US, UK Training Syrian Rebel Forces for Eventual Takeover


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

US, UK Training Syrian Rebel Forces for Eventual Takeover

March 8, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

As expected the Brits are the first to pull the trigger on this, both in providing the training and being willing to talk about it. That was the way it was in Libya, with the US government never getting around to admitting what was really going on, while the British defense (or defence) chief openly talked about taking out Gaddafi.

The paper shield for all this is that the United States and the United Kingdom are providing training to manage the chaos after/if Assad falls. There’s some grounds for that considering the disaster in the Libyan War, when the US, UK and France destroyed the Libyan government’s forces and turned over the country to a bunch of Islamist militias. Benghazi was a direct result of that.

But there’s no sign that Syria will go any differently. If anything the mess is likely to be worse. Al Qaeda allied militias are already keeping orders in parts of the country. Displacing them using a force commanded by defecting Syrian rebel officers is iffy at best. And that’s assuming that they don’t just hook up anyway, which has happened in the past.


US, UK Training Syrian Rebel Forces for Eventual Takeover

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