US offers to trade back Bowe Bergdahl


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2012
State of Jefferson
Well, it looks like the Administration finally found a way they are trying to get the people trapped out of Afghanistan out and get them back home.

WASHINGTON — In a stunning reversal of policy this morning, the Biden administration announced it has offered to trade back former Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to the Taliban in exchange for the safe passage of American citizens and interpreters attempting to flee Afghanistan.

“We do not normally trade back war prisoners after securing their freedom, but let’s be honest, we got a pretty bad deal when we released the five guys currently running the Taliban in exchange for Bergdahl,” said one senior administration official.

“We thought Bergdahl would have at least gathered some intel in the five years he spent with the Taliban, but no. He just kept complaining how scratchy the blindfolds were and whining that deserting wasn’t ‘as much fun’ as he thought it would be.”

You are aware duffle blog is satire, I hope.
You shouldn't have done that so quickly. You have used satire sites effectively and for good humor with some morons taking over an hour to get the message. You only gave Mushroom 6 minutes.
Of course

thats obvious

if only we could give them obama too
LOL, you didn't, did you.

You shouldn't have done that so quickly. You have used satire sites effectively and for good humor with some morons taking over an hour to get the message. You only gave Mushroom 6 minutes.
My bad.
Well, it looks like the Administration finally found a way they are trying to get the people trapped out of Afghanistan out and get them back home.

“We do not normally trade back war prisoners after securing their freedom, but let’s be honest, we got a pretty bad deal when we released the five guys currently running the Taliban in exchange for Bergdahl,” said one senior administration official.

DUMBASS ......
Oh, this is hardly the first time I have posted here from DB. I have been following them for ages.

Like I tell people, it is like "The Onion", but for the military.
I thought it was a funny article. People post satire here. We get to watch the responses of the people that think it is real, and a good time is had by all.:auiqs.jpg:

I knowingly posted from a satire web site, and you are apparently accepting it as if it is real.

What does that say about you? At least I knew it was a satire site. You apparently are not even aware of that.

Who is the dumbass?
Hey DUMBASS ....

You should have clarified you were posting satire ....

Do you know how many psycho leftist post on this site ... ?

You should try a little harder !!!
Hey DUMBASS ....

You should have clarified you were posting satire ....

Do you know how many psycho leftist post on this site ... ?

You should try a little harder !!!
Come on, man! Are you saying you couldn't tell? You got to be kidding.
Do you know how many psycho leftist post on this site ... ?

I see garbage posts like that from both sides politically.

The idea is to question things, and put on your thinking cap and at least do a minimum of research into a post and not just accept something. And it does not matter if you agree with it or not.

Let me ask you, if I had posted from "The Onion", would you be saying the same thing? After all, everybody knows The Onion is satire.

However, BD is much less known, outside of the military community. And although this has been moved, it was originally posted in the military section.

Where anybody with a real military connection would likely have snickered. But the fools, trolls, and political idiots would not have known that, and reacted as they would at anything else.

Now from your reaction, it seems you just blow up at almost anything. Something I will keep in mind in the future.
Honestly, I don't think he can. And to be honest, I find that sad.
I find it hilarious, but I have a crude sense of humor. :auiqs.jpg:If Crep hadn't stepped on it so quick, you probably could have gotten 2 or 3 more. There will be other days.
I find it hilarious, but I have a crude sense of humor. :auiqs.jpg:If Crep hadn't stepped on it so quick, you probably could have gotten 2 or 3 more. There will be other days.

I often post these as a lesson, actually. A lesson to "Vette your sources". The thing is, I am well aware of this source, and know it is entirely in satire.

But what I find sad is that I find posts by others that are just as realistic, and they honestly seem to believe them. And the sad thing, is that I am sure I could name 4 or 5 that post commonly in the "Military" section (as well as history), and those that follow those will know exactly who I mean. I know if I say "Muskovite", many will know who one of them is immediately.

They do not grade references on factuality and reliability, but if they agree with their beliefs. Nothing else matters.

I just wish the article I wanted to post was not "subscriber only". It involved the Taliban S-4 being pissed off because nobody signed for the equipment they had taken. And I almost posted the one where the Taliban were now upset that they had to "govern this craphole of a country".

But for any of the political animals in here, I suggest you at least check out "Duffleblog". It is a great window into how many in the military actually think. And our sense of humor. Maybe reading it will help you understand us better.
An intelligence report has confirmed that the Taliban’s recent push to retake vast swaths of territory in Afghanistan is the direct result of a recent Air Force policy change that will allow airmen to put their hands in their pockets.

“Sure, Afghanistan’s incompetent military and the U.S. withdrawal are contributing factors,” said Sgt. Maj. Roy Bradman, an intelligence “But it’s clear that these nasty daggone airmen sticking their filthy meat hooks in their pockets is the straw that broke the camel’s back.”


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