USMB Coffee Shop IV

Only for you saps! My weekend starts Sun night and continues until midnight, Wed.

My "weekstart" is beginning now :)
Your work Monday through Friday, with Saturday and Sunday off?

Yes, usually at this schedule. With some Saturdays, if it needs...

P.S. Hmm, I don't like Ayn Rand so much, but as I see - she's a wonderful source of citations! :)
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Well, a busy day at an end. A younger colleague of ours showed up this afternoon. He helped strip the limbs off of several trees we'd fallen, then he took over the chipper/shredder for a spell. Of course, it's no fun until the backhoe is fired up and used to move the bigger trees into a stack. This kid wanted to dig up some stumps and winch a couple of older trees into place to start their transformation to BTUs for this coming winter. At 33, he's half my partner's age, and I guess wisdom isn't everything.
I managed a few burnt offerings, teriyaki chicken off the grill with grilled veggies and coleslaw. Cooking is one of my primary duties around the joint.
Tomorrow, a few more trees will come down and we'll keep processing lumber. There's a great deal to get done before we can build the little barn we need.
I don't believe it, bastard neighbours have filled in a foxes hole. I just hope they have not buried the cubs alive.
Is there any way for you to make sure they haven't done that? How horrible if they did.
That was last night and I considered going to their door and asking them about it, but I thought the better of it.
I was wondering if they would dig their way out overnight, but the flower bed has not been disturbed today.
I just hope the cubs were not down there.
The other surviving fox family came out in daylight today, and I got some good pictures. Although I am still waiting for the money shot. (A very good picture). I got a lot of pictures with the adults playing with cubs.
DSCN0551 (2).JPG
Only for you saps! My weekend starts Sun night and continues until midnight, Wed.

My "weekstart" is beginning now :)
Your work Monday through Friday, with Saturday and Sunday off?

Yes, usually at this schedule. With some Saturdays, if it needs...

P.S. Hmm, I don't like Ayn Rand so much, but as I see - she's a wonderful source of citations! :)
I like Ayn Rand very much. She celebrated the individual and condemned government interference in free development of talent, skills, resources, and industry. Objectivisim places the responsibility for each person's success, or failure, in their own hands. Unfortunately, she proved all-to-prophetic in her depiction of how government interference would affect social development.
I also really like Robert Heinlein. Have you read much Heinlein?
Well ! I just saw three adult foxes playing with each other in the garden where the neighbours filled in the fox hole, but I saw no cubs. The adults did not seem bothered ,and they have made no attempt to dig up the hole, so I don't know what to think. If I was sure the neighbours had buried the cubs alive I would have confronted them and told them if they did not dig them up I would send for the RSPCA (Royal society for the protection of cruelty to animals). But without being sure I cannot make that much trouble, and by now it is too late as the cubs would probably have suffocated.
I'm feeling pretty good about my first A&P exam on Thursday. I was worried about the 70-80 veins and arteries I need to be able to label, but thankfully, many of them have names that let me know about where to find them. I'm cramming for that test today and tomorrow.

The stupid Cultural Diversity in Communications class is annoying me to no end. It's funny how a communications based class has such poorly communicated instructions. I have to record myself giving a speech in front of an audience of 5 this week. I don't have any friends that live close to me, so getting 5 adults together is pretty difficult for me. I'll be using at least 1 or 2 kids as part of my audience. I'll have to go with my employer to her parents' house tomorrow and record it there, using them as audience members. I don't care for public speaking, and I'd rather be studying my A&P and algebra than wasting time on this silly prerequisite class. I'll just throw a little speech together and not worry overly much about how good it is; as long as I get a C in this class, that's fine.

My Database Management Systems class is boring me to tears. This is one of the reasons I chose against trying to get into programming as a career: learning about computer languages, at least through the online classes I've taken, is mind-numbing.

At least we got the A/C fixed. I don't have to sweat my way through the day, and can be relatively comfortable during my two proctored exams this week. :)
90 today. Probably the same where CeeCee is. I loathe hot weather like this.

Meanwhile..where you at, Ceecee? All well with you?
Only for you saps! My weekend starts Sun night and continues until midnight, Wed.

My "weekstart" is beginning now :)
Your work Monday through Friday, with Saturday and Sunday off?

Yes, usually at this schedule. With some Saturdays, if it needs...

P.S. Hmm, I don't like Ayn Rand so much, but as I see - she's a wonderful source of citations! :)
I like Ayn Rand very much. She celebrated the individual and condemned government interference in free development of talent, skills, resources, and industry. Objectivisim places the responsibility for each person's success, or failure, in their own hands. Unfortunately, she proved all-to-prophetic in her depiction of how government interference would affect social development.
I also really like Robert Heinlein. Have you read much Heinlein?

I do love Robert Heinlein and have read much of his books (and periodically re-read ;))) Objectivism is not a single idea, claimed a responsibility of persons for own success. But opposition of "creative" person to society is not a good idea. It's interesting, how different Ayn Rand percieved in US and in Russia, but as a raiser of question "How much each person could do against society" she's not alone, there are a lot of authors, from Dostoevsky to Efremov, raised the same problem...
At my sight, ideas of Ayn Rand - typical ideas of liberals, who lose the revolution and country 100 years ago... History showed, communism, as ideology, was more progressive... and, ironically, got the main problem of Ayn Rand's ideology at the end. It's not a bad idea, some "atlants" could rule of people progress, according with their high morals. The main problem - WHERE we can find people with such high morals, enough for successful rule of our sophisticated world? :)

P.S. Oldman Heinlein knew the construction of US society very good... But it's interesting to read, how he tried to apply his knowledges to Moscow life, organized by different principles :)))))
I'm feeling pretty good about my first A&P exam on Thursday. I was worried about the 70-80 veins and arteries I need to be able to label, but thankfully, many of them have names that let me know about where to find them. I'm cramming for that test today and tomorrow.

The stupid Cultural Diversity in Communications class is annoying me to no end. It's funny how a communications based class has such poorly communicated instructions. I have to record myself giving a speech in front of an audience of 5 this week. I don't have any friends that live close to me, so getting 5 adults together is pretty difficult for me. I'll be using at least 1 or 2 kids as part of my audience. I'll have to go with my employer to her parents' house tomorrow and record it there, using them as audience members. I don't care for public speaking, and I'd rather be studying my A&P and algebra than wasting time on this silly prerequisite class. I'll just throw a little speech together and not worry overly much about how good it is; as long as I get a C in this class, that's fine.

My Database Management Systems class is boring me to tears. This is one of the reasons I chose against trying to get into programming as a career: learning about computer languages, at least through the online classes I've taken, is mind-numbing.

At least we got the A/C fixed. I don't have to sweat my way through the day, and can be relatively comfortable during my two proctored exams this week. :)

What? How the DBMS systems can be so boring? It's a relatively simple thing, which allows you to rule the world! Maybe, your learning program not cleaned by things, not actual in current practice? If you'll find a right source, you could easily become a guru of Data Management! :))) At least, for support greately your current way of career...
I am so angry about the weather! It has been raining and NO sun for like a week now. My flowers that I just planted last week are dying. They are getting WAY too much water and not nearly enough sun. They look all soggy and shriveled up.

I don't know how much more of this I can take!
Not to mention, the rain just beat the heck out of the poor flowers! They are all torn and so sad looking. Where is the SUN?

I think, in the center of Solar System.. I cannot tell more definitely because of rainy and snowy clouds above my head...

Maybe it could be nuclear war somewhere near a North Korea, and media don't tell nothing about it, and we just observing a start of nuclear winter?
Took advantage of the cool of the morning just now to do a bit of yard work before class. By the time Wifey came out to go to work, it was already muggy. Got a goodly bit done though. Hauled some brush to the curb and trimmed a few shrubs and trees.

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