Utopia. OMG


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Utopia - Live in Utopia

Day one and they are drunk with Josh, one guy that is shnozzed, getting into a fight on the live vid cam...saying he is going to fuck up some niggahs, gonna kill them all...and some bitch in a bikini instigating a shitload of this because she keeps getting in his face...and the two black dudes going WTF? and the toothless redneck dude mouthing stuff I can't make sense of. WOW.

This show will NOT last. Fact. LOL
And..for those who want to watch the idiocy, lol....you get free live stream 1 and 2, but you have to pay for streams 3 and 4. This show goes for A YEAR. Non stop big brother/survivor mentality but for a very long time.
I have the live stream going in one window. Didn't cost anything cuz I went with the freebie streams.
You can pay for premium or get it free. I got it free. Gotta get a passport though, and download microsoft Silverlight.

For those that do this...the vid WILL time out on you..just refresh and it will start again.
I'm not even sure I want to keep watching THIS one. Been there done that, what these folks are doing. One big Commune with nudity that is NOT censored any more. They announced all feeds would be uncensored this morning. From now on. Like, big deal. Buncha skinny women pretending to be earth mothers, guys wanting in their pants for some Free Love, lazy folks who want to be fed but also want to lay in the hammock all day instead of helping those with shovels and an ax or two, workers bitching about the lazy ones, lazy ones bitching about no food but not willing to help work for it...same o same o.
Well I have to confess..I find myself watching this..or listening to it on another window, while I browse the net.
The personalities are starting to shine through too. I like Aaron...he is smart, but needs better social skills. The rest..not too sure of yet. Except I can't stand the huntress gal...especially when she is drunk. Josh is great when sober and he is on a 3 month trial to NOT have any booze. If he does..out he goes.
Dedecker..or whatever her name is...is the utopia slut. She likes multiple partners...all at the same time. Ick.
The preacher is Paula Deen's brother but nobody knows that. There is no money involved in being on this show so not sure why he wants it kept secret unless it is due to what she said 1000 years ago.

All in all..this show will be going on a year...maybe. Depends on if they all wind up killing each other, lol. But..it will be a nice filler during the winter.
Meanwhile..another fight broke out yesterday and Red walked off. But production talked him in to returning. Turns out the others were dictating when he could have a drink of water, but helped themselves to his tobacco, tang, jerky, vienna sausages, potatoes, etc etc etc that he brought WITH him and shared with them. But..if he wants to eat the dead chicken he found, they said NO. So...he and Aaron had a fight and Aaron threatened him with "I know where you live and I WILL put you in the dirt" so Red go all pissed off and left. But not before calling the cops. LOL.
Since then, more yell fights with some of the girls, the one slutty girl still wants a group orgy and says she HATES pictures of baby animals (this bitch is cray cray), and Red and NewJersey Rob decided since it IS Utopia for each individual person he and Rob are going to start a new camp...so there may be TWO Utopias on the same farm.

In short..this show is kicking Big Brothers ass because of all the drama, lol. I have been glued to it since it started.
FIGHT!!!! lol. Just now and still going. This time between Rob and Red..who wanted to start a new Utopia. LOL
Well...I am done with this show. The people are just too idiotic. They did a very VERY bad job on choosing contestants. They are flat out idiots. And the bickering and fighting and the preacher crying and tears running down his face as he prays to Jesus? Oy. Bunch of lazy bums that do nothing most of the time...don't prepare for winter, want to use human excrement for fertilizer on their garden, think a chicken tractor to haul them around to peck at bugs is more important than sealing the holes in the barn walls and roof before winter hits, the slutty behavior....its just even too much for ME. So....I'm done.
C'mon Gracie -- admit it. Reminds you of the USMB community don't it?
Watch one episode last night and I SWEAR most of them are members of this board. I won't say who the lady with the "chicken tractor" is -- but I think I have her IP address.. And the toothless redneck? :lol:

Don't know if I'll ever watch more, I hate to see folks fighting about what's for dinner.. Reminds me of company ski trips..
C'mon Gracie -- admit it. Reminds you of the USMB community don't it?
Watch one episode last night and I SWEAR most of them are members of this board. I won't say who the lady with the "chicken tractor" is -- but I think I have her IP address.. And the toothless redneck? :lol:

Don't know if I'll ever watch more, I hate to see folks fighting about what's for dinner.. Reminds me of company ski trips..
This show is on its last legs anyway. They have lost over half their original viewers. Probably because the Producer is an idiot and thinks he is Mike Rowe on a nature show, "explaining" what is going on as the show is being aired, abuse and neglect of animals in their care (I was a busy busy gal yesterday. I was turning Utopia in to everyone under the sun for that animal abuse...and last night, some Vets came to check the critters out. Seems I was not the only one furiously doing some emails with complaints), the non stop filthy living conditions as they sit around and complain, the laziness, the sluts boinking every guy they can find, the one asian gal doing her rendition of "I so horney...5 dollah blow jobs..I so horney" from Full Metal Jacket (not really, but she reminds me of that movie) and her announcing how she is not on birth control so takes it in the ass every night by a schmuck that refuses to wear a condom, the overall idiocy of Red (the toothless guy) constantly threatening to leave, and in short....the general suckiness of the whole thing.
And....usmb is nothing like that show, lol. This place is a tad classier. Not by much, though. :lol:
I was enthusiastic about the premise of this show...

...but the execution was horrible.

I didn't make it all the way through the introduction of the participants.

"Should guns be banned?...should religion be banned?"

Then I saw the cast of idiots and changed the channel.
I am just about done with Utopia. I have been watching just to see the calf and hope those stupid people woke up...but they havent. I even had a twitter account so I could inform the executive producer just how abused the animals are..and neglected..and starving..because these schmucks are clueless. The EP doesn't give a shit. The calf is only 3 days old and is starving, as are the two other cows, the chickens faint from lack of water and nobody does a fucking thing about it. So the only way to show displeasure is to log out and never go back, never watch their show, and contact their sponsors about it. Twitter is going insane with the complaints about those idiots and the poor animals at their mercy, so I leave it to twitter. And dumped my twitter account as well. I watch shows for entertainment...not to see animals abused.

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