USMB liberals: why do you support Hillary?

I don't support her and won't vote for her. She is just another corporate minstrel. Apparently a lot of old people support her because they want to be able to say they helped elect the first female President. I guess it makes them think they will get a better room in heaven or forgive them their lives of greed and selfishness or something.

Actually, it is NOT the old people who are hung up on the nonsense of electing the first non-white non-male President. It was the young and uninformed and black (pardon the redundancy) who gave America the disaster of Obama and Obamacare.

If they want a first of somebody not elected before, go for the first Jewish president in the person of Bernie Sanders. They could score a twofor by electing the first communist president. Or, for the icing on the cake, the first mentally challenged president. Once again, communist/mentally challenged, pardon the redundancy.
USMB liberals: why do you support Hillary?

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Funny how you'd put up a picture of sheep to depict Hillary supporters. Coming from someone who would blindly accept any candidate as long as there is a "R" beside the name. Bush & Cheney? McCain and Palin? Trump??? How brainwashed do you have to be to vote for any of those assholes? Not that this is any endorsement of Hillary. She voted for the Iraq debacle and Patriot Act. She's basically Republican lite. It's a sad state of affairs when this is the best that both major parties can come up with. I suppose the only bright spot is that neither one is a far right ideologue.

Excuse me? You guys had Hillary as the nominee since 2009

Well, she doesn't have this democrat's support.
Does anyone really need more reasons to support democrats and Hillary than a simple look at republicans and their total lack of accomplishments for all Americans? Think about it, even if you think Hillary is not the best choice the useless republicans are far worse. War debt and inequality continue as they legislate bathroom rules. Is it any wonder they don't want more voters? Only fools would vote for the do nothings. Now they do nothing over the SCOTUS because they hope for another simpleton who will rule in favor of anti freedom for all Americans. Americans grow dumber it seems and the repub election circus confirmed one side is dumber than the other.

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, you'd need to stop whining and do something - or by clueless libertarians who think all things started at their birth. mc5

Of course, those idiotic conservative Founding Fathers put reference to the Creator in the Constitution just to be funny and politically correct.
Liberals also have a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the nature of the presidency, where the institution is much more than just the individual who holds office.

A given administration consists of its cabinet officers, scores of administrators, managers, and supervisors, judges appointed to the Federal courts, and justices to the Supreme Court.

Indeed, one is not voting for just Clinton or Trump, he is also voting for those administrators who will be making actual policy decisions, voting for who will be the next AG and Secretary of State, as well as voting for justices to sit on the Supreme Court.

In this context, therefore, liberals don’t ‘support’ Clinton, they support administrators who will act in the best interest of the people and the Nation, they support an AG who will defend the rights of all Americans from the abuse of state and local governments, and they support Supreme Court justices who will respect and follow settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence protecting the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, and the Framers' mandate to keep church and state separate.
Here are a few of the reasons:
Does anyone really need more reasons to support democrats and Hillary than a simple look at republicans and their total lack of accomplishments for all Americans? Think about it, even if you think Hillary is not the best choice the useless republicans are far worse. War debt and inequality continue as they legislate bathroom rules. Is it any wonder they don't want more voters? Only fools would vote for the do nothings. Now they do nothing over the SCOTUS because they hope for another simpleton who will rule in favor of anti freedom for all Americans. Americans grow dumber it seems and the repub election circus confirmed one side is dumber than the other.

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, you'd need to stop whining and do something - or by clueless libertarians who think all things started at their birth. mc5

Of course, those idiotic conservative Founding Fathers put reference to the Creator in the Constitution just to be funny and politically correct.
There is no reference to God or Creator in the Constitution.
Would anyone supporting Hillary be willing to give the same/similar/corresponding service to Hillary as Monica Lewinsky gave old Bubba?

Yeah, I think they would.
Does anyone really need more reasons to support democrats and Hillary than a simple look at republicans and their total lack of accomplishments for all Americans? Think about it, even if you think Hillary is not the best choice the useless republicans are far worse. War debt and inequality continue as they legislate bathroom rules. Is it any wonder they don't want more voters? Only fools would vote for the do nothings. Now they do nothing over the SCOTUS because they hope for another simpleton who will rule in favor of anti freedom for all Americans. Americans grow dumber it seems and the repub election circus confirmed one side is dumber than the other.

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, you'd need to stop whining and do something - or by clueless libertarians who think all things started at their birth. mc5

Of course, those idiotic conservative Founding Fathers put reference to the Creator in the Constitution just to be funny and politically correct.
There is no reference to God or Creator in the Constitution.

My carelessness.
How about the Declaration of Independence? Which preceded the Constitution?
Does anyone really need more reasons to support democrats and Hillary than a simple look at republicans and their total lack of accomplishments for all Americans? Think about it, even if you think Hillary is not the best choice the useless republicans are far worse. War debt and inequality continue as they legislate bathroom rules. Is it any wonder they don't want more voters? Only fools would vote for the do nothings. Now they do nothing over the SCOTUS because they hope for another simpleton who will rule in favor of anti freedom for all Americans. Americans grow dumber it seems and the repub election circus confirmed one side is dumber than the other.

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, you'd need to stop whining and do something - or by clueless libertarians who think all things started at their birth. mc5

Of course, those idiotic conservative Founding Fathers put reference to the Creator in the Constitution just to be funny and politically correct.
There is no reference to God or Creator in the Constitution.

My carelessness.
How about the Declaration of Independence? Which preceded the Constitution?
Yeah, it's in the Declaration. So what? Your argument is a non sequitur. It has nothing to do with anything midcan5 said or what this thread is about.
I don't support her and won't vote for her. She is just another corporate minstrel. Apparently a lot of old people support her because they want to be able to say they helped elect the first female President. I guess it makes them think they will get a better room in heaven or forgive them their lives of greed and selfishness or something.

Actually, it is NOT the old people who are hung up on the nonsense of electing the first non-white non-male President. It was the young and uninformed and black (pardon the redundancy) who gave America the disaster of Obama and Obamacare.

If they want a first of somebody not elected before, go for the first Jewish president in the person of Bernie Sanders. They could score a twofor by electing the first communist president. Or, for the icing on the cake, the first mentally challenged president. Once again, communist/mentally challenged, pardon the redundancy.

I was speaking as to the first female president not the first black president. This will be the last chance for many of them to see that happen. Young people don't care so much about that because we assume that we will see a female president at some point so we are not under the gun to settle for Hillary and her predator husband.
I know I support Hillary because I know it would be completely disasterous to elect Trump. Beyond that, I don't understand why she appeals to progressives. We have Bernie Sanders to thank for her pivot more to the left during this primary. That just gives me even more reason to think she is disingenuous.

1. Because of Trump.

2. I think she's pragmatic and capable. She might not be my first choice, but she's not a disaster.
Here are a few of the reasons:
You seriously think the world trade center wouldn't have redeveloped but for Hillary being "instrumental"? Seriously?

No, I mean seriously?

You surely can't be serious unless you cut and pasted that from a talking points site as part of your job.
I know I support Hillary because I know it would be completely disasterous to elect Trump. Beyond that, I don't understand why she appeals to progressives. We have Bernie Sanders to thank for her pivot more to the left during this primary. That just gives me even more reason to think she is disingenuous.

1. Because of Trump.

2. I think she's pragmatic and capable. She might not be my first choice, but she's not a disaster.

She will be 4 years of hearings and when she has another stroke they will blame the GOP for their investigations. Nothing will get done with her as President that does not happen by further illegal executive orders that will take time to wind their way to the SCOTUS.
I know I support Hillary because I know it would be completely disasterous to elect Trump. Beyond that, I don't understand why she appeals to progressives. We have Bernie Sanders to thank for her pivot more to the left during this primary. That just gives me even more reason to think she is disingenuous.

1. Because of Trump.

2. I think she's pragmatic and capable. She might not be my first choice, but she's not a disaster.

She will be 4 years of hearings and when she has another stroke they will blame the GOP for their investigations. Nothing will get done with her as President that does not happen by further illegal executive orders that will take time to wind their way to the SCOTUS.

She hasn't had a stroke.

Trump is a year older.

If the Repubs want to waste taxpayer money on more useless hearings - it's on them, not her. Maybe that's where the problem is...
Would anyone supporting Hillary be willing to give the same/similar/corresponding service to Hillary as Monica Lewinsky gave old Bubba?

Yeah, I think they would.
That's to retarded even for you.
I know I support Hillary because I know it would be completely disasterous to elect Trump. Beyond that, I don't understand why she appeals to progressives. We have Bernie Sanders to thank for her pivot more to the left during this primary. That just gives me even more reason to think she is disingenuous.
Lesser of two evils. Just like you said. Hillary may be disingenuous, like 90% of all other politicians. But from what I can tell she doesn't suffer from an advanced stage of a sociopathic defect of character to such an extent as Donald Trump does. It's like choosing between chicken pox and HIV. I'll take chicken pox.
I know I support Hillary because I know it would be completely disasterous to elect Trump. Beyond that, I don't understand why she appeals to progressives. We have Bernie Sanders to thank for her pivot more to the left during this primary. That just gives me even more reason to think she is disingenuous.
Why do you assume that there is a why in that answer?
I may support her only because she won't cut the hell out of our investments in infastructue, science, r&d and education. This would sink our economy and destroy our leadership in this world in many fields.

I don't like her but the republican party has want all 18th century and probably worse.
Investments? Government does not take investments. Government takes by force of law under the threat of sanctions.
Private enterprise invests.
Hillary Clinton has never been a part of the construction of anything in her life. Occupying the White House will not change that.
On the other hand Donald Trump is a business person. He has funded construction of buildings, properties and businesses. His investments create jobs for both skilled and unskilled workers.
And Mrs Clinton has done...?

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