US Virgin Islands Attorney General Fired After Suing JP Morgan Over Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Scandal

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Denise was very badly advised or over-rated her strength . You do not take on JPM and the WEF and expect to stay in a job .Alive perhaps .With luck and grovelling .
Maxwell has been singing out loud and it is possible that Epstein is alive .
So who knows which way developments will go ?

However , if you look at the pilot's passenger records you might conclude -- as I do -- that the truth will lay buried long after we are all dead .That list is more interesting in terms of who did not travel to the island than those who did .
The list is treble dynamite .
I wonder when they will get their millions in taxpayers money now?
and they vote for it---sick fuckers, the SCUM demonRATS are

Biden’s visit to the Virgin Islands overlaps the firing of top prosecutor looking into Epstein’s business partners

3 Jan 2023 ~~ By Oliva Murray

The political cabal has sent off a new warning shot, this time aimed towards Denise George, the Attorney General of the U.S. Virgin Islands until just a few days ago, when she was promptly fired by the territory’s governor. What was her offense? Vowing to bring justice to those involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s web of pedophilia and human trafficking.
From an article by Frank Bergman of Slay News:
The news of George’s firing comes just days after she made global headlines by moving to bring justice to those complicit in Epstein’s crimes.​
Now, this may come as a surprise to you (not), but the governor, a “Build Back Better” Democrat, “relieved” George of her duties, although neglected to offer a reason for the administration move. I wonder if Biden’s presence in the territory had anything to do with it? He does have a history of bribing officials to fire prosecutors, doesn’t he?
George’s firing is just the latest in what I see as obvious cabal coverups to protect the elites and their pedophilia. After all, today marks 371 days since Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex-trafficking minors to apparently nobody. How can one be guilty of sex-trafficking if there are no buyers? Where’s the dang list?

One and accident. Twice a coincidence, Three times a pattern.
Was it just a coincidence that Joey Xi Biden spent time in U.S. Virgin Island and another Attorney General has been fired.
IMO, the Maoist/DSA Democrats have been emboldened by the lack of scrutiny for Epstein’s “suicide” or the stolen election. Thanks, to our Quisling MSM.
They now do it in our faces, and laugh at those of us who notice.
The fraudulent 2020 "election" coup was proof-of-concept:
"Can we steal an election in front of everyone, then use the Media and social media to shout down any dissenters?"​
Mission accomplished!

And ironically, Biden left for the Virgin Islands this weekend.

The Pedophile Syndicate has included everyone from Royalty to Presidents to Governors, some of tbe wealthiest, highest ranking, most powerful people in the world.

Numerous people associated with Epstein have been 'suicided' while the United States government's own Federal Bureau of Investigation confiscated and has hidden away, refusing to release or identify the names on Epstein's client list (much like they have done with Seth Rich's and Hunter Biden's laptops).

This person is lucky he is still alive...for now.
Funny how this story just plain disappeared.

Joe arrives in the US Virgin Islands a few days after the AG filed her case in NY against JP Morgan Chase and a few days later, bam she’s fired.

Oh just a coincidence. :uhoh3::420::uhoh3:

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