US Military vs Russia & China

Uncle Ferd says dey'd eat our lunch an' den we'd all be eatin' egg rolls an' fishheads...

US, China must avoid confrontation: Chinese daily
September 17, 2015 | The US and China should be clear about the losses brought about by confrontation, so cooperation is the only option before the two, said a state-run Chinese daily on Thursday.
Both China and the US announced on Wednesday that Chinese President Xi Jinping will make a state visit to the US from September 22 to 25. An editorial "Progression in Sino-US ties despite friction" said: "This event, even before it was officially announced, has already become one of the most anticipated on the world stage this year." The daily said that recently, friction between the two "over cyber security, the South China Sea, human rights and the economy has increased". "Some US strategists have suggested adopting tougher policies on China. Chinese society is becoming more vigilant toward the US," it added.

The editorial said that there are major questions surrounding relations between the two countries as to "how they can remain stable when friction instantly occurs and strategic distrust lingers". Xi and US President Barack Obama have met several times and talked extensively. These meetings have encouraged both countries to send goodwill to the other and emphasized the necessity and possibility of cooperation, despite disputes. "...But the top strategic issue between the two is whether they are both willing and capable of maintaining a peaceful cooperative atmosphere. The benefits of cooperation matter to both countries and they should seek to maximize these benefits."

The daily went on to say that "the two should be clear about the losses brought about by non-cooperation or even confrontation". "If these two powerful sides fall into a strategic confrontation, one would be hard-pressed to say who could be victorious, so cooperation has become the only option for the two," it added.

On some people comparing China-US relations with ties between the US and the Soviet Union in the past, the editorial said: "...there are much more differences than similarities between the two." "Both know that concepts such as containment and challenge will burden bilateral ties. Their relationship should proceed with expanding communications," it added.

US, China must avoid confrontation: Chinese daily
Russia gots a nuclear torpedo...

Russia reveals giant nuclear torpedo in state TV 'leak'
12 November 2015 | The Kremlin says secret plans for a Russian long-range nuclear torpedo - called "Status-6" - should not have appeared on Russian TV news.
The leak happened during a report on state-run Channel One about President Vladimir Putin meeting military chiefs in the city of Sochi. One general was seen studying a diagram of the "devastating" torpedo system. Launched by a submarine, it would create "wide areas of radioactive contamination", the document says.


Technical details of the torpedo were clearly visible in the brief shot on state TV​

The "oceanic multi-purpose Status-6 system" is designed to "destroy important economic installations of the enemy in coastal areas and cause guaranteed devastating damage to the country's territory by creating wide areas of radioactive contamination, rendering them unusable for military, economic or other activity for a long time", the document says. "It's true some secret data got into the shot, therefore it was subsequently deleted," said Mr Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov. "In future we will undoubtedly take preventive measures so this does not happen again."

However, the Russian government newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported details of the weapon, without showing the diagram, and speculated about a super-radioactive cobalt device. So the leak may not have been accidental.

Cobalt warhead?

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