Use the Official 2018 SOTU Address and Official Rebuttal threads tonight..

post 8 continued:
Obama looks like the typical politician ---while Trump looked like a LEADER
post 8 continued:
Obama looks like the typical politician ---while Trump looked like a LEADER
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has never looked like a leader. He has always come across as someone that should constantly have a nurse by his side to prevent him from harming himself or others.
post 8 continued:
Obama looks like the typical politician ---while Trump looked like a LEADER
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has never looked like a leader. He has always come across as someone that should constantly have a nurse by his side to prevent him from harming himself or others.

What's it like waking up everyday being so angry and miserable? That must suck.
post 8 continued:
Obama looks like the typical politician ---while Trump looked like a LEADER
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has never looked like a leader. He has always come across as someone that should constantly have a nurse by his side to prevent him from harming himself or others.

What's it like waking up everyday being so angry and miserable? That must suck.

You must be joking. Asking questions to which you clearly know the answer. lame.
post 8 continued:
Obama looks like the typical politician ---while Trump looked like a LEADER
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has never looked like a leader. He has always come across as someone that should constantly have a nurse by his side to prevent him from harming himself or others.
that's why he's gotten where he is..!!! ??? !!!
post 8 continued:
Obama looks like the typical politician ---while Trump looked like a LEADER
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has never looked like a leader. He has always come across as someone that should constantly have a nurse by his side to prevent him from harming himself or others.

What's it like waking up everyday being so angry and miserable? That must suck.

You must be joking. Asking questions to which you clearly know the answer. lame.

Kinda true I guess. Trump was right. I am actually getting tired of winning.
Listening to politicians spin their bullshit is tedious to say the least but if I were forced to listen to one of the two I'd choose Obama since at least he doesn't blather in a monotone with a disjointed cadence, to each his/her own I suppose.:dunno:
I choose Trump, I'd rather hear the truth.
Paled in comparison to the Great Obama
Obama is a snake oil salesman. I'm still trying to find anything Obama ever did to benefit the country.And appeasing the free shit crowd doesn't count.
he won the Nobel Peace Prize--but we don't know what for--I guess for being the best POTUS at hating America
He got it at the beginning of his presidency, before he had done anything and we all know why; it was for being America's first black president and it was all down hill after that.

MSNBC melted down over use of the word "family". The ACLU grasped their pearls over the mention of America 80 times. Trump said 'We' 129 times. Melania wore white. She really didn't. It was cream but the left can't tell the difference.

Of COURSE the New York Daily News will give a brutal review. After all, Luis Gutierrez was so triggered over "USA" that he had to leave.

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