USMB'S Virtual Trip To Disneyland

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I apologize that the virtual airplane is running about half an hour late, but it's here now and so please go ahead and strap in and enjoy the flight. :) Later on we'll get to our virtual hotel and virtually go to Mainstreet USA. :D

Hey guys, why don't you go ahead and check into the virtual hotel as the entertainment stuff will be later. I've been busy as heck so I'm just catching my flight now. I'll meet you at the virtual hotel. ;) (Btw, pretend that the flight is to California. Oh and also apparently it said Delta and this is supposed to be a pretend Virgin flight even though I just found out they don't exist anymore,.. but that was the best safety video I ever saw lol)
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Holy cow, I think I just broke the replay button to that safety video as the song is just WAY too catchy lol and why can't all airplane safety videos be like that? :p Anyways, I got to go potty and check into my virtual room before we can eat and go to Mainstreet USA. I'm still not sure where Michael1985 is though as he said that he would be here. :/



Now, let's go to Walt's. :D

Great!!! :D Everybody ready to go to Mainstreet USA? ;) Well looks like we're going to go visit the Disney Gallery first. :) (Sorry for the interruption, I got a phone call.)

(There will be more videos when I come back from outside. Right now, enjoy the gallery!!! :D)
Alright, sorry about that. I wanted to make things more realistic and enjoy the rest of today's attractions at the same time as you guys. :) And now it looks like one of my favorite shows The Dapper Dans!! :D

And now it's time to ride the Disneyland Railroad!!! :D

Also, let's see Steamboat Willie at The Main Street Cinema. :)

Here's another favorite of mine. Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln. :)

Oh and here comes the Disneyland band I see. :cool:

Alright everybody, here's a quick head's up,.. I am going to supper now but later on will be a parade, fireworks, and riding around in a firetruck. :) This thread will be going on until next Saturday so hopefully we'll get some more participants soon. :D How about let's go to Pizza Planet. :) Maybe I'll even have pizza for real hehe. ;)

Alright everybody, here's a quick head's up,.. I am going to supper now but later on will be a parade, fireworks, and riding around in a firetruck. :) This thread will be going on until next Saturday so hopefully we'll get some more participants soon. :D How about let's go to Pizza Planet. :) Maybe I'll even have pizza for real hehe. ;)

Cool. *orders a virtual meat lover's pizza* :D
I decided to have something different for real to go with my bread, but I have my own ears. :)


Btw, look who it is! :D

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Well I loved The Disneyland Band, especially The Pirates of The Caribbean music. ;) Here are the things I promised you plus some bonus videos and tomorrow we'll do a bit of Fantasy Land, but since it's so big we'll probably have to divide it up. First of all here's the parade!! :D (Btw, next summer if all goes according to plan it'll be Walt Disney World that we'll be traveling to for two weeks. ;) )

(Sorry, I know it's a bit late for this but still I hoe you enjoy. :) )

I have a couple more videos for you and then I'm calling it a night. :)

Michael1985, are you ready to go to Fantasyland? :D (More rides and entertainment to come once you're ready. ;) )

Well I'm hoping that Michael will come back eventually, but I got tired of waiting lol so if nobody else comes along besides us I guess we'll just have to enjoy this all by ourselves. :D


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