US to Allow Syria to Miss 1st Deadline in Chemical Weapon Inventory


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Syria may miss first deadline in U.S.-Russia chemical arms deal

The ambitious U.S.-Russian deal to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons, hailed as a diplomatic breakthrough just days ago, hit its first delay Wednesday with indications that the Syrian government will not submit an inventory of its toxic stockpiles and facilities to international inspectors by this weekend's deadline.

The State Department signaled that it would not insist that Syrian President Bashar Assad produce the list Saturday, the end of a seven-day period spelled out in the framework deal that Washington and Moscow announced last weekend in Geneva.

Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, said Wednesday that "our goal is to see forward momentum" by Saturday, not the full list. "We've never said it was a hard and fast deadline."
Syria may miss first deadline in U.S.-Russia chemical arms deal -
Who cares?

Benghazi fell off the radar.

The moonbat messiah never gave a shit about Syria.
Sorry, losers. Syria has submitted data to the Hague. This would not have happened if we had not threatened to bomb Syria.

Facts are facts, and they are undeniable.

Your anti-war hysteria and adoration of Russia's President are worthy of Jane Fonda. Come back to reality before it is too late for you.
Sorry, losers. Syria has submitted data to the Hague. This would not have happened if we had not threatened to bomb Syria.

Facts are facts, and they are undeniable.

Your anti-war hysteria and adoration of Russia's President are worthy of Jane Fonda. Come back to reality before it is too late for you.

Why are you so gullible? Why on earth would you believe he is giving up all of his chemical weapons? Especially when he has seen there is not a great threat from Obama?

I am not being sarcastic, I am asking a serious question.
Sorry, losers. Syria has submitted data to the Hague. This would not have happened if we had not threatened to bomb Syria.

Facts are facts, and they are undeniable.

Your anti-war hysteria and adoration of Russia's President are worthy of Jane Fonda. Come back to reality before it is too late for you.

Why are you so gullible? Why on earth would you believe he is giving up all of his chemical weapons? Especially when he has seen there is not a great threat from Obama?

I am not being sarcastic, I am asking a serious question.

Where did I say I believe he will give up ALL his chemical weapons?

You really want to be setting a benchmark of perfection? Think REAL hard about that, because I will apply it retroactively to every President and your yardstick will end up three feet up your ass.

It's like you retards think Putin and Assad woke up one day and said, "Let's put the United States in its place and reveal Syria's chemical weapons and then submit ourselves to the Hague! That's will REALLY show them and make the US look weak!"

Your desperation to avoid giving the United States any credit whatsoever in this amazing development is making you look seriously deranged.

History will record the red line crossing and response as the parking of the 6th Fleet off the coast of Syria and the threat of taking out the command and control structure of the Sryian government, with Assad being the head of command and control, the "pin prick" target.
Sorry, losers. Syria has submitted data to the Hague. This would not have happened if we had not threatened to bomb Syria.

Facts are facts, and they are undeniable.

Your anti-war hysteria and adoration of Russia's President are worthy of Jane Fonda. Come back to reality before it is too late for you.

Why are you so gullible? Why on earth would you believe he is giving up all of his chemical weapons? Especially when he has seen there is not a great threat from Obama?

I am not being sarcastic, I am asking a serious question.

Where did I say I believe he will give up ALL his chemical weapons?

You really want to be setting a benchmark of perfection? Think REAL hard about that, because I will apply it retroactively to every President and your yardstick will end up three feet up your ass.

It's like you retards think Putin and Assad woke up one day and said, "Let's put the United States in its place and reveal Syria's chemical weapons and then submit ourselves to the Hague! That's will REALLY show them and make the US look weak!"

Your desperation to avoid giving the United States any credit whatsoever in this amazing development is making you look seriously deranged.

So, Assad gives up a fraction of the chemical weapons, says the rebels got a hold of some and used them on their own people, and Assad holds back the main cache for future use. That move gets the red line erased, US is off his back and all is fine Civil War Land. Obama looks the other way and wipes the egg off his face and it's Hunky Dory in Obama Land.

Who's the fool? Get back to me on that one.
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History will record the red line crossing and response as the parking of the 6th Fleet off the coast of Syria and the threat of taking out the command and control structure of the Sryian government, with Assad being the head of command and control, the "pin prick" target.

Exactly. Obama was more than ready to bomb Syria for crossing the red line. But then the faux right Hanoi Janes started screaming anti-war slogans and sucking off Putin.
Why are you so gullible? Why on earth would you believe he is giving up all of his chemical weapons? Especially when he has seen there is not a great threat from Obama?

I am not being sarcastic, I am asking a serious question.

Where did I say I believe he will give up ALL his chemical weapons?

You really want to be setting a benchmark of perfection? Think REAL hard about that, because I will apply it retroactively to every President and your yardstick will end up three feet up your ass.

It's like you retards think Putin and Assad woke up one day and said, "Let's put the United States in its place and reveal Syria's chemical weapons and then submit ourselves to the Hague! That's will REALLY show them and make the US look weak!"

Your desperation to avoid giving the United States any credit whatsoever in this amazing development is making you look seriously deranged.

So, Assad gives up a fraction of the chemical weapons, says the rebels got a hold of some and used them on their own people, and Assad holds back the main cache for future use. That move gets the red line erased, US is off his back and all is fine Civil War Land. Obama looks the other way and wipes the egg off his face and it's Hunky Dory in Obama Land.

Who's the fool? Get back to me on that one.

Nice masturbation fantasy you have going there.

Again, I will take your measuring stick and shove it three feet up your ass when it is applied to past presidents. You sure you want to go there, idiot?

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!!!"

I guess all you Hanoi Janes think Reagan should have checked with the American people and Congress before making such a bold demand.

You see how your idiotic statements feel when applied retroactively? Getting a bit of a taste as your yardstick works its way up your ass and hits your tonsils?

Obama followed through on his threat. But you Hanoi Janes all started sucking off Putin and singing anti-war songs while drinking barrels of piss trying to avoid supporting your country.
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Why are you so gullible? Why on earth would you believe he is giving up all of his chemical weapons? Especially when he has seen there is not a great threat from Obama?

I am not being sarcastic, I am asking a serious question.

Where did I say I believe he will give up ALL his chemical weapons?

You really want to be setting a benchmark of perfection? Think REAL hard about that, because I will apply it retroactively to every President and your yardstick will end up three feet up your ass.

It's like you retards think Putin and Assad woke up one day and said, "Let's put the United States in its place and reveal Syria's chemical weapons and then submit ourselves to the Hague! That's will REALLY show them and make the US look weak!"

Your desperation to avoid giving the United States any credit whatsoever in this amazing development is making you look seriously deranged.

So, Assad gives up a fraction of the chemical weapons, says the rebels got a hold of some and used them on their own people, and Assad holds back the main cache for future use. That move gets the red line erased, US is off his back and all is fine Civil War Land. Obama looks the other way and wipes the egg off his face and it's Hunky Dory in Obama Land.

Who's the fool? Get back to me on that one.

Assad has already used his "get out of getting bombed card". Putin put Russia's credibiliy and reputation on the table. If Assad holds back on his weapons he will be screwing over Putin and confirming that he absolutely can not be trusted, not even by Russia. The USA will release the dogs of war on him. Not all of them, but enough get rid of Assad, put a moderate in his place and to insure Syria is does not stay stuck in a quagmire of a civil war, lend assistance in annihilating the jihadist and al Qaeda affiliates.

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