USA! Who want's to see it gone?

Even if in theory the U.S. were to split into more than one nation, what makes you think the new ones wouldn't ultimately turn out the same way?

They very well might. I am not advocating for seperatism. I am promoting total dissolution.

Societies that are subjected to power hiearchies are inferior in every way compared to societies where human beings govern together as equals. Power hierarchies are exemplified in the United States, which is the explanation for why it is so shitty. But like I also said earlier, the shit show is global.
Feel free to pack your shit and go somewhere that suits you better. The US isn't perfect but it's better than all the rest.

The best nation is an opinion. They are all shitty, but I suppose one can have a preference.

However I'd say that the US is only 'the best' for a small percentage of political and economic elites. These people invented all that patriotic claptrap, so they could take you fools for suckers.
For all those that say that there are better countries to live in, can think of other places you would rather be, or that the U.S is a shitty place.
Thats fine, not everyone is going to agree on everything in life, but the reality is that you are all disenchanted with the things in this country that actually allowed it to become the great nation it is. So instead of working so hard to change the country, I want to mention an invention or two that could be of assistance to you in your search for peace and joy.
1. Airplanes. These are big things with wings, (man made) that can travel through the air for great distances with accuracy, one can find these in places called Airports, you can purchase a ride on one of these that will take you to any country you want to live in.
2. Ships. Again, big things, no wings but they float and can be powered with an engine to cross the oceans, again on a ship you can reach almost any country that has water front. if one of those countries happen to be your personal utopia, tickets can be purchased to bring you from here to there. These Ships can be found in Ports. Most cities on the coasts have access to ships.
3. cars, not so big, in some cases rather small, these can be used to transport a limited group of people to places they wish to go. however, since these dont fly or float, one is limited to Canada and South American countries, but if your dream casa is waiting for you, a car would do fine. These can be found in places called automotive dealerships. or, certain minorities have been know to liberate captive automobiles from private areas late at night when nobody is looking.

So there you go, 3 possible ways to quickly be living in your country of choice, enjoying all it has to offer.
So there you go, 3 possible ways to quickly be living in your country of choice, enjoying all it has to offer.

In responce to the 'If you don't like it, then leave' argument, it isn't always that simple.

I have the option of going wherever I want because I do not have very many ties. It is a different story with most people. Unless you are going to pack up and ship your extended family, small business, home, friends, and other ties, the argument does not hold that much weight.

America could be a great country if the United States were not such a shitty state. Get the picture?
So there you go, 3 possible ways to quickly be living in your country of choice, enjoying all it has to offer.

In responce to the 'If you don't like it, then leave' argument, it isn't always that simple.

I have the option of going wherever I want because I do not have very many ties. It is a different story with most people. Unless you are going to pack up and ship your extended family, small business, home, friends, and other ties, the argument does not hold that much weight.

America could be a great country if the United States were not such a shitty state. Get the picture?
No, I dont get the picture. If its so shitty, they should leave. Why should everyone else that is happy with the country as it has been for over 200 years be subjected to drastic change so some malcontent can feel all warm and fuzzy.
No, I dont get the picture. If its so shitty, they should leave. Why should everyone else that is happy with the country as it has been for over 200 years be subjected to drastic change so some malcontent can feel all warm and fuzzy.

First off, like I said, people have ties. I could spin what you just said around. Why should others have to leave their communities, homes, and business so that you can wallow under a piece of shit system?

Also, you aren't happy with the US. That's just a lie you are feeding into your brain.
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

And what would be your replacement plan? cause if you dont have one your theories would go the route of past revolutions that resulted in the deaths of millions upon millions. Provided you had enough support for your plan outside of your local StarBucks coffee shop.
No, I dont get the picture. If its so shitty, they should leave. Why should everyone else that is happy with the country as it has been for over 200 years be subjected to drastic change so some malcontent can feel all warm and fuzzy.

First off, like I said, people have ties. I could spin what you just said around. Why should others have to leave their communities, homes, and business so that you can wallow under a piece of shit system?

Also, you aren't happy with the US. That's just a lie you are feeding into your brain.
Im not happy where its heading. If I wanted to live like that I would move to Europe.
Im sorry if someone is unable to make it here, thats not my problem, but the reality is that if they cant find a way to make it here and be happy, their chances of doing any better elsewhere is pretty slim.
But lets conduct this in a rational non combative way. You seem intelligent enough to express yourself so let me ask you to do something fairly simple.
Describe exactly or as close to it as you can, what your idea of a perfect country would be? what changes have to be made here in order for you to be happy.
What things specifically make this country such a hell hole to you.
Overall, I can honestly say that I was very happy with the country up until the mid to late 80s when the country started leaning toward a more social type of society. I was very content with everyone earning their own way based on their education and luck.
Well, I can think of one who wants us gone. Iran, which you seem to have an infatuation over and their military prowess. Perhaps you admire their stance on human rights? And this may explain why you would like to see the US dissapear.
Well, I can think of one who wants us gone. Iran, which you seem to have an infatuation over and their military prowess. Perhaps you admire their stance on human rights? And this may explain why you would like to see the US dissapear.
as far as I can tell, human rights
Well, I can think of one who wants us gone. Iran, which you seem to have an infatuation over and their military prowess. Perhaps you admire their stance on human rights? And this may explain why you would like to see the US dissapear.
I honestly think that you will find the majority of those that are not happy with the U.S are going to be in lower income brackets, I suspect that their idea is to have more social safety nets. Ive met some people that have been pretty far out there before, examples of a couple of the most extreme that I knew, and they were being honest, I finally figured out they were being honest after I laughed at them for a prolonged period of time.. (liberals dont like being laughed at for their ideas)
Anyway, there was one that gave me a hard time when I bought my new truck, this was in 2006, still have the truck, anyway, the truck was $55,000.00 give or take a dollar, his claim? instead of buying one for 55, I should have had to buy 2 "reasonable" vehicles for 27k each, and one of them should have been donated to a family in need of transportation.
Next was the one that thought I had no right to own 5 acres when there were people out there that had tiny yards, like the row houses in baltimore. His theory was that my land could better serve the public if town houses were built on it, that way instead of one family (mine) using that land, 20 or 30 families could use the same space.
and then the one where my house was too big, I didnt need all that space with only one child. The house would be better utilized if a large family moved in it, and I and my family moved to something more realistic for a small family.. like, a townhouse with no yard...
These three people actually believed this stuff too. I dont think we have anyone on this board stupid enough to suggest these things.
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

Well, if you live here then that makes you a hypocritical arse. Move if you are unhappy. Maybe you would enjoy Somalia?
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

And what would be your replacement plan? cause if you dont have one your theories would go the route of past revolutions that resulted in the deaths of millions upon millions. Provided you had enough support for your plan outside of your local StarBucks coffee shop.

He's a pedigreed anarchist. There IS NO PLAN. ANY country with a Constitution or elections, or a working LEGAL SYSTEM is a "piece of shit" gulag to him. Any country that mounts an organized Defense, or has borders, or even a Federal budget -- is an offense to these deep anarchists.

They just don't know how anything works. Don't know Economics. Dont know Law, Dont know about innovation and trade. It's really simple. You find a committed anarchist -- you've found a Know-Nothing. :happy-1:
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

Well, if you live here then that makes you a hypocritical arse. Move if you are unhappy. Maybe you would enjoy Somalia?

Albania is another dream vacation for Anarchists.
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

Well, if you live here then that makes you a hypocritical arse. Move if you are unhappy. Maybe you would enjoy Somalia?

Albania is another dream vacation for Anarchists.

They just don't know how anything works. Don't know Economics. Dont know Law, Dont know about innovation and trade. It's really simple. You find a committed anarchist -- you've found a Know-Nothing. :happy-1:

I understand it all. Your pathetic understanding of everything has put the world into shit. You are the problem.

Acknowledging that you incompetent losers are too stupid to govern other people is the first step to solving the problems that you people created.
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Well, I can think of one who wants us gone. Iran, which you seem to have an infatuation over and their military prowess. Perhaps you admire their stance on human rights? And this may explain why you would like to see the US dissapear.

I actually hate the Iranian government. I also hate the misconception that the US military could snap their fingers and defeat them, which is ignorant.
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

Get rid of the problems you mentioned and the country as a whole is great. Why get rid of it when all you need to do is get rid of the assholes?
Get rid of the problems you mentioned and the country as a whole is great. Why get rid of it when all you need to do is get rid of the assholes?

That is a lot of politicians, policeman, soldierboys, and flacaltenn sycophants to get rid of.

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