USS John McCain hidden while Trump was in Japan

White House asked for USS John McCain to be 'out of sight' during Trump's visit to Japan: WSJ

The ship has been stationed at the Yokosuka Naval Base near the USS Wasp, where Trump delivered Memorial Day remarks and visited U.S. officers.

Before Trump's address, a tarp was hung over the USS John McCain's name and sailors were reportedly directed to remove any coverings that showed the ship's name. A barge was also reportedly moved near the ship to make it harder to see its name from the USS Wasp.

The Journal also reported that sailors on the ship, who normally wear caps with its name, were given the day off when Trump gave his address.

Maybe Trump officials need to be informed that the USS John McCain is not named after the Senator but his father who was an Admiral


I didn't read the whole thing but Trump says he knew nothing about this, so it probably didn' t happen, just another lie by our lying media.
I didn't read the whole thing but Trump says he knew nothing about this, so it probably didn' t happen, just another lie by our lying media.

you can say that again!

and again....and again......:04:
The sad thing about this entire thing is that the USS John S McCain (DDG-56) was originally named for his father and grandfather, who were both admirals, and only in 2018, while Trump was President, was the name of Senator John McCain added as the ship's namesake.

TDS is affecting a lot of people these days.

When so many go so far to try to rewrite and glorify the history of a guy who was nothing more than a bad pilot who got shot down trying to bomb a civilian light bulb factory and ejected wrong, you know it is pure politics at work. Had McCain been a Trump supporter instead of a Trump-obstructionist, all the meatheads on the left like McButtThrasher would have his face on their dartboards now instead of under their pillows jacking off to his name.

Rewriting history like you just did in your diatribe? Is that what you mean?

Civilian light bulb factory? Ejected wrong? How does one know this information?
The sad thing about this entire thing is that the USS John S McCain (DDG-56) was originally named for his father and grandfather, who were both admirals, and only in 2018, while Trump was President, was the name of Senator John McCain added as the ship's namesake.

TDS is affecting a lot of people these days.

When so many go so far to try to rewrite and glorify the history of a guy who was nothing more than a bad pilot who got shot down trying to bomb a civilian light bulb factory and ejected wrong, you know it is pure politics at work. Had McCain been a Trump supporter instead of a Trump-obstructionist, all the meatheads on the left like McButtThrasher would have his face on their dartboards now instead of under their pillows jacking off to his name.

It's not about McCain's behavior, and it's not about whatever you're calling 'leftists' today, it's about a White House so deranged that it has to shield the President from seeing a particular name on the hull of a US Navy ship. Jesus H!

YOU don't know what was done with that ship or WHY. So stop pretending you do just because you read some crap in a news article. Or do you suddenly really believe everything you read is the unvarnished truth? ESPECIALLY when it comes to bashing Trump?

The real question is why have our standards now suddenly become so low? We used to name ships after presidents, generals, admirals, great people, now we name them after lukewarm senators who got shot down behind enemy lines for ejecting wrong while trying to bomb a civilian target?

That's almost as bad as giving Obama a Nobel Peace Prize when he had barely entered office and hadn't even done anything, just because he was Black! Then turns around and ultimately contributes to the death of millions and the displacement of half the Middle East!

As was already pointed out, the ships was not named for Senator McCain but for his father and grandfather. Only last year was his name added as a ship's namesake.

I want to know how you "eject wrong" after being struck by a SAM. Can you explain that for me?
Fortunately ships are not sentient.

Else this particular one would have long-since sunk itself in shame over the name some misguided POS hung on it.

The ship was originally not named for Senator McCain, but for his father and grandfather.

This is also the USS John S. McCain.

This ship was launched in 1952, long before Senator McCain was even out of high school and decommissioned in 1978.
I did ask where underlings would get the idea that such was necessary or desirable? Do you think the tone and behavior of the President give rise to that way of thinking?

Is that really a question?

Everybody at the White House is in on it, namely, that Trump needs to be spared the sight of a greater man's name painted on the hull of a U.S. Navy ship. His tiny ego wouldn't withstand the hit, and nobody can foretell who would be made to suffer during the ensuing tantrum.

So, they decided to protect the baby in the White House - who really need not be involved - to protect themselves. The lick-spittle underlings learned their lesson well. Can you even imagine the work environment? A White House organized around the megalomaniac narcissist's fragile ego?

Try reading the thread. It never happened, dumbass!
I did ask where underlings would get the idea that such was necessary or desirable? Do you think the tone and behavior of the President give rise to that way of thinking?

Is that really a question?

Everybody at the White House is in on it, namely, that Trump needs to be spared the sight of a greater man's name painted on the hull of a U.S. Navy ship. His tiny ego wouldn't withstand the hit, and nobody can foretell who would be made to suffer during the ensuing tantrum.

So, they decided to protect the baby in the White House - who really need not be involved - to protect themselves. The lick-spittle underlings learned their lesson well. Can you even imagine the work environment? A White House organized around the megalomaniac narcissist's fragile ego?

Try reading the thread. It never happened, dumbass!

Ship wasn't moved but the request was made from the White House.

White House, Navy exchanged emails about keeping USS McCain out of Trump's sight - CNNPolitics

Pretty lame that either Trump himself wanted it moved or that his staff thought Trump was such a snowflake that they needed to take this step.
And tell us Bulldingle, WHAT HAS ANY OF THAT to do with the topic of this thread?

After you're done cogitating that, go suck my ass.

If left up to me, I'd shoot the USS McCain and just let it sink until 6 feet under to slowly rust away. On its way down I'm sure it would try to keep coming back getting in our military's way as often as it could but at least the democrats could all rally around it to say what a fine and noble ship it was for constantly crossing the ocean to compromise with the Chinese or Russia!
Who was the USS John McCain named for?

you really do not think he knows the answer to that do you?

It is named after John S. McCain, Sr., and John S. McCain, Jr....neither of which are the senator that Trump hates so much.

So it should have been named the MCain-McCain. Or maybe named the front of the ship for the father and the ass of the ship for the senator. FUNNY isn't it they waited for John boy to die to name a boat after him!

Look dumb fuck...the Senator is John S McCain III....the two people the ship was named after are his father and grandfather...both of whom were Admirals in the Navy...the elder being basically the father of ship borne aviation. Why must you be so ignorant of the facts all the time?

Do you not ever get tired of being stupid?

Guess I just don't give a flying crap like you do about McCain to CARE. Funny they waited ALL THESE YEARS then name this small ship after TWO people and call it the "John McCain." A year after the senator dies. Hmm. Maybe they should have called it The USS McCain Family? Cept, III wasn't in the same league as the father.

Or maybe they should have called it: USS Father-Son-and Butthole.

It was named for his father and grandfather first! You can't even get that right!
I didn't read the whole thing but Trump says he knew nothing about this, so it probably didn' t happen, just another lie by our lying media.
If fuckwad Trump said it Didn’t happen it most definitely did. You fucks are so stupid it’s mind boggling
The USS John McCain. Is that the warship that loses every battle then turns around and aims its guns at its own Navy?
You probably haven't heard of it, but lots of us care about a thing we call decency. Look it up some day if you decide to crawl out from under that rock into clear air. I'm sure you like getting it even though you can't bring yourself to give it!

And tell us Bulldingle, WHAT HAS ANY OF THAT to do with the topic of this thread?

After you're done cogitating that, go suck my ass.

If left up to me, I'd shoot the USS McCain and just let it sink until 6 feet under to slowly rust away. On its way down I'm sure it would try to keep coming back getting in our military's way as often as it could but at least the democrats could all rally around it to say what a fine and noble ship it was for constantly crossing the ocean to compromise with the Chinese or Russia!
Who was the USS John McCain named for?

Beats me. Apparently now you can get a combat ship named after you for:
  1. Failing to complete your mission.
  2. Failing to eject properly.
  3. Failing to not lend comfort and aid to the enemy.
  4. Failing to have a successful military career.
  5. Failing to find a job working in the private sector.
  6. Failing to pass a decent bill for your fellow vets.
  7. Failing to run for office against a total unknown.
  8. Failing to put your own party and your nation ahead of your turncoat politics.

The ship wasn't named for Senator McCain, it was named for his grandfather who was an admiral.

Read about them on their official website.

His father was also an admiral.
You probably haven't heard of it, but lots of us care about a thing we call decency. Look it up some day if you decide to crawl out from under that rock into clear air. I'm sure you like getting it even though you can't bring yourself to give it!

And tell us Bulldingle, WHAT HAS ANY OF THAT to do with the topic of this thread?

After you're done cogitating that, go suck my ass.

If left up to me, I'd shoot the USS McCain and just let it sink until 6 feet under to slowly rust away. On its way down I'm sure it would try to keep coming back getting in our military's way as often as it could but at least the democrats could all rally around it to say what a fine and noble ship it was for constantly crossing the ocean to compromise with the Chinese or Russia!
Who was the USS John McCain named for?

Beats me. Apparently now you can get a combat ship named after you for:
  1. Failing to complete your mission.
  2. Failing to eject properly.
  3. Failing to not lend comfort and aid to the enemy.
  4. Failing to have a successful military career.
  5. Failing to find a job working in the private sector.
  6. Failing to pass a decent bill for your fellow vets.
  7. Failing to run for office against a total unknown.
  8. Failing to put your own party and your nation ahead of your turncoat politics.

The ship wasn't named for Senator McCain, it was named for his grandfather who was an admiral.

Read about them on their official website.

His father was also an admiral.
My understanding is that the ship in question was commissioned in 1994.
"The president says he had "nothing" to do with the White House’s plan to relocate the USS John McCain during his visit to Japan."

The word "everything" was mispelled.
This is where presidential credibility comes into play
White House asked for USS John McCain to be 'out of sight' during Trump's visit to Japan: WSJ

The ship has been stationed at the Yokosuka Naval Base near the USS Wasp, where Trump delivered Memorial Day remarks and visited U.S. officers.

Before Trump's address, a tarp was hung over the USS John McCain's name and sailors were reportedly directed to remove any coverings that showed the ship's name. A barge was also reportedly moved near the ship to make it harder to see its name from the USS Wasp.

The Journal also reported that sailors on the ship, who normally wear caps with its name, were given the day off when Trump gave his address.

Maybe Trump officials need to be informed that the USS John McCain is not named after the Senator but his father who was an Admiral
Far as I have found he crash land several Aircraft, got shot down, got caught by the Villagers and was in a jail in Nam. Don't see any hero stuff there. Sorry.
Looks heroic to me

Flying deep into enemy territory facing surface to air missiles knowing that if one finds its target, your chance of escape is minimal

You demean the sacrifice of all POWs
I'm not going to read your link and spoonfeed it back to you.

But here's a fact for you: a naval official admitted that the name of the ship was covered with a tarp, and then ordered removed.
Odered removed,,,no Trump involvement trail of origination either...…….Oh my,,,,,,,poor libs
It was done on behalf of Trump out of fear he would see it during his speech and go into a tirade

That is the fragile ego they have to deal with


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