Utter Madness: Cabbie Ordered to Pay Lesbian Couple $10K for Telling Them to Stop Kissing

Hahaha. Serves that cabbie right​
Don't you think they went just a little too far with the punishment? That's a lot of money for a working stiff, don't you think? Then there's the bakery that went out of business because some perverts wanted a gay cake. If you support that kind of extremism, then you don't deserve to live!
So now these immoral type entities called homosexuals feel they can make out in commercial businesses and if you try to stop them, be expected to pay up.

Cabbie Ordered to Pay Lesbian Couple 10K for Telling Them to Stop Kissing - Chelsea - DNAinfo.com New York


Jesus Christ in a cab, no wonder you end up with all those bogus quotes in your sigline. McRacist. There's no depths which you won't plumb in search of obscure shit to whine about.

Another rag some of us have actually ever heard of tells a bit more that was left out here:

TV producer Christina Spitzer and her actress girlfriend, Kassie Thornton, said they barely exchanged a peck in the back seat early into their ride when hack Mohammed Dahbi became enraged.

“Keep that for the bedroom or get out of the cab,” Dahbi shouted during the trip from Columbus Circle to Brooklyn’s Sunset Park.

Unnerved, the couple said they got out of the cab in Chelsea, confronted Dahbi about his comment, then got into a fight about paying the fare.

That’s when he called them “bitches,” “c- -ts” and “whores,” according to official documents.
And by the other way, this incident was back in 2011. Four years ago.
So now these immoral type entities called homosexuals feel they can make out in commercial businesses and if you try to stop them, be expected to pay up.

Cabbie Ordered to Pay Lesbian Couple 10K for Telling Them to Stop Kissing - Chelsea - DNAinfo.com New York


Jesus Christ in a cab, no wonder you end up with all those bogus quotes in your sigline. McRacist. There's no depths which you won't plumb in search of obscure shit to whine about.

Another rag some of us have actually ever heard of tells a bit more that was left out here:

TV producer Christina Spitzer and her actress girlfriend, Kassie Thornton, said they barely exchanged a peck in the back seat early into their ride when hack Mohammed Dahbi became enraged.

“Keep that for the bedroom or get out of the cab,” Dahbi shouted during the trip from Columbus Circle to Brooklyn’s Sunset Park.

Unnerved, the couple said they got out of the cab in Chelsea, confronted Dahbi about his comment, then got into a fight about paying the fare.

That’s when he called them “bitches,” “c- -ts” and “whores,” according to official documents.
And by the other way, this incident was back in 2011. Four years ago.
So now it seems homosexuals can conspire to fabricate stuff out of thin air and accuse heterosexuals of discrimination and will be awarded by rogue judges large settlements. I see a trend.
So now these immoral type entities called homosexuals feel they can make out in commercial businesses and if you try to stop them, be expected to pay up.

Cabbie Ordered to Pay Lesbian Couple 10K for Telling Them to Stop Kissing - Chelsea - DNAinfo.com New York


Jesus Christ in a cab, no wonder you end up with all those bogus quotes in your sigline. McRacist. There's no depths which you won't plumb in search of obscure shit to whine about.

Another rag some of us have actually ever heard of tells a bit more that was left out here:

TV producer Christina Spitzer and her actress girlfriend, Kassie Thornton, said they barely exchanged a peck in the back seat early into their ride when hack Mohammed Dahbi became enraged.

“Keep that for the bedroom or get out of the cab,” Dahbi shouted during the trip from Columbus Circle to Brooklyn’s Sunset Park.

Unnerved, the couple said they got out of the cab in Chelsea, confronted Dahbi about his comment, then got into a fight about paying the fare.

That’s when he called them “bitches,” “c- -ts” and “whores,” according to official documents.
And by the other way, this incident was back in 2011. Four years ago.
So now it seems homosexuals can conspire to fabricate stuff out of thin air and accuse heterosexuals of discrimination and will be awarded by rogue judges large settlements. I see a trend.

So lemme get this straight ----

You've been sitting on this board running fake quotes in your sigline for a fucking year and now you wanna turn around and claim somebody else, in New York four years ago in a cab where you were clearly not present, is "fabricating" --- just because the story you cherrypicked from no less an authoritative journalistic source than the venerable "DNAInfo.com" --- stopped short of the full story so that you could use it to paint your bigoted fantasy??

Did you think this shit can't be looked up?

Yer a piece o' work, McRacist.
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And queers wonder why people despise them. Keep it up, and see what happens. You can only push people so far before they snap. You are a very small minority. You won't stand a chance.
Amen to this. If they didn't like the driver's rules, they could have found someone else to chauffeur them around. If they can't show respect for another person's way of doing things, like the Lord's way for example, they shouldn't go expecting any respect in return.

God bless you always!!!

We live in a sick nation. A dictatorship from hell.

There's no good choices in 2016.
If it had been a guy and his girlfriend no one would have done anything to the cab driver. This is just more gay jihad.
It is nothing less then a mental illness. And yet, for just saying something = 10,000 dollar fine? That is what you call soft thuggish bullshit.

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