USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yes, usually at this schedule. With some Saturdays, if it needs...

P.S. Hmm, I don't like Ayn Rand so much, but as I see - she's a wonderful source of citations! :)
I like Ayn Rand very much. She celebrated the individual and condemned government interference in free development of talent, skills, resources, and industry. Objectivisim places the responsibility for each person's success, or failure, in their own hands. Unfortunately, she proved all-to-prophetic in her depiction of how government interference would affect social development.
I also really like Robert Heinlein. Have you read much Heinlein?

I do love Robert Heinlein and have read much of his books (and periodically re-read ;))) Objectivism is not a single idea, claimed a responsibility of persons for own success. But opposition of "creative" person to society is not a good idea. It's interesting, how different Ayn Rand percieved in US and in Russia, but as a raiser of question "How much each person could do against society" she's not alone, there are a lot of authors, from Dostoevsky to Efremov, raised the same problem...
At my sight, ideas of Ayn Rand - typical ideas of liberals, who lose the revolution and country 100 years ago... History showed, communism, as ideology, was more progressive... and, ironically, got the main problem of Ayn Rand's ideology at the end. It's not a bad idea, some "atlants" could rule of people progress, according with their high morals. The main problem - WHERE we can find people with such high morals, enough for successful rule of our sophisticated world? :)

P.S. Oldman Heinlein knew the construction of US society very good... But it's interesting to read, how he tried to apply his knowledges to Moscow life, organized by different principles :)))))

Dostoevsky, I have read, I'm not familiar with Efremov (I'll have to look him up). Ayn Rand was a Soviet ex-pat, so I don't wonder she would be viewed somewhat differently here than in Russia. One difference is reflected in your observation the Rand's ideas are typical of liberals. Liberal/progressives here absolutely hate her because she promotes the achievement of the individual over the collective. And, yes, it would be something refreshing to find persons of high morals who could assume leadership. But we would still need the majority of other people to have high morals, as well.
Heinlein's earlier work was far more entertaining, later, he became a little "preachy". I don't mind. Many of his stories have played a great part in my own social and moral development. "Time Enough for Love" especially has had influence on my life philosophy.
Do you read James Michener? His book "The Drifters" is probably the biggest reason I joined the Army. Andromeda.pdf - version on English. I've read it in an age of 7-8 years - it was a real awesome for me... But at first time I've read only chapters about space adventures, excluding Earth line :))) I think, it's a book, made my outlook maybe for all life, ad least from childhood till current days...

The Ayn Rand ideas about individual strength and responsibility are not unique. Communist ideologist tried to advance individual responsibility too - the main question of Russian revolution, divided Russian on red and white, in fact, sounded not "can the people be individualist" but "WHO can be individualist" (and as second - which responsibilities he must have :)). Maybe, I'm not so objective, because this revolution, in fact, not ended and "whites" want to replay history by all means, but I consider Ayn Rand as a part of "whites", which think, no one, except nobles, can be "free and individualistic". She don't speak about it directly, but I'm in "red" team, considering "anyone can be strong and individualistic, regardles of in which family he was born". But, offcourse, every people is responsible in the face of society and must not conflict with collective "because he is noble and have rights to do it" :)

About Heinlein - I've read a lot of his books. "History of future" - a lot of novels. "Space Patrol", some novels from Moon cycle, a several stories for children... And about Lazarus Long - from Methuselah's Children to "Sail Beyond The Sunset" (the last I'm reading now, by several pages in e-version :)))
About Michener - I didn't knew about them till this moment, but it seems to be interesting... I'll try to find "Drifters" :)
Some of Michener's books are...descriptive to a fault. Both "Hawaii" and "Alaska" start with the birth of the land and move on from there. Ernest Hemingway was another author who was really very descriptive. I've read some of his stories in English, German, and Russian. All are great ways to build vocabulary.

It seems, Michener not so popular here... I've found only novel "Source" in e-shops - do you recommend it to read? :) Ernest Hemingway is good and popular in Russia. What can you say about Umberto Eco? Do you like books about Medieval and Renaissance history?
I got an A on my A&P exam. There were quite a few labeling questions, it's a good thing I was able to get those stuck in my mind before the test.

Algebra is on Saturday. I don't know how I'll do on that, but I'm less concerned with getting better than a passing grade for that class, as it isn't really related to my field of study; it's just one of those prereqs.
Montrovant , remind me to tell you an algebra joke sometime in the near future.

If it's anything like my class, I'll think it's funny for a few minutes, then completely forget why.

I'm getting a bit worried. Some of the stuff I am fine with, but some of it I don't remember how it is done 30 minutes after I've done it. There are just too many rules and formulae to remember, especially when I have other classes to remember things from. Hopefully I get plenty of multiple choice questions.

Still, I can probably pull off a C.

It's very interesting to read you from "the other side"... Performing exams for many years, you understand, all education is just a sort of roleplaying game, intended to force weak people's body and brain to get more information, needed in future :) A several days ago I've got a course in Coursera... I think, I will be unexemplary student, knowing, how it works :)))
Has it really been 2 weeks?
Anyhow, hopefully I'll catch up a bit at a time. I'll try to catch y'all up a bit first.
I've graduated from 99% wheel chair to 90% crutches and then to 75% cane and 25% can't find the damned thing so I walk un-aided.
The leg still swells up if I'm upright more than a few hours but the bone pain is gone. The gabapentin for the neuropathy is losing it's affectiveness but I have found CBD oil that I take orally and in a vape. I am 99% pain free if I keep my load where it needs to be. It ain't cheap, but it does work for me.

A TV commercial that warned patients to notify their doctor if they've received an organ transplant got me thinking about 2 women who have been very important to me; one a donor and one a recipient of a liver transplant.
I wrote this, obviously, to the woman who has rebuilt her life after selling everything she had built to pay for a new liver. It's a tale of two remarkable women. Forgive me if I omit identifiers.

I was just laying here, thinking about getting dressed and doing something productive and at essentially the same time, you and Maryanne came to mind.
Maryanne was a hippy/flower child until around 30 when she was abducted and raped, tied up and thrown in a pond. She was able to somehow kick herself to shore. (much like Jamie gave everything to survive)
Her whole focus changed. She no longer was the shy demure stay at home mother. In 2 years, she had a black belt in Tai Quando and packed a .44 magnum. Hell she even bought a couple of bras and got a job
I met her just after the rape and she and her husband and my wife and I became very close friends.
As Maryanne became emotionally stronger, her physical and inner beauty and new found confidence caused me to fall in love with her. The problem was we were all best friends and she and I were in love with our spouses.
We spoke of it once, kissed once and vowed to never go any farther.
Fast forward 5 years Her marriage was stressed by a severely handicapped son and her confidence. Her husband Frank would have preferred she had stayed the easily controlled flower child
Maryanne filed for divorce and she and the kids moved out. Frank was livid. The Italian macho shit would not allow him to accept failure at anything, much less lose his family.
At this point, Their 2 children are 16 (daughter) and 13 (son) The boy could not walk or stand speak, feed himself. He basically sat in a wheel chair and made sounds. He did respond and would laugh at childish jokes... think a 3 year old.
Maryanne brought the kids to the house once a week and stayed while they visited with their father. The visits mostly became an argument between the parents.
Well, one Wednesday, Maryanne got to the house just before Frank got in from work. Always cautious, Maryanne brought Adrian inside and asked Lisa to move her car to the end of the drive so she could leave if Frank went off the deep end.
Well, he did. While the only witness able to communicate was outside moving cars in the drive, there was a single gunshot. My love, my soulmate was shot in her left temple.
She was declared brain dead and kept on life support while transplant teams were assembled and recipients readied. I was actually the last person to say goodbye before she was taken to surgery.
My wife and I were broken. We left the hospital and went straight to our pastor. She was the associate pastor and a very compassionate woman roughly our age. Anyway, we were maybe 1/2 hour into our visit, when her husband, a pastor in another church came running into her office shouting "Jerry got a heart!" Yes the congregant of one pastor received the gift of life from the woman mourned by the congregants of another.
Just like Maryanne. She was always in the right place at the right time; for others, but not herself.
35 years later, I still mourn.

Who is Jamie?
I got an A on my A&P exam. There were quite a few labeling questions, it's a good thing I was able to get those stuck in my mind before the test.

Algebra is on Saturday. I don't know how I'll do on that, but I'm less concerned with getting better than a passing grade for that class, as it isn't really related to my field of study; it's just one of those prereqs.

Congrats! I guess being pessimistic about your abilities is working for you on some level. :D
Who the hell is Michener? But then again I don't read novels so I wouldn't know.
James Michener was a prolific writer credited with upwards of 150 books in his bibliography. I believe his first was the story upon which they based the movie "South Pacific". You know the songs, like "Bali Hai" and "Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My hair".
It was a joke........ I know who he is but I've never read any of his works nor do I ever want to.
We saw the heart Dr. late in the afternoon yesterday.

Good News and bad!

Good news is Mr. Peach's heart is continually getting stronger and more efficient.
He started at 15% working in Jan.
Now, 6 months later with heart medication and his walking, he now has it working at over 35% . Whoo Hoo! :)
Doc said he is taking a little longer than most ,but he is continually getting stronger.
He is doubling the dose of the one heart drug and in 4 weeks he gets another sonogram reading.
That's the bad news, 4 to 6 weeks longer of wearing the very uncomfortable life vest. :(
In 4 weeks if he has around 40 to 45% of it working he will no longer need the life vest.
He doesn't need have to have any heart surgery. We is very happy campers at this great news! :)
This is because of your prayers and well wishes.
Thank you all for being here for us as support. I love you all. :biggrin:
Last edited:
I like Ayn Rand very much. She celebrated the individual and condemned government interference in free development of talent, skills, resources, and industry. Objectivisim places the responsibility for each person's success, or failure, in their own hands. Unfortunately, she proved all-to-prophetic in her depiction of how government interference would affect social development.
I also really like Robert Heinlein. Have you read much Heinlein?

I do love Robert Heinlein and have read much of his books (and periodically re-read ;))) Objectivism is not a single idea, claimed a responsibility of persons for own success. But opposition of "creative" person to society is not a good idea. It's interesting, how different Ayn Rand percieved in US and in Russia, but as a raiser of question "How much each person could do against society" she's not alone, there are a lot of authors, from Dostoevsky to Efremov, raised the same problem...
At my sight, ideas of Ayn Rand - typical ideas of liberals, who lose the revolution and country 100 years ago... History showed, communism, as ideology, was more progressive... and, ironically, got the main problem of Ayn Rand's ideology at the end. It's not a bad idea, some "atlants" could rule of people progress, according with their high morals. The main problem - WHERE we can find people with such high morals, enough for successful rule of our sophisticated world? :)

P.S. Oldman Heinlein knew the construction of US society very good... But it's interesting to read, how he tried to apply his knowledges to Moscow life, organized by different principles :)))))

Dostoevsky, I have read, I'm not familiar with Efremov (I'll have to look him up). Ayn Rand was a Soviet ex-pat, so I don't wonder she would be viewed somewhat differently here than in Russia. One difference is reflected in your observation the Rand's ideas are typical of liberals. Liberal/progressives here absolutely hate her because she promotes the achievement of the individual over the collective. And, yes, it would be something refreshing to find persons of high morals who could assume leadership. But we would still need the majority of other people to have high morals, as well.
Heinlein's earlier work was far more entertaining, later, he became a little "preachy". I don't mind. Many of his stories have played a great part in my own social and moral development. "Time Enough for Love" especially has had influence on my life philosophy.
Do you read James Michener? His book "The Drifters" is probably the biggest reason I joined the Army. Andromeda.pdf - version on English. I've read it in an age of 7-8 years - it was a real awesome for me... But at first time I've read only chapters about space adventures, excluding Earth line :))) I think, it's a book, made my outlook maybe for all life, ad least from childhood till current days...

The Ayn Rand ideas about individual strength and responsibility are not unique. Communist ideologist tried to advance individual responsibility too - the main question of Russian revolution, divided Russian on red and white, in fact, sounded not "can the people be individualist" but "WHO can be individualist" (and as second - which responsibilities he must have :)). Maybe, I'm not so objective, because this revolution, in fact, not ended and "whites" want to replay history by all means, but I consider Ayn Rand as a part of "whites", which think, no one, except nobles, can be "free and individualistic". She don't speak about it directly, but I'm in "red" team, considering "anyone can be strong and individualistic, regardles of in which family he was born". But, offcourse, every people is responsible in the face of society and must not conflict with collective "because he is noble and have rights to do it" :)

About Heinlein - I've read a lot of his books. "History of future" - a lot of novels. "Space Patrol", some novels from Moon cycle, a several stories for children... And about Lazarus Long - from Methuselah's Children to "Sail Beyond The Sunset" (the last I'm reading now, by several pages in e-version :)))
About Michener - I didn't knew about them till this moment, but it seems to be interesting... I'll try to find "Drifters" :)
Some of Michener's books are...descriptive to a fault. Both "Hawaii" and "Alaska" start with the birth of the land and move on from there. Ernest Hemingway was another author who was really very descriptive. I've read some of his stories in English, German, and Russian. All are great ways to build vocabulary.

It seems, Michener not so popular here... I've found only novel "Source" in e-shops - do you recommend it to read? :) Ernest Hemingway is good and popular in Russia. What can you say about Umberto Eco? Do you like books about Medieval and Renaissance history?

I think you need to look to Dajjal for recommendations on medieval history and maybe Renaissance. I have studied both extensively, but I honestly cannot recall a single title that stands out.
I got an A on my A&P exam. There were quite a few labeling questions, it's a good thing I was able to get those stuck in my mind before the test.

Algebra is on Saturday. I don't know how I'll do on that, but I'm less concerned with getting better than a passing grade for that class, as it isn't really related to my field of study; it's just one of those prereqs.
Montrovant , remind me to tell you an algebra joke sometime in the near future.

If it's anything like my class, I'll think it's funny for a few minutes, then completely forget why.

I'm getting a bit worried. Some of the stuff I am fine with, but some of it I don't remember how it is done 30 minutes after I've done it. There are just too many rules and formulae to remember, especially when I have other classes to remember things from. Hopefully I get plenty of multiple choice questions.

Still, I can probably pull off a C.

It's very interesting to read you from "the other side"... Performing exams for many years, you understand, all education is just a sort of roleplaying game, intended to force weak people's body and brain to get more information, needed in future :) A several days ago I've got a course in Coursera... I think, I will be unexemplary student, knowing, how it works :)))

I almost certainly will not need any algebra in my future. :p
We saw the heart Dr. late in the afternoon yesterday.

Good News and bad!

Good news is Mr. Peach's heart is continually getting stronger and more efficient.
He started at 15% working in Jan.
Now, 6 months later with heart medication and his walking, he now has it working at over 35% . Whoo Hoo! :)
Doc said he is taking a little longer than most ,but he is continually getting stronger.
He is doubling the dose of the one heart drug and in 4 weeks he get another sonogram reading.
That's the bad news, 4 to 6 weeks longer of wearing the very uncomfortable life vest. :(
In 4 weeks if he has around 40 to 45% of it working he will no longer need the life vest.
He doesn't need have to have any heart surgery. We is very happy campers at this great news! :)
This is because of your prayers and well wishes.
Thank you all for being here for us as support. I love you all. :biggrin:

So happy to hear this Peach and will keep you two on the vigil list too because those prayers and good vibes sure can't hurt and I believe they help. The body does have amazing ability to heal itself, though it does need some help along the way at times.
I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor. I just cannot deal with the pain in my hip and leg any more. Good news, it's a muscular problem, not skeletal. Chiropractor can help me with that, already has today after a brief visit. He suggested I get to the VA because they can write a referral for chiropractic care. Guess I'll be wasting some time over at the VA hospital in the near future. I can't believe how much better I feel after just a little treatment. At least I'm not looking at a hip replacement, not yet.
Getting old sure sucks. But the time you figure out how best to use the equipment issued to you, most of it is broken or worn out and needs repairs.

Getting old sucks, but we do benefit in doing what we can to minimize it which you just did. :) Happy your condition is correctable without doing anything invasive. I wish Hombre was in that situation but he is facing a hip replacement at some time. Not a happy prospect but grateful that it is possible.
I got an A on my A&P exam. There were quite a few labeling questions, it's a good thing I was able to get those stuck in my mind before the test.

Algebra is on Saturday. I don't know how I'll do on that, but I'm less concerned with getting better than a passing grade for that class, as it isn't really related to my field of study; it's just one of those prereqs.
Montrovant , remind me to tell you an algebra joke sometime in the near future.

If it's anything like my class, I'll think it's funny for a few minutes, then completely forget why.

I'm getting a bit worried. Some of the stuff I am fine with, but some of it I don't remember how it is done 30 minutes after I've done it. There are just too many rules and formulae to remember, especially when I have other classes to remember things from. Hopefully I get plenty of multiple choice questions.

Still, I can probably pull off a C.

It's very interesting to read you from "the other side"... Performing exams for many years, you understand, all education is just a sort of roleplaying game, intended to force weak people's body and brain to get more information, needed in future :) A several days ago I've got a course in Coursera... I think, I will be unexemplary student, knowing, how it works :)))

I almost certainly will not need any algebra in my future. :p

The only algebra I have had was one class in 9th grade and, like you, I didn't have strong aptitude for it. I honestly believe the only reason I made an A was because I was nice to the teacher when most of the other students were not. But you know what, all these decades later, I do find myself using it from time to time. So that fits into the category of universal truths that all knowledge is valuable.
The Doc told hubby at the last visit the only bike he can ride now is a trike with two front wheels and very little vibration in it.
So he sold the Ice bear trike and bought a new Can -Am Spyder touring bike. It's like a frameless car. Very fun and comfortable to ride. :)
He is having so much fun on it, but last Sat. he was riding back from Tombstone and the Sun melted his blue gel packs and had to get a new vest brought to the house the next morning.
Doc said he should have received a new one 6 weeks ago, because they aren't ment to last that long. :)
What a mess that was cleaning up. :(
I got an A on my A&P exam. There were quite a few labeling questions, it's a good thing I was able to get those stuck in my mind before the test.

Algebra is on Saturday. I don't know how I'll do on that, but I'm less concerned with getting better than a passing grade for that class, as it isn't really related to my field of study; it's just one of those prereqs.
Montrovant , remind me to tell you an algebra joke sometime in the near future.

If it's anything like my class, I'll think it's funny for a few minutes, then completely forget why.

I'm getting a bit worried. Some of the stuff I am fine with, but some of it I don't remember how it is done 30 minutes after I've done it. There are just too many rules and formulae to remember, especially when I have other classes to remember things from. Hopefully I get plenty of multiple choice questions.

Still, I can probably pull off a C.

It's very interesting to read you from "the other side"... Performing exams for many years, you understand, all education is just a sort of roleplaying game, intended to force weak people's body and brain to get more information, needed in future :) A several days ago I've got a course in Coursera... I think, I will be unexemplary student, knowing, how it works :)))

I almost certainly will not need any algebra in my future. :p
I thought that way once, too. I also thought I'd never need trigonometry, either...until I started working with AC and DC electric systems.
I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor. I just cannot deal with the pain in my hip and leg any more. Good news, it's a muscular problem, not skeletal. Chiropractor can help me with that, already has today after a brief visit. He suggested I get to the VA because they can write a referral for chiropractic care. Guess I'll be wasting some time over at the VA hospital in the near future. I can't believe how much better I feel after just a little treatment. At least I'm not looking at a hip replacement, not yet.
Getting old sure sucks. But the time you figure out how best to use the equipment issued to you, most of it is broken or worn out and needs repairs.

Getting old sucks, but we do benefit in doing what we can to minimize it which you just did. :) Happy your condition is correctable without doing anything invasive. I wish Hombre was in that situation but he is facing a hip replacement at some time. Not a happy prospect but grateful that it is possible.
I agree that avoiding invasive treatment is most desireable. I'm feeling pretty good right now and might try to see the chiropractor again today.
Has it really been 2 weeks?
Anyhow, hopefully I'll catch up a bit at a time. I'll try to catch y'all up a bit first.
I've graduated from 99% wheel chair to 90% crutches and then to 75% cane and 25% can't find the damned thing so I walk un-aided.
The leg still swells up if I'm upright more than a few hours but the bone pain is gone. The gabapentin for the neuropathy is losing it's affectiveness but I have found CBD oil that I take orally and in a vape. I am 99% pain free if I keep my load where it needs to be. It ain't cheap, but it does work for me.

A TV commercial that warned patients to notify their doctor if they've received an organ transplant got me thinking about 2 women who have been very important to me; one a donor and one a recipient of a liver transplant.
I wrote this, obviously, to the woman who has rebuilt her life after selling everything she had built to pay for a new liver. It's a tale of two remarkable women. Forgive me if I omit identifiers.

I was just laying here, thinking about getting dressed and doing something productive and at essentially the same time, you and Maryanne came to mind.
Maryanne was a hippy/flower child until around 30 when she was abducted and raped, tied up and thrown in a pond. She was able to somehow kick herself to shore. (much like Jamie gave everything to survive)
Her whole focus changed. She no longer was the shy demure stay at home mother. In 2 years, she had a black belt in Tai Quando and packed a .44 magnum. Hell she even bought a couple of bras and got a job
I met her just after the rape and she and her husband and my wife and I became very close friends.
As Maryanne became emotionally stronger, her physical and inner beauty and new found confidence caused me to fall in love with her. The problem was we were all best friends and she and I were in love with our spouses.
We spoke of it once, kissed once and vowed to never go any farther.
Fast forward 5 years Her marriage was stressed by a severely handicapped son and her confidence. Her husband Frank would have preferred she had stayed the easily controlled flower child
Maryanne filed for divorce and she and the kids moved out. Frank was livid. The Italian macho shit would not allow him to accept failure at anything, much less lose his family.
At this point, Their 2 children are 16 (daughter) and 13 (son) The boy could not walk or stand speak, feed himself. He basically sat in a wheel chair and made sounds. He did respond and would laugh at childish jokes... think a 3 year old.
Maryanne brought the kids to the house once a week and stayed while they visited with their father. The visits mostly became an argument between the parents.
Well, one Wednesday, Maryanne got to the house just before Frank got in from work. Always cautious, Maryanne brought Adrian inside and asked Lisa to move her car to the end of the drive so she could leave if Frank went off the deep end.
Well, he did. While the only witness able to communicate was outside moving cars in the drive, there was a single gunshot. My love, my soulmate was shot in her left temple.
She was declared brain dead and kept on life support while transplant teams were assembled and recipients readied. I was actually the last person to say goodbye before she was taken to surgery.
My wife and I were broken. We left the hospital and went straight to our pastor. She was the associate pastor and a very compassionate woman roughly our age. Anyway, we were maybe 1/2 hour into our visit, when her husband, a pastor in another church came running into her office shouting "Jerry got a heart!" Yes the congregant of one pastor received the gift of life from the woman mourned by the congregants of another.
Just like Maryanne. She was always in the right place at the right time; for others, but not herself.
35 years later, I still mourn.

Who is Jamie?
Jamie is a dear friend who I respect and admire. She is flat out beautiful and has a genius level IQ. She's also almost 30 years my junior, so she will remain just a dear friend. (Dammit)
I got an A on my A&P exam. There were quite a few labeling questions, it's a good thing I was able to get those stuck in my mind before the test.

Algebra is on Saturday. I don't know how I'll do on that, but I'm less concerned with getting better than a passing grade for that class, as it isn't really related to my field of study; it's just one of those prereqs.
Montrovant , remind me to tell you an algebra joke sometime in the near future.

If it's anything like my class, I'll think it's funny for a few minutes, then completely forget why.

I'm getting a bit worried. Some of the stuff I am fine with, but some of it I don't remember how it is done 30 minutes after I've done it. There are just too many rules and formulae to remember, especially when I have other classes to remember things from. Hopefully I get plenty of multiple choice questions.

Still, I can probably pull off a C.

It's very interesting to read you from "the other side"... Performing exams for many years, you understand, all education is just a sort of roleplaying game, intended to force weak people's body and brain to get more information, needed in future :) A several days ago I've got a course in Coursera... I think, I will be unexemplary student, knowing, how it works :)))

I almost certainly will not need any algebra in my future. :p

Time for that algebra class, Montrovant .

My friend Zeke worked hard all his life so that he could send his son Jim Bob to college. Nobody in the family had ever gone to college so Jim Bob would be the first. Come September JB went off to the State University and completed the first term, then came home for a break. Zeke was all excited and asked JB, "Son, what are they learnin' ya up there in Raleigh?" Jim Bob said, Well, They's learnin' us English, History, Algebra and.........." Zeke interrupted him at this point and said, "Algebra huh? Speak me some." Jim Bob threw out his chest, rared back and said loudly, "pi r^2." (pi r squared) Zeke's face turned beet red and he ripped off his hat, threw it on the floor, stomped it a couple times and kicked it up into the ceiling fan. He turned to Jim Bob and yelled, "Dammit, you mean to tell me I spent all that money to send you up there to that school to have them teach you a damn lie?" JB just bowed his had and didn't say anymore. Zeke said, "Hell, every damn fool around here knows that pie ain't square. Pie are round. Cornbread are square."
Has it really been 2 weeks?
Anyhow, hopefully I'll catch up a bit at a time. I'll try to catch y'all up a bit first.
I've graduated from 99% wheel chair to 90% crutches and then to 75% cane and 25% can't find the damned thing so I walk un-aided.
The leg still swells up if I'm upright more than a few hours but the bone pain is gone. The gabapentin for the neuropathy is losing it's affectiveness but I have found CBD oil that I take orally and in a vape. I am 99% pain free if I keep my load where it needs to be. It ain't cheap, but it does work for me.

A TV commercial that warned patients to notify their doctor if they've received an organ transplant got me thinking about 2 women who have been very important to me; one a donor and one a recipient of a liver transplant.
I wrote this, obviously, to the woman who has rebuilt her life after selling everything she had built to pay for a new liver. It's a tale of two remarkable women. Forgive me if I omit identifiers.

I was just laying here, thinking about getting dressed and doing something productive and at essentially the same time, you and Maryanne came to mind.
Maryanne was a hippy/flower child until around 30 when she was abducted and raped, tied up and thrown in a pond. She was able to somehow kick herself to shore. (much like Jamie gave everything to survive)
Her whole focus changed. She no longer was the shy demure stay at home mother. In 2 years, she had a black belt in Tai Quando and packed a .44 magnum. Hell she even bought a couple of bras and got a job
I met her just after the rape and she and her husband and my wife and I became very close friends.
As Maryanne became emotionally stronger, her physical and inner beauty and new found confidence caused me to fall in love with her. The problem was we were all best friends and she and I were in love with our spouses.
We spoke of it once, kissed once and vowed to never go any farther.
Fast forward 5 years Her marriage was stressed by a severely handicapped son and her confidence. Her husband Frank would have preferred she had stayed the easily controlled flower child
Maryanne filed for divorce and she and the kids moved out. Frank was livid. The Italian macho shit would not allow him to accept failure at anything, much less lose his family.
At this point, Their 2 children are 16 (daughter) and 13 (son) The boy could not walk or stand speak, feed himself. He basically sat in a wheel chair and made sounds. He did respond and would laugh at childish jokes... think a 3 year old.
Maryanne brought the kids to the house once a week and stayed while they visited with their father. The visits mostly became an argument between the parents.
Well, one Wednesday, Maryanne got to the house just before Frank got in from work. Always cautious, Maryanne brought Adrian inside and asked Lisa to move her car to the end of the drive so she could leave if Frank went off the deep end.
Well, he did. While the only witness able to communicate was outside moving cars in the drive, there was a single gunshot. My love, my soulmate was shot in her left temple.
She was declared brain dead and kept on life support while transplant teams were assembled and recipients readied. I was actually the last person to say goodbye before she was taken to surgery.
My wife and I were broken. We left the hospital and went straight to our pastor. She was the associate pastor and a very compassionate woman roughly our age. Anyway, we were maybe 1/2 hour into our visit, when her husband, a pastor in another church came running into her office shouting "Jerry got a heart!" Yes the congregant of one pastor received the gift of life from the woman mourned by the congregants of another.
Just like Maryanne. She was always in the right place at the right time; for others, but not herself.
35 years later, I still mourn.

Who is Jamie?
Jamie is a dear friend who I respect and admire. She is flat out beautiful and has a genius level IQ. She's also almost 30 years my junior, so she will remain just a dear friend. (Dammit)

Don't sell yourself short. Age is just a number.

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