Use the Official 2018 SOTU Address and Official Rebuttal threads tonight..

I guess by the reaction of Democrats tonight, they are against...
  1. Pay raises
  2. Bonuses of $1000
  3. Low unemployment
  4. 90+ record high DOW averages
  5. Beating ISIS
  6. Eliminating mandates for health insurance
  7. The Flag
  8. Firing VA employees who hurt veterans
I can go on and on.
I have come to the conclusion that liberals are simply selfish, unhappy people who want everyone else to share their misery.
I guess by the reaction of Democrats tonight, they are against...
  1. Pay raises
  2. Bonuses of $1000
  3. Low unemployment
  4. 90+ record high DOW averages
  5. Beating ISIS
  6. Eliminating mandates for health insurance
  7. The Flag
  8. Firing VA employees who hurt veterans
I can go on and on.
I have come to the conclusion that liberals are simply selfish, unhappy people who want everyone else to share their misery.

Point of order!
You're assigning them the ability to think???
Anyone see the democratic response? I was distracted about the dudes mouth being wet. Yuk. Wipe ya damn mouth. You're not 5.
/----/ Black Dems' Stonefaced Reaction to News of Low Black Unemployment... link on Drudge State of the Union Speech Liveblog | January 30, 2018 09:31:15
Indeed, black unemployment reached a record low under President Trump. The fact that these black congressional leaders hold their hatred for Trump more precious than their celebration of success for their own community is telling.

Especially in a time when Cleveland pro-abortion billboards aimed at black areas, it beggars belief that African-Americans are so dedicated to the party against traditional values, against religious freedom, and for abortion.
Anyone see the democratic response? I was distracted about the dudes mouth being wet. Yuk. Wipe ya damn mouth. You're not 5.
/----/ Black Dems' Stonefaced Reaction to News of Low Black Unemployment... link on Drudge State of the Union Speech Liveblog | January 30, 2018 09:31:15
Indeed, black unemployment reached a record low under President Trump. The fact that these black congressional leaders hold their hatred for Trump more precious than their celebration of success for their own community is telling.

Especially in a time when Cleveland pro-abortion billboards aimed at black areas, it beggars belief that African-Americans are so dedicated to the party against traditional values, against religious freedom, and for abortion.

Here's why black unemployment never reached those levels under the cur, Obama:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."

And here's the comparison:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Obama stabbed everyone in the back, didn't he.
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ok, comparing the two ..

Trump's 1st State of the Union vs. Obama's: By the numbers

the speech;

Trump’s was shorter in words (5,190 to Obama’s 7,059) but took far longer deliver — Trump’s speech ran for 80 minutes; Obama’s 2010 speech clocked in at 66 minutes. Each included plenty of crafted applause lines: Obama paused 86 times for applause; Trump did so roughly 115 times.

just clap for me.. oh wait, I'll clap for myself
ok, comparing the two ..

Trump's 1st State of the Union vs. Obama's: By the numbers

the speech;

Trump’s was shorter in words (5,190 to Obama’s 7,059) but took far longer deliver — Trump’s speech ran for 80 minutes; Obama’s 2010 speech clocked in at 66 minutes. Each included plenty of crafted applause lines: Obama paused 86 times for applause; Trump did so roughly 115 times.

just clap for me.. oh wait, I'll clap for myself

No, you the real world folks look at the results of a President's policies.

That explains this:

1."His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

2."Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

3."BOMBSHELL: Former DNC Head Admits Obama Cleaned Out The Party, Hillary Stole It, Bernie Got Robbed
According to Brazile, Obama “left the party $24 million in debt” – hey, sort of like the country! "
BOMBSHELL: Former DNC Head Admits Obama Cleaned Out The Party, Hillary Stole It, Bernie Got Robbed

You're just too dumb to read those tea leaves.
.....I noticed Trump seemed more sincere/powerful/firm/un-robot like/etc than Obama and many other politicians in his SOU
....I noticed a ''I don't mess around-get to the point-unpolitical--no political crap-'' tone wonder he is who he is and got elected for it
...he said he wanted FAIR trade deals---how can you argue against fairness?? it's about time !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paled in comparison to the Great Obama
but the difference is Obama--like a lot of blacks hates America--Trump does not
look at the blacks last night hating it when Trump said he wanted to make America first-take care of America
Obama sounded boring/monotone/same crap/robot like/etc

That's odd, I would have said it the other way around, Trump has a noticeable problem with inflection and cadence when reading from a prompter while Obama's primary gift was speechifying.

Listening to politicians spin their bullshit is tedious to say the least but if I were forced to listen to one of the two I'd choose Obama since at least he doesn't blather in a monotone with a disjointed cadence, to each his/her own I suppose.:dunno:
.....I noticed Trump seemed more sincere/powerful/firm/un-robot like/etc than Obama and many other politicians in his SOU
....I noticed a ''I don't mess around-get to the point-unpolitical--no political crap-'' tone wonder he is who he is and got elected for it
...he said he wanted FAIR trade deals---how can you argue against fairness?? it's about time !!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s because Obama was only a token negro. All he had to do was say stuff and look black.
Trump much more to the point--more powerful than Obama
he made Obama look like the typical PC/wimpy/try to please everyone/etc politician

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