USA! Who want's to see it gone?

It has only gotten shittier over the past 8 years or so. Before that, it was not the best, but much better than what the progressive is going to leave us, and even that is much, much better than any vision you would have.

We're going to find out if a place holder really is better than the outgoing loser.

I don't like progressives. The US is shit no matter who is in charge. It is shitty at its very core.
Given its the very best in the entire world, I have to question what you would consider better.

However, regardless of your belief, this country is a-okay by Me. We have some problems, yes we do. But mature adults identify problems and work on solving them. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't.

But hey, you go right ahead with your frothing hatred and gut tearing rage against America. I'm going to enjoy watching your descent.
Given its the very best in the entire world

Of course you have convinced yourself that it is the best. You are emotionally dependent on the US being great.

It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.

Given its the very best in the entire world

Of course you have convinced yourself that it is the best. You are emotionally dependent on the US being great.

It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.

Is that how you deal with your world? I'm not emotionally dependent upon anything. I simply have no need to hate and destroy things because I can't get My way. But that is how adults function in the real world. We don't always get our way and use that as a lesson or a goad to do better and fixing those things we think need fixing.

You have convinced yourself that America sucks because you can't get your participation trophy and boo hoo, the world won't do things my way.

Well, good luck with that.
Is that how you deal with your world? I'm not emotionally dependent upon anything.

Of course you are emotionally dependent. You could not contend with the reality that the US is shit, so you entrenched yourself in an alternate reality. Now I really do feel bad for you!
He's just trying to goad people into blind anger.

Ever wonder why people always lose their shit when someone says something negative about the USA?

Everyone deep down knows the USA sucks. They just don't want to believe it. That's why I can so easily provoke people into anger. They are in denial, just like you.
Sometimes I wish our country a really cool name. I suggest DeSoto, Studebaker or Rambler. Mostly anything that couldn't be translated into Spanish.
Is that how you deal with your world? I'm not emotionally dependent upon anything.

Of course you are emotionally dependent. You could not contend with the reality that the US is shit, so you entrenched yourself in an alternate reality. Now I really do feel bad for you!
I don't have to contend with your reality. I have My own. Your reality is the USA sucks. Thats your problem and it is much more emotionally crippling to you than to Me. You see, you have to seeth and rant against people who don't think the way you do.

Me, I just get to sit back and enjoy a life where My happiness does not come from a government, but from Me and those I love and who love Me.

Now, I would love to stick around and watch you start drooling, but I really do have other things to do right now.
He's just trying to goad people into blind anger.

Ever wonder why people always lose their shit when someone says something negative about the USA?

Everyone deep down knows the USA sucks. They just don't want to believe it. That's why I can so easily provoke people into anger. They are in denial, just like you.
No, I don't consider it because I don't care. I grew up emotionally stable and have remained that way. The only triggers I have are child abusers and child murderers. But thats okay to, because they're only animals and its no big thing to put an animal down.
I don't have to contend with your reality. I have My own.

Indeed. You invented an alternate reality, because that is easier than facing the truth.

There's no shame in being emotionally dependent. Well, there is a little.... :laugh:

Your reality is the USA sucks.

That's everyone's reality. I understand why you sycophants choose to bend the truth.

Me, I just get to sit back and enjoy a life where My happiness does not come from a government, but from Me and those I love and who love Me.

That's where real happiness comes from. Unfortunately you have been trained to seek happiness elsewhere, which is what drives you to create these alternate realities. Is it wrong to pity you?
No, I don't consider it because I don't care.

Of course you care. How am I supposed to convince you that you are in denial?

I grew up emotionally stable and have remained that way.

Define emotional stability. The fact that you pat yourself on the back tells me that you are indeed a very emotionally unstable person. I have seen some of your posts, and it is clear that you are off your rocker at times.
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

I think you should be in a loony bin, anyone else agree with that?
I think you should be in a loony bin, anyone else agree with that?

It's sad that mentally insane individuals like you control the mental institutions.

Keep telling yourself the US isn't a piece of shit. It comforts me enough to know that you are in denial.
I'm going to break it down for you guys.

The reason so many of you are having nervous breakdowns in this thread, is because deep down you all know that I am correct. It's merely convenient for you nutters to put the US on a pedestal. Sad but also hilarious.
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

Even if in theory the U.S. were to split into more than one nation, what makes you think the new ones wouldn't ultimately turn out the same way?
I think you should be in a loony bin, anyone else agree with that?

It's sad that mentally insane individuals like you control the mental institutions.

Keep telling yourself the US isn't a piece of shit. It comforts me enough to know that you are in denial.

Feel free to pack your shit and go somewhere that suits you better. The US isn't perfect but it's better than all the rest.

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