US Senate Votes To Ban Torture

You are no better than the jihadist shitbags

By bringing people like you down to their level, they have accomplished what they planned

Nope. Bleeding hears like you are just what they are looking for.

You're the kind of people they are counting on to run America. People who won't make the hard choices. You're the kind of people they want in charge of our military.

Idiots who are content to be considered the "Good Guys."

Idiots who value that moral high ground more than anything else and having the world see us as those good guys.

Idiots who have no problem with a military forced to fight a war with both hands tied behind their backs and ridiculous rules of engagement.

Yup. Those shitbags consider all Americans soft and are hoping the bleeding hearts get their way and run America and our military.

After all. They have "rights."

You have turned into nothing better than a jihaddist

You are willing bring our country down to their level of depravity. The jihaddist will only laugh and remind everyone what savages Americans are

You bet they laugh.

They laugh at an America being peopled by soft idiots who are more concerned with being thought of as the good guys adhering to that moral high ground then they are about anything else.

Kinda shows what's important to bleeding hearts.

The Rights of the shitbags.

Being thought of as the good guys.

That moral high ground.

Yup. Those three things work real well when fighting an enemy that plays by no ones rules but their own. Beheads people, rapes and murders anyone they can.

I'm sure they are grateful for idiots like you.


It is morons such as yourself that terrorists count on

Bring this country down to their level and they have met their objectives

Bullshit. Their only objective is to have Muslims ruling the world by any means necessary and kill anyone who gets in the way.

As for who they count on? I'd venture to say they count on idiots like you who won't do the tough things. Idiots like you who are more concerned with America being the good guy and traveling that moral high ground than you are about winning the war.

That works for them big time and they will pray to Allah that folks like you continue to run America and its war on terror.

Very true.....

And assholes such as yourself only assist them in their goals. They want to paint the US as engaging in a War against Islam. Being able to point out US human rights violations which are only used against Muslims only helps their cause

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Host Chuck Todd asked Cheney to respond to the Senate Intelligence Committee report's account that one detainee was "chained to the wall of a cell, doused with water, froze to death in CIA custody."

"And it turned out it was a case of mistaken identity," Todd said.

"Right," Cheney responded. "But the problem I have was with all of the folks that we did release that end up back on the battlefield."

"I’m more concerned with bad guys who got out and released than I am with a few that in fact were innocent," he continued.

Todd pressed Cheney, asking if he was okay with the fact that about 25 percent of the detainees interrogated were actually innocent.

"I have no problem
as long as we achieve our objective. And our objective is to get the guys who did 9/11 and it is to avoid another attack against the United States," Cheney responded.

Cheney Seems Unfazed By Question About Innocent Detainee Who Died VIDEO

It is truly a medical miracle when you can install a pacemaker on a man who has no heart.

George Carlin and The Dick had heart events around the same time. The wrong one died.
Nope. Bleeding hears like you are just what they are looking for.

You're the kind of people they are counting on to run America. People who won't make the hard choices. You're the kind of people they want in charge of our military.

Idiots who are content to be considered the "Good Guys."

Idiots who value that moral high ground more than anything else and having the world see us as those good guys.

Idiots who have no problem with a military forced to fight a war with both hands tied behind their backs and ridiculous rules of engagement.

Yup. Those shitbags consider all Americans soft and are hoping the bleeding hearts get their way and run America and our military.

After all. They have "rights."

You have turned into nothing better than a jihaddist

You are willing bring our country down to their level of depravity. The jihaddist will only laugh and remind everyone what savages Americans are

You bet they laugh.

They laugh at an America being peopled by soft idiots who are more concerned with being thought of as the good guys adhering to that moral high ground then they are about anything else.

Kinda shows what's important to bleeding hearts.

The Rights of the shitbags.

Being thought of as the good guys.

That moral high ground.

Yup. Those three things work real well when fighting an enemy that plays by no ones rules but their own. Beheads people, rapes and murders anyone they can.

I'm sure they are grateful for idiots like you.


It is morons such as yourself that terrorists count on

Bring this country down to their level and they have met their objectives

Bullshit. Their only objective is to have Muslims ruling the world by any means necessary and kill anyone who gets in the way.

As for who they count on? I'd venture to say they count on idiots like you who won't do the tough things. Idiots like you who are more concerned with America being the good guy and traveling that moral high ground than you are about winning the war.

That works for them big time and they will pray to Allah that folks like you continue to run America and its war on terror.

Very true.....

And assholes such as yourself only assist them in their goals. They want to paint the US as engaging in a War against Islam. Being able to point out US human rights violations which are only used against Muslims only helps their cause

No matter what we do they consider it a war against Islam.

Oh and I doubt they will be pointing out anyone else's human rights violations when you consider that they could care less about anyone's human rights at all. I doubt you will see them at the UN or Geneva harping about America's violation of human rights.

Bleeding hearts like you are all the help they need. They pray to Allah America never catch's a clue and idiots like you will assure them of that.
I'm sure they are grateful for idiots like you.


No, they're grateful for idiots like you. Torture recruits more people to their cause. You being an asshole, recruits more people to their cause.

I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda in Iraq. The large majority of suicide bombings in Iraq are still carried out by these foreigners. They are also involved in most of the attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse.
RW: By bringing people like you down to their level, they have accomplished what they planned.

Claudette: Nope.

Jake: Yes, in fact, if we are brought down to the level of the jihadists, we have lost the war for what is America. Those who want us to act like jihadists must be shunned.

LMAO Shunned huh??

Hate to tell ya but I have friends who are vets of both Iraq and Afghanistan. They say just what I've said.

Those ridiculous ROE's had them fighting with their hands tied behind their backs and got loads of their fellow soldiers killed.

As for that drivel the witch posted?? Hell I looked it up and found at least half a dozen reasons why jihadists fight. The main one being they want the world to be Muslim.
I am a vet, and, yes, as time goes by, the shunning will increase.
Sure hope they have a way to get info out of prisoners since waterboarding is torture.

We have, and we always did have 'em.

>> I served for 14 years in the U.S. Air Force, began my career as a Special Operations pilot flying helicopters, saw combat in Bosnia and Kosovo, became an Air Force counterintelligence agent, then volunteered to go to Iraq to work as a senior interrogator. What I saw in Iraq still rattles me -- both because it betrays our traditions and because it just doesn't work.

...The methods my team used are not classified (they're listed in the unclassified Field Manual), but the way we used them was, I like to think, unique. We got to know our enemies, we learned to negotiate with them, and we adapted criminal investigative techniques to our work (something that the Field Manual permits, under the concept of "ruses and trickery"). It worked. Our efforts started a chain of successes that ultimately led to Zarqawi.

... We turned several hard cases, including some foreign fighters, by using our new techniques. A few of them never abandoned the jihadist cause but still gave up critical information. One actually told me, "I thought you would torture me, and when you didn't, I decided that everything I was told about Americans was wrong. That's why I decided to cooperate."

... I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda in Iraq. The large majority of suicide bombings in Iraq are still carried out by these foreigners. They are also involved in most of the attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans. << -- Matthew Alexander
It's been known for centuries -- literally centuries -- that torture, aside from its moral questions, is simply not effective. The Army Field Manual knows it too.

Gotta laugh. People are more concerned with the rights of jihadist shitbags than they are with the welfare of our soldiers who if caught will endure way more than waterboardinig.

Interesting that you find the practice of generating terrorists that come back to haunt us "funny".
Thanks for that.

I'm sure the military would agree with me. Do what needs to be done to get the info you need to save American lives. Shitbags have no rights. They fight a war with their own rules while we adhere to the Geneva convention. Bullshit.

Actually it doesn't. The Army Field Manual, the official military guideline on all of this, specifically prohibits violation of GPW Article 17. And you might be interested to know that nowhere does it contain the term "shitbags". Meltdowns like yours are entertaining and all but do us a favor and leave 'em in bad TV scripts where they belong.
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Look, the USA should not be torturing anyone period. That is the price we should be willing to pay as a nation to uphold our values. I am not against however nuking some of these fuckers into sub-atomic particles.
I am an Army vet, Claudette, and no bleeding heart liberal.

I fully agreed with LTC A. West firing his weapon into the ground to get information from his prisoner. That is not torture.

Torture is wrong, unAmerican, and unable to provide accurate information unless immediately in play and then it is not guaranteed.

You are urging our troops to violate the law, and that makes you a criminal urging others to commit criminal acts.
Moral high ground my ass. That gets soldiers killed.

-- Link?

That ridiculous moral high ground doesn't do you one bit of good when your fighting an enemy that plays by no ones rules.

As for Gitmo. Its the best place for those shitbags. Hell. They should execute all of em not release em to go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of to kill more of our soldiers.

Idiots like you make me sick. You think more of your "moral high ground" than you do about our soldiers.

Hope your ass never lands in the Middle east. We'd just how long that moral high ground you tout would last.


Nice guys always finish last especially fighting a war with an enemy that plays by NO rules.

Soooooo..... playing with torture in direct violation of GPW 17 and our own established policies .... amounts to playing by what rules exactly?

Nice guys always finish last especially fighting a war with an enemy that plays by NO rules.

Soooooo..... playing with torture in direct violation of GPW 17 and our own established policies .... amounts to playing by what rules exactly?


My question is why should we play by the rules when the enemy has none? That's just plain stupid. You fight fire with fire.

I doubt any of our troops will be beheading anyone and putting it on Al Jazira for the Muslim worlds viewing pleasure. Too bad. They might actually decide we aren't soft Americans.

Wackanut you certainly are as well as an asshole. LOL
Sure hope they have a way to get info out of prisoners since waterboarding is torture.

Gotta laugh. People are more concerned with the rights of jihadist shitbags than they are with the welfare of our soldiers who if caught will endure way more than waterboardinig.

Oh and never mind that "We're to good to do that." We have to turn the other check and carry on. Wonder how many cheeks get destroyed before the bleeding hearts in this country catch a fucking clue.
We are better than that, just because torture works in the movies does not mean that is how things really are. The legal techniques of interrogation are effective enough that we should never have to resort to medieval bullshit that is effective only in getting faulty intelligence.

Another bleeding heart who cares more for the rights of shitbag killers than he does about our own soldiers who sure as shit would bear more than waterboarding.

Our soldiers who have to fight a war with hand tied behind their backs and ridiculous Rules of Engagement. I'm sure the military would agree with me. Do what needs to be done to get the info you need to save American lives. Shitbags have no rights. They fight a war with their own rules while we adhere to the Geneva convention. Bullshit.

Oh and I'm sure all those "legal" techniques work until some clueless bastard decides that those can't be used either because the shitbags have "rights."

As for me? I'd waterboard every one of em and not lose one minute of sleep.

Hell. I'd nuke the entire middle east.
Yeah, just because we are fighting monsters does not mean we have to be monstrous. America used to have the moral high ground in the fight against terrorism, this is one needed step to get it back, another is to close the illegal prison at Gitmo.

Moral high ground my ass. That gets soldiers killed. That ridiculous moral high ground doesn't do you one bit of good when your fighting an enemy that plays by no ones rules.

As for Gitmo. Its the best place for those shitbags. Hell. They should execute all of em not release em to go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of to kill more of our soldiers.

Idiots like you make me sick. You think more of your "moral high ground" than you do about our soldiers.

Hope your ass never lands in the Middle east. We'd just how long that moral high ground you tout would last.
If you 'cared', then you would be against sending them to the Middle East in the first place.

How many US soldiers have died so far, defending an Iraqi government that did itself in by sectarianism. Answer is too many, and for no good reason.

Sure that the government will send more troops, and maybe even 'stop ISIS', but that won't bring back the dead soldiers who fell during 'Bush's war', and now 'Obama's war', and maybe even 'Hillary's war' or 'Jeb Bush's war' next.

There are plenty of people in America, who if they had a choice to turn back time, would have never poured America into the money hole and people grinder that is Iraq - and GITMO and torture didn't win the war or America any friends either.
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Nice guys always finish last especially fighting a war with an enemy that plays by NO rules.

Soooooo..... playing with torture in direct violation of GPW 17 and our own established policies .... amounts to playing by what rules exactly?


My question is why should we play by the rules when the enemy has none? That's just plain stupid. You fight fire with fire.

I doubt any of our troops will be beheading anyone and putting it on Al Jazira for the Muslim worlds viewing pleasure. Too bad. They might actually decide we aren't soft Americans.

Wackanut you certainly are as well as an asshole. LOL

Then the entire US Military is a collective "asshole" because it specifically prohibits it. Not to mention it doesn't work anyway.

Better luck next thread. Try to get a grip on yourself before you dig even deeper.
I am an Army vet, Claudette, and no bleeding heart liberal.

I fully agreed with LTC A. West firing his weapon into the ground to get information from his prisoner. That is not torture.

Torture is wrong, unAmerican, and unable to provide accurate information unless immediately in play and then it is not guaranteed.

You are urging our troops to violate the law, and that makes you a criminal urging others to commit criminal acts.

I know plenty of vets who agree with me. They don't consider waterboarding torture. Hell some of them have been water boarded.

Scared the shit out of em but they weren't hurt and it certainly wasn't anything like the real torture McCain endured while a POW in Vietnam.

Since when can I urge anyone in the military to do anything? I merely stated some of my vet friends agreed with me and those ridiculous ROE's.

Violate the law?? What law?? Since when is it against the law to state your opinon?? Sorry it doesn't agree with yours but hey, to each his own.
Sure hope they have a way to get info out of prisoners since waterboarding is torture.

Gotta laugh. People are more concerned with the rights of jihadist shitbags than they are with the welfare of our soldiers who if caught will endure way more than waterboardinig.

Oh and never mind that "We're to good to do that." We have to turn the other check and carry on. Wonder how many cheeks get destroyed before the bleeding hearts in this country catch a fucking clue.
We are better than that, just because torture works in the movies does not mean that is how things really are. The legal techniques of interrogation are effective enough that we should never have to resort to medieval bullshit that is effective only in getting faulty intelligence.

Another bleeding heart who cares more for the rights of shitbag killers than he does about our own soldiers who sure as shit would bear more than waterboarding.

Our soldiers who have to fight a war with hand tied behind their backs and ridiculous Rules of Engagement. I'm sure the military would agree with me. Do what needs to be done to get the info you need to save American lives. Shitbags have no rights. They fight a war with their own rules while we adhere to the Geneva convention. Bullshit.

Oh and I'm sure all those "legal" techniques work until some clueless bastard decides that those can't be used either because the shitbags have "rights."

As for me? I'd waterboard every one of em and not lose one minute of sleep.

Hell. I'd nuke the entire middle east.
Yeah, just because we are fighting monsters does not mean we have to be monstrous. America used to have the moral high ground in the fight against terrorism, this is one needed step to get it back, another is to close the illegal prison at Gitmo.

Moral high ground my ass. That gets soldiers killed. That ridiculous moral high ground doesn't do you one bit of good when your fighting an enemy that plays by no ones rules.

As for Gitmo. Its the best place for those shitbags. Hell. They should execute all of em not release em to go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of to kill more of our soldiers.

Idiots like you make me sick. You think more of your "moral high ground" than you do about our soldiers.

Hope your ass never lands in the Middle east. We'd just how long that moral high ground you tout would last.
If you 'cared', then you would be against sending them to the Middle East in the first place.

How many US soldiers have died so far, defending an Iraqi government that did itself in by sectarianism. Answer is too many, and for no good reason.

Sure that the government will send more troops, and maybe even 'stop ISIS', but that won't bring back the dead soldiers who fell during 'Bush's war', and now 'Obama's war', and maybe even 'Hillary's war' or 'Jeb Bush's war' next.

There are plenty of people in America, who if they had a choice to turn back time, would have never poured America into the money hole and people grinder that is Iraq - and GITMO and torture didn't win the war or America any friends either.

I agree with you there. If it were up to me I would pull every troop we have out of the ME and never send any of them back.

As for Gitmo, where would you like to send those shitbags?? Perhaps to a prison near your town?? Gitmo is the perfect place for them.
>> As for K.S.M. himself, who (as Jane Mayer writes) was waterboarded, reportedly hung for hours on end from his wrists, beaten, and subjected to other agonies for weeks, Bush said he provided “many details of other plots to kill innocent Americans.” K.S.M. was certainly knowledgeable. It would be surprising if he gave up nothing of value. But according to a former senior C.I.A. official, who read all the interrogation reports on K.S.M., “90 percent of it was total fucking bullshit.” A former Pentagon analyst adds: “K.S.M. produced no actionable intelligence. He was trying to tell us how stupid we were.”

... The unreliability of intelligence acquired by torture was taken as a given in the early years of the C.I.A., whose 1963 kubark interrogation manual stated: “Intense pain is quite likely to produce false confessions, concocted as a means of escaping from distress. A time-consuming delay results, while investigation is conducted and the admissions are proven untrue. During this respite the interrogatee can pull himself together. He may even use the time to think up new, more complex ‘admissions’ that take still longer to disprove.”

A 1957 study by Albert Biderman, an Air Force sociologist, described how brainwashing had been achieved by depriving prisoners of sleep, exposing them to cold, and forcing them into agonizing “stress positions” for long periods. In July 2008, The New York Times reported that Biderman’s work formed the basis of a 2002 interrogators’ training class at Guantánamo Bay. That the methods it described had once been used to generate Communist propaganda had apparently been forgotten.

... If torture doesn’t work, what does? The evidence suggests that when the Bush administration decided to ignore many of America’s most experienced counterterrorist agents and go for torture in 2001 and 2002, it shut down rich sources of intelligence. In the biggest terrorist case of the 1990s, the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 that killed more than 220 people, the F.B.I.’s Cloonan and his colleagues were able to persuade three of the main conspirators not only to talk to them but also to give prosecution testimony in court. Here Morocco, the U.S. ally where Binyam Mohamed was sent to be tortured in 2002, provided assistance of a very different order. Eighteen months after the attacks, Cloonan traced L’Houssaine Kherchtou, also known as Joe the Moroccan, an al-Qaeda operative who had played a key role, to his hiding place, in Sudan. The Moroccans concocted a story to lure him home, and when he arrived in Rabat he was arrested.

Cloonan says, “We all went to a beautiful safe house outside of town, with gazelles bouncing around in the grounds and three solid meals fit for a king each day. We all sat on sofas in a big room—me, Ali Soufan [an F.B.I. colleague], Pat Fitzgerald [the U.S. attorney then in charge of a special counterterrorist section in New York], a C.I.A. guy, and two Moroccan colonels. The Moroccans said he’d never talk. He never shut up for 10 days.” Cloonan had done his homework: “His wife needed money for medical treatment in Khartoum, and al-Qaeda had failed to provide it.” That gave Cloonan his “in.” -- Tortured Reasoning

Soooo...... between on the one hand doing some brain work to understand your problem and on the other hand hitting it over the head with brute force... guess which one actually works.

Grow the fuck up, Claudette. Childhood's over.
Even Richard Burr :puke: wouldn't nay. When even he's on board with it, you gotta be a supreme wacko to hang on the other side.

Can we make it retroactive about.... 12 years?

Moral high ground my ass. That gets soldiers killed.

-- Link?

That ridiculous moral high ground doesn't do you one bit of good when your fighting an enemy that plays by no ones rules.

As for Gitmo. Its the best place for those shitbags. Hell. They should execute all of em not release em to go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of to kill more of our soldiers.

Idiots like you make me sick. You think more of your "moral high ground" than you do about our soldiers.

Hope your ass never lands in the Middle east. We'd just how long that moral high ground you tout would last.



Links and there are more than these two.

.US Troops Fed Up With Insane Rules of Engagement - Victoria Jackson

Rules of engagement bind U.S. troops actions in Afghanistan - Washington Times
My question is why should we play by the rules when the enemy has none?

Because that is what separates us from the enemy, retard.

You morons seem to believe that torture is the only way to get information. You're wrong. Dead wrong.
My question is why should we play by the rules when the enemy has none?

Because that is what separates us from the enemy, retard.

You morons seem to believe that torture is the only way to get information. You're wrong. Dead wrong.

The moral high ground only has a good view if you are still alive to look down from it.

The problem is you idiots define any form of coercion as "torture"

We leave our people left with nothing except the soft pillow, and the comfy chair.

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