USMB Coffee Shop IV

beautress and everybody whether or not you are a quilter and/or appreciate quilting skills. This was this year's winner at the International Quilt Festival and all I can say is WOW!

Couldn't find a source credit for this one:


An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and,
upon returning to her car, found four males
in the act of leaving with her vehicle.

She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun,
proceeding to scream at the top of her lungs,
"I have a gun, and I know how to use it!
Get out of the car - NOW!"

The four men didn't wait for a second threat.
They got out and ran like mad.
The lady, somewhat shaken, then proceeded
to load her shopping bags into the back of the
car and got into the driver's seat.

She was so shaken that she could not get her key into the ignition.

She tried and tried, and then
she realized why.

It was for the same reason she had wondered
why there was a football, a Frisbee, and two
12-packs of beer in the front seat.

A few minutes later, she found her own car parked four or five spaces farther down.

She loaded her bags into her own car and drove to the police station to report her mistake.

The Sergeant to whom she told the story couldn't stop laughing. He pointed to the other end of the counter, where four pale men were reporting a carjacking by a mad, elderly woman described as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly white hair,
and carrying a large handgun.

No charges were filed.

Moral of the story?

If you're going to have a senior moment...
make it memorable​
Saw EJ today, but very briefly. I had to go home and take a call from the doctor's office. Have to go in tomorrow. Few little problems, that's all. EJ looked pretty good for a guy who's starving. Prayers up.

Thanks, everyone for sharing the problems with compression socks. I learn something everytime I visit the USMB Coffee shop. Thanks! :huddle:
All the best coming your way for EJ.
"what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !"
I've been thinking that a lot lately. One day it took half an hour to put on a pair of those compression socks to help keep the swelling off my ankles. They were so tight I almost had to cut them off with kitchen shears, but that took 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, I was just mad. I thought it's awful to spend almost an hour to put on socks when in high school, we used to get 10 minutes to leave the gymn, shower, dry off, dress, and get to the next class after stopping by a locker to change books. lol

What a difference a lifetime makes. :lmao:
Had similar experience with compression socks when I was recovering from my knee surgery.
Y'all do know about that, don't you?
I'll have to wear compression socks for a while after surgery, too. How the hell am I supposed to get them on when I cannot bend over? I have one of those sock helper thingies but I can't the socks stretched over it. I hadn't even thought of the horror of removing the socks:shok:
It was tough for me getting them on with a knee that only bent a few degrees at first. I suffered a bit, but I did it to avoid this:View attachment 265327
I'll bite, what is that? Looks pretty bad. I spoke with my brother this morning. I explained I'm trying to minimize his participation in my personal body care, i.e. compression socks. He told me socks would be okay but I'm on the hook for the rest. I imagine that knee surgery has some limitation similar to hip surgery. Do you have concerns that a knee will dislocate?
No worries about dislocation but the swelling was incredible. If I wore normal socks, my leg looked like that within 10 minutes of getting out of bed. The calf muscles had atrophied so much in the 10 weeks I was casted that they were unable to pump fluid back up to my heart. Therapy eventually built the leg back up but I guess I wore compression socks for 3 months. It was nearly 6 months before I dared wear my cowboy boots out of fear I would have to cut $750 boots off my foot.
I guess there's a difference between knee and hip surgery. They get the hips up almost immediately and make you try to start walking "normally". Shit, I've been walking like one of the zombie dead for so long, that seems normal to me. There will be no cast but a great big cut in my ass, if they do a posterior incision. Swelling is a problem, though, according to all my research.
Dang, though, if that wasn't a major smash you took! My partner fell off a ladder a couple of years ago and shattered the lower part of his leg into a lot of little shards. He still isn't walking correctly. He's also eating ibuprofen like there's no tomorrow...not good.
Saw EJ today, but very briefly. I had to go home and take a call from the doctor's office. Have to go in tomorrow. Few little problems, that's all. EJ looked pretty good for a guy who's starving. Prayers up.

Thanks, everyone for sharing the problems with compression socks. I learn something everytime I visit the USMB Coffee shop. Thanks! :huddle:
All the best coming your way for EJ.
Well, the doctor prescribed medicine, so I took it. I was able a few hours later to go see E.J. one more time. He hasn't spoken or eaten for 10 days. All I could do is hold his hand and reminded him that he made me happy at a very unhappy time in my life. He just stares, and they keep telling me "today or tomorrow" for the last several days. I think his love for the people in his family keeps him going. I'm sorry I'm so sick, because I don't get a lot of time to go out, I'm allergic to most medicines, but this time I'm paying attention to hydration to avoid medicine issues. I pray for everyone here to take better care of yourselves in times of stress. Thanks to all for your words of kindness, prayers, and friendships. Love yas! :sleep:
beautress and everybody whether or not you are a quilter and/or appreciate quilting skills. This was this year's winner at the International Quilt Festival and all I can say is WOW!

I love music quilts. I made several in Wyoming, but only one or two here. Everybody loves music quilts, and I love this one you posted, Foxfyre. Thanks, seriously. :)
Saw EJ today, but very briefly. I had to go home and take a call from the doctor's office. Have to go in tomorrow. Few little problems, that's all. EJ looked pretty good for a guy who's starving. Prayers up.

Thanks, everyone for sharing the problems with compression socks. I learn something everytime I visit the USMB Coffee shop. Thanks! :huddle:
All the best coming your way for EJ.
Well, the doctor prescribed medicine, so I took it. I was able a few hours later to go see E.J. one more time. He hasn't spoken or eaten for 10 days. All I could do is hold his hand and reminded him that he made me happy at a very unhappy time in my life. He just stares, and they keep telling me "today or tomorrow" for the last several days. I think his love for the people in his family keeps him going. I'm sorry I'm so sick, because I don't get a lot of time to go out, I'm allergic to most medicines, but this time I'm paying attention to hydration to avoid medicine issues. I pray for everyone here to take better care of yourselves in times of stress. Thanks to all for your words of kindness, prayers, and friendships. Love yas! :sleep:

Sending strengthening and healing prayers, positive vibes, and all the support I can across the miles beautress. And for EJ and his family too.
Morning all

I've been cleaning out the utility room and garage for the last three days.
I use this little heavy duty wood and steel wagon to put large heavy trash sacks on and then take it to the dumpster I rented.
Yesterday I tripped over the wagon and fell hard on the sidewalk and rock yard.
Didn't even move that heavy wagon one inch when I hit it with my shin Bone.
I'm OK but really bruised and scrapped up.
My left knee and shin bone are bruised and cut up.
My right knee is skinned up and bruised.
I hit the side walk with my glasses first, which broke and bruised and my left eye and a small cut on my cheek
I'm very banged up and sore, so I'm taking it easy today.
This is what happens to us old farts that don't learn to slow down and push ourselves too far to the limits. :biggrin:

I'm taking it easy today applying ice to the swollen areas.
Morning all

I've been cleaning out the utility room and garage for the last three days.
I use this little heavy duty wood and steel wagon to put large heavy trash sacks on and then take it to the dumpster I rented.
Yesterday I tripped over the wagon and fell hard on the sidewalk and rock yard.
Didn't even move that heavy wagon one inch when I hit it with my shin Bone.
I'm OK but really bruised and scrapped up.
My left knee and shin bone are bruised and cut up.
My right knee is skinned up and bruised.
I hit the side walk with my glasses first, which broke and bruised and my left eye and a small cut on my cheek
I'm very banged up and sore, so I'm taking it easy today.
This is what happens to us old farts that don't learn to slow down and push ourselves too far to the limits. :biggrin:

I'm taking it easy today applying ice to the swollen areas.

Oh wow Peach. So glad you didn't bang yourself up in a way that requires serious stuff to heal. But will send some pain relief and healing vibes your way just the same. I remember Beautress's fall a few years ago in which she did some serious damage. And Ernie's mishap. Us 'old farts' do need to be a little more careful than we used to.
Had similar experience with compression socks when I was recovering from my knee surgery.
Y'all do know about that, don't you?
I'll have to wear compression socks for a while after surgery, too. How the hell am I supposed to get them on when I cannot bend over? I have one of those sock helper thingies but I can't the socks stretched over it. I hadn't even thought of the horror of removing the socks:shok:
It was tough for me getting them on with a knee that only bent a few degrees at first. I suffered a bit, but I did it to avoid this:View attachment 265327
I'll bite, what is that? Looks pretty bad. I spoke with my brother this morning. I explained I'm trying to minimize his participation in my personal body care, i.e. compression socks. He told me socks would be okay but I'm on the hook for the rest. I imagine that knee surgery has some limitation similar to hip surgery. Do you have concerns that a knee will dislocate?
No worries about dislocation but the swelling was incredible. If I wore normal socks, my leg looked like that within 10 minutes of getting out of bed. The calf muscles had atrophied so much in the 10 weeks I was casted that they were unable to pump fluid back up to my heart. Therapy eventually built the leg back up but I guess I wore compression socks for 3 months. It was nearly 6 months before I dared wear my cowboy boots out of fear I would have to cut $750 boots off my foot.
I guess there's a difference between knee and hip surgery. They get the hips up almost immediately and make you try to start walking "normally". Shit, I've been walking like one of the zombie dead for so long, that seems normal to me. There will be no cast but a great big cut in my ass, if they do a posterior incision. Swelling is a problem, though, according to all my research.
Dang, though, if that wasn't a major smash you took! My partner fell off a ladder a couple of years ago and shattered the lower part of his leg into a lot of little shards. He still isn't walking correctly. He's also eating ibuprofen like there's no tomorrow...not good.
I get by without chemicals most days, but keep a supply of hydrocodone on hand for when I step in a hole or twist it.
With joint replacement, they do get you back on your feet as quickly as possible to avoid muscle atrophy. In my case, there was essentially no joint until all the various pieces of my bone and bone grafts knitted together. I wasn't allowed to put any weight at all on the knee for 10 weeks. I had to keep the knee elevated probably 20 hours a day. The skin on my lower leg shed off several times due to the extreme swelling that happened within minutes of sitting or standing on the walker or crutches. I still can't kneel on a hard surface. 3 inch foam or a large pillow will let me get weight on my knee without bringing tears to my eyes but it's still not at all fun.
Morning all

I've been cleaning out the utility room and garage for the last three days.
I use this little heavy duty wood and steel wagon to put large heavy trash sacks on and then take it to the dumpster I rented.
Yesterday I tripped over the wagon and fell hard on the sidewalk and rock yard.
Didn't even move that heavy wagon one inch when I hit it with my shin Bone.
I'm OK but really bruised and scrapped up.
My left knee and shin bone are bruised and cut up.
My right knee is skinned up and bruised.
I hit the side walk with my glasses first, which broke and bruised and my left eye and a small cut on my cheek
I'm very banged up and sore, so I'm taking it easy today.
This is what happens to us old farts that don't learn to slow down and push ourselves too far to the limits. :biggrin:

I'm taking it easy today applying ice to the swollen areas.

Oh wow Peach. So glad you didn't bang yourself up in a way that requires serious stuff to heal. But will send some pain relief and healing vibes your way just the same. I remember Beautress's fall a few years ago in which she did some serious damage. And Ernie's mishap. Us 'old farts' do need to be a little more careful than we used to.
Bust up your knee and I guarantee you won't be tripping over wagons for at least a couple months.
Exactly Ernie.
I was lucky I didn't break anything.
My glasses is what saved me from hitting the side of my head very hard into the cement.
If not from them breaking and taking most of it, I might have not been around anymore.
Smashed skull lights out.
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