USC suspends professor, for teaching a CHINESE word cause it SOUNDS RACIST..Lol


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Greg Patton is a professor of clinical business communication at the University of Southern California. During a recent virtual classroom session, he was discussing public speaking patterns and the filler words that people use to space out their ideas: um, er, etc. Patton mentioned that the Chinese often use a word that is pronounced like nega.

"In China the common word is 'that, that that that,' so in China it might be 'nega, nega, nega, nega,'" Patton explained to his class. "So there's different words you'll hear in different cultures, but they're vocal disfluencies."

But because the Chinese word nega sounds like ******, some students were offended and reported the matter to the administration. Patton is now suspended, according to Campus Reform:

It offended the moronic white trust fund left wing loser students.

What xenophobic racists. Can add to that to their black patronizing shit.

What a complete disaster leftists are and their Mac1958 identity politics.


Greg Patton is a professor of clinical business communication at the University of Southern California. During a recent virtual classroom session, he was discussing public speaking patterns and the filler words that people use to space out their ideas: um, er, etc. Patton mentioned that the Chinese often use a word that is pronounced like nega.

"In China the common word is 'that, that that that,' so in China it might be 'nega, nega, nega, nega,'" Patton explained to his class. "So there's different words you'll hear in different cultures, but they're vocal disfluencies."

But because the Chinese word nega sounds like ******, some students were offended and reported the matter to the administration. Patton is now suspended, according to Campus Reform:

It offended the moronic white trust fund left wing loser students.

What xenophobic racists. Can add to that to their black patronizing shit.

What a complete disaster leftists are and their Mac1958 identity politics.



I've been warning Chinese students newly arrived in the US about this for decades. It usually only takes one mention, and it's not something a well-spoken person does in any but the most unguarded moments anyway. You're more likely to hear this drinking baijiou with older guys on the street corner of a Chinese city late at night than in a college course or business meeting nowadays. Think about formal vs informal speech patterns among native English speakers in different contexts. Suspending someone over merely having a conversation about this is PC bullshit unless the guy was using it as a pretext for childishly reveling in making it sound as much as possible like the N-word in English. Think about some of the dimwitted assholes here who try to play spelling games to get around the filter for the N-word or who say "negro" over and over just so they can cry "I can say it if I want to!" while giggling behind their hands.
I bet none of them are drinkin' this shit:

Think about some of the dimwitted assholes here who try to play spelling games to get around the filter for the N-word or who say "negro" over and over just so they can cry "I can say it if I want to!" while giggling behind their hands.

You strike me as a dimwitted asshole for finding fault for someone using the words "negro" or "colored" when the "black" community uses both to their benefit...
Lol funny story. I was in Florida on a fishing trip. Guy I was fishing next too was black and we were talking all day. This group of Chinese tourists walked up talking and I clearly hear that "nega" a few times and the black guys reaction was what was funny he heard it and jumped up to see who said it. Was funny as hell but the White democrat looking people standing around were the only ones that looked uncomfortable about it. And yes you can tell a Democrat fisherman. They the ones in clean polos and never really catch much.
Many years ago I worked as a valet bellman at the PGA National Resort. Our uniforms were knickers like the old Scots use to play.

Anyway, a group of blacks were there checking out and someone said to me (a guest) hey, you don't mind the knickers?

Had to see what happened. I walked away like I had something to do. The guy explained what he asked and I came back to vouch for him.

Almost turned ugly. That was funny.
Think about some of the dimwitted assholes here who try to play spelling games to get around the filter for the N-word or who say "negro" over and over just so they can cry "I can say it if I want to!" while giggling behind their hands.

You strike me as a dimwitted asshole for finding fault for someone using the words "negro" or "colored" when the "black" community uses both to their benefit...

Exactly what I was talking about ^^^^^^ :rolleyes:

Just like a little boy in the grocery store giggling at the labels for chicken "breast." Tee-hee! :rolleyes: Some people need to grow the fuck up.
Blacks want to control every language in the world.
Thats it ....CONTROL is what attacking people using the word is really about---and even once they gain enough CONTROL to end its becomes FLAGs as the control issue, then statues. It's about CONTROL---the more control we give up, the more and more they will try to control.
This has been going on for years:

Just like a little boy in the grocery store giggling at the labels for chicken "breast." Tee-hee! :rolleyes: Some people need to grow the fuck up.

The allow me to suggest that you do it.

"Colored" and "negro" are words that "blacks" use every day to their benefit. Why should I not be able to use them, and how the fuck is it "racist" when I do?
Many years ago I worked as a valet bellman at the PGA National Resort. Our uniforms were knickers like the old Scots use to play.

Anyway, a group of blacks were there checking out and someone said to me (a guest) hey, you don't mind the knickers?

Had to see what happened. I walked away like I had something to do. The guy explained what he asked and I came back to vouch for him.

Almost turned ugly. That was funny.

Ya also gotta be careful when ordering Migas at IHOP with black people around.
Had a whole tables worth turn and give me the evil eye.

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