VA Deaths Proves Two Things. Liberals Won't Admit It In A Million Years

No, his link is bull shit.

Those people keep meticulous track of campaign contributions and campaign spending.

Unions spend and contribute FAR, FAR more than ANY Private Individual.

Not only that, they use TENS OF THOUSANDS of workers in GOTV (get out the vote) campaigns free of charge. A service that is worth MILLIONS of dollars.

Unions today are criminal enterprises. That is why they're in deep with dimocrap scum who are also criminals.

Just look at when Organized Crime was still going strong, before Reagan took them down.

Virtually every single corrupt scumbag politician in the Country was in the hip pocket of the Mob. And the OVERWHELMING majority of them were dimocrap scum.

I LIVED through it. I was only a few blocks away when Danny Greene got blown up. I was there when Shondor Birns was paying off dimocrap scum like they were his errand boys.

Al Capone couldn't have operated in Chicago without the blessing of the dimocrap scum running the pushole. Same in New Yawk. Mobsters just paid them off.

People think the Mob was so tough.... They weren't. An honest system could have, and should have, taken them down in a matter of Months.

But dimocrap scum didn't want to -- They were not only getting rich, they were guaranteed re-election because the Mob ran the Unions.

the dimocrap party isn't a political party, it's a criminal enterprise.

Always has been. Always will be.
so what is the solution to the VA problem?.........Feed them into the maw of Obamacare?

That seems to be the hypocritical answer being proposed by some "Republicans" in DC.
All of the top donors are unions, like ACTBLUE. federal employee unions and teacher's uions.

If the Dems turned their backs on unions they might not get 90% of their funding.

The problem is that the Unions are forced into a lesser of two evils. The Democrats are into profiting off of the privatization of education via hedge funds so they aren't exactly allies. Further, Obama is also into privatizing education. Obama is a neoliberal.
The problem has been ongoing since before Obama but you know he just kept on with it.

New Conservative Meme That Unions Outspend Koch Brothers On Elections Is Patently False

Here is the thing that is a huge problem. We have people like Gates that outsources American jobs. He's big on that. He is a liberal icon. We have people like the Koch brothers. These people are not impacted by legislation as the people are. They go in to profit and it is usually off of people's misery. They don't have to deal with the repercussions. So, we can either keep up the "football" team shit or deal with the issues. The media? Corporate. You won't see anything that they don't want you to see.

So you're going to take the word of a liberal blog site over official records?

If you look up Republic Report on Wiki you get a redirect to Essential Information......a Ralph Nader source. So your link is pretty shadowy itself.......


The demon du jour seems to be the Koch Brothers, so they'll make up anything they can think about them.

This was posted by a commentator on your link:

Kizar_Sozay said:

Of course any sensible reader would recognize the footnote on the OpenSecrets page ONLY refers to the KOCH brothers. NO union could possibly donate to a Super Pac. They just wouldn't do it. Organizing for America, MoveOn and all those little spiders created when ACORN was dismantled would never ever receive a dime of union money. Thanks for pointing out the footnote so obvious.
Now let's turn to the chart posted as the result of RepublicReports diligent research. Following the links in the article the chart uses itself as a reference for its veracity. Most charts actually cite where the info came from. Not this one.

Lastly, let's remember the Koch Brothers are spending their own money. The unions are spending money coerced from members who have little say in the matter. The unions hold a hammer over the employee. Without the union card there is no job. The dues are taken from wages and the unions spend on election campaigns that may well be in opposition to the views of the workers who are footing the bill.

File this lame column under 'unsubstantiated'.

You were doing ok until you quoted a response. I didn't realize that Republic Reports was a Nadar deal. He's a libertopian shill.

That said, the vast majority of the union dues go towards litigation. In Right to Work states even those idiots that don't pay dues still benefit from whatever the union does. They just don't pay. The fact remains that the union has to disclose and the Kochs don't have to. Now, until you folks stand up for workers rights then unions are necessary.

Kochs aren't the only clowns. Peter Theil. Pete Peterson. The list goes on. I can bring more.
so what is the solution to the VA problem?.........Feed them into the maw of Obamacare?

That seems to be the hypocritical answer being proposed by some "Republicans" in DC.

Nope. Obamacare is going to be what the VA is now, so that would just be adding to the problem.

Seems everything the Dems want to do is tested on the military first.

The Death Panels and the neglect is showing up and is just a harbinger of what's to come for the rest of us.
Last edited:
The problem is that the Unions are forced into a lesser of two evils. The Democrats are into profiting off of the privatization of education via hedge funds so they aren't exactly allies. Further, Obama is also into privatizing education. Obama is a neoliberal.
The problem has been ongoing since before Obama but you know he just kept on with it.

New Conservative Meme That Unions Outspend Koch Brothers On Elections Is Patently False

Here is the thing that is a huge problem. We have people like Gates that outsources American jobs. He's big on that. He is a liberal icon. We have people like the Koch brothers. These people are not impacted by legislation as the people are. They go in to profit and it is usually off of people's misery. They don't have to deal with the repercussions. So, we can either keep up the "football" team shit or deal with the issues. The media? Corporate. You won't see anything that they don't want you to see.

So you're going to take the word of a liberal blog site over official records?

If you look up Republic Report on Wiki you get a redirect to Essential Information......a Ralph Nader source. So your link is pretty shadowy itself.......


The demon du jour seems to be the Koch Brothers, so they'll make up anything they can think about them.

This was posted by a commentator on your link:

Kizar_Sozay said:

Of course any sensible reader would recognize the footnote on the OpenSecrets page ONLY refers to the KOCH brothers. NO union could possibly donate to a Super Pac. They just wouldn't do it. Organizing for America, MoveOn and all those little spiders created when ACORN was dismantled would never ever receive a dime of union money. Thanks for pointing out the footnote so obvious.
Now let's turn to the chart posted as the result of RepublicReports diligent research. Following the links in the article the chart uses itself as a reference for its veracity. Most charts actually cite where the info came from. Not this one.

Lastly, let's remember the Koch Brothers are spending their own money. The unions are spending money coerced from members who have little say in the matter. The unions hold a hammer over the employee. Without the union card there is no job. The dues are taken from wages and the unions spend on election campaigns that may well be in opposition to the views of the workers who are footing the bill.

File this lame column under 'unsubstantiated'.

You were doing ok until you quoted a response. I didn't realize that Republic Reports was a Nadar deal. He's a libertopian shill.

That said, the vast majority of the union dues go towards litigation. In Right to Work states even those idiots that don't pay dues still benefit from whatever the union does. They just don't pay. The fact remains that the union has to disclose and the Kochs don't have to. Now, until you folks stand up for workers rights then unions are necessary.

Kochs aren't the only clowns. Peter Theil. Pete Peterson. The list goes on. I can bring more.

The Kochs have to disclose like everyone else.

Online donations like the ones Obama received during his campaigned never had to disclose anything. Support through Soros funded organizations are basically backdoor campaigning. Media Matters, ThinkProgress, Center For American Progress, SEIU, ACORN splinter groups, Occupy Wallstreet, all have close ties to Obama and Hillary. Nevermind all of the free advertizement in the news and in every Sitcom and movie that Hollywood produces. The View is pure liberal propaganda. ESPN covers what Democrats want them to cover. MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, BET, Comedy Central, VH1, MTV, NPR, PBS, Disney Corporation, all of them are pumping out free advertizement for Democrats.

If there's a way around the law the Dems have discovered it and used it. If a conservative group uses anything the way the Dems do they get hammered by the media. Fox News, the Devil. Rush Limbaugh, the Devil.
Last edited:
So you're going to take the word of a liberal blog site over official records?

If you look up Republic Report on Wiki you get a redirect to Essential Information......a Ralph Nader source. So your link is pretty shadowy itself.......


The demon du jour seems to be the Koch Brothers, so they'll make up anything they can think about them.

This was posted by a commentator on your link:

You were doing ok until you quoted a response. I didn't realize that Republic Reports was a Nadar deal. He's a libertopian shill.

That said, the vast majority of the union dues go towards litigation. In Right to Work states even those idiots that don't pay dues still benefit from whatever the union does. They just don't pay. The fact remains that the union has to disclose and the Kochs don't have to. Now, until you folks stand up for workers rights then unions are necessary.

Kochs aren't the only clowns. Peter Theil. Pete Peterson. The list goes on. I can bring more.

The Kochs have to disclose like everyone else.

Online donations like the ones Obama received during his campaigned never had to disclose anything. Support through Soros funded organizations are basically backdoor campaigning. Media Matters, ThinkProgress, Center For American Progress, SEIU, ACORN splinter groups, Occupy Wallstreet, all have close ties to Obama and Hillary. Nevermind all of the free advertizement in the news and in every Sitcom and movie that Hollywood produces. The View is pure liberal propaganda. ESPN covers what Democrats want them to cover. MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, BET, Comedy Central, VH1, MTV, NPR, PBS, Disney Corporation, all of them are pumping out free advertizement for Democrats.

If there's a way around the law the Dems have discovered it and used it. If a conservative group uses anything the way the Dems do they get hammered by the media. Fox News, the Devil. Rush Limbaugh, the Devil.


Persecution complex, too?

I don't think so.

Do you Muckety?
You were doing ok until you quoted a response. I didn't realize that Republic Reports was a Nadar deal. He's a libertopian shill.

That said, the vast majority of the union dues go towards litigation. In Right to Work states even those idiots that don't pay dues still benefit from whatever the union does. They just don't pay. The fact remains that the union has to disclose and the Kochs don't have to. Now, until you folks stand up for workers rights then unions are necessary.

Kochs aren't the only clowns. Peter Theil. Pete Peterson. The list goes on. I can bring more.

The Kochs have to disclose like everyone else.

Online donations like the ones Obama received during his campaigned never had to disclose anything. Support through Soros funded organizations are basically backdoor campaigning. Media Matters, ThinkProgress, Center For American Progress, SEIU, ACORN splinter groups, Occupy Wallstreet, all have close ties to Obama and Hillary. Nevermind all of the free advertizement in the news and in every Sitcom and movie that Hollywood produces. The View is pure liberal propaganda. ESPN covers what Democrats want them to cover. MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, BET, Comedy Central, VH1, MTV, NPR, PBS, Disney Corporation, all of them are pumping out free advertizement for Democrats.

If there's a way around the law the Dems have discovered it and used it. If a conservative group uses anything the way the Dems do they get hammered by the media. Fox News, the Devil. Rush Limbaugh, the Devil.


Persecution complex, too?

I don't think so.

Do you Muckety?

I wouldn't call it a complex.

Just an observation.

Not sure what Muckety is. :eusa_shifty:
Democrats are really good at pointing out fault, and covering up their own.

They suck at getting anything done that's worth a damn.

There's nothing out there that Democrats can's screw up even worse than it already is.
The far left can never admit to any wrong doings, that is why they should not be in charge of anything.
I'm sure you can post all kinds of biased stories to support this hogwash, but it doesn't prove anything.

The point is, the Democrats are intentionally causing problems and blaming them on the Republicans. This is why nothing gets done in Washington. Democrats are untrustworthy. They don't have our best interests in mind. They have their party's power aspirations in mind first and foremost.

you can say this about both least those of us not "attached" to one.....both parties cause problems and blame each other......both parties are untrustworthy......both parties dont have the Countries best interest in mind.....and both think of party first and foremost.... This is why nothing gets done in Washington.....and the reason BOTH parties either need to go or get beat by a third party person that just may wake these fuckers up.....
so what is the solution to the VA problem?.........Feed them into the maw of Obamacare?

That seems to be the hypocritical answer being proposed by some "Republicans" in DC.

Nope. Obamacare is going to be what the VA is now, so that would just be adding to the problem.

Seems everything the Dems want to do is tested on the military first.

The Death Panels and the neglect is showing up and is just a harbinger of what's to come for the rest of us.

Actually, centralized federal government medical care has been tested on Native American Indian reservations for the last 150 years. We can go visit a reservation clinic to see the promise of that particular healthcare model.

In 2009 Obama had a brief episode of honesty when he said his vision was that the US Postal Service was the model for health care delivery in the country.

He has not varied one bit from that path in the last 5 years. is a feature, not a bug.

Last edited:
I'm sure you can post all kinds of biased stories to support this hogwash, but it doesn't prove anything.

The point is, the Democrats are intentionally causing problems and blaming them on the Republicans. This is why nothing gets done in Washington. Democrats are untrustworthy. They don't have our best interests in mind. They have their party's power aspirations in mind first and foremost.

you can say this about both least those of us not "attached" to one.....both parties cause problems and blame each other......both parties are untrustworthy......both parties dont have the Countries best interest in mind.....and both think of party first and foremost.... This is why nothing gets done in Washington.....and the reason BOTH parties either need to go or get beat by a third party person that just may wake these fuckers up.....

That's usually the argument for the status-quo....they both do the same thing.

When the Dems are in power it's the GOP that's doing it, or everyone is doing it.

When the GOP is in power it's the GOP that's doing it.

The GOP is always at least partially or completely to blame, and if you say otherwise, you're a hack.
You're talking about two different issues.

First of all, the problem in the VA isn't funding, it's bad management.

Second, Bernie Sanders sponsored this bill. When Bernie Sanders is involved bad things usually happen, especially when the military is involved.

Republicans focused much of their criticism on how most of Sanders' bill was paid for -- with funds left unspent from the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the winding down of American involvement in Afghanistan. The GOP says those are not real savings, since no one expected those funds to continue being spent as those wars ended.

Republicans also objected to provisions letting more veterans without service-connected injuries be eligible for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. They said that would swamp an already overburdened system. The vote sidetracking the veterans bill was 56-41 with the 56 votes supporters received falling 4 short of the 60 needed to keep it alive.

Sanders' legislation addressed everything from making more veterans eligible for in-state college tuition to providing fertility or adoption services for some wounded troops left unable to conceive

The VA would have been given more tools to eat into its backlog of 390,000 benefit claims awaiting action for more than 125 days. The bill also would have bolstered programs for veterans who suffered sexual abuse, and would have increased dental care and provided more alternative medicine, such as yoga for stress.

In a two-year test program, some overweight veterans living more than 15 minutes from a VA gym would have been given memberships at private health clubs. Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits | Fox News

The fact is, Bernie Sanders was going for extravagance when he knew the GOP would reject it.

The problem arises from the inherent flaws in the system and the fact that Obama is flooding the system with hundreds of thousands of new beneficiaries. Come up with something that is cost effective and accomplishes the mission rather than something that is just window dressing and I'm sure the GOP will agree with it.


Op/Ed | 9/23/2012 @ 4:29PM |13,288 views
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs - Forbes

GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors
September 28, 2012
GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors - National liberal |

Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.
by Sinpac Posted March 12, 2012
Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.

You are a liar.

One of the biggest reasons Patriotic American Republicans blocked the bill was a reason I completely agree with.

I am a Priority 1 Veteran. Disabled over 60% due directly to my Service to my Country.

Every time I go to the VA, I gotta wait behind people whose disability has NOTHING whatsoever to do with their Service. Nothing.

Not only that, but the ones that are getting the free treatments for -- Whatever..... You name it and they're getting it -- FOR FREE. IF they have a minimal disability.

Which is why so many Vets bust their asses to get a minimal disability rating.

Say.... 10% for PTSD or loss of hearing (huh? What was that you said? Say what?) or whatever.

So guys like me, who HAVE NO CHOICE but to use the VA system, gotta wait in line behind free-loaders.

Yeah. Free-Loaders.

I just rode to Miami VA Hospital with some scumbag that got discharged from the Army because he was discharged with Juvenile diabetes.

The Army didn't cause that. That is a congenital disease all the way. But I don't get a preference because my disability is Service Connected. No way.

Last time I rode over with an 80 year old guy who is stinking rich. But he goes to the Miami Va because he gets a shot from them (in the eye) with something that would cost around $2,000 per shot in private practice....

So he saves the money by using the VA. His disability? He fell off a truck at Fort Sam Houston and broke his arm. Says it gives him trouble. He's at 10%

Why did I tell you all this?

Because the dimocrap scum had a provision in the bill that would have opened the flood gates for more abuse of the system.

Republicans also objected to provisions making more veterans without service-connected injuries eligible for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. They said that would swamp an already overburdened system.

Read more: Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits - Washington Times

So you know what? Fuck you. Fuck all of you non-serving, gutless pussies.

It takes a lot to get me to say this to a veteran. Especially one who is combat disabled. have easily met the criteria.

Shut the fuck up about YOUR service. You are an embarrassment to millions of men and women who served with dignity.....and then lived civilian lives with dignity.

I am going to suggest that you look into practicing mindfulness. It might help you cope with yourself.

Mindfulness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Op/Ed | 9/23/2012 @ 4:29PM |13,288 views
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs - Forbes

GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors
September 28, 2012
GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors - National liberal |

Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.
by Sinpac Posted March 12, 2012
Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.

You are a liar.

One of the biggest reasons Patriotic American Republicans blocked the bill was a reason I completely agree with.

I am a Priority 1 Veteran. Disabled over 60% due directly to my Service to my Country.

Every time I go to the VA, I gotta wait behind people whose disability has NOTHING whatsoever to do with their Service. Nothing.

Not only that, but the ones that are getting the free treatments for -- Whatever..... You name it and they're getting it -- FOR FREE. IF they have a minimal disability.

Which is why so many Vets bust their asses to get a minimal disability rating.

Say.... 10% for PTSD or loss of hearing (huh? What was that you said? Say what?) or whatever.

So guys like me, who HAVE NO CHOICE but to use the VA system, gotta wait in line behind free-loaders.

Yeah. Free-Loaders.

I just rode to Miami VA Hospital with some scumbag that got discharged from the Army because he was discharged with Juvenile diabetes.

The Army didn't cause that. That is a congenital disease all the way. But I don't get a preference because my disability is Service Connected. No way.

Last time I rode over with an 80 year old guy who is stinking rich. But he goes to the Miami Va because he gets a shot from them (in the eye) with something that would cost around $2,000 per shot in private practice....

So he saves the money by using the VA. His disability? He fell off a truck at Fort Sam Houston and broke his arm. Says it gives him trouble. He's at 10%

Why did I tell you all this?

Because the dimocrap scum had a provision in the bill that would have opened the flood gates for more abuse of the system.

Republicans also objected to provisions making more veterans without service-connected injuries eligible for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. They said that would swamp an already overburdened system.

Read more: Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits - Washington Times

So you know what? Fuck you. Fuck all of you non-serving, gutless pussies.

It takes a lot to get me to say this to a veteran. Especially one who is combat disabled. have easily met the criteria.

Shut the fuck up about YOUR service. You are an embarrassment to millions of men and women who served with dignity.....and then lived civilian lives with dignity.

I am going to suggest that you look into practicing mindfulness. It might help you cope with yourself.

Mindfulness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Says the far left Obama drone that spits on the troops every chance they get.
so what is the solution to the VA problem?.........Feed them into the maw of Obamacare?

That seems to be the hypocritical answer being proposed by some "Republicans" in DC.

Nope. Obamacare is going to be what the VA is now, so that would just be adding to the problem.

Seems everything the Dems want to do is tested on the military first.

The Death Panels and the neglect is showing up and is just a harbinger of what's to come for the rest of us.

Actually, centralized federal government medical care has been tested on Native American Indian reservations for the last 150 years. We can go visit a reservation clinic to see the promise of that particular healthcare model.

In 2009 Obama had a brief episode of honesty when he said his vision was that the US Postal Service was the model for health care delivery in the country.

He has not varied one bit from that path in the last 5 years. is a feature, not a bug.


They have a energy program on post that uses centralized thermostatic controls, or smart TSCs. Most of the post TSCs are designated from a central control office, and the temperature can be monitored from there. The returns on it is it works like horse-dung.

Used to be everything was manually controlled. Now we have to make a call to EMC to get a building's AC or heat turned on. And often times the computer turns their shit off and somebody has to come in late at night to discover that the computer had a brainfart and turned it off.

I remember Obama talking about doing this all over the country. They can control the temperature in your house down at the central office. Imagine the fun they could have with that shit.
It takes a special kind of mind to think this is just a "liberal" problem.

Both parties in congress should be ashamed of how we've treating our Vets for the last 3 decades.
One of the biggest reasons Patriotic American Republicans blocked the bill was a reason I completely agree with.

I am a Priority 1 Veteran. Disabled over 60% due directly to my Service to my Country.

Every time I go to the VA, I gotta wait behind people whose disability has NOTHING whatsoever to do with their Service. Nothing.

Not only that, but the ones that are getting the free treatments for -- Whatever..... You name it and they're getting it -- FOR FREE. IF they have a minimal disability.

Which is why so many Vets bust their asses to get a minimal disability rating.

Say.... 10% for PTSD or loss of hearing (huh? What was that you said? Say what?) or whatever.

So guys like me, who HAVE NO CHOICE but to use the VA system, gotta wait in line behind free-loaders.

Yeah. Free-Loaders.

I just rode to Miami VA Hospital with some scumbag that got discharged from the Army because he was discharged with Juvenile diabetes.

The Army didn't cause that. That is a congenital disease all the way. But I don't get a preference because my disability is Service Connected. No way.

Last time I rode over with an 80 year old guy who is stinking rich. But he goes to the Miami Va because he gets a shot from them (in the eye) with something that would cost around $2,000 per shot in private practice....

So he saves the money by using the VA. His disability? He fell off a truck at Fort Sam Houston and broke his arm. Says it gives him trouble. He's at 10%

Why did I tell you all this?

Because the dimocrap scum had a provision in the bill that would have opened the flood gates for more abuse of the system.

Read more: Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits - Washington Times

So you know what? Fuck you. Fuck all of you non-serving, gutless pussies.

It takes a lot to get me to say this to a veteran. Especially one who is combat disabled. have easily met the criteria.

Shut the fuck up about YOUR service. You are an embarrassment to millions of men and women who served with dignity.....and then lived civilian lives with dignity.

I am going to suggest that you look into practicing mindfulness. It might help you cope with yourself.

Mindfulness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Says the far left Obama drone that spits on the troops every chance they get.

I do, huh?
It takes a special kind of mind to think this is just a "liberal" problem.

Both parties in congress should be ashamed of how we've treating our Vets for the last 3 decades.

Well, Obama has the job now, so it's his problem.

And he's not only doubled-down on it, he's taken it to new unheard of heights. Even during the drawdown in the 90s it was never this bad. I wouldn't be surprised if it was on purpose. As it is, I believe it's just criminal negligence.

Compare this debacle to the peeling paint crapola the media hammered Bush for at Walter Reed.

Give me a break.

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