US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity

So much about satellite TV reception depends on things you can't see.

OK, so there's wind. Let us assume your dish is rock solid, not whipping around. The wind is NOT a factor. Signals pass through air - they don't ride on it.

What you need to consider is the look angle. If you're around Los Angeles your dish may be pointed almost straight up.

That means you are looking through a relatively thin layer of atmosphere and what you see, weatherwise, is what your dish is seeing. Under those circumstances (with a stable installation) wind has zero effect.

If you live far to the north it's all different. I once lived in a place where the look angle was less than 5-degrees above the horizon. Looking through miles and miles of atmosphere. Where I was might well be clear but with or without wind. Still the signal would pixellate and at times vanish. On those occasions I could check weather at another town about 100 miles to East and, sure enough, rain or snow there. The dish was "looking" at the satellite through that mess. Often there would be wind present locally because of the speed at which weather systems were moving. The important thing was what was going on in the atmosphere through which the signal had to travel. Most U.S. dish installations are about 18-inches in diameter. Where I was the minimum workable was 1-meter and many had 1.5 meter dishes. Not so much the distance from the satellite; rather the very shallow look angle that made the signal weak to start with due to all the varieties of weather happening twixt satellite and receiver.

One tiny factor: If you are looking through trees (your dish, that is), wind that shakes the foliage around will make things worse so you might wanna just cut down the trees.

So if the power source were terrestrial and reasonably close by, yeah, I won't deny a system could be invented that might get power to you but at some cost in inefficiency, worsened according to distance. The hardest part might be killing off all the NIMBYs who would not want YOUR electricity passing through THEIR air.

AGAIN, antenna problems.

Im thinking you did not consider what was posted very well.

If neither antennas are moving, and making some assumptions, how can it be an antenna problem? I would think radio issue, or some other issue depending. You do not have enough information to make such a guess. Yes, its one of several at that point, but I have never had an issue with an antenna that was mounted securely enough and still cause a problem.

Heres a thought, find out what the system is... is it an omni antenna set, is it a dish? Whats the frequency? Whats the path length? What time of year? What type of mounting is it? How many systems are off teh AP? Ist it an AP? What is the information being carried? Is it analog or digital?

I mean really, this is why I hate engineers that have little experience in the field, its like they think "I read it in a book and it should be this problem". smh... I have had enough experience to say with all honesty, Its not always in a book.

I had a problem once where a signal was coming in strong and then going to nothing...

Tell me OnePercenter, what was the problem? Hint: Its much like this staellite tv problem suggested.
You're already whining about the conspiracy that will prevent Wi-tricity from being successful. It's NOT a power source. It's not even neccessary from an efficient use standpoint. It is broadcasting energy even when there is nothing around to use it if applied to more than a wireless pad charger for your handheld devices.

Not gonna help correct the fatal flaws in the list of current "alternatives"..

It's not a power source, it's a delivery source.
  • Direct Wireless Power—All the power a device needs is provided wirelessly — no batteries are required. This mode powers devices that are always within range of its WiTricity power source.
  • Automatic Wireless Charging—A device with rechargeable batteries charges itself, while still in use or at rest, without requiring a power cord or battery replacement. This mode is used to charge mobile devices when in range of its WiTricity power source, without having to physically connect the device.
This suggests its is inducing power on the products. Not a new technology, of course tryign to apply it to earlier tech was not as easy. Now that technology has electronics using less power, it is easier to run this equipment. However, Im still skeptical, and again with more concern with cancers and such, adding more radio waves will create more hysteria. (hell, even Im concerned since Ive spend a good deal of time in front of and around active radio waves.)

OMG! It's a power AND a delivery source.

The cure for hysteria is education.

please clarify, unless you are more interested in being an ass.

Anything that generates radio waves is a 'power source' and of course radio waves is a delivery source, first year electronics.

Explain what is happening though, what is on the web site is OLD technology that is being used for localized low power systems... you cannot provide 1000 kwh to a home with what is proposed nor with what your link shows.

and please tell me you are an engineer, and not a secretary for that company.

For your clarification;

Here's some background from 2013:

A microwave metamaterial with integrated power harvesting functionality

I can tell you that since that paper was written there are test homes that derive all of their energy wirelessly.

Beyond that, I can't elaborate due to proprietary rights.

FYI: I'm not an Engineer, I hire Engineers.

Right... Property rights..... Nikolai Tesla proposed that plan back in 1898 I think.. You still paying him royalties for the concept? Not quite as old as the idea of wind turbines or solar thermal conversion..

US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity

US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity
Solar is kicking ass.

What is it up to now? 1% of total capacity? 2?

Yep…pretty kick ass….coming from Matthew, who is undoubtedly using coal, nuke and natural gas fired electricity to claim that solar is kicking ass. Pretty funny if you think about it.
And he doesn't even own an electric either. Also not how he abandoned the thread weeks ago.

Solar has come a long way. :thup:

I'd like to see the subsidies end and let the industry stand on it's own feet. Why are we subsidizing Elon Musk? He's a billionaire.....C'mon lefties- Why are we giving billionaires taxpayer money? Cognitive dissonance anyone?
Because his business would implode.

We give the oil companies billions, so why not?

Then there's big box stores like WalMart for additional billions.

Over the past century, the federal government has pumped more than $470 billion into the oil and gas industry in the form of generous, never-expiring tax breaks. Once intended to jump-start struggling domestic drillers, these incentives have become a tidy bonus for some of the world's most profitable companies.

Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones

Idiot reporters at Mother Jones just repeating the same old faulty allegations that SOME FOLKS swallow whole even tho they should know better..

Writing Off Drilling Expenses: A century ago, drilling for oil was risky business. Start-up costs were high, and prospectors couldn't be sure they'd find crude. To encourage the nascent industry, in 1916 Congress approved the expensing of "intangible drilling costs"—pretty much any equipment used or work done—in the first year of a well's life. Today, prospectors rarely hit dry holes, but the century-old tax break remains a gusher.

Go walk over to your accounting gurus and ask them if your company writes off R&D expenses. NONE of things in the article are UNIQUE to oil. And Mother can't even take the time to look thru the history and engineering of oil drilling to understand that "less dry holes" are because of better and EXPENSIVE tools and surveys BEFORE the drilling starts. Same with their whining about "depreciation" schedules. Show me a biz that doesn't have a paradigm for depreciation allowances..

Boo fuckin hoo...
US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity

US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity
Solar is kicking ass.

What is it up to now? 1% of total capacity? 2?

Yep…pretty kick ass….coming from Matthew, who is undoubtedly using coal, nuke and natural gas fired electricity to claim that solar is kicking ass. Pretty funny if you think about it.
And he doesn't even own an electric either. Also not how he abandoned the thread weeks ago.

Solar has come a long way. :thup:

I'd like to see the subsidies end and let the industry stand on it's own feet. Why are we subsidizing Elon Musk? He's a billionaire.....C'mon lefties- Why are we giving billionaires taxpayer money? Cognitive dissonance anyone?
Because his business would implode.

We give the oil companies billions, so why not?

Then there's big box stores like WalMart for additional billions.

Over the past century, the federal government has pumped more than $470 billion into the oil and gas industry in the form of generous, never-expiring tax breaks. Once intended to jump-start struggling domestic drillers, these incentives have become a tidy bonus for some of the world's most profitable companies.

Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones

Idiot reporters at Mother Jones just repeating the same old faulty allegations that SOME FOLKS swallow whole even tho they should know better..

Writing Off Drilling Expenses: A century ago, drilling for oil was risky business. Start-up costs were high, and prospectors couldn't be sure they'd find crude. To encourage the nascent industry, in 1916 Congress approved the expensing of "intangible drilling costs"—pretty much any equipment used or work done—in the first year of a well's life. Today, prospectors rarely hit dry holes, but the century-old tax break remains a gusher.

Go walk over to your accounting gurus and ask them if your company writes off R&D expenses. NONE of things in the article are UNIQUE to oil. And Mother can't even take the time to look thru the history and engineering of oil drilling to understand that "less dry holes" are because of better and EXPENSIVE tools and surveys BEFORE the drilling starts. Same with their whining about "depreciation" schedules. Show me a biz that doesn't have a paradigm for depreciation allowances..

Boo fuckin hoo...

The question is, should a company making tens of billions in profit receive taxpayer subsidies?
I can't call that an antenna problem, just an atmospheric problem that no antenna could fix.

Atmospheric interruptions in video cause the video signal to be spread over a larger area, thus you need a larger antenna.

again, what is the system?

What is the frequency?

Just jumping on "it needs a larger antenna" is a shotgun fix at best. You do not have enough information to claim its an antenna problem.
US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity

US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity
Solar is kicking ass.

What is it up to now? 1% of total capacity? 2?

Yep…pretty kick ass….coming from Matthew, who is undoubtedly using coal, nuke and natural gas fired electricity to claim that solar is kicking ass. Pretty funny if you think about it.
And he doesn't even own an electric either. Also not how he abandoned the thread weeks ago.

Solar has come a long way. :thup:

I'd like to see the subsidies end and let the industry stand on it's own feet. Why are we subsidizing Elon Musk? He's a billionaire.....C'mon lefties- Why are we giving billionaires taxpayer money? Cognitive dissonance anyone?
Because his business would implode.

We give the oil companies billions, so why not?

Then there's big box stores like WalMart for additional billions.

Over the past century, the federal government has pumped more than $470 billion into the oil and gas industry in the form of generous, never-expiring tax breaks. Once intended to jump-start struggling domestic drillers, these incentives have become a tidy bonus for some of the world's most profitable companies.

Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones

Idiot reporters at Mother Jones just repeating the same old faulty allegations that SOME FOLKS swallow whole even tho they should know better..

Writing Off Drilling Expenses: A century ago, drilling for oil was risky business. Start-up costs were high, and prospectors couldn't be sure they'd find crude. To encourage the nascent industry, in 1916 Congress approved the expensing of "intangible drilling costs"—pretty much any equipment used or work done—in the first year of a well's life. Today, prospectors rarely hit dry holes, but the century-old tax break remains a gusher.

Go walk over to your accounting gurus and ask them if your company writes off R&D expenses. NONE of things in the article are UNIQUE to oil. And Mother can't even take the time to look thru the history and engineering of oil drilling to understand that "less dry holes" are because of better and EXPENSIVE tools and surveys BEFORE the drilling starts. Same with their whining about "depreciation" schedules. Show me a biz that doesn't have a paradigm for depreciation allowances..

Boo fuckin hoo...

The one tax advantage that natural resource exploiting companies (oil, gas, mining) get that other businesses do not is the ability to fully depreciate land to zero.
The question is, should a company making tens of billions in profit receive taxpayer subsidies?

Write offs, like an business.

But they are also taxed tens of billions in dollars as well, we cannot overlook that tid bit.

In 2009 ExxonMobil paid zero in US Federal taxes and only made $45.2 billion in profits. Seems they need those subsidies. In 2013 I grossed $26.5 million and paid 4% in Federal tax. I NEED MORE SUBSIDIES!!!!! Let's lower the corporate tax rate to 20% so I can pay zero........HELP THE RICH YOU IDIOTS......WE NEED THE MONEY!!!!
Last edited:
In 2009 ExxonMobil paid zero in US Federal taxes and only made $45.2 billion in profits. Seems they need those subsidies. In 2013 I grossed $26.5 million and paid 4% in Federal tax. I NEED MORE SUBSIDIES!!!!! Let's lower the corporate tax rate to 20% so I can pay zero........HELP THE RICH YOU IDIOTS......WE NEED THE MONEY!!!!

That is not true. Per Bernie Sanders says ExxonMobil paid no taxes in 2009 but that s inaccurate PolitiFact

"According to the 10-K, ExxonMobil remitted $6.3 billion in sales taxes, $110 million in state income taxes, and $1.5 billion in "other taxes and duties." All told, the company's tax liability according to its 10-K was $7.7 billion. (These numbers are not necessarily totals actually paid but derived using generally accepted accounting principles.) And that only counts taxes paid in the U.S. It paid an additional $70 billion-plus in taxes to foreign governments in 2009, $15 billion of which was for income taxes."
In 2009 ExxonMobil paid zero in US Federal taxes and only made $45.2 billion in profits. Seems they need those subsidies. In 2013 I grossed $26.5 million and paid 4% in Federal tax. I NEED MORE SUBSIDIES!!!!! Let's lower the corporate tax rate to 20% so I can pay zero........HELP THE RICH YOU IDIOTS......WE NEED THE MONEY!!!!


Not true.

Nice rhetoric though.
Far enough north and the antenna it would take to ensure 99.9% signal reliability would be large enough to live in.
US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity

US Solar Makes Up Over Half Of New Generating Capacity
Solar is kicking ass.

What is it up to now? 1% of total capacity? 2?

Yep…pretty kick ass….coming from Matthew, who is undoubtedly using coal, nuke and natural gas fired electricity to claim that solar is kicking ass. Pretty funny if you think about it.
And he doesn't even own an electric either. Also not how he abandoned the thread weeks ago.

Solar has come a long way. :thup:

I'd like to see the subsidies end and let the industry stand on it's own feet. Why are we subsidizing Elon Musk? He's a billionaire.....C'mon lefties- Why are we giving billionaires taxpayer money? Cognitive dissonance anyone?
Because his business would implode.

We give the oil companies billions, so why not?

Then there's big box stores like WalMart for additional billions.

Over the past century, the federal government has pumped more than $470 billion into the oil and gas industry in the form of generous, never-expiring tax breaks. Once intended to jump-start struggling domestic drillers, these incentives have become a tidy bonus for some of the world's most profitable companies.

Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones

Idiot reporters at Mother Jones just repeating the same old faulty allegations that SOME FOLKS swallow whole even tho they should know better..

Writing Off Drilling Expenses: A century ago, drilling for oil was risky business. Start-up costs were high, and prospectors couldn't be sure they'd find crude. To encourage the nascent industry, in 1916 Congress approved the expensing of "intangible drilling costs"—pretty much any equipment used or work done—in the first year of a well's life. Today, prospectors rarely hit dry holes, but the century-old tax break remains a gusher.

Go walk over to your accounting gurus and ask them if your company writes off R&D expenses. NONE of things in the article are UNIQUE to oil. And Mother can't even take the time to look thru the history and engineering of oil drilling to understand that "less dry holes" are because of better and EXPENSIVE tools and surveys BEFORE the drilling starts. Same with their whining about "depreciation" schedules. Show me a biz that doesn't have a paradigm for depreciation allowances..

Boo fuckin hoo...

The question is, should a company making tens of billions in profit receive taxpayer subsidies?

NO COMPANY should receive subsidies for stuff that ALREADY EXISTS in the marketplace.. But I'm tired of partisans hacks trying to say that Oil gets tax breaks in the same sense as the massive GREEN subsidies that we are paying for MATURE technologies..

Wanna join me in outrage? Let's stop all TRUE subsidies today.. Not depreciation schedules, not allowances for R&D, just the $60 that GE receives on every "energy star" washing machine and similar TRUE subsidies...
I love it when stupid journalists take an entry line out of a 200 page corporate tax return and pretend they understand it. Bernie Sanders included. Exxon OVERPAID in 2008, and had a credit for that along with
paying 7.7Bill in taxes OVERSEAS.. Fix the tax structure and that latter part wouldn't happen..
In 2009 ExxonMobil paid zero in US Federal taxes and only made $45.2 billion in profits. Seems they need those subsidies. In 2013 I grossed $26.5 million and paid 4% in Federal tax. I NEED MORE SUBSIDIES!!!!! Let's lower the corporate tax rate to 20% so I can pay zero........HELP THE RICH YOU IDIOTS......WE NEED THE MONEY!!!!


Not true.

Nice rhetoric though.

Seems you both missed: US Federal Taxes. Nice try.
I love it when stupid journalists take an entry line out of a 200 page corporate tax return and pretend they understand it. Bernie Sanders included. Exxon OVERPAID in 2008, and had a credit for that along with
paying 7.7Bill in taxes OVERSEAS.. Fix the tax structure and that latter part wouldn't happen..

All corporations overpay. It limits liability if a 'mistake' is made. How much of the $7.7 billion in overseas taxes was deductible? Net was $45.2 billion in profits. Not bad. Should a company making $45.2 billion net receive subsidies?
I love it when stupid journalists take an entry line out of a 200 page corporate tax return and pretend they understand it. Bernie Sanders included. Exxon OVERPAID in 2008, and had a credit for that along with
paying 7.7Bill in taxes OVERSEAS.. Fix the tax structure and that latter part wouldn't happen..

Lets fix the tax structure and get the economy going.....

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
I love it when stupid journalists take an entry line out of a 200 page corporate tax return and pretend they understand it. Bernie Sanders included. Exxon OVERPAID in 2008, and had a credit for that along with
paying 7.7Bill in taxes OVERSEAS.. Fix the tax structure and that latter part wouldn't happen..

All corporations overpay. It limits liability if a 'mistake' is made. How much of the $7.7 billion in overseas taxes was deductible? Net was $45.2 billion in profits. Not bad. Should a company making $45.2 billion net receive subsidies?

The get the same write offs as most other companies, even the dumbass wind turbine projects that will always produce power at a loss.

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