USPS loses $16 billion. Raises all around!

They are losing money because they have a union eating them from the inside. Their workers don't fear being fired so many of them are lazy pieces of shit.

I've been getting my mail delivered after 6pm, in the dark. What the fuck is the mail boy doing all day to not get done before dinner?

2 weeks ago I actually had to go to the post office to pick up a registered letter and this asshole behind the desk was studying for what looked like some post service test until he finally decided to help me. What the fuck is he reading at the front desk?

These assholes are protected by their unions, so they work slower and cost USPS more money on getting the mission done. They know it takes an act of God to fire them especially if they are a minority worker or so-called disabled.

This is what happens when the union cancer gets into an organization.
Now Post Office Tests Same-Day Delivery...
As holiday e-commerce booms, Postal Service looks to same-day delivery to lift sagging revenue
Nov 22, 2012 - Cash-strapped post office tests same-day delivery; Service will roll out in San Francisco next month
Emboldened by rapid growth in e-commerce shipping, the cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service is moving aggressively this holiday season to start a premium service for the Internet shopper seeking the instant gratification of a store purchase: same-day package delivery. Teaming up with major retailers, the post office will begin the expedited service in San Francisco on Dec. 12 at a price similar to its competitors. If things run smoothly, the program will quickly expand next year to other big cities such as Boston, Chicago and New York. It follows similar efforts by eBay,, and most recently Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which charges a $10 flat rate for same-day delivery.

The delivery program, called Metro Post, seeks to build on the post office's double-digit growth in package volume to help offset steady declines in first-class and standard mail. Operating as a limited experiment for the next year, it is projected to generate between $10 million and $50 million in new revenue from deliveries in San Francisco alone, according to postal regulatory filings, or up to $500 million, if expanded to 10 cities.

The filings do not reveal the mail agency's anticipated expenses to implement same-day service, which can only work profitably if retailers have enough merchandise in stores and warehouses to be quickly delivered to nearby residences in a dense urban area. The projected $500 million in potential revenue, even if fully realized, would represent just fraction of the record $15.9 billion annual loss that the Postal Service reported last week.

But while startups in the late 1990s such as notably failed after promising instant delivery, the Postal Service's vast network serving every U.S. home could put it in a good position to be viable over the long term. The retail market has been rapidly shifting to Internet shopping, especially among younger adults, and more people are moving from suburb to city, where driving to a store can be less convenient. Postal officials, in interviews with The Associated Press, cast the new offering as "exciting" and potentially "revolutionary." Analysts are apt to agree at least in part, if kinks can be worked out.

There IS no other daily letter delivery in the USA.

Wait till the PO dies and you will pay $5 per letter for delivery.

Also many laws will have to change since many legal notifications and such require US mail delivered notices, etc.
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To inject sanity into this whole argument--

The question is, is the post office a business or is it a public service?

If it's the latter, then, yes, they will operate at a loss, just like your local police department or your local fire department does.

If it's the former, it needs to make some changes because its business model has changed.

The Post Office is in trouble because E-mail has largely replaced letters as a form of communication and even paying bills. So they are rethinking their business model to offer other services while still maintaining their legally required mandate of daily postal delivery.
There IS no other daily letter delivery in the USA.

Wait till the PO dies and you will pay $5 per letter for delivery.

Also many laws will have to change since many legal notifications and such require US mail delivered notices, etc.

Shhhh... they are too busy hating on Postal Workers for maintaining good wages when they are waiting for their bosses to recognize their "Merit".
To sum up the problems of the USPS, it's part of the federal bureaucracy.
There IS no other daily letter delivery in the USA.

Wait till the PO dies and you will pay $5 per letter for delivery.

Also many laws will have to change since many legal notifications and such require US mail delivered notices, etc.


I thought you were still using clay tablets.
Despite $15.9 billion loss, U.S. Postal Service execs see boost in pay

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, for instance, earned a base salary of $276,840, but even without a bonus or incentive payout, his overall compensation came to $512,093, compared with $384,229 in 2011, according to regulatory filings.'

Despite $15.9 billion loss, U.S. Postal Service execs see boost in pay - Washington Times

Given that it is a Washington (Moonie) Times article we can automatically assume that they are omitting key information

How did their Retirement Account grow? Was it through their own contributions? Was it from mandated matching contributions? Was it from increases in the stock market?

My Retirement Account grew last year....but it wasn't from compensation

I suspect another Washington Times propaganda piece
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I actually have no problem with the post office running at a loss. It's not a business, it's a necessary public service. Not to mention the post office is absolutely bad ass and an extremely efficient service. As someone who uses the USPS a lot for business, I'm irritated that anyone would want to fuck with it.
Despite $15.9 billion loss, U.S. Postal Service execs see boost in pay

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, for instance, earned a base salary of $276,840, but even without a bonus or incentive payout, his overall compensation came to $512,093, compared with $384,229 in 2011, according to regulatory filings.'

Despite $15.9 billion loss, U.S. Postal Service execs see boost in pay - Washington Times

Given that it is a Washington (Moonie) Times article we can automatically assume that they are omitting key information

How did their Retirement Account grow? Was it through their own contributions? Was it from mandated matching contributions? Was it from increases in the stock market?

My Retirement Account grew last year....but it wasn't from compensation

I suspect another Washington Times propaganda piece

What are they going to do when Moon's heirs cash out the Cult and close down the paper?
I would like to see the post office brought back into the government and ran as an enterprise fund. It's part of our Constitution and is the only legal way to send first class mail so keep it but bring it under the government and disband the union (no need for unions in government work). The way it is being ran now is irresponsible. Either make them a government department or change the postal laws and stop funding them with government money.
I would like to see the post office brought back into the government and ran as an enterprise fund. It's part of our Constitution and is the only legal way to send first class mail so keep it but bring it under the government and disband the union (no need for unions in government work). The way it is being ran now is irresponsible. Either make them a government department or change the postal laws and stop funding them with government money.

You need government unions for the same reason you need private sector unions.

To keep those in charge from abusing their authority.
You know what's interesting to me is the people who are complaining about the post office and want to privatize or otherwise fundamentally change it for being a couple billion in the red are the same people who didn't bat an eyelash when Obama signed the new 70 billion dollar aid package for Israel.

I honestly think people who are bitching about the post office either aren't adults or aren't in any form of occupation where they use the services of the USPS.
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As someone who uses the USPS a lot for business, I'm irritated that anyone would want to fuck with it.

Well isn't that nice...taxpayers forced to pay up so you can keep costs down in your business. Your own little slice of cronyism. Lovely.
As someone who uses the USPS a lot for business, I'm irritated that anyone would want to fuck with it.

Well isn't that nice...taxpayers forced to pay up so you can keep costs down in your business. Your own little slice of cronyism. Lovely.

Yeah, why would we want the best and most efficient postal service in the world? What possible benefit could that be to the citizens or our society. You dumb fuck.
You know what's interesting to me is the people who are complaining about the post office and want to privatize or otherwise fundamentally change it for being a couple billion in the red are the same people who didn't bat an eyelash when Obama signed the new 70 billion dollar aid package for Israel.

Not true. Many Libertarians would like to see the Post Office requirement amended off the Constitution. They also stand against all foreign aid.

You should have stated "some" of the people.

And by the way, it's a lot more than "a couple billion".

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