US military strength falls to lowest level in history under Biden

What now the left loves our baby killing military, pro war, pro military intervention, pro global corporation, pro USA flag waving patriots. 😂

When the European war began in earnest on September 1, 1939, with the German invasion of Poland, the U.S. Army ranked seventeenth among armies of the world in size and combat power, just behind Romania. It numbered 190,000 soldiers
You have to dig 83 years to find a comparable stat? Kinda doesn’t help your argument.
You have to dig 83 years to find a comparable stat? Kinda doesn’t help your argument.
Do you know what “”History” means?

What year do you want to compare today’s military to?

Go for it
But the white house said no 3 times after Biden said muh Taiwan is a red line. You realize Biden is a senile moron in charge of nothing.

Our President told China to fuk itself
Considering he had drawn troop strength down to 2500

Not one troop died under that 18 month spread. Then Biden took over, killed our service men, left thousands of Americans. Even allies he promised amnesty, then left billions of our best equipment. For our enemy.
Not one troop died under that 18 month spread. Then Biden took over, killed our service men, left thousands of Americans. Even allies he promised amnesty, then left billions of our best equipment. For our enemy.

More Americans died in Afghanistan under Trump than under Biden

Trump signed an agreement with the Taliban on our withdrawal
He made arrangements to withdraw our troops but not our equipment

As currently postured, the U.S. military is at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests. It is rated as weak relative to the force needed to defend national interests on a global stage against actual challenges in the world as it is rather than as we wish it were. This is the logical consequence of years of sustained use, underfunding, poorly defined priorities, wildly shifting security policies, exceedingly poor discipline in program execution, and a profound lack of seriousness across the national security establishment even as threats to U.S. interests have surged.

We are effed
After trump started his negotiation, no soldier died from enemy fire. Till Biden took over.
How about all the soldiers who died under his watch?

More soldiers were killed under Trump than Biden
Doesnt he care?
Trump was handed a war Obama said he would end. With you loons going after him 24/7, he got it under control.

Trump promised to end it
He failed Bigly

Biden got us out of Afghanistan after 20 years

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