US Prosecutors asking Death Penalty in Roof case

Should the death penalty be on the table in the Roof caae

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 82.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
i get it. you want order. you crave it so much you're willing to believe anything rather than the truth that sometimes people do bad things for reasons we won't ever understand.

but that's not reality. you're living in a fantasy and it's not healthy. get some help.

Nope, I do not want a corporate "gubermint" having any control over me that conflicts with the Bill Of Rights. When they contrive events like the OKC bombing, 9/11, Sandy Hook, etc, etc and the proof is irrefutable? You can bank on it that I am going to call BULLSHIT........loud and long. If you have a problem with that? Fuck you...times rights to exist do not come from a benevolent "gubermint". My God is not the state nor will it ever be....get it now, puinkinpuss???
yes, i get it. you're mentally ill and crave order so badly you'll believe any fantasy to make sense out of the world around you rather than accepting the chaos of reality. you're both paranoid and delusional. is there anything i've missed?

Nope.....very sane here and I don't buy into "gubermint" bullshit......
sure. you've figured out from the comfort of your trailer and with no education what so many other productive members of society have not. you have the truth and the rest of us are duped by someone for some reason.

I travel all around the country for my job ...I know more than you....fact.
circus hand or carnie?

I'd really appreciate it if you take discussion to the Rubber room
but on topic, not to derail this anymore with dale's delusions and insanity, the roof kid is messed up. i don't think he ever should see the sky without being surrounded by four walls again, but i do think he deserves a chance to live out his days and find a way to grow as a person.

the death penalty only adds tragedy to tragedy

Charleston "shooting" never happened.....
Nope, I do not want a corporate "gubermint" having any control over me that conflicts with the Bill Of Rights. When they contrive events like the OKC bombing, 9/11, Sandy Hook, etc, etc and the proof is irrefutable? You can bank on it that I am going to call BULLSHIT........loud and long. If you have a problem with that? Fuck you...times rights to exist do not come from a benevolent "gubermint". My God is not the state nor will it ever be....get it now, puinkinpuss???
yes, i get it. you're mentally ill and crave order so badly you'll believe any fantasy to make sense out of the world around you rather than accepting the chaos of reality. you're both paranoid and delusional. is there anything i've missed?

Nope.....very sane here and I don't buy into "gubermint" bullshit......
sure. you've figured out from the comfort of your trailer and with no education what so many other productive members of society have not. you have the truth and the rest of us are duped by someone for some reason.

I travel all around the country for my job ...I know more than you....fact.
circus hand or carnie?

I know more than you........
I'll say this too about the church community - their response was one of love and forgiveness. i can't believe they would support the death penalty (not that that should really play a role)
yes, i get it. you're mentally ill and crave order so badly you'll believe any fantasy to make sense out of the world around you rather than accepting the chaos of reality. you're both paranoid and delusional. is there anything i've missed?

Nope.....very sane here and I don't buy into "gubermint" bullshit......
sure. you've figured out from the comfort of your trailer and with no education what so many other productive members of society have not. you have the truth and the rest of us are duped by someone for some reason.

I travel all around the country for my job ...I know more than you....fact.
circus hand or carnie?

I know more than you........
What you claim to know is about as important as being an expert in phrenology.
Roof should be fairly tried and then fairly hanged.

Conspiracy theory? Jeeze... I just threw up in my mouth.
I'll say this too about the church community - their response was one of love and forgiveness. i can't believe they would support the death penalty (not that that should really play a role)

Irrelevant. Society must protect against these acts by making the PUNISHMENT swift, brutal, and sure.

We put Roof down as a message to the NEXT Roof wannabe.
Kill em all.

We need to go back to public hangings. Can we hang the Benghazi turd as well?

So what you're saying is "swing Hillary, swing?"

She's a piece of shit, but I've seen no evidence that she's done anything deserving of the death penalty. Though I suspect that a second time of the American people rejecting her as President would be the same as a death penalty.
I'll say this too about the church community - their response was one of love and forgiveness. i can't believe they would support the death penalty (not that that should really play a role)

Irrelevant. Society must protect against these acts by making the PUNISHMENT swift, brutal, and sure.

We put Roof down as a message to the NEXT Roof wannabe.
I agree his should be done away with but the message nonsense is just that.
Kill em all.

We need to go back to public hangings. Can we hang the Benghazi turd as well?
Major hissy fit and false comparison.

False comparison? That guy that was turned over to us absolutely led the attack on our embassy and the US announced that we would NOT seek the death penalty.

Justice Department won't seek death penalty in Benghazi case -

HAHAHAHAHA you weren't aware of that and thought I was referring to Hillary , amirite?
Kill em all.

We need to go back to public hangings. Can we hang the Benghazi turd as well?
Major hissy fit and false comparison.

False comparison? That guy that was turned over to us absolutely led the attack on our embassy and the US announced that we would NOT seek the death penalty.

Justice Department won't seek death penalty in Benghazi case -

HAHAHAHAHA you weren't aware of that and thought I was referring to Hillary , amirite?
Nope but you had to say something.
You wish.
Please post anything that might support your claim .

You have forgotten yet again, I am intelligent and educated, unlike you.

Punishment is a proven deterrent WHEN the punishment is swift and certain.

"Swift and Certain" Sanctions in Probation Are Highly Effective: Evaluation of the HOPE Program | National Institute of Justice

The farce of a death penalty employed at present offers no deterrent simply because the 20 year lag between conviction and eventual execution makes the convict no more at risk of death than other people. There is no certainty any of use will be alive in 20 years.

Death next week is a very different proposition, and has a very different effect on criminals.

Here is statistical evidence supporting my claim. You won't read it, and if you did you wouldn't understand what you read. But for the lurkers.
Kill em all.

We need to go back to public hangings. Can we hang the Benghazi turd as well?
Major hissy fit and false comparison.

False comparison? That guy that was turned over to us absolutely led the attack on our embassy and the US announced that we would NOT seek the death penalty.

Justice Department won't seek death penalty in Benghazi case -

HAHAHAHAHA you weren't aware of that and thought I was referring to Hillary , amirite?
Nope but you had to say something.

LOL whatever bro, you obviously thought I was referring to Hillary. Worse, you can't just say "oh my bad" and be done with it.

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