US Wants to Help Ukraine to Retake More Territory.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

This could be the first story out that tells the story?

Russia has been making more gains around the eastern Donetsk city of Bakhmut, where Ukrainian forces have been taking heavy casualties. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Russia has started its long-awaited offensive, but it’s not clear if Russia has launched a major push or the momentum is just on its side in Bakhmut, where Russian and Ukrainian forces have been locked in battle for months.
Joe Biden needs a distraction and an escape from his poor approval numbers... and they way the old timers always did that was to take us to war and try to get us to wave the flag... not gonna work this time old Joe....
If Joe puts US boots on the ground no way he wins his primary and he will be once again embarrassed on a national stage....
If Joe puts US boots on the ground no way he wins his primary and he will be once again embarrassed on a national stage....
I don't think American boots on the ground is ever going to be the answer for this war. First off, it would reveal that it truly is America's war against Russia, literally speaking.

But there's almost certainly going to be a 'Hail Mary' from Biden's pentagon!

It's hard to imagine what that could be? It can't be tanks and jet fighters for reasons that have been explained. Without air cover the experts have explained that the 30 tanks will be vapourized before they even get to the front!

A provocation by the Ukraine of the Chernoble sort is the only way I can think of for America to get the UN involved and to the rescue. How that could reverse Russia's gains and momentum, who knows??

This could be the first story out that tells the story?
That would certainly be Putin's wet dream, but it is a ridiculous idea.

This could be the first story out that tells the story?
Your link:

"The Minsk accords were brokered in 2014 and 2015 by France and Germany, but former German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently said the deal was meant to buy Ukraine time for a war with Russia, suggesting they were never meant to be implemented.

"The only time negotiations had a chance during the current conflict in Ukraine was in the early days of the war, but those efforts were impeded by the US and its allies.

"Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett recently revealed his attempts to mediate a peace deal in March 2022 were 'blocked' by the US.

"Later in March 2022, Russian and Ukrainian negotiators met in Istanbul.

"They reportedly tentatively agreed on a deal around that time that would have involved Russia withdrawing to the pre-invasion lines in exchange for some form of Ukrainian neutrality with security guarantees.

"But former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Kyiv and urged Zelensky not to negotiate, said the West didn’t want to sign a deal with Russia, and the talks ultimately failed."

Western sanctions were still expected to end Russia's ability to defend itself last March; so far, it appears Europe. the US and NATO will face regime change long before Putin does.

The Big Question I have is how will Western leaders react when it becomes obvious Zelensky has lost and cries of "We Must Do Something" begin rising in DC?
Your link:

"The Minsk accords were brokered in 2014 and 2015 by France and Germany, but former German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently said the deal was meant to buy Ukraine time for a war with Russia, suggesting they were never meant to be implemented.

"The only time negotiations had a chance during the current conflict in Ukraine was in the early days of the war, but those efforts were impeded by the US and its allies.

"Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett recently revealed his attempts to mediate a peace deal in March 2022 were 'blocked' by the US.

"Later in March 2022, Russian and Ukrainian negotiators met in Istanbul.

"They reportedly tentatively agreed on a deal around that time that would have involved Russia withdrawing to the pre-invasion lines in exchange for some form of Ukrainian neutrality with security guarantees.

"But former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Kyiv and urged Zelensky not to negotiate, said the West didn’t want to sign a deal with Russia, and the talks ultimately failed."

Western sanctions were still expected to end Russia's ability to defend itself last March; so far, it appears Europe. the US and NATO will face regime change long before Putin does.

And now we know it's all true.
The Big Question I have is how will Western leaders react when it becomes obvious Zelensky has lost and cries of "We Must Do Something" begin rising in DC?
Some are saying that it could be the end of Nato and the end of America's ability to pull the puppets' strings.

What can America do? Or the question should really be, what can America tell Ukraine's military to do. A Chernoble sort of event would justify America demanding that the war must be ended.

The saving grace is in Russia being forced into accepting an agreement in which the Ukraine will become neutral. (If Ukraine still exists?)

One factor that is of the greatest importance to both America and Russia:

Russia is going to demand that the peace is guaranteed to be permanent and secure.

America is going to be making sure that the peace can be somehow interrupted.

I say that on the basis of it being my firm belief that the war has always been only for America's ambition of regime change for Russia and the breaking up of a great power sitting on the lion's share of the world's resources.

There can never be peace for Russia. But there can never be defeat!
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I no longer give much of a fuck what they do. I continue to oppose what’s been done so far. If you have a loved one of military age, keep them out just as long as you can.
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I no longer give much of a fuck what they do. I continue to oppose what’s been done so far. If you have a loved one of military age, keep them out just as long as you can
You know that some critical point is close when Americans turn to relying on the claim of not giving a f--- anymore.
The bastards cannot have my boy to further their designs.
You might own your boy but the country owns his mind.

Fear not! Modern warfare doesn't ask for individual sacrifice on the battlefield.
You might own your boy but the country owns his mind.

Fear not! Modern warfare doesn't ask for individual sacrifice on the battlefield.
The families of 138,000 Russian soldiers who died in Ukraine because of Putin's bizarre dreams of empire would differ with you.
I say that on the basis of it being my firm belief that the war has always been only for America's ambition of regime change for Russia and the breaking up of a great power sitting on the lion's share of the world's resources

After the continent of Africa, Russian natural resources are what western capitalists most covet, imho:

A western plot to balkanize Russia gets leaked. But the one Russia has will never get leaked

"The US wants to break up Russia into smaller states for 'moral and strategic' reasons.

"A recent draft entitled, 'The US Government’s Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe’s plan to break Russia up into a collection of independent small states.' has explained exactly what the US intends to do with Russia"

After the continent of Africa, Russian natural resources are what western capitalists most covet, imho:

A western plot to balkanize Russia gets leaked. But the one Russia has will never get leaked

"The US wants to break up Russia into smaller states for 'moral and strategic' reasons.

"A recent draft entitled, 'The US Government’s Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe’s plan to break Russia up into a collection of independent small states.' has explained exactly what the US intends to do with Russia"
Nothing moral about theft on a grand scale. See Syria.

This could be the first story out that tells the story?

LOL, it's funny

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