Candace Owens has reported that LBJ's aunt was very active in the American Zionist Council, apparently the forerunner of AIPAC. If all that's true, it would seem that LBJ had some Jewish blood in him.
Thanks for the information.
Because I have several Jewish friends and relatives whose first loyalty is to the US, I don't think that being partially or even fully Jewish determines the degree to which one is loyal to the US or not.
Those who were influencing LBJ were the right wing ZOA, AIPAC types who loyal to Israel over the US.
It is at least my opinion that the Jewish community is too divided to assume that all Jewish people concur with Israeli government policy.
A person can't chose his background but the same person does have a choice when it comes to loyalty to a foreign government.
In other words, LBJ didn't chose to have some Jewish blood but he did chose to surround himself with treacherous "Israel First" advisors and policy makers:
"Lyndon Johnson Was First to Align U.S. Policy With Israel’s Policies"
For more than 40 years, the Washington Report has published insightful analysis of the political, economic and historical realities of the U.S.-Middle East relationship. Our magazine is packed with special reports on the Israeli- Palestinian peace process, current Middle East issues, and...
EXCERPT "All this changed dramatically under Johnson. Not only was he personally a strong supporter of the Jewish state but he had a number of high officials, advisers and friends who shared his view. These included officials within the administration such as McGeorge Bundy, Clark Clifford, Arthur Goldberg, Harry McPherson, John Roche, the Rostow brothers, Walt and Eugene, and Ben Wattenberg.
These officials occupied such high offices as the ambassador to the United Nations, the head of the National Security Council and the number two post at the State Department. They were assiduous in putting forward Israel’s interests in such memoranda as
“What We Have Done for Israel” 4 and “
New Things We Might Do in Israel” 5 and
“How We Have Helped Israel.” " CONTINUED
If LBJ had betrayed America for any other countr, it would have been Front Page News, he would have been tried for treason and thrown out of office.
However, thanks to LBJ, the US Government is dangerously infected with treacherous Zionist Quislings for whom no amount of American blood and resources are ever enough for "Greater Israel" and Zionist regional hegemony.
Early American statesmen warned of "foreign entanglements" and even went so far as to warn us that America will not be conquered by foreign invasion but will be destroyed by traitorous"Fifth Columnists" from within.
One need only read comments here made by alleged "Americans" to see the degree to which pro Israel MSM (1)
has duped the gullible, Israeli lobbies even determine the wars we fight:
AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003
- "Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war"
"Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,"
Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,
Douglas Macgregor, a top adviser to President Donald Trump’s new acting defense secretary, routinely blames “the Israeli lobby” and “neocons” for pushing the United States into wars.
CNN’s KFile
uncovered interviews in which Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who appears frequently on Fox News and other conservative media, says “pro-Israel” donors and the pro-Israel lobby are behind efforts to drive the United States into war." CONTINUED
Yes, it is entirely possible to oppose the right wing ruling element in both Israel's government and among Zionist lobbies without being anti Israel or anti Jewish.
It is fatally myopic for the US Government to be complicit in the Gaza Genocide and Netanyahu's developing War on Islam and whatever other countries who may support them.
Briefly put, America is about to be manipulated into another war for implacable Zionist expansionists; i.e.the "Greater Israel" / "Settler" element, to be paid for with American blood and resources.
The Netanyahu government is not our ally:
- “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” -
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."
(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”
EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.
Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED