USS Liberty

You Joo haters are all alike !

BTW: I have USSR JOO blood in me and I'm a mick to !
I am not a Jew hater. You use that label because you know your argument is non-existent. You fool yourself into believing that killing innocents including children is somehow a good thing. My demented sister is the same.
The Liberty flew US Flags for only 30 minutes? How big were the Flags? The Pueblo flew U.S. Flags for hours before the crew abandoned the ship to N.K. pirates Why does the left wing hatred concentrate on Israel and not N.K that still holds a U.S. ship?
No Whitehall, the strafing lasted 30 minutes, and then came the attack boats launching torpedoes, one of which hit the Liberty.

If you were not so ignorant of facts, you would know that.

As is typical and required under Navy regs, the ship was flying a US flag all the time, including when the attack started. After it started the skipper ordered a larger flag be flown, which it was.

Wake up and inform yourself sir.
The old timer survivors of the Liberty attack ARE telling their story. Phil Tourney has written a book about it, and others have commented publicly despite threats from Navy brass when it happened. YOU are unaware of all that, ignorant of facts. I am not.
I am not unaware of anything but you are… For example the US ambassor to the UN reported on June 6 two days before the incident that and I quote No US vessels are within a couple hundred nautical miles of the area…. No vessels of the United States get ithat is one major reason the ship was mistaken for being Egyptian….Further A US spy plane flying over the area recorded conversations between Israeli pilots and their commanders in which they had no idea the ship was American . Also it should be noted that the National Security Agency of the US found that this incident was a tragic mistake after investigating it…I believe Israel after finding out offered assistance which was refused because of the nature of the liberty which was there on a spy mission.. Also Israel paid reparations if I am not mistaken… As I have said before and will say again friendly fire accidents and tragedies are common in the fog of war you should keep that in mind to say the least….
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I am not unaware of anything but you are… For example the US ambassor to the UN reported on June 6 two days before the incident that and I quote No US vessels are within a couple hundred nautical miles of the area…. No vessels of the United States get ithat is one major reason the ship was mistaken for being Egyptian….Further A US spy plane flying over the area recorded conversations between Israeli pilots and their commanders in which they had no idea the ship was American . Also it should be noted that the National Security Agency of the US found that this incident was a tragic mistake after investigating it…I believe Israel after finding out offered assistance which was refused because of the nature of the liberty which was there on a spy mission.. Also Israel paid reparations if I am not mistaken… As I have said before and will say again friendly fire accidents and tragedies are common in the fog of war you should keep that in mind to say the least….
So much bullshit you offer. You don't know that after Israeli aircraft first circled the boat those aircraft called into their HQ and reported that the vessel was US, flying the US flag. You don't know that Liberty was a signal gathering ship and heard the aircraft identify the boat.

You're just an Israelite.
So much bullshit you offer. You don't know that after Israeli aircraft first circled the boat those aircraft called into their HQ and reported that the vessel was US, flying the US flag. You don't know that Liberty was a signal gathering ship and heard the aircraft identify the boat.

You're just an Israelite.
Did you not read what I posted the US spy plane flying in the area has the recorded conversations of those pilots which made no mention of the boat being a US vessel the only bullshit anyone can see is coming from your direction… Further that is hardly an a insult being an Israelite on the contrary “ light” is truth and knowledge and darkness lies and folly by you pointing out that I am an Israel lite( light) you are admitting I come from the side of truth and knowledge… Wink…
Did you not read what I posted the US spy plane flying in the area has the recorded conversations of those pilots which made no mention of the boat being a US vessel the only bullshit anyone can see is coming from your direction… Further that is hardly an a insult being an Israelite on the contrary “ light” is truth and knowledge and darkness lies and folly by you pointing out that I am an Israel lite( light) you are admitting I come from the side of truth and knowledge… Wink…
I say you're posting falsehoods, pure Zionist propaganda. If the Israelites were so damn innocent, why on earth are they still keeping so much secret? That fact alone destroys your falsehoods. I believe the men on the boat, you believe the Israelite government. I know from my life of aviation experience that you can't strafe a boat for 30 minutes and not see the flags on it. The preponderance of the evidence supports what the men onboard said. That same evidence plus the reputation of Tel Aviv for deception contradicts your bullshit claim.
No Whitehall, the strafing lasted 30 minutes, and then came the attack boats launching torpedoes, one of which hit the Liberty.

If you were not so ignorant of facts, you would know that.

As is typical and required under Navy regs, the ship was flying a US flag all the time, including when the attack started. After it started the skipper ordered a larger flag be flown, which it was.

Wake up and inform yourself sir.

You'll never get America's infestation of traitorous Zionist shills to admit that the Israeli attack on our USS Liberty was a deliberate attempt to sink the ship, murder any and all survivors and blame the crime on the Egyptians.

- It doesn't matter to them that an ethical Israeli pilot refused to take part in the treacherous betrayal. (1)

- The. fact that IAF initially deployed unmarked fighters alone, is proof that the Israelis wanted to deceive their identity.(2)

- "Israel Firsters" still claim that the attack was an accident in spite of the fact that the Israelis machine gunned lowered life rafts for the wounded American G.I.s which is an additional War Crime. (3), (4)

Intercepted Israeli radio transmissions show that all surviving Americans were to be killed (5) and strafing life rafts certainly confirms intent to do just that.
This, again, was to deceive Americans into blaming the Egyptians and joining their self declared war of aggression / Land Grab.

What is as shocking as this murderous betrayal is the subsequent cover-up and LBJ's higher allegiance to the Israeli lobbies than to the lives of 294 American G.I.s (6)

Finally, Israel and its people have contributed much that is good to the world but its right wing element will bring about Israel's downfall.

In a rare moment of candor, Netanyahu truthfully described the true nature of the US - Israeli alliance:

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Benjamin Netanyahu


(1) "Israeli Pilot Speaks Up"

EXCERPT "Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested."CONTINUED

(2). "The Moorer Report"

EXCERPT "2. That the Israeli air attack lasted approximately 25 minutes, during which time unmarked Israeli aircraft dropped napalm canisters on USS Liberty's bridge, and fired 30mm cannons and rockets into our ship, causing 821 holes, more than 100 of which were rocket-size; survivors estimate 30 or more sorties were flown over the ship by a minimum of 12 attacking Israeli planes which were jamming all five American emergency radio channels;"CONTINUED

(3) "War Crimes Committed Against U.S. Military Personnel, June 8, 1967"

Submitted to the Secretary of the Army in his capacity as Executive Agent for the Secretary of Defense, June 8, 2005.

Israel acknowledged the following facts without qualification:
a. USS Liberty was an American ship, hence a neutral vis-à-vis the June 1967 war between Israel and its Arab neighbors.[8]b. USS Liberty remained in international waters at all times on June 8, 1967[9] .c. The attacking Israeli forces never made a positive identification of the nationality of USS Liberty before unleashing deadly force in their attack on the ship.[10]

"Survivors also report that the torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order "prepare to abandon ship."[24] This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched.[25". CONTINUED

(4). "Commonly Asked Questions about the USS Liberty"
Prepared by the Independent Commission of Inquiry

EXCERPT "After the attack was thought to have ended, three life rafts were lowered into the water to rescue the most seriously wounded. The Israeli torpedo boats returned and machine-gunned these life rafts at close range."CONTINUED


(6) QUOTE: “I don’t give a damn if the ship sinks and all the Americans are killed. I will not embarrass my ally.” LBJ

I say you're posting falsehoods, pure Zionist propaganda. If the Israelites were so damn innocent, why on earth are they still keeping so much secret? That fact alone destroys your falsehoods. I believe the men on the boat, you believe the Israelite government. I know from my life of aviation experience that you can't strafe a boat for 30 minutes and not see the flags on it. The preponderance of the evidence supports what the men onboard said. That same evidence plus the reputation of Tel Aviv for deception contradicts your bullshit claim.
You have shown your true colours by using the term “ Zionist” I see now where you are coming from… The Jews are bad bad people … They did it on purpose they are responsible for all the ills that befell this ship, this and that yadda yadda yadda… Yup all of us now know where your bullshit comes from and no one wants to mess up their shoes stepping in it or risk bringing it into their homes because of its foul smell and odour you are a true piece of work…
Why keep beating this dead horse?

Tell that to the fraudulent Holocaust Industry (1), (2) that is still busy extorting money from countries, individuals and industries around the world 80 years after the war. (3)

The reason that the Liberty attack remains an open wound is that there has never been a thorough investigation in spite of what A. Jay Cristol claims (4) in his book of lies.


EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED

(3). “Supreme Court majority appears skeptical of allowing Holocaust survivors to sue Hungary in US courts”

EXCERPT” A majority of the Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared skeptical that Holocaust victims and their families are permitted to haul Hungary into American courts to recover property stolen during World War II, with several justices fearing that would open the United States up to a flood of similar litigation from abroad.CONTINUED

(4). $10,000 Challenge

"The Liberty Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim:

"After ten official US investigations (including five congressional investigations), there was never any evidence that the attack was made with knowledge that the target was a US ship."
You have shown your true colours by using the term “ Zionist” I see now where you are coming from… The Jews are bad bad people … They did it on purpose they are responsible for all the ills that befell this ship, this and that yadda yadda yadda… Yup all of us now know where your bullshit comes from and no one wants to mess up their shoes stepping in it or risk bringing it into their homes because of its foul smell and odour you are a true piece of work…
You have a very simple mind.

You are unable to imagine or perceive that I use the word "zionist" to describe a person, Jew or Goy, that is belligerent and hateful. Many Jews are not that way at all. I voted for the other Jew in the last election, the peace-seeking Jew, Jill Stein. Some of my biggest heroes are Jews. Examples are Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Wolf, and many others who publicly criticize the Zionist State and its butchers like Bibi.

Superb documentation!

Thank you.

I don't see how any rational and informed person can believe the "accident" explanation.

It's as ridiculous as claiming to have shot someone in the back with a revolver 6 times, "accidentally" reloading it and "accidentally shooting him 6 more times.

What is equally disturbing is the complicity of individual Zionist Quislings within US Government.

What caused LBJ to value appeasing Israeli lobbies over the lives of 294 American G.I.s

QUOTE: “I don’t give a damn if the ship sinks and all the Americans are killed. I will not embarrass my ally.” LBJ

Why were Navy planes sent twice to rescue the USS Liberty from Israeli attack and twice they were "inexplicably recalled."?

Why wasn't LBJ charged for any number of crimes if not treason?

What happens the next time that IDF 'accidentally" attacks American G.I.s ?

At least we know the degree to which right wing Israeli Lobbies control Middle Eastern policy making.


‘On This Day’ 1967: Israel attacks U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 American sailors and wounding 173

EXCERPT "At this stage of the attack, the Liberty’s crew was desperately attempting to contact Sixth Fleet for help, but the Israelis were jamming their communications. But the message got through, and two squadrons of Navy fighter bombers were scrambled– then inexplicably recalled.

Chief Petty Officer J.Q. “Tony” Hart was manning a Navy relay station in Morocco, facilitating contact between the Sixth Fleet and Washington. He clearly remembered listening to Defense Secretary Robert McNamara order Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis to call those fighter bombers back. Admiral Geiss, upon protesting that the Liberty was under attack, was rebuffed by McNamara. Hart told the Chicago Tribune that the Defense Secretary responded “President Johnson is not going to go to war or embarrass an American ally over a few sailors.”

If McNamara would have let those rescue missions proceed, what happened next to the Liberty could have been avoided and dozens of American sailors’ lives would have been saved. Instead, Sixth Fleet listened in on the horror, forbidden to assist as American sailors desperately called for help." CONTINUED
Candace Owens has reported that LBJ's aunt was very active in the American Zionist Council, apparently the forerunner of AIPAC. If all that's true, it would seem that LBJ had some Jewish blood in him.
Candace Owens has reported that LBJ's aunt was very active in the American Zionist Council, apparently the forerunner of AIPAC. If all that's true, it would seem that LBJ had some Jewish blood in him.

Thanks for the information.

Because I have several Jewish friends and relatives whose first loyalty is to the US, I don't think that being partially or even fully Jewish determines the degree to which one is loyal to the US or not.
Those who were influencing LBJ were the right wing ZOA, AIPAC types who loyal to Israel over the US.

It is at least my opinion that the Jewish community is too divided to assume that all Jewish people concur with Israeli government policy.

A person can't chose his background but the same person does have a choice when it comes to loyalty to a foreign government.
In other words, LBJ didn't chose to have some Jewish blood but he did chose to surround himself with treacherous "Israel First" advisors and policy makers:

"Lyndon Johnson Was First to Align U.S. Policy With Israel’s Policies"​

EXCERPT "All this changed dramatically under Johnson. Not only was he personally a strong supporter of the Jewish state but he had a number of high officials, advisers and friends who shared his view. These included officials within the administration such as McGeorge Bundy, Clark Clifford, Arthur Goldberg, Harry McPherson, John Roche, the Rostow brothers, Walt and Eugene, and Ben Wattenberg.

These officials occupied such high offices as the ambassador to the United Nations, the head of the National Security Council and the number two post at the State Department. They were assiduous in putting forward Israel’s interests in such memoranda as “What We Have Done for Israel” 4 and “New Things We Might Do in Israel” 5 and “How We Have Helped Israel.” " CONTINUED

If LBJ had betrayed America for any other countr, it would have been Front Page News, he would have been tried for treason and thrown out of office.
However, thanks to LBJ, the US Government is dangerously infected with treacherous Zionist Quislings for whom no amount of American blood and resources are ever enough for "Greater Israel" and Zionist regional hegemony.

Early American statesmen warned of "foreign entanglements" and even went so far as to warn us that America will not be conquered by foreign invasion but will be destroyed by traitorous"Fifth Columnists" from within.

One need only read comments here made by alleged "Americans" to see the degree to which pro Israel MSM (1)
has duped the gullible, Israeli lobbies even determine the wars we fight:


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

- "Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war"

"Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,"

EXCERPT "Douglas Macgregor, a top adviser to President Donald Trump’s new acting defense secretary, routinely blames “the Israeli lobby” and “neocons” for pushing the United States into wars.

CNN’s KFile uncovered interviews in which Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who appears frequently on Fox News and other conservative media, says “pro-Israel” donors and the pro-Israel lobby are behind efforts to drive the United States into war." CONTINUED


Yes, it is entirely possible to oppose the right wing ruling element in both Israel's government and among Zionist lobbies without being anti Israel or anti Jewish.

It is fatally myopic for the US Government to be complicit in the Gaza Genocide and Netanyahu's developing War on Islam and whatever other countries who may support them.

Briefly put, America is about to be manipulated into another war for implacable Zionist expansionists; i.e.the "Greater Israel" / "Settler" element, to be paid for with American blood and resources.

The Netanyahu government is not our ally:

- “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Benjamin Netanyahu


(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED
My research on this subject and conclusion:
Israeli forces were at that moment engaged in the fourth day of what would soon be called the Six Day War, which would result in a devastating defeat for the combined armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
Although Israel apologized for the accidental attack and paid compensation to its victims, people with ill intent and deflective blame often bring it up like in antisemitic or anti Israel propaganda.

Several of their crewmates were Jewish, so any claim it was not an accident is an insult to intelligence.

The State Department and the White House with the aid of archived materials, show the attack on the Liberty can now be reconstructed virtually minute-by-minute and with remarkable detail. The picture that emerges is not one of single blame, spite, conspiracy, or crime at all, nor even of criminal negligence, but of a string of failed communications, human errors, unfortunate coincidences and equipment failures on both the American and Israeli sides - the kind of tragic, senseless mistake that is all too common in the thick of war. Because of Egypts attacks and it being in the midst of the 6 day war,

Gen. Yitzhak Rabin, informed the U.S. Naval Attaché in Tel Aviv, Cmdr. Ernest Carl Castle, that Israel would defend its coast with every means at its disposal. Unidentified vessels would be sunk, Rabin advised; the United States should either acknowledge its ships in the area or remove them. The U.S.S. Liberty was not supposed to be off the coast of Gaza, The U.S. president and chief of staff and other higher ups, did not even know it was there against where it was supposed to be, nor was Israel notified. Nonetheless, the Americans provided Israel with no information on the Liberty. The United States had also rejected Israel's request, but Anti Israel propaganda can't blame the U.S. as equal blame of the incident, because it loses the intent to bring it up to demonize Israel and get people to join their misery in hate mongering.

( *note-my Zada's own brother and all the crew died in a similar friendly fire on his sub from a british ship due to communication failures)

The ship was clearly marked as an American ship, with a very large Stars and Stripes flying off her mast.

There's no way the Zionists Squatters didn't know what they were shooting at.

The more likely explanation was they were afraid the Liberty had picked up intelligence on their unprovoked pre-emptive attacks on their neighbors.
Long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Regardless of HOW that happened...

What DOES matter is that since the 1967 and 1973 wars that we and the Israelis have been good friends and steadfast allies.

After 2,000 years and multiple pogroms and much slaughter of their relatives the State of Israel is finally a persistent Reality.

It's good that the Jews finally rediscovered their collective ball$ and started defending themselves and kicking Muzzie a$$.

God bless 'em...

Well, it matters a lot if the Zionist Squatters are playing us for fools.

They drag us into war over war over there for no reason, because they own our politicians.

If China or Russia did that, we'd be horrified.

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