US pay-to-view autopsy organizer defends $500 event


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Talk about Halloween! Just who would pay to see the privacy of their homes--makes me shiver, just a bit~

The organizer of a pay-to-view autopsy in the United States defended the event Wednesday, after an outcry by the family of the dead man who did not know he would be dissected in front of a live audience.

Tickets for the event cost up to $500, and attendees were promised the chance to get 'up close and personal' with the cadaver
© QUENTIN TYBERGHIEN Tickets for the event cost up to $500, and attendees were promised the chance to get 'up close and personal' with the cadaver
Around 70 people forked over up to $500 each to watch in person an anatomist cut up the body of 98-year-old David Saunders in a hotel ballroom in Oregon last month.
Over the course of several hours, Saunders' organs -- including his brain -- were removed by Dr. Colin Henderson, a retired professor of anatomy, in a procedure he said he had performed frequently during his teaching career, local broadcaster King 5 reported.

Video filmed by the channel shows audience members donning surgical gloves and appearing to touch the body.
While it gags me to think about participating in, I don't really have any blame to go around other than perhaps they should have gotten the family's explicit consent for the pay per view event. Not sure a hotel ballroom was really the proper studio for this though.

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