the Arctic? Outer space? Hagel will do anything, say anything and promise anything to keep the Obama man-made global warming myth in place for political power.
It's freaking freezing along the Mexican border.
So what, crapball? It's wintertime in the US. It's freaking hot in many more places, both in this country and around the world. Just in the US, the balance looks like this:

Record Temperatures in the United States
November 2013

Nighttime* Low Temperature Records:

52 records were set or tied for the warmest nighttime low temperature at a weather station.
12 records were set or tied for the coldest nightime low temperature at a weather station.

Daytime* High Temperature Records:

13 records were set or tied for the warmest daytime high temperature at a weather station.
4 records were set or tied for the coldest daytime high temperature at a weather station.

*Each day, weather stations record the day's high and low temperature. In the graphic above, "nighttime low" refers to the low temperature and "daytime high" referes to the high temperature (even though lows can sometimes occur during the day and highs during the night). Thus, if a weather station records a daily low temperature that is warmer than any previous low temperature for that day in the weather station's history, then it is recorded as a "warmest nightime low" temperature. Likewise, if the daily high temperature is colder than at any daily high in the weather station's history for that day of the year, then we count it as a "coldest daytime high" temperature. Data is from the NCDC database.

Where is the cold weather coming from if it isn't the Arctic?
In the dim depths of what passes for your mind, do you somehow fantasize that the fact that the Arctic has been rapidly warming means that it isn't still cold up there? Or that the jet stream isn't still moving cold air masses around? Or that it doesn't still get cold in the winter in North America? You are such a clueless moron!

Hagel will do anything, say anything and promise anything to keep the Obama man-made global warming myth in place for political power.
Your conspiracy theory insanity is getting even more whacked out crazy than usual. Chuck Hagel was the REPUBLICAN Senator from Nebraska from 1996 to 2008.
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Arctic ice increased by 60%. That's got to make it colder someplace.

That 60% figure is bogus in several ways. Increases or decreases in Arctic sea ice extent are measured by comparing ice extents at their minimum which occurs in September. Some denier cult propagandists noticed that ice extents were (quite predictably) increasing over the 2012 record low extent and compared the figures in August instead of September. Arctic sea ice extent reached its minimum on Sept 13th this year at 1.97 million square miles. Comparing that to the record minimum of 1.32 m.sq.miles reached on Sept 16th last year, there was a growth in extent of only 49%. In addition, Arctic ice volume has continued to decline steeply so the actual amount of Arctic ice, compared to just the extent, was much less than 49% more than last year's amount.

In reality, the Arctic ice is in steep decline. In 2012, Arctic sea ice extent was 3.29 million square kilometers (1.27 million square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average, which set a new record low, under the previous record low set in 2007. In 2007, "Arctic sea ice plummeted to the lowest levels since satellite measurements began in 1979. The average sea ice extent for the month of September was 4.28 million square kilometers (1.65 million square miles), the lowest September on record, shattering the previous record for the month, set in 2005, by 23 percent. At the end of the melt season, September 2007 sea ice was 39 percent below the long-term average from 1979 to 2000. If ship and aircraft records from before the satellite era are taken into account, sea ice may have fallen by as much as 50 percent from the 1950s." (NSIDC)

Natural variability caused the ice extent to go up again slightly after the 2007 record low, just like it did after the record low in 2005, but that did not mean the ice cap was recovering and warming was over. It just took a few years for the ongoing warming trend caused by increased CO2 levels to set a new record low extent in 2012. Similarly, the ice extent has rebounded a bit since that record low in 2012 but it will hit another record low within a few years. Ice extent this year is still around a million square kilometers, or 432,000 sq. miles, below the average extent for the period from 1981 to 2010, which was itself lower than the averages from earlier in the twentieth century. This years ice extent is the sixth lowest on record. In comparison, in the 1950s, Arctic ice extent was around 4.25 million square miles and it was much thicker in most places than it is today.
Any ole piddlin' excuse to spread the gospel of glowbull warning.. Another thread to rehash nothing.

I'm SURE the Pentagon has an Arctic Melt contingency plan.. Last time I saw it -- it was filed right next to the Alien Invasion Resistance thru Insurgency Plan (AIRTIP) ...

Get it? ARCTIC --- AIRTIP ?? Filed next to ... ??

I crack myself up...
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Doe you damn fools seriously believe that if dinosaurs had a worldwide covenant to quit farting they'd all be alive today? If so, idiots, where in hell would YOU be? What Earth wants to do it will do and you ain't gonna stop it. But if you could, then might you not be personally responsible for preventing the eventual evolution of a far more intelligent life-form?
Doe you damn fools seriously believe that if dinosaurs had a worldwide covenant to quit farting they'd all be alive today? If so, idiots, where in hell would YOU be? What Earth wants to do it will do and you ain't gonna stop it. But if you could, then might you not be personally responsible for preventing the eventual evolution of a far more intelligent life-form?

Did you have to take 'stupid pills' to reach this sub-moronic level or were you just born severely retarded and went downhill from there?
Any ole piddlin' excuse to spread the gospel of glowbull warning.. Another thread to rehash nothing.

I'm SURE the Pentagon has an Arctic Melt contingency plan.. Last time I saw it -- it was filed right next to the Alien Invasion Resistance thru Insurgency Plan (AIRTIP) ...

Get it? ARCTIC --- AIRTIP ?? Filed next to ... ??

I crack myself up...

Actually, you're just another extremely ignorant denier cult crackpot with a moronic sense of humor.

Commander of U.S. Forces Pacific: Climate change is top threat
Climate Science Watch
March 10, 2013
According to the Commander of U.S. Forces Pacific (PACOM), significant upheaval related to the warming planet “is probably the most likely thing that is going to happen . . . that will cripple the security environment, probably more likely than the other scenarios we all often talk about." Admiral Samuel Locklear had a meeting the other day with national security experts at Tufts and Harvard. After this session, he met with a reporter who asked him asked what the top security threat was in the Pacific Ocean. Rather than highlighting Chinese ballistic missiles, the new Chinese Navy aircraft carrier, North Korean nuclear weapons, or other traditional military threats, Admiral Locklear looked to a larger definition of national security. Locklear commented that “People are surprised sometimes” that he highlights climate change — despite an ability to discuss a wide-range of threats, from cyber-war to the North Koreans. However, it is the risks — from natural disasters to long-term sea-level rise threats to Pacific nations that has his deepest attention.

“You have the real potential here in the not-too-distant future of nations displaced by rising sea level. Certainly weather patterns are more severe than they have been in the past. We are on super typhoon 27 or 28 this year in the Western Pacific. The average is about 17.” Climate Change merits national security — military — attention for very pragmatic reasons. "The ice is melting and sea is getting higher,” Locklear said, noting that 80 percent of the world’s population lives within 200 miles of the coast. “I’m into the consequence management side of it. I’m not a scientist, but the island of Tarawa in Kiribati, they’re contemplating moving their entire population to another country because [it] is not going to exist anymore.” And, Admiral Locklear is now — almost certainly with Joint Chiefs of Staff and Office of Secretary of Defense knowledge and support — taking this up seriously with other nations. “We have interjected into our multilateral dialogue – even with China and India – the imperative to kind of get military capabilities aligned [for] when the effects of climate change start to impact these massive populations,” he said. “If it goes bad, you could have hundreds of thousands or millions of people displaced and then security will start to crumble pretty quickly.’’
With military theories and priorities that fucked up, we dont deserve to survive.

Stupidity and willful ignorance like yours certainly doesn't "deserve to survive", and, considering how hard you're working to hinder any meaningful action to deal with the climate change crisis that is upon us, neither do you, fecalhead, in justice to the millions who will starve because of the obstructionism of you denier cult stooges. Even aside from all that, your survival would pollute the gene pool and lower average human intelligence, assuming you could ever find a women moronic enough to let you spawn more retards off her.
Stupidity and willful ignorance like yours certainly doesn't "deserve to survive", and, considering how hard you're working to hinder any meaningful action to deal with the climate change crisis that is upon us

Stupidity and willful ignorance like yours certainly doesn't "deserve to survive"


And some more willful ignorance and stupidity pops up in the person of ol' Don'tEducateMeBro.

Nice picture though of your last denier cult meeting. I didn't realize you fruitcakes were so into costumes. Not surprising though. BTW, nitwit, are all the rest of them looking up at you hanging from the ceiling by your balls again?
Stupidity and willful ignorance like yours certainly doesn't "deserve to survive"


And some more willful ignorance and stupidity pops up in the person of ol' Don'tEducateMeBro.

Nice picture though of your last denier cult meeting. I didn't realize you fruitcakes were so into costumes. Not surprising though. BTW, nitwit, are all the rest of them looking up at you hanging from the ceiling by your balls again?


And some more willful ignorance and stupidity pops up in the person of ol' Don'tEducateMeBro.

Nice picture though of your last denier cult meeting. I didn't realize you fruitcakes were so into costumes. Not surprising though. BTW, nitwit, are all the rest of them looking up at you hanging from the ceiling by your balls again?

"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, you're just too fucking stupid to understand the gravity of the situation."
(Apologies to Rudyard Kipling)

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