US 'Mysteriously' Sees Lowest Flu Season On Record During COVID Pandemic


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
To force you to accept the jab ( and die ) flu is renamed as Covid

Despite all those warnings from Dr. Anthony Fauci about COVID-19 and the flu joining forces in 2020 and 2021 to create some kind of super-deadly double-whammy viral pandemic, it's no longer a secret at this point that worries about a super-charged flu season simply never came to pass. We've reported on the phenomenon of falling flu cases before,

February is usually the peak of flu season, when doctors' offices and hospitals are packed with patients. But that's not the case this year. Instead, the flu has virtually disappeared from the US, with reports coming in at far lower levels than the world has seen in decades. Some areas, like San Diego, have seen such low numbers, health authorities have demanded
audits of COVID-positive patients to see whether some might have been misdiagnosed.

To force you to accept the jab ( and die ) flu is renamed as Covid

Despite all those warnings from Dr. Anthony Fauci about COVID-19 and the flu joining forces in 2020 and 2021 to create some kind of super-deadly double-whammy viral pandemic, it's no longer a secret at this point that worries about a super-charged flu season simply never came to pass. We've reported on the phenomenon of falling flu cases before,

February is usually the peak of flu season, when doctors' offices and hospitals are packed with patients. But that's not the case this year. Instead, the flu has virtually disappeared from the US, with reports coming in at far lower levels than the world has seen in decades. Some areas, like San Diego, have seen such low numbers, health authorities have demanded
audits of COVID-positive patients to see whether some might have been misdiagnosed.

People (at least intelligent, non-Qult people) social distancing more, wearing masks more, and washing hands is this a surprise?
So wait, wait, wait. The entire country was on lockdown last Spring, and folks in general barely went outside. And you're going to sit here and create a topic saying it's "mysterious" how the flu wasn't prevalent last year?
It's as mysterious as more Qultists who refuse to socially distance, refuse to wear masks, and refuse to wash their hands are more likely to get Covid.
To force you to accept the jab ( and die ) flu is renamed as Covid

Despite all those warnings from Dr. Anthony Fauci about COVID-19 and the flu joining forces in 2020 and 2021 to create some kind of super-deadly double-whammy viral pandemic, it's no longer a secret at this point that worries about a super-charged flu season simply never came to pass. We've reported on the phenomenon of falling flu cases before,

February is usually the peak of flu season, when doctors' offices and hospitals are packed with patients. But that's not the case this year. Instead, the flu has virtually disappeared from the US, with reports coming in at far lower levels than the world has seen in decades. Some areas, like San Diego, have seen such low numbers, health authorities have demanded
audits of COVID-positive patients to see whether some might have been misdiagnosed.

You mean as everybody is social-distancing and wearing masks?
To force you to accept the jab ( and die ) flu is renamed as Covid

Despite all those warnings from Dr. Anthony Fauci about COVID-19 and the flu joining forces in 2020 and 2021 to create some kind of super-deadly double-whammy viral pandemic, it's no longer a secret at this point that worries about a super-charged flu season simply never came to pass. We've reported on the phenomenon of falling flu cases before,

February is usually the peak of flu season, when doctors' offices and hospitals are packed with patients. But that's not the case this year. Instead, the flu has virtually disappeared from the US, with reports coming in at far lower levels than the world has seen in decades. Some areas, like San Diego, have seen such low numbers, health authorities have demanded
audits of COVID-positive patients to see whether some might have been misdiagnosed.

You mean as everybody is social-distancing and wearing masks?
Virtue signaling.
US 'Mysteriously' Sees Lowest Flu Season

  • 80,000 Flu cases from the year before.
  • 15,000 Nursing Home deaths from Andy Cuomo.
  • 15,000 malpractice cases passed off as Covid.
  • 76,000 hyped up fake datapoints by the CDC.
  • 24,000 car accidents blamed on Covid sneezing while texting.
  • 120,000 other fatal diseases passed off as Covid because patient had symptoms.
  • 1800 bad colds.
  • 89,000 actual deaths by natural causes, old age, infirmity blamed on Covid.
  • 1,200 hospital homicides made to pass off as Covid to avoid insurance liability.
Equals 88,000 actual deaths (0.6% morbidity rate) due to Covid directly or by indirect complications, equal to a bad flu season.

  • 8.8 trillion dollars in spent tax and lost revenues.
  • 1.6 million suicides.
  • 23 million destroyed life savings.
  • 55 million new welfare applicants.
  • 126 million destroyed small businesses.
  • 103 million children with 1.5 years lost to their education.
  • 18,000 drop outs.
  • 43,000 new drug addictions.
  • 2.3 billion additional dollars in liquor purchases.
  • 530,000 wife beatings.
  • 27,000 broken or broke up marriages and families.
  • 62 million lost jobs.
  • 21,000 new inventions never created.
  • 410,000 bankruptcies.
  • 350,000 unpaid mortgage foreclosures.
  • 2.3 trillion in personal and corporate lost income.
  • 510 theme parks closed.
  • 82,000 closed theaters
  • 1 engineered chinese/WHO virus spread worldwide.
  • 1 stolen election.
  • 17,200 new federal jobs.
  • 300 new rightwing domestic terror suspects.
  • 25,000 permanent national guard posts in DC.
  • 1 illegal, hapless, senile, media appointed faux president in the White House.
I suspect the word has gone out that now Trump is out o the White House, we need to start calling these cases and deaths the flu instead of COVID. Gotta make it look like Biden and the Dems are winning against the pandemic.
You suspect? Well, Individual One has been gone for a month now.....have those cases and deaths been blamed on the flu yet?
The more righties post the smarter and more superior I feel. Thanks OP!
So wait, wait, wait. The entire country was on lockdown last Spring, and folks in general barely went outside. And you're going to sit here and create a topic saying it's "mysterious" how the flu wasn't prevalent last year?

People (at least intelligent, non-Qult people) social distancing more, wearing masks more, and washing hands is this a surprise?

You mean as everybody is social-distancing and wearing masks?

One would think masks work.
Masks, Social Distancing, closed schools and public events, Flu Shots

Works for Flu too

And yet COVID ran rampant in the states with the harshest mitigation efforts.
To force you to accept the jab ( and die ) flu is renamed as Covid

Despite all those warnings from Dr. Anthony Fauci about COVID-19 and the flu joining forces in 2020 and 2021 to create some kind of super-deadly double-whammy viral pandemic, it's no longer a secret at this point that worries about a super-charged flu season simply never came to pass. We've reported on the phenomenon of falling flu cases before,

February is usually the peak of flu season, when doctors' offices and hospitals are packed with patients. But that's not the case this year. Instead, the flu has virtually disappeared from the US, with reports coming in at far lower levels than the world has seen in decades. Some areas, like San Diego, have seen such low numbers, health authorities have demanded
audits of COVID-positive patients to see whether some might have been misdiagnosed.

People (at least intelligent, non-Qult people) social distancing more, wearing masks more, and washing hands is this a surprise?

Then why did Covid spike?
The more righties post the smarter and more superior I feel. Thanks OP!
Your feelings run counter to reality, kid.

He indeed has the logic of a kid like that kid that IS a kid Afrench2,

His fantasy warped reality he has is all the best doctors in the world who are whistleblowers and have exposed the virus hoax that the numbers are astronomically inflated with practically every death from a murder committed to a car accident on the highway is being ruled covid,that the hospitals are now saying that the yearly flu virus we have had sense mankind has been around has all of a sudden been cured this past year,that these doctors are lying but the lamestream media is telling him the truth.

if that kinda logic makes you feel superiour,better get off the crack your smoking.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
i have seen videos myself of people coming forward who after taking the vaccine,their faces were badly distorted and crying telling people dont make the mistake they made,so you sheep who want to risk that and have your face distorted as some have already,be my guest and take the vaccine.:clap2:


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