USMB Coffee Shop IV

Holy cow Corazon. Who would have thought a pretty young lady would even know who Columbo is? I'm pretty sure those movies were made before you were born.
I love everything vintage Foxfyre :)
Columbo is one of my favourite tv series ever! I've watched all episodes :adoreheart:
Awesome. I love vintage too, especially the really well done ones, and Columbo was well done.

Just noticed your exchange with Ridgerunner yesterday, and then looked at the massive Typhoon with Manila in the bullseye--supposed to hit tomorrow. Please stay safe. We've become very fond of you.
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I made it, where's my coffee?
In God we trust. All others pay cash, so that cup of coffee will cost ya 5 bucks hard. In advance, of course
Wow, that post was a long time ago. From 2014. I thought for a moment someone was posting using my name.

I did a double take too Dajjal. Hope he wasn't just a drive by one timer. We get quite a few of those.

Holy cow Corazon. Who would have thought a pretty young lady would even know who Columbo is? I'm pretty sure those movies were made before you were born.
I love everything vintage Foxfyre :)
Columbo is one of my favourite tv series ever! I've watched all episodes :adoreheart:
Awesome. I love vintage too, especially the really well done ones, and Columbo was well done.
Last week I've watched the episode "Double Exposure" :)
Hi all. The wife wanted to get a second opinion on possible surgery so yesterday we drove out to Roswell to see the surgeon who first removed the lump in her butt and found out it was cancer. He looked at all the info including the CT Scan video and explained that even if he was able to remove just the lump in her leg the wound had a good chance of never healing and agreed with what her cancer team had told us. Needless to say she was pretty let down.
She also has an appointment scheduled Monday (again in Roswell) with the surgical urologist she was seeing before but has decided to do a phone consult instead. The three hour trip down and three hour trip back was too much for her.
So now we're working on getting ready for the final time and trying to do as much together as her condition will allow.
Her cancer doc was also supposed to refer her to hospice care, still waiting to hear from them.
Hope she has just the right amount of meds to stay comfortable but gets to see some beautiful sunsets, listen to music she likes, but best of all, she has you, Mr. Ringel. Give her all my love. :huddle: I remember when my husband passed quietly, I was thinking about how much love I had for him. I wrote an essay of all the good things he had done with his life and handed it to our minister at church. He read it word for word as his eulogy sermon. When we retired and came home to Texas to be near loved ones, it never occurred to me I'd be bidding him farewell in 6 short years, and he had such problems our church attendance was sparse, but our new friends loved hearing about his life and all the good things he did in years past for the church and community we lived in Casper, Wyoming. I was pretty proud of him and felt lucky to be his for all those 44 years of our life together in Wyoming. It's been 4 years since then, and I've been busy with quiltmaking for 3 years, but this year, have a garden.

It rained today, and the garden really loves the rain. The pepper plants are about 12" tall, and the tomatoes are just about 10". The corn looks like this (I'm using a picture I found on bing search, but this is exactly how the corn looks now:


And the green beans look about this high:


I've got a lot of flower seeds still in boxes, because it was too wet to plant them earlier:
Except I put them in little seedling starter sets of 24 per container, that break down into 6 each of
sunflowers, violas, forget-me-nots, and stuff. The sunflowers I haven't checked because it rained really hard out there, so maybe in the morning they'll have sprouted, too, except they will likely be a lot bigger than the small stuff. I forgot to mark the boxes, so I'm not sure what's what at this point. :eusa_whistle:


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The pepper plants are about 10 - 12" tall as of last evening The hot peppers are dark green leaves, and the banana plants are a light, bright lime green right now, can't wait till they're ready because I love banana peppers in omelet form.

The tomato plants are small, but at first they didn't get much rain, so after this morning's gully washer and yesterday's light precipitation, there's going to be some growth.

I had to show a potato when it first sprouts from planting cuts of potatoes with eyes on them, because I have to go do a little weeding when I'm done here:


The ones we planted were light-skinned russet-type potatoes that a friend handed us. She wanted to give our garden a gift, and she's gonna get some potatoes come the last day of summer.
I made it, where's my coffee?
In God we trust. All others pay cash, so that cup of coffee will cost ya 5 bucks hard. In advance, of course

Welcome to the Coffee Shop Bobob. We hope you're enjoying USMB. Please read over the opening post to see what we're all about in here and then just keep right on joining in. First timers receive a complimentary beverage:

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He has the cutest animal pics ever.
Hi all. The wife wanted to get a second opinion on possible surgery so yesterday we drove out to Roswell to see the surgeon who first removed the lump in her butt and found out it was cancer. He looked at all the info including the CT Scan video and explained that even if he was able to remove just the lump in her leg the wound had a good chance of never healing and agreed with what her cancer team had told us. Needless to say she was pretty let down.
She also has an appointment scheduled Monday (again in Roswell) with the surgical urologist she was seeing before but has decided to do a phone consult instead. The three hour trip down and three hour trip back was too much for her.
So now we're working on getting ready for the final time and trying to do as much together as her condition will allow.
Her cancer doc was also supposed to refer her to hospice care, still waiting to hear from them.

Talk to Burzanaktyk (sp) in TX
Hi all. The wife wanted to get a second opinion on possible surgery so yesterday we drove out to Roswell to see the surgeon who first removed the lump in her butt and found out it was cancer. He looked at all the info including the CT Scan video and explained that even if he was able to remove just the lump in her leg the wound had a good chance of never healing and agreed with what her cancer team had told us. Needless to say she was pretty let down.
She also has an appointment scheduled Monday (again in Roswell) with the surgical urologist she was seeing before but has decided to do a phone consult instead. The three hour trip down and three hour trip back was too much for her.
So now we're working on getting ready for the final time and trying to do as much together as her condition will allow.
Her cancer doc was also supposed to refer her to hospice care, still waiting to hear from them.

Talk to Burzanaktyk (sp) in TX
Sorry, nothing come up.
I was headed upstairs to my bedroom, when I thought of my friends in the coffee shop. You will all be in my prayers this evening, and I was thinking about what my favorite poem might be that might inspire those with deep concerns to be cheered when things get hard to carry on. It'd have to be Miss Emily Dickinson's words that have given me so much during disappointing times ~ So fondest thoughts to everybody who drops in here:
Favorite poem Emily Dickinson.jpg

So many of you have lifted me up even on days I was chronically fatigued after 2 years of lung problems first of pneumonia that went on and on and ever one, then bronchial issues caused by allergies which hopefully are receding into the warm summer. Hope something in Miss Dickinson's words will sustain someone here who is experiencing loss or a disability that is just plum annoying ... A big hug to Ringel's wife and himself, and one for Foxfyre who faithfully remembers us in her dear prayers that strengthen us, to Ollie who gave many years to locating the remains of soldiers that were lost to their families, who now have placed them to rest in a prayer garden for the brave, and all the comfort that he brought to the loved ones of definite heros, and those who bring us cartoons and laughter, pictures that capture a part of our hearts, and to those up in years who got tired of politics, but drop in to say a hello to people who are fond of them... and just good night, everyone. Each of you brings joy to my heart with the special things you say and do, whether old or new friends. Much happiness to each of you. 'Nighters! And don't let the bedbugs bite. :sleep:

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