US opinions regarding man made global warming - per Gallup Polling


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
This all comes from an article called "Global Warming Attitudes Frozen since 2016"

There are lots of different parts to it. This charts when, Americans believe, will the effects of global warming begin to happen. As you can see from the first line, 69% believe either they are already happening or within a few years while 29% believe they will not occur in our lifetimes or never. Breaking that a little further, a simple majority - 59% - of Americans believe global warming effects are already taking place and only 10% believe as many do here, that they will never take place. There are break downs on gender, race, age, college and political party. Belief that global warming is underway or imminent seems to trend with being a young, college-educated, Democratic woman of color. The opposite view trends with being an old, uneducated, Republican, white man.


Here is an interesting graph showing the division on a political party basis. I would draw your attention to how small the difference was not that far back.


So, please peruse these polling results and tell us what you think of them.
Now post the polls showing how much of our own money we're willing to spend to "fix it".
I'm just doing this one poll. I have not been all the way through it. It might be there.

There was this

Bottom Line

Although nearly nine in 10 Americans believe the effects of global warming will be felt by current or future generations, prior Gallup polling has found that six in 10 Americans favor dramatically reducing the use of fossil fuels in the U.S. as a strategy for addressing global warming, while 36% oppose it. That aligns with the percentages today who believe the effects of global warming are happening now (59%) and that human activity causes it (64%), suggesting these are the key attitudes driving Americans' political views, not whether they think global warming will become a problem at some point in the future.

In practical terms, the political calculus is very different under Republican and Democratic administrations. Although President Donald Trump, who called global warming "a hoax," received little pressure from his party's base to address global warming, the opposite will be true for President Joe Biden. Not only does Biden himself prioritize the issue, but his political base widely believes the problem is real and personally worries about it.

In pursuing new legislation to deal with climate change, the challenge for the Biden administration will be persuading enough Republican senators to support action to avoid a filibuster. That could be a tough sell, since Republicans signing on to such legislation are likely to face blowback from the Republican base.

You have to d/l a pdf to get the whole survay.
Loserterians think they're our rulers and believe that they should dictate every tiny thing to everybody else. They're sad excuses for human beings.
Well damn, it sorta falls right into my line of reasoning.....59% of Americans are fuckin' retarded as far as reasoning goes.....I'm sure it will go up too since the CC weenies own the public schools.

That said I'm pretty sure that during the time I have left on this rock nothing will change except the further overpopulation of our country by third world/sub-continent undesirables and the worsening of Black Crime but that has more to do with quality of life.
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What makes Democrats think anyone believes their predictions about mother nature when they can't even see the danger in our open border, crippling inflation, runaway crime, deadly drug and human smuggling, poverty and homelessness, our declining economy, our national debt and our loss of personal freedoms. Democrats have no credibility except among the nincompoop segment of their own party and their globalist, robber baron friends.
This all comes from an article called "Global Warming Attitudes Frozen since 2016"

There are lots of different parts to it. This charts when, Americans believe, will the effects of global warming begin to happen. As you can see from the first line, 69% believe either they are already happening or within a few years while 29% believe they will not occur in our lifetimes or never. Breaking that a little further, a simple majority - 59% - of Americans believe global warming effects are already taking place and only 10% believe as many do here, that they will never take place. There are break downs on gender, race, age, college and political party. Belief that global warming is underway or imminent seems to trend with being a young, college-educated, Democratic woman of color. The opposite view trends with being an old, uneducated, Republican, white man.

View attachment 779292

Here is an interesting graph showing the division on a political party basis. I would draw your attention to how small the difference was not that far back.


So, please peruse these polling results and tell us what you think of them.
You'll have to hold on for a while. I'm busy coming up with my own polls, making them say what I want them to say. Remember when "the polls" said that masks stop Covid? Polls are a dime a dozen.
Well damn, it sorta falls right into my line of reasoning.....59% of Americans are fuckin' retarded as far as reasoning goes.....I'm sure it will go up too since the CC weenies own the public schools.

That said I'm pretty sure that during the time I have left on this rock nothing will change except the further overpopulation of our country by third world/sub-continent undesirables and the worsening of Black Crime but that has more to do with quality of life.
What makes Democrats think anyone believes their predictions about mother nature when they can't even see the danger in our open border, crippling inflation, runaway crime, deadly drug and human smuggling, poverty and homelessness, our declining economy, our national debt and our loss of personal freedoms. Democrats have no credibility except among the nincompoop segment of their own party and their globalist, robber baron friends.
You'll have to hold on for a while. I'm busy coming up with my own polls, making them say what I want them to say. Remember when "the polls" said that masks stop Covid? Polls are a dime a dozen.

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