UTOPIA under Trump

7 million more votes and it wasn't a clear victory in a couple days? :rolleyes-41:

Try and think reallll hard about that.

In 50 separate elections. Biden by 306 to 232.
Yeah, you didn't think. You just regurtitated bullshit.
25 to 25 ya maroonie. They couldn't call it because that is how the Neo-GOP set it up. They were warned not to wait until election day to count the absentee and mail in vote. That is what they wanted so they could lie to their flock of Maroonies. Ya'll maroonies swallowed it all from Faux News as they lied you all down the Golden Path where Donnies collect tray sits waiting for donations. Give all that you can Brother......give all that you can.
Trump's coming back in 2024, boys! :abgg2q.jpg:
Brother you see how these guys are acting. Staring them in the face is the fact our economy is a joke now. And you said it best these are people with no empathy these people who vote for Biden and say “oh I’m so successful I’m making so much money while masses of Americans cannot afford groceries. “

Do you notice something else. All of us who support of Trump in 2020 stand against racism. But the Democrats continue to just lie and make things up they called Trump supporters racists. While they themselves are the worst races in this country they said themselves they support a group of BLM they support this insane idea that all white people are privileged even the ones who are methods were addicted to crack they have spots all over their face begging for money on the streets and they have “white privilege. “

Also notice the monstrous deplorable ways of Democrats. They go after people who they know are physically disabled and they mock them for their posts that have a few grammar errors. They’re Nazis that’s all they are their Nazis. But in the end they’re nothing because towering over them are the people in this country who might have disabilities but who work past it and who work hard every day.

Many Americans are running out of the EBT food stamps they’re getting desperate. Making things worse is the fact that we have people in the government and honestly both Democrats and Republicans who have legalize marijuana across the country they’re making a bunch of money off of it. The smoke shop owners and these are white people Arabs Indians these are brutal criminals smoke shop owners selling this poison to young children way over priced selling this poison to elderly people again way over priced Ruining our society. We as patriotic Americans who actually care about Americans of all classes are standing up for recognizing it. We are healthy we are out there working we’re doing the right things standing by God. Let’s just keep doing this because in the end the good guys always win.
Biden's heavy tax (inflation) is $4000 more per year for average earner than under Trump. We had UTOPIA under Trump at 1.4% inflation (see chart), but Democrats wanted POWER, not goodness, so they flippped out with hate: "F--- Trump. .Impeach the motherf------. .Trump is worse than Bin Laden. . .Putin is Trump's surrogate." Democrats have lost their way and they are dragging America down.
Did Utopia come before or after covid?
The Duke

This is right up your alley brother

Kenny powers(Trump supporters , traditional Democrats, traditional Republicans and Americans who care)


Dontell( blm , Biden supporters, “woke “ people)

What's that? Sorry I was celebrating the Trump SCOTUS takeover. You were saying? :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah they really helped Trumpyberra a lot. You should give credit where credit is due however, it was Mitch who engineered the takeover. You know the guy who said Trump was practically and morally responsible for the events of Jan 6th.

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