USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well....I get to see a new pain management doctor. He asked for xrays of both hips, both wrists, lower back. Blood tests show my RA factors are sky high, but they needed to SEE. So...I got the xrays done. Seems I have an old wrist fracture that healed lopsided, my right hip (which doesn't bother me. Its the LEFT one) has some kind of abnormality, my left thumb and wrist was damaged in some way and healed incorrectly too so its "abnormal" too, and my lower back is nothing but a mess of RA with no cushions to speak of. Oh, same with my right wrist. But now its the tiny little bones in the lower part of my palm crunching around each other which hurts like a mo fo. Pain. Thats all it is. Just flat out pain. I usually ignore it..until I have to walk to the end of the store to get the damn heavy gallon of milk/open a damn welded on plastic lid to a water bottle or even to open the damn milk once I get it home/open a can of cat food or tuna or whatever is in the can and in general..every day shit I used to take for granted.

So what will this new pain management doc want me to do? Take meds that can cause cancer, lymphoma, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face and throat, blindness, heart problems and a multitude of ailments worse than the RA which I REFUSE to take. I just want my 1 & 1/2 norco at night. During the day, I deal with it. At night...I want to sleep on my side without my hips/back keeping me awake and adjust my pillow without my hands having a hissy fit where I gasp at the shooting stabs and throbs that last for hours. Will this new doc continue to give me my 1 & 1/2 pill daily, or will I "become addicted" as they are so wont to say? Time will tell. I see him/her next week. I think.

Which brings me to something my depressed state of mind has drummed up, which is not unusual with the way things are nowadays and all the hate/sadness/bickering going on the world over:

When I was a kid, I saw a movie about an artist. Or was it a piano player? I don't remember, but I DO remember telling daddy I would never paint (play piano?) because the devil would hurt me in some way where I couldn't do it any more. Dad said nonsense. But it stuck in my head. And guess what? I was right. I can no longer paint. Never did play the piano though. But painting? Impossible. Hell, I can't even pull my hair back into a ponytail any more. What if I were a professional painter when younger and that was my livelihood? Good thing I am only a "mood" painter. I do it when in the mood...which no longer exists now. fear when I was in my teens was to become homeless. I remember seeing old ladies with fake flowers poked in their ratty hair, pushing a shopping cart with all their belongings. It scared me. So I worked my ass off and THOUGHT I married well, with a partner that would work and save with me. Wrong again. I chose the wrong profession (property manager) where you get free rent and utilities but no salary although free to work outside the complex although that is next to impossible if you have a large property to manage. Still...we made due, us both. And trust? Oh yes..we trusted people we shouldnt have trusted at all. Nothing in writing. BIG mistake. So did I make many of those mistakes? Oh yes, I sure did. Husband was too tight to help purchase a home with me. Renting was cheaper he said. I trusted his judgement. But then shit happens. I won't go into detail because I have talked about it here before. Needles to fear of homelessness came true too. No cart pushing, but I did get lucky and have a car. Then again...losing everything we owned, which wasn't much, in the Paradise fire. Which brings me to where I am now. Depressed, sad, angry, feeling really REALLY stupid and naive, and wishing I was 20 years old again and could start over with better choices and less trust.

So..I was wondering...has anything you ever feared actually come true? Or were you lucky and avoided disaster?

Sorry for the long post. I ache. Each tap of the keyboard shoots pain, but...I get my 1 & 1/2 norco in about 15 minutes so..........:D
Well....I get to see a new pain management doctor. He asked for xrays of both hips, both wrists, lower back. Blood tests show my RA factors are sky high, but they needed to SEE. So...I got the xrays done. Seems I have an old wrist fracture that healed lopsided, my right hip (which doesn't bother me. Its the LEFT one) has some kind of abnormality, my left thumb and wrist was damaged in some way and healed incorrectly too so its "abnormal" too, and my lower back is nothing but a mess of RA with no cushions to speak of. Oh, same with my right wrist. But now its the tiny little bones in the lower part of my palm crunching around each other which hurts like a mo fo. Pain. Thats all it is. Just flat out pain. I usually ignore it..until I have to walk to the end of the store to get the damn heavy gallon of milk/open a damn welded on plastic lid to a water bottle or even to open the damn milk once I get it home/open a can of cat food or tuna or whatever is in the can and in general..every day shit I used to take for granted.

So what will this new pain management doc want me to do? Take meds that can cause cancer, lymphoma, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face and throat, blindness, heart problems and a multitude of ailments worse than the RA which I REFUSE to take. I just want my 1 & 1/2 norco at night. During the day, I deal with it. At night...I want to sleep on my side without my hips/back keeping me awake and adjust my pillow without my hands having a hissy fit where I gasp at the shooting stabs and throbs that last for hours. Will this new doc continue to give me my 1 & 1/2 pill daily, or will I "become addicted" as they are so wont to say? Time will tell. I see him/her next week. I think.

Which brings me to something my depressed state of mind has drummed up, which is not unusual with the way things are nowadays and all the hate/sadness/bickering going on the world over:

When I was a kid, I saw a movie about an artist. Or was it a piano player? I don't remember, but I DO remember telling daddy I would never paint (play piano?) because the devil would hurt me in some way where I couldn't do it any more. Dad said nonsense. But it stuck in my head. And guess what? I was right. I can no longer paint. Never did play the piano though. But painting? Impossible. Hell, I can't even pull my hair back into a ponytail any more. What if I were a professional painter when younger and that was my livelihood? Good thing I am only a "mood" painter. I do it when in the mood...which no longer exists now. fear when I was in my teens was to become homeless. I remember seeing old ladies with fake flowers poked in their ratty hair, pushing a shopping cart with all their belongings. It scared me. So I worked my ass off and THOUGHT I married well, with a partner that would work and save with me. Wrong again. I chose the wrong profession (property manager) where you get free rent and utilities but no salary although free to work outside the complex although that is next to impossible if you have a large property to manage. Still...we made due, us both. And trust? Oh yes..we trusted people we shouldnt have trusted at all. Nothing in writing. BIG mistake. So did I make many of those mistakes? Oh yes, I sure did. Husband was too tight to help purchase a home with me. Renting was cheaper he said. I trusted his judgement. But then shit happens. I won't go into detail because I have talked about it here before. Needles to fear of homelessness came true too. No cart pushing, but I did get lucky and have a car. Then again...losing everything we owned, which wasn't much, in the Paradise fire. Which brings me to where I am now. Depressed, sad, angry, feeling really REALLY stupid and naive, and wishing I was 20 years old again and could start over with better choices and less trust.

So..I was wondering...has anything you ever feared actually come true? Or were you lucky and avoided disaster?

Sorry for the long post. I ache. Each tap of the keyboard shoots pain, but...I get my 1 & 1/2 norco in about 15 minutes so..........:D

Was just getting ready to shut everything down & head for bed when I saw your post Gracie. I do wonder about you often, how you're doing, what's happening. Anything happen re moving back to the coast?

I have been having a lot more inflammation & pain the last several months since I had to quit taking ibuprofen & naproxen. Tylenol helps a little but it is not an anti-inflammatory & you can't take a lot of it because of probable liver damage. So I've been taking hemp oil (no thc) and that does seem to help. And this week a doctor friend gave Hombre & me a bottle of CBD that we take one capsule size pill a day. And it really does seem to help.

Neither has enough thc to qualify as a controlled substance, but we'll probably test positive for mj if we're ever tested but at this point I don't care. Whatever works.

Well I'm off to bed.

Good night Gracie.

And good night everybody. I really do love you guys.
Everybody has heard the Kenny Rogers song “You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille”. I’ve sort of rewritten it a little... sing it to the same tune.

If you pull on a pig’s tail he’ll squeal,
He’ll look at you funny and ask what’s the deal,
He sleeps on shaved pine,
Never eat pork rhines,
If you pull on a pig’s tail he’ll squeal.
Well....I get to see a new pain management doctor. He asked for xrays of both hips, both wrists, lower back. Blood tests show my RA factors are sky high, but they needed to SEE. So...I got the xrays done. Seems I have an old wrist fracture that healed lopsided, my right hip (which doesn't bother me. Its the LEFT one) has some kind of abnormality, my left thumb and wrist was damaged in some way and healed incorrectly too so its "abnormal" too, and my lower back is nothing but a mess of RA with no cushions to speak of. Oh, same with my right wrist. But now its the tiny little bones in the lower part of my palm crunching around each other which hurts like a mo fo. Pain. Thats all it is. Just flat out pain. I usually ignore it..until I have to walk to the end of the store to get the damn heavy gallon of milk/open a damn welded on plastic lid to a water bottle or even to open the damn milk once I get it home/open a can of cat food or tuna or whatever is in the can and in general..every day shit I used to take for granted.

So what will this new pain management doc want me to do? Take meds that can cause cancer, lymphoma, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face and throat, blindness, heart problems and a multitude of ailments worse than the RA which I REFUSE to take. I just want my 1 & 1/2 norco at night. During the day, I deal with it. At night...I want to sleep on my side without my hips/back keeping me awake and adjust my pillow without my hands having a hissy fit where I gasp at the shooting stabs and throbs that last for hours. Will this new doc continue to give me my 1 & 1/2 pill daily, or will I "become addicted" as they are so wont to say? Time will tell. I see him/her next week. I think.

Which brings me to something my depressed state of mind has drummed up, which is not unusual with the way things are nowadays and all the hate/sadness/bickering going on the world over:

When I was a kid, I saw a movie about an artist. Or was it a piano player? I don't remember, but I DO remember telling daddy I would never paint (play piano?) because the devil would hurt me in some way where I couldn't do it any more. Dad said nonsense. But it stuck in my head. And guess what? I was right. I can no longer paint. Never did play the piano though. But painting? Impossible. Hell, I can't even pull my hair back into a ponytail any more. What if I were a professional painter when younger and that was my livelihood? Good thing I am only a "mood" painter. I do it when in the mood...which no longer exists now. fear when I was in my teens was to become homeless. I remember seeing old ladies with fake flowers poked in their ratty hair, pushing a shopping cart with all their belongings. It scared me. So I worked my ass off and THOUGHT I married well, with a partner that would work and save with me. Wrong again. I chose the wrong profession (property manager) where you get free rent and utilities but no salary although free to work outside the complex although that is next to impossible if you have a large property to manage. Still...we made due, us both. And trust? Oh yes..we trusted people we shouldnt have trusted at all. Nothing in writing. BIG mistake. So did I make many of those mistakes? Oh yes, I sure did. Husband was too tight to help purchase a home with me. Renting was cheaper he said. I trusted his judgement. But then shit happens. I won't go into detail because I have talked about it here before. Needles to fear of homelessness came true too. No cart pushing, but I did get lucky and have a car. Then again...losing everything we owned, which wasn't much, in the Paradise fire. Which brings me to where I am now. Depressed, sad, angry, feeling really REALLY stupid and naive, and wishing I was 20 years old again and could start over with better choices and less trust.

So..I was wondering...has anything you ever feared actually come true? Or were you lucky and avoided disaster?

Sorry for the long post. I ache. Each tap of the keyboard shoots pain, but...I get my 1 & 1/2 norco in about 15 minutes so..........:D
Might try alka-seltzer cold plus during the day
Guess it's been a while.
The snow is gone but the mud is still here. I've been struggling to clean up the mess, outside and inside. Two of my brothers are arriving for a visit at the end of the month (unless the sky starts falling again) and I am trying to make my house habitable for humans again. I managed to send the partner to his place in town this weekend. I cannot clean when he's around because he makes messes bigger and faster than I can shovel them out.
Two brother coming up! Yahoo! The barn will get a roof. One of them was fighting fires in CA and is looking forward to cutting down trees that aren't burning. At least my firewood situation is looking much better than last year. I still have most of the two cords of birch I had to buy and another friend dropped a cord of spruce in 10' lengths to be cut and stacked. With all that and what my brothers will help with, I should be pretty much set for the winter by the end of June.
News reports say that the last two weeks, Anchorage airport has been the busiest in the world. Wow! I knew we had an increased flight schedule but had no idea we increased that much. We even had the AN225 (biggest airplane in the world) come through loaded with PPE for Toronto. Of course, all the "tourists" had to get photos and a couple of us got some good videos, too. On its return trip it had to divert to Fairbanks because of a bomb threat that resulted in an airplane diverting to Anchorage and closed the airport for about five hours.
I've been offered a pair of Shetland sheep. One of my co-workers is an avid knitter and has agreed to go partners with me so she can learn about processing the wool from the source. This should be interesting. I have all the tools for shearing leftover from the days when I had llamas and alpacas. She'll have to provide her own carding and spinning tools. She did a lot of research before committing to the project and I'm confident she'll enjoy creating her own wool for her projects.
It's almost 5 am and light enough to see well outside. I think I'll grab a quick nap before tackling the day's project. Everything is such a mess that every project is a major endeavor.
Love y'all and I hope everyone has a great day.
Everybody has heard the Kenny Rogers song “You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille”. I’ve sort of rewritten it a little... sing it to the same tune.

If you pull on a pig’s tail he’ll squeal,
He’ll look at you funny and ask what’s the deal,
He sleeps on shaved pine,
Never eat pork rhines,
If you pull on a pig’s tail he’ll squeal.

Don't quit your day job BBD...
We even had the AN225 (biggest airplane in the world) come through loaded with PPE for Toronto. Of course, all the "tourists" had to get photos and a couple of us got some good videos, too.

That would have been a nice experience... Did you guys handle the flight? Back in the mid 80's BA & AF flew their Concorde's in to HNL about a half a dozen times collectively... Couple of them were RON's and we done everything but have dinner on them...
We even had the AN225 (biggest airplane in the world) come through loaded with PPE for Toronto. Of course, all the "tourists" had to get photos and a couple of us got some good videos, too.

That would have been a nice experience... Did you guys handle the flight? Back in the mid 80's BA & AF flew their Concorde's in to HNL about a half a dozen times collectively... Couple of them were RON's and we done everything but have dinner on them...
We didn't handle the AN225 this time but I have been on the aircraft. The cargo handling system is...unique. Way back then, the pilots would try to trade vodka for engine oil. I was a rarity because I could speak and understand Russian. Not only is the AN225 the largest airplane in the world, it is also the only one left.
When I was stationed on Monmouth, I used to watch the Concordes fly into and out of JFK. Amazing aircraft.
We even had the AN225 (biggest airplane in the world) come through loaded with PPE for Toronto. Of course, all the "tourists" had to get photos and a couple of us got some good videos, too.

That would have been a nice experience... Did you guys handle the flight? Back in the mid 80's BA & AF flew their Concorde's in to HNL about a half a dozen times collectively... Couple of them were RON's and we done everything but have dinner on them...
We didn't handle the AN225 this time but I have been on the aircraft. The cargo handling system is...unique. Way back then, the pilots would try to trade vodka for engine oil. I was a rarity because I could speak and understand Russian. Not only is the AN225 the largest airplane in the world, it is also the only one left.
When I was stationed on Monmouth, I used to watch the Concordes fly into and out of JFK. Amazing aircraft.

Cool! I saw only AN-124 on a local air manufacture's landing strip - it was really huge... But Mria is a seriously larger!
Everybody has heard the Kenny Rogers song “You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille”. I’ve sort of rewritten it a little... sing it to the same tune.

If you pull on a pig’s tail he’ll squeal,
He’ll look at you funny and ask what’s the deal,
He sleeps on shaved pine,
Never eat pork rhines,
If you pull on a pig’s tail he’ll squeal.

Could I suggest maybe a jigsaw puzzle? Or taking up whittling? Or knitting? :D
Welcome to the Coffee Shop SaxxyBlues . We're happy you found us and hope you're enjoying USMB. Read over the opening post to see what we're all about in here, and then keep right on joining in. This is the place to come where everybody knows you name. Or for refuge when it gets too uh 'tense' out there in the other forums.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage.



Well, I had a huge spurt of energy today! sold the queen bed that MrG made me take and he took my double cuz its not as soft as his. Lucky me. Its so soft, I can't get out of it. TOO soft. So...I sold it to some guy that said he planned to add side rails, lol.
Then I decided, what the hell...may as well go thru the whole apartment and get rid of junk we have been collecting since the fire and it MUST GO before we get the Will It Ever Come call. And if it does..we will be ready. Everything in this apartment we want. Everything else is stuffed in my van, ready to go to Goodwill IF they are accepting donations. I'm actually surprised the bed sold, what with people being afraid of it maybe be full of virus. I told him we are not sick, have not been sick, except RA, bad backs and overall grumpiness from old age. He laughed and said he suffered the same ailments and no worries...he wanted the bed and I was happy to sell it to him. Of course I will not keep the money....Anne boght that bed, said she didn't didn't it either even though she spend over 700 bucks for it when we moved in this apartment, so I tried to get as much as I could for her. 200 bucks is what it sold for. Old man knew he was getting bargain with a queen size ultra soft 3+ inch pillow top, no stains, no tears, intact box springs and the frame to boot. But...if I couldnt get rid of it, Anne said she would have it hauled to Salvation Army. At least now she doesn't have to do that and got some money to boot!

I am quite pleased with myself that I got every room, every drawer, every closet, every Under The Sink, every junk drawer, every chest of drawers, every hanger of apparel, every shoe, every pots/pans, etc.....cleaned out and stuffed in the van. I got fatter with this damn shut down, but I think I worked some of it off today!!!:auiqs.jpg:

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