USA's educational systems and rehabilitation of prisoners. .


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
USA's educational systems and prisoner rehabilitation.

I've read still another commentator advocating governments' offering prisoners educational and vocational training programs they failed to accept earlier in their lives, and/or superior or additional opportunities that were previously unavailable to them. I don't doubt it that would be financially and socially net beneficial to our nation.
It's the latter portion of the prior paragraph, (and/or we offer them superior or additional opportunities that were previously unavailable to them), that I find to be problematic.
Is it fair to offer prisoners what was denied to other USA children and young adults?

On one hand, if the educational and training programs we offer prisoners are not superior to what's generally offered to USA's children and young adults, those programs may fail or be less financially and socially net beneficial to our nation; (i.e. we may be net squandering public funds).

The graduates of USA's public educational training systems are academically and vocationally inferior to most Western European nations' graduates. Any improvement of a nation's educational and training practices will no lesser improve the nation's social and economic well-being.
Our governments' policies should better improve our nation's educational and training practices AND offer prisoners those very same educational and training programs. Respectfully, Supposn
Our governments' policies should better improve our nation's educational and training practices AND offer prisoners those very same educational and training programs. Respectfully, Supposn
So if 'rehab' means educating the great unwashed, where's my piece of the pie Supposn?

Get a former prisoner/criminal who went straight and made it in the world. Have them enter the prison for a discussion with others. Walk in with a sharp suit and expensive watch. Have him tell them that there is nothing preventing them from achieving the same through legal means if they set their mind to it. Remind them of how they are wasting away in a cage.

Nothing motivates people more than seeing it in the flesh and hearing their story. Bouncing some questions off of him etc.
USA's educational systems and prisoner rehabilitation.

I've read still another commentator advocating governments' offering prisoners educational and vocational training programs they failed to accept earlier in their lives, and/or superior or additional opportunities that were previously unavailable to them. I don't doubt it that would be financially and socially net beneficial to our nation.
It's the latter portion of the prior paragraph, (and/or we offer them superior or additional opportunities that were previously unavailable to them), that I find to be problematic.
Is it fair to offer prisoners what was denied to other USA children and young adults?

On one hand, if the educational and training programs we offer prisoners are not superior to what's generally offered to USA's children and young adults, those programs may fail or be less financially and socially net beneficial to our nation; (i.e. we may be net squandering public funds).

The graduates of USA's public educational training systems are academically and vocationally inferior to most Western European nations' graduates. Any improvement of a nation's educational and training practices will no lesser improve the nation's social and economic well-being.
Our governments' policies should better improve our nation's educational and training practices AND offer prisoners those very same educational and training programs. Respectfully, Supposn
what sense does it make to create a smarter grade criminal?
So if 'rehab' means educating the great unwashed, where's my piece of the pie Supposn?


Sparky, do I understand your responding post? You refrain from showering and you're complaining you've not been rewarded for wasting less water? Respectfully, Supposn
USA's educational systems and prisoner rehabilitation.

I've read still another commentator advocating governments' offering prisoners educational and vocational training programs they failed to accept earlier in their lives, and/or superior or additional opportunities that were previously unavailable to them. I don't doubt it that would be financially and socially net beneficial to our nation.
It's the latter portion of the prior paragraph, (and/or we offer them superior or additional opportunities that were previously unavailable to them), that I find to be problematic.
Is it fair to offer prisoners what was denied to other USA children and young adults?

On one hand, if the educational and training programs we offer prisoners are not superior to what's generally offered to USA's children and young adults, those programs may fail or be less financially and socially net beneficial to our nation; (i.e. we may be net squandering public funds).

The graduates of USA's public educational training systems are academically and vocationally inferior to most Western European nations' graduates. Any improvement of a nation's educational and training practices will no lesser improve the nation's social and economic well-being.
Our governments' policies should better improve our nation's educational and training practices AND offer prisoners those very same educational and training programs. Respectfully, Supposn

I went to voc training while in HS, got hired in a job with benefits before I graduated. It was much different sitting in an office setting 8 hours a day than being in the classroom for 4 and I hated it. The only thing that kept me there beyond the first couple of weeks was doing some survey work, in the field, with one of their engineers. But there wasn't enough of that so I went to see my local Army recruiter, and that was during Vietnam. I enlisted and never was stuck in an office again until I became an Army recruiter myself. So vocational training early in life is not the be all end all that many think it is.

Sparky, do I understand your responding post? You refrain from showering and you're complaining you've not been rewarded for wasting less water? Respectfully, Supposn
I'm a product of our educational system Supposn

all wet.....

Rehab ???? R They nuts ??? Most criminals are beyond help, Better Yet,,,,put prisoners TO WORK rebuilding our broken cities and recycling in the garbage dumps. In S. America, you dont get fed in jail unless you CHOP SUGAR CANE or your relatives bring you food.

The reason we dont do this is because of the Gxd Dxm union shit heads.

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