US "Shaken to its Core" by Supreme Court Draft that Would Overturn Roe v Wade - The Guardian. No, people, US is not shaken. We're Joyous

That's the opposite of minding your own fucking business.
True. It’s called “getting involved.” Something decent citizens owe each other. See, when somebody is getting victimized, the whole idea is NOT to mind your own business.
True. It’s called “getting involved.” Something decent citizens owe each other. See, when somebody is getting victimized, the whole idea is NOT to mind your own business.
Yeah, yeah. The left calls it 'awareness'. Magaturds have much in common with leftists these days.
You owe me nothing and vice versa. Mind your own fucking business.
I don’t get the big celebration.

If a liberal wants an abortion, they’ll just drive/fly to a liberal state.

All this will do is cause liberal states to make evil abortion practices such as California where babies can be aborted after being birthed.

I also don’t understand the pro lifers who want to make women who’ve been raped to give birth.

Also forcing women to give birth to a baby when it’s expected to have severe defects such as retardation or severely deformed.
What has the child of rape done to deserve to be put to death? Ditto those with intellectual disabilities.
Atheist Scandinavian countries abort those with Down's Syndrome such that they have almost zero cases. I think that's what makes the godless so heartless. People need hardship in order to have compassion. Not everything is meant to be easy. People are to be treasured, no matter their infirmity.

US shaken to its core by supreme court draft that would overturn Roe v Wade​

No, people. Nobody is 'shaken to their core'. Only the Soros-funded leftwingers and their rabid dimwitted marionettes are "shaken". Most of America is jubilant.

"Protesters gathered outside the court on Tuesday, while demonstrations swelled throughout around the country – both in support of and against abortion rights. Thousands have joined rallies in New York, Boston, Nashville, Dallas, New Orleans and more."

Imma tell you about these 'protests'. The pro-abortion ones are fake. Ginned up and financed by the Soros-funded Marxist left, and their brain-dead acolytes. Mostly single women (who really shouldn't be allowed to have sex anyway). The pro-life groups are out celebrating, not protesting, and these are grass-roots spontaneous eruptions of joy. Nobody's paying these sincere people who have worked and prayed very hard for decades to get this result.

But about those leftwingers protesting at the Supreme Court building; Are they beating on the doors like they did during the Kavanaugh hearings? Are they mounting an insurrection like they did in 2018? Yet CNN celebrated that insurrection. Why?
Anything to deflect from the failures of the Biden administration and Democrat controlled congress.

Why are democrats suddenly afraid of democracy?
Abortion is a religious matter, and we're supposed to have separation of church and state. We're doomed to be ruled by the American Taliban. :puke:
The only prohibition in our constitution is that the gov't is not supposed to make any laws with respect to any religious institution.

That is not a preclusion against religion influencing our politics or our lawmaking.

There is in fact also a bar against any religious tests for office.
Men voting to control women's bodies. The American Taliban is taking over. Next is gay marriage I suppose?
What an utterly asinine and ignorant argument.

In a nation where we cannot discriminate based on sex, religion, or national origin that's one hell of an ignorant and unconstitutional suggestion.

We all get to vote and influence what legislation is going to be passed or repealed.
Next up....involuntary vasectomies (reversable, of course if you get government permission)
No thanks Ms Mengele.

If the reversal of Roe was going to result in forced Tubal Ligations and Hysterectomies you might have an argument under the equal protection clause but we all just know you're trolling.
It isn't? That's an interesting view. See, I believe the exact opposite of what you're saying, and I'm very pro-constitution.
Read the actual wording and what they wrote about it.

Gov't is supposed to be entirely neutral with respect to religion and only intervene when someone might be harmed by such practices as say a cult that wants their members to jump off of a bridge on a certain day, or Crucify members to celebrate Easter, the latter of which actually happened.
Your 2 lives logic is religion based, and we have freedom of religion, so logically you peeps are on the wrong side.
Science determines when life begins and it's "settled science" that a developing embryo or fetus is alive.

The basic criteria for life are met with the first division of a fertilized egg.
You can’t scream fire in a crowded building
You actually can. This is the most over used and abused quote in the history of constitutional discussions.

It was not part of a majority decision it was in fact rejected in the majority decision.
In a nation where we cannot discriminate based on sex, religion, or national origin that's one hell of an ignorant and unconstitutional suggestion.
Some believe the magaturd party is trying to dismantle all of the above regulations on sex, religion, and national origin so they can freely be dicks to discriminate against people not more like them. Do you dispute this obvious fact?

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