Useless debate

Murder is the INTENTIONAL killing. I am sure that several Palestinian civilians killed in attacks were intentional, but for the most part, they are collateral damage.

Innocent civilians are not the target of attacks

Israel drops a one ton bomb on an apartment building because there was one militant in there killing about 20 people mostly women and children.

Israel's response: We did not target those civilians.:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::cuckoo:
Which incident was that

Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet, when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people, including an entire family of seven young children.

The UN protested at a "complete absence of accountability" for the escalating number of civilian deaths in Gaza, saying "the rule of the gun" had taken over. Doctors in Gaza said more than 40 people died, including children, in what appears to be the biggest single loss of life of the campaign when Israeli bombs hit al-Fakhora school, in Jabaliya refugee camp, while it was packed with hundreds of people who had fled the fighting.

Most of those killed were in the school playground and in the street, and the dead and injured lay in pools of blood. Pictures on Palestinian TV showed walls heavily marked by shrapnel and bloodstains, and shoes and shredded clothes scattered on the ground. Windows were blown out.

Hours before, three young men who were cousins died when the Israelis bombed Asma elementary school in Gaza City. They were among 400 people who had sought shelter there after fleeing their homes in Beit Lahiya, in northern Gaza.

Abed Sultan, 20, a student, and his cousins, Rawhi and Hussein Sultan, labourers aged 22, died. Abed Sultan's father, Samir, said the bodies were so mangled that he could not tell his son from the cousins. "We came to the school when the Israelis warned us to leave," he said. "We hoped it would be safe. We were 20 in one room. We had no electricity, no blankets, no food.

"Suddenly we heard a bomb that shook the school. Windows smashed. Children started to scream. A relative came and told me one of my sons was killed. I found my son's body with his two cousins. They were cut into pieces by the shell."

Gaza's day of carnage - 40 dead as Israelis bomb two UN schools | World news | The Guardian

That is not the whole article. It does say Israel was retaliating.
Israel drops a one ton bomb on an apartment building because there was one militant in there killing about 20 people mostly women and children.

Israel's response: We did not target those civilians.:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::cuckoo:
Which incident was that

Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet, when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people, including an entire family of seven young children.

The UN protested at a "complete absence of accountability" for the escalating number of civilian deaths in Gaza, saying "the rule of the gun" had taken over. Doctors in Gaza said more than 40 people died, including children, in what appears to be the biggest single loss of life of the campaign when Israeli bombs hit al-Fakhora school, in Jabaliya refugee camp, while it was packed with hundreds of people who had fled the fighting.

Most of those killed were in the school playground and in the street, and the dead and injured lay in pools of blood. Pictures on Palestinian TV showed walls heavily marked by shrapnel and bloodstains, and shoes and shredded clothes scattered on the ground. Windows were blown out.

Hours before, three young men who were cousins died when the Israelis bombed Asma elementary school in Gaza City. They were among 400 people who had sought shelter there after fleeing their homes in Beit Lahiya, in northern Gaza.

Abed Sultan, 20, a student, and his cousins, Rawhi and Hussein Sultan, labourers aged 22, died. Abed Sultan's father, Samir, said the bodies were so mangled that he could not tell his son from the cousins. "We came to the school when the Israelis warned us to leave," he said. "We hoped it would be safe. We were 20 in one room. We had no electricity, no blankets, no food.

"Suddenly we heard a bomb that shook the school. Windows smashed. Children started to scream. A relative came and told me one of my sons was killed. I found my son's body with his two cousins. They were cut into pieces by the shell."

Gaza's day of carnage - 40 dead as Israelis bomb two UN schools | World news | The Guardian

That is not the whole article. It does say Israel was retaliating.

"Proportionate retaliation" is very hard to do. For years, rockets were raining down on Southern Israel. What was Israel supposed to do to stop it?
Which incident was that

Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet, when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people, including an entire family of seven young children.

The UN protested at a "complete absence of accountability" for the escalating number of civilian deaths in Gaza, saying "the rule of the gun" had taken over. Doctors in Gaza said more than 40 people died, including children, in what appears to be the biggest single loss of life of the campaign when Israeli bombs hit al-Fakhora school, in Jabaliya refugee camp, while it was packed with hundreds of people who had fled the fighting.

Most of those killed were in the school playground and in the street, and the dead and injured lay in pools of blood. Pictures on Palestinian TV showed walls heavily marked by shrapnel and bloodstains, and shoes and shredded clothes scattered on the ground. Windows were blown out.

Hours before, three young men who were cousins died when the Israelis bombed Asma elementary school in Gaza City. They were among 400 people who had sought shelter there after fleeing their homes in Beit Lahiya, in northern Gaza.

Abed Sultan, 20, a student, and his cousins, Rawhi and Hussein Sultan, labourers aged 22, died. Abed Sultan's father, Samir, said the bodies were so mangled that he could not tell his son from the cousins. "We came to the school when the Israelis warned us to leave," he said. "We hoped it would be safe. We were 20 in one room. We had no electricity, no blankets, no food.

"Suddenly we heard a bomb that shook the school. Windows smashed. Children started to scream. A relative came and told me one of my sons was killed. I found my son's body with his two cousins. They were cut into pieces by the shell."

Gaza's day of carnage - 40 dead as Israelis bomb two UN schools | World news | The Guardian

That is not the whole article. It does say Israel was retaliating.

"Proportionate retaliation" is very hard to do. For years, rockets were raining down on Southern Israel. What was Israel supposed to do to stop it?

Obviously the "duh bombem" tactic has not worked.
Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet, when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people, including an entire family of seven young children.

The UN protested at a "complete absence of accountability" for the escalating number of civilian deaths in Gaza, saying "the rule of the gun" had taken over. Doctors in Gaza said more than 40 people died, including children, in what appears to be the biggest single loss of life of the campaign when Israeli bombs hit al-Fakhora school, in Jabaliya refugee camp, while it was packed with hundreds of people who had fled the fighting.

Most of those killed were in the school playground and in the street, and the dead and injured lay in pools of blood. Pictures on Palestinian TV showed walls heavily marked by shrapnel and bloodstains, and shoes and shredded clothes scattered on the ground. Windows were blown out.

Hours before, three young men who were cousins died when the Israelis bombed Asma elementary school in Gaza City. They were among 400 people who had sought shelter there after fleeing their homes in Beit Lahiya, in northern Gaza.

Abed Sultan, 20, a student, and his cousins, Rawhi and Hussein Sultan, labourers aged 22, died. Abed Sultan's father, Samir, said the bodies were so mangled that he could not tell his son from the cousins. "We came to the school when the Israelis warned us to leave," he said. "We hoped it would be safe. We were 20 in one room. We had no electricity, no blankets, no food.

"Suddenly we heard a bomb that shook the school. Windows smashed. Children started to scream. A relative came and told me one of my sons was killed. I found my son's body with his two cousins. They were cut into pieces by the shell."

Gaza's day of carnage - 40 dead as Israelis bomb two UN schools | World news | The Guardian

That is not the whole article. It does say Israel was retaliating.

"Proportionate retaliation" is very hard to do. For years, rockets were raining down on Southern Israel. What was Israel supposed to do to stop it?

Obviously the "duh bombem" tactic has not worked.

SO what should Israel do instead of killing Hamas leaders and destroying their weapons. Please tell me
"Proportionate retaliation" is very hard to do. For years, rockets were raining down on Southern Israel. What was Israel supposed to do to stop it?

Obviously the "duh bombem" tactic has not worked.

SO what should Israel do instead of killing Hamas leaders and destroying their weapons. Please tell me

All of this violence is merely the symptom of a problem.

Find and solve the problem.
Which incident was that

Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet, when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people, including an entire family of seven young children.

The UN protested at a "complete absence of accountability" for the escalating number of civilian deaths in Gaza, saying "the rule of the gun" had taken over. Doctors in Gaza said more than 40 people died, including children, in what appears to be the biggest single loss of life of the campaign when Israeli bombs hit al-Fakhora school, in Jabaliya refugee camp, while it was packed with hundreds of people who had fled the fighting.

Most of those killed were in the school playground and in the street, and the dead and injured lay in pools of blood. Pictures on Palestinian TV showed walls heavily marked by shrapnel and bloodstains, and shoes and shredded clothes scattered on the ground. Windows were blown out.

Hours before, three young men who were cousins died when the Israelis bombed Asma elementary school in Gaza City. They were among 400 people who had sought shelter there after fleeing their homes in Beit Lahiya, in northern Gaza.

Abed Sultan, 20, a student, and his cousins, Rawhi and Hussein Sultan, labourers aged 22, died. Abed Sultan's father, Samir, said the bodies were so mangled that he could not tell his son from the cousins. "We came to the school when the Israelis warned us to leave," he said. "We hoped it would be safe. We were 20 in one room. We had no electricity, no blankets, no food.

"Suddenly we heard a bomb that shook the school. Windows smashed. Children started to scream. A relative came and told me one of my sons was killed. I found my son's body with his two cousins. They were cut into pieces by the shell."

Gaza's day of carnage - 40 dead as Israelis bomb two UN schools | World news | The Guardian

That is not the whole article. It does say Israel was retaliating.

"Proportionate retaliation" is very hard to do. For years, rockets were raining down on Southern Israel. What was Israel supposed to do to stop it?

Israel as any country should have to right to defend itself.

Do you honestly believe Operation Cast Lead shows a clear example of collateral damage?

Hamas is in violation by firing rockets into civilian areas.

What do you think should happen to the Palestinians presently living in the West Bank?

The current settlers are not going to be evicted and expansions will continue.

So this will come to a breaking point.

In your view what should the Palestinians both in and out of the country do?
Killing 100s of women and children with F16s and modern bombs is less savage than what Hamas may have done? There is an outbreak of cognitive dissonance here.
Yeah there sure is. You repeat the IslamNazi mantra for justifying terrorism and barbarism.

If Muslim savages don't want to be shot at from F-16s and other advanced weaponry designed to take care of beasts, then perhaps they should cut down on the terror and killing of innocent people all over the world.
I guess none of the Palestinian supporters can answer my simple question.

I wonder why ? Seems like they're scared of something

Shavua Tov, toastman. What question did you ask?

Shavua Tov. I asked someone what the definition of Collateral damage is

We have answered it, it is the way the powerful countries with the overwhelming advantage in arms rationalize the murder of innocent civilians.
montelatici, toastman, ForeverYoung436, et al,

The definition used by the US is: Unintentional or incidental injury or damage to persons or objects that would not be lawful military targets in the circumstances ruling at the time.

Shavua Tov, toastman. What question did you ask?

Shavua Tov. I asked someone what the definition of Collateral damage is

We have answered it, it is the way the powerful countries with the overwhelming advantage in arms rationalize the murder of innocent civilians.

montelatici, toastman, ForeverYoung436, et al,

The definition used by the US is: Unintentional or incidental injury or damage to persons or objects that would not be lawful military targets in the circumstances ruling at the time.

Shavua Tov. I asked someone what the definition of Collateral damage is

We have answered it, it is the way the powerful countries with the overwhelming advantage in arms rationalize the murder of innocent civilians.


Thank you Rocco
All of this violence is merely the symptom of a problem.

Find and solve the problem.
Problem being Muslim intolerance and savagery towards non Muslims.

Israeli bullshit.

What about the Palestinian Christians?
What about them? There are practically non left in Gaza because of Hamas Islamization.

Muslims cannot coexist and get along with anyone. They have zero respect for other religions.
Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet, when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people, including an entire family of seven young children.

The UN protested at a "complete absence of accountability" for the escalating number of civilian deaths in Gaza, saying "the rule of the gun" had taken over. Doctors in Gaza said more than 40 people died, including children, in what appears to be the biggest single loss of life of the campaign when Israeli bombs hit al-Fakhora school, in Jabaliya refugee camp, while it was packed with hundreds of people who had fled the fighting.

Most of those killed were in the school playground and in the street, and the dead and injured lay in pools of blood. Pictures on Palestinian TV showed walls heavily marked by shrapnel and bloodstains, and shoes and shredded clothes scattered on the ground. Windows were blown out.

Hours before, three young men who were cousins died when the Israelis bombed Asma elementary school in Gaza City. They were among 400 people who had sought shelter there after fleeing their homes in Beit Lahiya, in northern Gaza.

Abed Sultan, 20, a student, and his cousins, Rawhi and Hussein Sultan, labourers aged 22, died. Abed Sultan's father, Samir, said the bodies were so mangled that he could not tell his son from the cousins. "We came to the school when the Israelis warned us to leave," he said. "We hoped it would be safe. We were 20 in one room. We had no electricity, no blankets, no food.

"Suddenly we heard a bomb that shook the school. Windows smashed. Children started to scream. A relative came and told me one of my sons was killed. I found my son's body with his two cousins. They were cut into pieces by the shell."

Gaza's day of carnage - 40 dead as Israelis bomb two UN schools | World news | The Guardian

That is not the whole article. It does say Israel was retaliating.

"Proportionate retaliation" is very hard to do. For years, rockets were raining down on Southern Israel. What was Israel supposed to do to stop it?

Obviously the "duh bombem" tactic has not worked.
Maybe Hamas shouldn't be shooting missiles at Israelis from schools, hospitals, and mosques?

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