USMB Coffee Shop IV

They SAY we will see some sun today but it still really overcast here. It's so depressing.

Jounalism and news-making are becoming less responsible of information day-by-day..

I suppose it's a bit harder to be accurate on a weather forecast than telling the facts on the news though. Anyways, I still hate the weather people! :mad:

Those weather people are never right! :blowup:
They SAY we will see some sun today but it still really overcast here. It's so depressing.

Jounalism and news-making are becoming less responsible of information day-by-day..

I suppose it's a bit harder to be accurate on a weather forecast than telling the facts on the news though. Anyways, I still hate the weather people! :mad:

Those weather people are never right! :blowup:

The sun had BETTER come out today, or else I am boycotting the weather!
They SAY we will see some sun today but it still really overcast here. It's so depressing.

Jounalism and news-making are becoming less responsible of information day-by-day..

I suppose it's a bit harder to be accurate on a weather forecast than telling the facts on the news though. Anyways, I still hate the weather people! :mad:

Those weather people are never right! :blowup:

The sun had BETTER come out today, or else I am boycotting the weather!

The weather just called, said to tell you they don't care. They do what they want.

They SAY we will see some sun today but it still really overcast here. It's so depressing.

Jounalism and news-making are becoming less responsible of information day-by-day..

I suppose it's a bit harder to be accurate on a weather forecast than telling the facts on the news though. Anyways, I still hate the weather people! :mad:

Those weather people are never right! :blowup:

What's the reason of their existance? To calibrate a lies by them?
They SAY we will see some sun today but it still really overcast here. It's so depressing.

Jounalism and news-making are becoming less responsible of information day-by-day..

I suppose it's a bit harder to be accurate on a weather forecast than telling the facts on the news though. Anyways, I still hate the weather people! :mad:

Those weather people are never right! :blowup:

What's the reason of their existance? To calibrate a lies by them?

I'm really not sure! :badgrin:

Oh crap, it's raining already and the grass is still growing. :mad:
They SAY we will see some sun today but it still really overcast here. It's so depressing.

Jounalism and news-making are becoming less responsible of information day-by-day..

I suppose it's a bit harder to be accurate on a weather forecast than telling the facts on the news though. Anyways, I still hate the weather people! :mad:

Those weather people are never right! :blowup:

The sun had BETTER come out today, or else I am boycotting the weather!

The weather just called, said to tell you they don't care. They do what they want.


Well, if the weather was smart, it would run away from me before I kick it's arse!
They SAY we will see some sun today but it still really overcast here. It's so depressing.

Jounalism and news-making are becoming less responsible of information day-by-day..

I suppose it's a bit harder to be accurate on a weather forecast than telling the facts on the news though. Anyways, I still hate the weather people! :mad:

Those weather people are never right! :blowup:

What's the reason of their existance? To calibrate a lies by them?

They are trying to help, I suppose. :eusa_doh:

Best picture so far today, out of 21 shots. I am lucky they come out in daylight.
Temperatures are also below normal. It has only been in the 50s. Partly cloudy today and tomorrow, more rain on Friday. I hate spring. :mad:

According to the weather reports here, you guys are supposed to be having record heat? I find it rather remarkable that a lady in Massachusetts and a guy in Moscow are sharing their contempt for the same weather here in the Coffee Shop. :)

I tend to agree that weather reporting isn't what you would call an exact science. I do believe they put 10 guys called meteorologists in a room and they vote. If 6 of them say it is going to rain and 4 of them say it won't, you have a 60% chance of rain, etc.

On the other hand, Gracie is sweltering in 90 degree temperatures in northern California while we on the high desert in New Mexico are enjoying our unusually cool 90 degree summer weather here.

It's all relative I think.
Temperatures are also below normal. It has only been in the 50s. Partly cloudy today and tomorrow, more rain on Friday. I hate spring. :mad:

According to the weather reports here, you guys are supposed to be having record heat? I find it rather remarkable that a lady in Massachusetts and a guy in Moscow are sharing their contempt for the same weather here in the Coffee Shop. :)

I tend to agree that weather reporting isn't what you would call an exact science. I do believe they put 10 guys called meteorologists in a room and they vote. If 6 of them say it is going to rain and 4 of them say it won't, you have a 60% chance of rain, etc.

On the other hand, Gracie is sweltering in 90 degree temperatures in northern California while we on the high desert in New Mexico are enjoying our unusually cool 90 degree summer weather here.

It's all relative I think.

Yes, Einstein thought the same. Time is flowing relatively, depending on what side of toilet door you're seeing :)
The movers finally finished unloading the 29 foot trailer. They showed up yesterday and worked for 2 1/2 hours but what we didn't know is the El Paso Estes depot took the ramp out because it's supposed to stay at that depot so I had to call the Albuquerque depot to deliver us a ramp which didn't arrive at the house almost 4 hours later. Now we have a house full of boxes and stuff and the real work begins....... I'll be taking bids for household items........ :eusa_whistle:
I'm feeling pretty good about my first A&P exam on Thursday. I was worried about the 70-80 veins and arteries I need to be able to label, but thankfully, many of them have names that let me know about where to find them. I'm cramming for that test today and tomorrow.

The stupid Cultural Diversity in Communications class is annoying me to no end. It's funny how a communications based class has such poorly communicated instructions. I have to record myself giving a speech in front of an audience of 5 this week. I don't have any friends that live close to me, so getting 5 adults together is pretty difficult for me. I'll be using at least 1 or 2 kids as part of my audience. I'll have to go with my employer to her parents' house tomorrow and record it there, using them as audience members. I don't care for public speaking, and I'd rather be studying my A&P and algebra than wasting time on this silly prerequisite class. I'll just throw a little speech together and not worry overly much about how good it is; as long as I get a C in this class, that's fine.

My Database Management Systems class is boring me to tears. This is one of the reasons I chose against trying to get into programming as a career: learning about computer languages, at least through the online classes I've taken, is mind-numbing.

At least we got the A/C fixed. I don't have to sweat my way through the day, and can be relatively comfortable during my two proctored exams this week. :)
Makes me so glad that I'm on the other side of the podium. If my students nap through class, or watch youtube videos while I lecture, it's on them. Maybe I should quit posting my Powerpoint lectures to Blackboard?
P.S. Public speaking is no thang! I can talk to a who auditorium of people for hours!
Only for you saps! My weekend starts Sun night and continues until midnight, Wed.

My "weekstart" is beginning now :)
Your work Monday through Friday, with Saturday and Sunday off?

Yes, usually at this schedule. With some Saturdays, if it needs...

P.S. Hmm, I don't like Ayn Rand so much, but as I see - she's a wonderful source of citations! :)
I like Ayn Rand very much. She celebrated the individual and condemned government interference in free development of talent, skills, resources, and industry. Objectivisim places the responsibility for each person's success, or failure, in their own hands. Unfortunately, she proved all-to-prophetic in her depiction of how government interference would affect social development.
I also really like Robert Heinlein. Have you read much Heinlein?

I do love Robert Heinlein and have read much of his books (and periodically re-read ;))) Objectivism is not a single idea, claimed a responsibility of persons for own success. But opposition of "creative" person to society is not a good idea. It's interesting, how different Ayn Rand percieved in US and in Russia, but as a raiser of question "How much each person could do against society" she's not alone, there are a lot of authors, from Dostoevsky to Efremov, raised the same problem...
At my sight, ideas of Ayn Rand - typical ideas of liberals, who lose the revolution and country 100 years ago... History showed, communism, as ideology, was more progressive... and, ironically, got the main problem of Ayn Rand's ideology at the end. It's not a bad idea, some "atlants" could rule of people progress, according with their high morals. The main problem - WHERE we can find people with such high morals, enough for successful rule of our sophisticated world? :)

P.S. Oldman Heinlein knew the construction of US society very good... But it's interesting to read, how he tried to apply his knowledges to Moscow life, organized by different principles :)))))

Dostoevsky, I have read, I'm not familiar with Efremov (I'll have to look him up). Ayn Rand was a Soviet ex-pat, so I don't wonder she would be viewed somewhat differently here than in Russia. One difference is reflected in your observation the Rand's ideas are typical of liberals. Liberal/progressives here absolutely hate her because she promotes the achievement of the individual over the collective. And, yes, it would be something refreshing to find persons of high morals who could assume leadership. But we would still need the majority of other people to have high morals, as well.
Heinlein's earlier work was far more entertaining, later, he became a little "preachy". I don't mind. Many of his stories have played a great part in my own social and moral development. "Time Enough for Love" especially has had influence on my life philosophy.
Do you read James Michener? His book "The Drifters" is probably the biggest reason I joined the Army.
Well, as usual, I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to, but I have a load of old, nasty roots, twigs, rotted wood, etc, on the truck. They have free wood days through the summer at the municipal dump, so I'll be stopping there on the way home from work tomorrow. I'm trying to clean up our fire hazard in Willow. Unfortunately, my partner has never made a mess he thought he should clean up. At least half my load is old birch bark left over from his splitting firewood.
It's been pretty hot here, around 65 the last few afternoons. Rain is welcome because the overcast cools things off and because moisture decreases the fire hazard. Unfortunately, overcast means poor charging from the solar panels. Since I charge my electric fences with solar, I hope there's enough energy to keep the goats in their pen. They seem very respectful of the electrics.
Finally getting to see the knee doctor tomorrow morning. (8th) Hoping to get the knee replacement soon. About noon will head for Ft Hood for annual 1st Cavalry Division reunion. Be back here in Cow Town Sunday evening.
Temperatures are also below normal. It has only been in the 50s. Partly cloudy today and tomorrow, more rain on Friday. I hate spring. :mad:

According to the weather reports here, you guys are supposed to be having record heat? I find it rather remarkable that a lady in Massachusetts and a guy in Moscow are sharing their contempt for the same weather here in the Coffee Shop. :)

I tend to agree that weather reporting isn't what you would call an exact science. I do believe they put 10 guys called meteorologists in a room and they vote. If 6 of them say it is going to rain and 4 of them say it won't, you have a 60% chance of rain, etc.

On the other hand, Gracie is sweltering in 90 degree temperatures in northern California while we on the high desert in New Mexico are enjoying our unusually cool 90 degree summer weather here.

It's all relative I think.

We haven't had any nice summery weather since last week! It's been just awful. The sun did come out today and stayed out for the whole day. I was SO grateful to see the big orange eyeball in the sky! :D My flowers were too!

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