USA Today Columnist Cal Thomas: Gay Marriage Is A Sign of the 'End Times'

Do people who predict the end of the world feel disappointed when the appointed hour comes and goes without every human being on the planet being torn to pieces in the most horrific ways imaginable?

I bet they do.

"Gosh darn it. I was looking forward to my neighbors being eaten by wild dogs and going to the fires of Hell for all eternity while I just laaaaaaaughed and laaaaaaughed."

Matthew 7:2.
Do people who predict the end of the world feel disappointed when the appointed hour comes and goes without every human being on the planet being torn to pieces in the most horrific ways imaginable?

I bet they do.

"Gosh darn it. I was looking forward to my neighbors being eaten by wild dogs and going to the fires of Hell for all eternity while I just laaaaaaaughed and laaaaaaughed."

Matthew 7:2.

Nobody knows the appointed hour so how would they know if it "comes and goes"?

Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Note that Sean Hanity wrote the forward for this weirdo's book.

From the article:
Thomas also believes that gay marriage is a sign of the “end times." For that reason he predicts that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of marriage equality and that there’s not much he can do about it because “everything is right on schedule.”

So, its all part of god's plan?

Cool. That means the nutters can stop harassing gays.

Its a win/win.

Note that Sean Hanity wrote the forward for this weirdo's book.

From the article:
Thomas also believes that gay marriage is a sign of the “end times." For that reason he predicts that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of marriage equality and that there’s not much he can do about it because “everything is right on schedule.”

So, its all part of god's plan?

Cool. That means the nutters can stop harassing gays.

Its a win/win.


Sean Hannity like O'reilly is a :alcoholic:
I see the gastric penguin Vigilante is out and about belching mouth farts about nothing.

Cal is entitled to his beliefs, and I pointed out his religion to give context to his comments.

This is how penguin emperors treated gastric penguins.

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I see the gastric penguin Vigilante is out and about belching mouth farts about nothing.

Cal is entitled to his beliefs, and I pointed out his religion to give context to his comments.
Maybe you don't know of what "end" times he referred to. There are hetero end times and homo end times...if ya git mah driff....
"Cal is a hardcore Catholic, similar to Mel Gibson, so take this with a grain of salt."

He's a hardcore loony-tune social conservative.
You see even the black, CommiecRAT, shyster agrees with our Manchurian Republican.... fascinating...Just fascinating! Caught the Jakeass again with SUPPORT from a fellow traveler!

Cal is a catholic, gastric genguin, not an evangelical. His end times are time than yours, deltex1.

This is how stand up penguins treat gastric penguins like you and Vigilante..

I see the gastric penguin Vigilante is out and about belching mouth farts about nothing.

Cal is entitled to his beliefs, and I pointed out his religion to give context to his comments.
Maybe you don't know of what "end" times he referred to. There are hetero end times and homo end times...if ya git mah driff....

Jake is one of those "christians" who pick and choose what parts of his Bible he believes.
Cal is a catholic, gastric genguin, not an evangelical. His end times are time than yours, deltex1.

This is how stand up penguins treat gastric penguins like you and Vigilante..

Well WE never displayed STOLEN VALOR when asked where and when we served!

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