US Senator and Congressman warn of conspiracy at highest levels to take down President Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
According to the December 21st tweet from Senator Rand Paul seen screenshot below, the absolute mess that we've been watching unfolding over the past year with the DOJ, FBI and other top-ranking Obama officials colluding to prevent our legally elected President into office should be investigated at the highest levels with this 'kicker' from Paul: "This could be WORSE than Watergate!"
US Senator And Congressman Warn Of Conspiracy At The Highest Levels To Take Down President Trump

Many rumors are having it come Christmas even something is coming to take down Trump................ Pay attention lets see what happens. From Christmas even into the New Year we are suppose to have something happen and it won't be pretty.
Holding the President to the standard of Rule by Law is the constitutional measure of acceptable politics.

Good for these government leaders who will hold the President accountable.
According to the December 21st tweet from Senator Rand Paul seen screenshot below, the absolute mess that we've been watching unfolding over the past year with the DOJ, FBI and other top-ranking Obama officials colluding to prevent our legally elected President into office should be investigated at the highest levels with this 'kicker' from Paul: "This could be WORSE than Watergate!"
US Senator And Congressman Warn Of Conspiracy At The Highest Levels To Take Down President Trump

Many rumors are having it come Christmas even something is coming to take down Trump................ Pay attention lets see what happens. From Christmas even into the New Year we are suppose to have something happen and it won't be pretty.

Just lock up the entire Democratic Party and all things tied to it and you will have netted 99.9% of the sinister Deep State. DNC = Our own homegrown national terrorists.
According to the December 21st tweet from Senator Rand Paul seen screenshot below, the absolute mess that we've been watching unfolding over the past year with the DOJ, FBI and other top-ranking Obama officials colluding to prevent our legally elected President into office should be investigated at the highest levels with this 'kicker' from Paul: "This could be WORSE than Watergate!"
US Senator And Congressman Warn Of Conspiracy At The Highest Levels To Take Down President Trump

Many rumors are having it come Christmas even something is coming to take down Trump................ Pay attention lets see what happens. From Christmas even into the New Year we are suppose to have something happen and it won't be pretty.

Just lock up the entire Democratic Party and all things tied to it and you will have netted 99.9% of the sinister Deep State. DNC = Our own homegrown national terrorists.

I'll be anxious to see if anything happens Christmas eve LOL, a really trust worthy source claims it's coming he's not been wrong yet. Now sometimes stuff gets delayed esp. if the public really gets viral about the bs. That often doesn't happen because half the Country are idiots and think everything is fake LOL.... not realizing that often things just take place later ......................and sometimes not. Just depends on teh elite pricks.
I'll be anxious to see if anything happens Christmas eve LOL, a really trust worthy source claims it's coming he's not been wrong yet.

Nothings going to happen, not that they haven't wanted, but consider this: Two Scenarios:

1). Trump plays out his two terms and it will be the end to all things Left.

2). The Deep State assassinates him in two days on our holiest of holidays and it only sets off a civil war revealing the true nature of the Deep State to 200 million people, Trump becomes a martyr to the cause to stamp out corruption in this country and he is replaced by an inspired throng of ten times as many people devoted to the cause. In either event, the Left's days are numbered.
This caller too I forgot to mention is currently in Maraco, he is saying there will def. be an attack on N. Korea. and I just posted an article the other day on it , but we've become so use to hearing N.K. this or that for so long nobody pays attention to it. This guy Zack though hasn't been wrong so we shall see this is all suppose to take place by the New Year.
I'll be anxious to see if anything happens Christmas eve LOL, a really trust worthy source claims it's coming he's not been wrong yet.

Nothings going to happen, not that they haven't wanted, but consider this: Two Scenarios:

1). Trump plays out his two terms and it will be the end to all things Left.

2). The Deep State assassinates him in two days on our holiest of holidays and it only sets off a civil war revealing the true nature of the Deep State to 200 million people, Trump becomes a martyr to the cause to stamp out corruption in this country and he is replaced by an inspired throng of ten times as many people devoted to the cause. In either event, the Left's days are numbered.

It's just too bad you know this Zack guy , he's military, inside intel. he's not been wrong. but of course you guys dont' know this as I do or others who well know who this zack is.

A few months ago the FBI went to his house LMFAO.... he called in to give information that was already kind of known to the public...................but anyway i'm not going to write the whole book on it. .
According to the December 21st tweet from Senator Rand Paul seen screenshot below, the absolute mess that we've been watching unfolding over the past year with the DOJ, FBI and other top-ranking Obama officials colluding to prevent our legally elected President into office should be investigated at the highest levels with this 'kicker' from Paul: "This could be WORSE than Watergate!"
US Senator And Congressman Warn Of Conspiracy At The Highest Levels To Take Down President Trump

Many rumors are having it come Christmas even something is coming to take down Trump................ Pay attention lets see what happens. From Christmas even into the New Year we are suppose to have something happen and it won't be pretty.

Just lock up the entire Democratic Party and all things tied to it and you will have netted 99.9% of the sinister Deep State. DNC = Our own homegrown national terrorists.

I'll be anxious to see if anything happens Christmas eve LOL, a really trust worthy source claims it's coming he's not been wrong yet. Now sometimes stuff gets delayed esp. if the public really gets viral about the bs. That often doesn't happen because half the Country are idiots and think everything is fake LOL.... not realizing that often things just take place later ......................and sometimes not. Just depends on teh elite pricks.

Yes. beware Christmas eve

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