Using an Infants death to encourage support of Israel


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Israel under attack, again
In the capital of a U.S. ally, a terrorist drove his car into a crowd, injuring eight people, including a three-month old baby. News reports indicate that the baby subsequently died. From the Jerusalem Post:
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas encouraged violence against Jews in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said following the vehicular terror attack in Jerusalem Wednesday.
“This is how Abbas’ partners in government [Hamas] act. This is the same Abbas who, only a few days ago, incited toward a terrorist attack in Jerusalem,” he said

Jennifer Rubin writes the Right Turn blog for The Post, offering reported opinion from a conservative perspective. (Jennifer Rubin is a Jewish Zionist )

I am sure a lot of people read these articles and say "poor Israel".

Poor Israel, once again a death or tragedy is used as a excuse for Israel's aggression toward the Pals.
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.
Mohammed and ISIS love you for this ridiculously baiting OP.
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.
Mohammed and ISIS love you for this ridiculously baiting OP.

The bait job was the headline in the Wash Post. Israel under Attack Again.
So ridiculous, but what does one expect from a Zionist, exaggeration and stretching of the truth.
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.
Mohammed and ISIS love you for this ridiculously baiting OP.

The bait job was the headline in the Wash Post. Israel under Attack Again.
So ridiculous, but what does one expect from a Zionist, exaggeration and stretching of the truth.
You are baiting and trolling, you miserable cretin, and it's foul and vulgar.
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.

Her parents are mourning her, have you know shame at all?

I could ask if there was really a Palestinian girl run over few days ago, how come you don't ask that? are you deluded?? you ask not to be insulted, but your posts are insulting and enraging, you should be ashamed.

Yes, there was a baby. Her name was Haya Zisl Brown, but her mom used to call her simply Haya Zis, meaning "Sweet Haya," in Yiddish.

She was the only daughter to her parents, after years of failed pregnancy.

She was killed by that filthy terrorists just returning from the Western Wall.


Words could not describe how much you disgust me with that post of yours.
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.

You do not even know what Nazism means you stupid woman, all you are doing is repeating ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and BLOOD LIBELS like the brainwashed parrot you are. Have you heard about the ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST murder in Canada yesterday, and how the Canadian police fired over 200 rounds into him as he tried to escape. Now that is how you treat ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS, turn them into chopped liver or roast pork on a stick. You don't elevate them to hero's like you are doing, you eradicate the cancers in our midst. So start reading unbiased reports and not the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA you are so fond of.
We show a wounded casualties? anything graphic or shocking on the media? hmmf..consider pills.
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.
Mohammed and ISIS love you for this ridiculously baiting OP.

The bait job was the headline in the Wash Post. Israel under Attack Again.
So ridiculous, but what does one expect from a Zionist, exaggeration and stretching of the truth.

No it was not a headline in the Washington Post was it, it was a BLOG written by an ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST SUPPORTING SCUMBAG, so why do you place the blame on others when you are caught out
For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.

Her parents are mourning her, have you know shame at all?

I could ask if there was really a Palestinian girl run over few days ago, how come you don't ask that? are you deluded?? you ask not to be insulted, but your posts are insulting and enraging, you should be ashamed.

Yes, there was a baby. Her name was Haya Zisl Brown, but her mom used to call her simply Haya Zis, meaning "Sweet Haya," in Yiddish.

She was the only daughter to her parents, after years of failed pregnancy.

She was killed by that filthy terrorists just returning from the Western Wall.


Words could not describe how much you disgust me with that post of yours.

For the first two hours, yesterday, the main title in yahoo screamed "Police shoots Palestinian in train station."

Just when you entered the article you could see in half a sentence that "they claimed the driver ran over a baby."

the title was fixed about 3 hours later. After, needless to say, the damage was done.

That's the media for you.

USING THE BABY to gain anything? Did you even HEAR the Neo-Nazi decietful speach Mr Abbas gave on the UN stage.

For that matter, did Mr. Abbas condemn the terror attack? No.

So for all we realize, he supports it. The PA declaired the man is a HERO.

So yeah, fuck them, and fuck you, for supporting that crap

I'm tire of the Nazism you use as well, this was one guy who either lost control of his car or did it on purpose because day and night your IDF are walking around like big men, making people leave their homes, shooting at everyone they can, and your are trying to take over the temple mount.

So yeah, how many bullets did he have in him? always using a tragedy to get an excuse, I wonder , was there really a baby??? I question everything your gov. says as things just always seem to happen. That is a cute child, but did she really get hit by a car.

Her parents are mourning her, have you know shame at all?

I could ask if there was really a Palestinian girl run over few days ago, how come you don't ask that? are you deluded?? you ask not to be insulted, but your posts are insulting and enraging, you should be ashamed.

Yes, there was a baby. Her name was Haya Zisl Brown, but her mom used to call her simply Haya Zis, meaning "Sweet Haya," in Yiddish.

She was the only daughter to her parents, after years of failed pregnancy.

She was killed by that filthy terrorists just returning from the Western Wall.


Words could not describe how much you disgust me with that post of yours.


Well this is the gov of Israel's fault that this happened, not Hamas or PLO, it shows (if done on purpose) the extent of what Israel has driven these young men to , giving up their life for the anger and pain of what Israel has put them through.
Don't care about "their" lives. Care about the lives they've taken.

If he was so desparate, he could have just shot himself, served him better. Why killing an innocent newborn.?
Don't care about "their" lives. Care about the lives they've taken.

If he was so desparate, he could have just shot himself, served him better. Why killing an innocent newborn.?

I do believe he was mentally ill from his prison terms, or he lost control of the car , like he knew there was an infant there. When people do stuff like this on purpose they are at the end of their rope. The oppression has led to this. So instead of blaming the PLO, blame your own Gov.
The entire scene was taken by security cam, and it's obvious he pushed the gas pedal full-force, he intended to kill as many as he could.

So quit it.

And besides, even if he was mental, that's no excuse. As I said few posts ago, Jacob Titel was also mental, he still got in for life.

As I see it, you're always willing to let Islamo-fascists the benefit of the doubt. Never to Jews.

Wonder why the hate.
The entire scene was taken by security cam, and it's obvious he pushed the gas pedal full-force, he intended to kill as many as he could.

So quit it.

And besides, even if he was mental, that's no excuse. As I said few posts ago, Jacob Titel was also mental, he still got in for life.

As I see it, you're always willing to let Islamo-fascists the benefit of the doubt. Never to Jews.

Wonder why the hate.

Well this 20 year old isn't going to get life is he? I seen the video and I didn't see a buggy in it, did you?
The entire scene was taken by security cam, and it's obvious he pushed the gas pedal full-force, he intended to kill as many as he could.

So quit it.

And besides, even if he was mental, that's no excuse. As I said few posts ago, Jacob Titel was also mental, he still got in for life.

As I see it, you're always willing to let Islamo-fascists the benefit of the doubt. Never to Jews.

Wonder why the hate.

Well this 20 year old isn't going to get life is he? I seen the video and I didn't see a buggy in it, did you?

Who cares about him?

That 3 months old wouldn't get any life either.
The entire scene was taken by security cam, and it's obvious he pushed the gas pedal full-force, he intended to kill as many as he could.

So quit it.

And besides, even if he was mental, that's no excuse. As I said few posts ago, Jacob Titel was also mental, he still got in for life.

As I see it, you're always willing to let Islamo-fascists the benefit of the doubt. Never to Jews.

Wonder why the hate.

Well this 20 year old isn't going to get life is he? I seen the video and I didn't see a buggy in it, did you?

Who cares about him?

That 3 months old wouldn't get any life either.

Some of us do, why was he shot?? and not apprehended?
The entire scene was taken by security cam, and it's obvious he pushed the gas pedal full-force, he intended to kill as many as he could.

So quit it.

And besides, even if he was mental, that's no excuse. As I said few posts ago, Jacob Titel was also mental, he still got in for life.

As I see it, you're always willing to let Islamo-fascists the benefit of the doubt. Never to Jews.

Wonder why the hate.

Well this 20 year old isn't going to get life is he? I seen the video and I didn't see a buggy in it, did you?

Who cares about him?

That 3 months old wouldn't get any life either.

Some of us do, why was he shot?? and not apprehended?

Because he was on a killing spree.

And because every time we arrest them, we have to release them later, to watch them killing our people again.

So no, deep in the grave is a much better place. Now he's with his virgins, it's a win-win situation.

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