VA Deaths Proves Two Things. Liberals Won't Admit It In A Million Years

In the late 60's I had gone to the VA. I was low on cash and considered this to be a solution. As with most Government departments the attitude of many sucked. I guess this was the a case of either:
"That's not my job."
"That's my job."
Which has brought us to the name "Government Job". In the 1950-70's Civil Service was a place many wanted to work. The pay was a less; but you had benefits and job security that was unequal.
The Benefits and job security remain even though the wages are higher than the private sector.
Some hospitals have a good reputation and others fall short. It's been that way for decades.
If you hit the best hospital on the wrong day you may go away feeling it is bad. You can also visit a poor hospital on a good day and go away thinking it is the greatest place in the world.
Do NOT tell me that the liberals are the problem. You are lying your ass off in an effort to privatize that shit too. Hell you can't be trusted to take care of the vets NOW. You whip them out to show case them on special little holidays and then shit on them the rest of the year. Do not tell me you give a shit when you clearly do not.
From your link:
"Republicans complained about how to pay for it. Sanders' legislation had more than 140 provisions costing $21 billion over 10 years.

Most of that money was to come from billions of dollars the government projected it would be allowed to spend on wars overseas in the fight against al-Qaeda.But Republicans argued that this is "phony" budgeting becasue U.S. participation in the Iraq War is over and operations in Afghanistan are winding down."

The problem with liberals is that don't understand that goods and services need to be payed for. Come up with a plan based on reality budgeting and quit blaming those that don't spend your grandkids into an early grave.

I had military dependent care all through my childhood and worked in a VA hospital for 3.5 years. The problems are much more than administrative. I'd rather see the VA hospital system done away with and use that money to pay for vet services in private care. Without ObamaCare calling the shots.

UPDATED: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:35 PM EST – The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle is about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner. Mr. Cruz, Ms. Palin and some attendees, including political parties may have not been aware of the goals of the marches which took place in over 60+ rallies across the nation. Please check our Facebook page at

Get ready to join a million vets in Washington DC and online! The Administration has closed down war memorials that are normally open 24/7 and that do not have any staff to guard them under normal circumstances.

Remember that? How about we take that free market and shove it up your ass.

Liberals understand perfectly. Stop shitting on vets.

Too bad the Democrats in Washington don't understand this.
From your link:
"Republicans complained about how to pay for it. Sanders' legislation had more than 140 provisions costing $21 billion over 10 years.

Most of that money was to come from billions of dollars the government projected it would be allowed to spend on wars overseas in the fight against al-Qaeda.But Republicans argued that this is "phony" budgeting becasue U.S. participation in the Iraq War is over and operations in Afghanistan are winding down."

The problem with liberals is that don't understand that goods and services need to be payed for. Come up with a plan based on reality budgeting and quit blaming those that don't spend your grandkids into an early grave.

I had military dependent care all through my childhood and worked in a VA hospital for 3.5 years. The problems are much more than administrative. I'd rather see the VA hospital system done away with and use that money to pay for vet services in private care. Without ObamaCare calling the shots.

UPDATED: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:35 PM EST – The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle is about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner. Mr. Cruz, Ms. Palin and some attendees, including political parties may have not been aware of the goals of the marches which took place in over 60+ rallies across the nation. Please check our Facebook page at

Get ready to join a million vets in Washington DC and online! The Administration has closed down war memorials that are normally open 24/7 and that do not have any staff to guard them under normal circumstances.

Remember that? How about we take that free market and shove it up your ass.

Liberals understand perfectly. Stop shitting on vets.
I think you're unhinged.
First, the administration of Barack Obama shut down the monuments, not the GOP.
Second, none of that has anything to do with the free market system.

I suspect the whole story about your grandfather is bullshit. I suspect evertything you post is bullshit.

I don't believe that. I figure his story is legit, but his anger is misdirected.

Democrats love causing problems, doubling down on existing problems, and then running to the cameras to blame the GOP for everything. Every problem was ultimately due to the GOP wanting to cut the waste in government. Now Democrats want to tell everyone that we need to spend more, not less. Wanting to cut costs is evil, next to terrorism. Some even called it terrorist activity.

So it's no surprise to me that alot of problems that were already there have been made worse since the Dems gained power in 2006. They lie to us about everything.
You know........I'm hesitant to post this. But, wtf. My grandfather is or was a WWII vet in Arizona. He was showing signs of dementia and there were two tries to get him into a facility. He was in Tucson and the closest home is in Phoenix. He was hospitalized for dehydration and finally was moved to a facility. He died two months later.

I have an uncle that has a bizarre strand of Alzheimer. He was a rocket scientist. Really. He got to the point that he was forced into retirement and he is beyond the families control. Not kidding. Someone has to stand at the front door and guard it and someone has to stand at the back door and guard it. If he makes it to the street then his behavior is so aggressive that we are worried that he may be shot. Closest VA nursing home is in Phoenix. My aunt has cancer. In order to get this guy into a nursing home she has to put her house up.

My dad is now encountering medical problems and it was hard as hell to get him to start looking into his benefits. Hell, he was doing PTSD before they even gave it a name. His was a pride issue of not having to ask for anything.

So, where am I going with this? Sanders just had legislation on the table that the R's voted down. Senate rejects bill on veterans benefits

Do NOT tell me that the liberals are the problem. You are lying your ass off in an effort to privatize that shit too. Hell you can't be trusted to take care of the vets NOW. You whip them out to show case them on special little holidays and then shit on them the rest of the year. Do not tell me you give a shit when you clearly do not.

You're talking about two different issues.

First of all, the problem in the VA isn't funding, it's bad management.

Second, Bernie Sanders sponsored this bill. When Bernie Sanders is involved bad things usually happen, especially when the military is involved.

Republicans focused much of their criticism on how most of Sanders' bill was paid for -- with funds left unspent from the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the winding down of American involvement in Afghanistan. The GOP says those are not real savings, since no one expected those funds to continue being spent as those wars ended.

Republicans also objected to provisions letting more veterans without service-connected injuries be eligible for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. They said that would swamp an already overburdened system. The vote sidetracking the veterans bill was 56-41 with the 56 votes supporters received falling 4 short of the 60 needed to keep it alive.

Sanders' legislation addressed everything from making more veterans eligible for in-state college tuition to providing fertility or adoption services for some wounded troops left unable to conceive

The VA would have been given more tools to eat into its backlog of 390,000 benefit claims awaiting action for more than 125 days. The bill also would have bolstered programs for veterans who suffered sexual abuse, and would have increased dental care and provided more alternative medicine, such as yoga for stress.

In a two-year test program, some overweight veterans living more than 15 minutes from a VA gym would have been given memberships at private health clubs. Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits | Fox News

The fact is, Bernie Sanders was going for extravagance when he knew the GOP would reject it.

The problem arises from the inherent flaws in the system and the fact that Obama is flooding the system with hundreds of thousands of new beneficiaries. Come up with something that is cost effective and accomplishes the mission rather than something that is just window dressing and I'm sure the GOP will agree with it.


Op/Ed | 9/23/2012 @ 4:29PM |13,288 views
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs - Forbes

GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors
September 28, 2012
GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors - National liberal |

Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.
by Sinpac Posted March 12, 2012
Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.

You are a liar.
You know........I'm hesitant to post this. But, wtf. My grandfather is or was a WWII vet in Arizona. He was showing signs of dementia and there were two tries to get him into a facility. He was in Tucson and the closest home is in Phoenix. He was hospitalized for dehydration and finally was moved to a facility. He died two months later.

I have an uncle that has a bizarre strand of Alzheimer. He was a rocket scientist. Really. He got to the point that he was forced into retirement and he is beyond the families control. Not kidding. Someone has to stand at the front door and guard it and someone has to stand at the back door and guard it. If he makes it to the street then his behavior is so aggressive that we are worried that he may be shot. Closest VA nursing home is in Phoenix. My aunt has cancer. In order to get this guy into a nursing home she has to put her house up.

My dad is now encountering medical problems and it was hard as hell to get him to start looking into his benefits. Hell, he was doing PTSD before they even gave it a name. His was a pride issue of not having to ask for anything.

So, where am I going with this? Sanders just had legislation on the table that the R's voted down. Senate rejects bill on veterans benefits

Do NOT tell me that the liberals are the problem. You are lying your ass off in an effort to privatize that shit too. Hell you can't be trusted to take care of the vets NOW. You whip them out to show case them on special little holidays and then shit on them the rest of the year. Do not tell me you give a shit when you clearly do not.

You're talking about two different issues.

First of all, the problem in the VA isn't funding, it's bad management.

Second, Bernie Sanders sponsored this bill. When Bernie Sanders is involved bad things usually happen, especially when the military is involved.

Republicans focused much of their criticism on how most of Sanders' bill was paid for -- with funds left unspent from the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the winding down of American involvement in Afghanistan. The GOP says those are not real savings, since no one expected those funds to continue being spent as those wars ended.

Republicans also objected to provisions letting more veterans without service-connected injuries be eligible for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. They said that would swamp an already overburdened system. The vote sidetracking the veterans bill was 56-41 with the 56 votes supporters received falling 4 short of the 60 needed to keep it alive.

Sanders' legislation addressed everything from making more veterans eligible for in-state college tuition to providing fertility or adoption services for some wounded troops left unable to conceive

The VA would have been given more tools to eat into its backlog of 390,000 benefit claims awaiting action for more than 125 days. The bill also would have bolstered programs for veterans who suffered sexual abuse, and would have increased dental care and provided more alternative medicine, such as yoga for stress.

In a two-year test program, some overweight veterans living more than 15 minutes from a VA gym would have been given memberships at private health clubs. Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits | Fox News

The fact is, Bernie Sanders was going for extravagance when he knew the GOP would reject it.

The problem arises from the inherent flaws in the system and the fact that Obama is flooding the system with hundreds of thousands of new beneficiaries. Come up with something that is cost effective and accomplishes the mission rather than something that is just window dressing and I'm sure the GOP will agree with it.


Op/Ed | 9/23/2012 @ 4:29PM |13,288 views
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs - Forbes

GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors
September 28, 2012
GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors - National liberal |

Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.
by Sinpac Posted March 12, 2012
Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.

You are a liar.

I'm sure you can post all kinds of biased stories to support this hogwash, but it doesn't prove anything.

The point is, the Democrats are intentionally causing problems and blaming them on the Republicans. This is why nothing gets done in Washington. Democrats are untrustworthy. They don't have our best interests in mind. They have their party's power aspirations in mind first and foremost.
You know........I'm hesitant to post this. But, wtf. My grandfather is or was a WWII vet in Arizona. He was showing signs of dementia and there were two tries to get him into a facility. He was in Tucson and the closest home is in Phoenix. He was hospitalized for dehydration and finally was moved to a facility. He died two months later.

I have an uncle that has a bizarre strand of Alzheimer. He was a rocket scientist. Really. He got to the point that he was forced into retirement and he is beyond the families control. Not kidding. Someone has to stand at the front door and guard it and someone has to stand at the back door and guard it. If he makes it to the street then his behavior is so aggressive that we are worried that he may be shot. Closest VA nursing home is in Phoenix. My aunt has cancer. In order to get this guy into a nursing home she has to put her house up.

My dad is now encountering medical problems and it was hard as hell to get him to start looking into his benefits. Hell, he was doing PTSD before they even gave it a name. His was a pride issue of not having to ask for anything.

So, where am I going with this? Sanders just had legislation on the table that the R's voted down. Senate rejects bill on veterans benefits

Do NOT tell me that the liberals are the problem. You are lying your ass off in an effort to privatize that shit too. Hell you can't be trusted to take care of the vets NOW. You whip them out to show case them on special little holidays and then shit on them the rest of the year. Do not tell me you give a shit when you clearly do not.

You're talking about two different issues.

First of all, the problem in the VA isn't funding, it's bad management.

Second, Bernie Sanders sponsored this bill. When Bernie Sanders is involved bad things usually happen, especially when the military is involved.

Republicans focused much of their criticism on how most of Sanders' bill was paid for -- with funds left unspent from the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the winding down of American involvement in Afghanistan. The GOP says those are not real savings, since no one expected those funds to continue being spent as those wars ended.

Republicans also objected to provisions letting more veterans without service-connected injuries be eligible for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. They said that would swamp an already overburdened system. The vote sidetracking the veterans bill was 56-41 with the 56 votes supporters received falling 4 short of the 60 needed to keep it alive.

Sanders' legislation addressed everything from making more veterans eligible for in-state college tuition to providing fertility or adoption services for some wounded troops left unable to conceive

The VA would have been given more tools to eat into its backlog of 390,000 benefit claims awaiting action for more than 125 days. The bill also would have bolstered programs for veterans who suffered sexual abuse, and would have increased dental care and provided more alternative medicine, such as yoga for stress.

In a two-year test program, some overweight veterans living more than 15 minutes from a VA gym would have been given memberships at private health clubs. Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits | Fox News

The fact is, Bernie Sanders was going for extravagance when he knew the GOP would reject it.

The problem arises from the inherent flaws in the system and the fact that Obama is flooding the system with hundreds of thousands of new beneficiaries. Come up with something that is cost effective and accomplishes the mission rather than something that is just window dressing and I'm sure the GOP will agree with it.


Op/Ed | 9/23/2012 @ 4:29PM |13,288 views
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs
Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs - Forbes

GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors
September 28, 2012
GOP blocks COLA on benefits for disabled veterans and survivors - National liberal |

Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.
by Sinpac Posted March 12, 2012
Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.

You are a liar.

One of the biggest reasons Patriotic American Republicans blocked the bill was a reason I completely agree with.

I am a Priority 1 Veteran. Disabled over 60% due directly to my Service to my Country.

Every time I go to the VA, I gotta wait behind people whose disability has NOTHING whatsoever to do with their Service. Nothing.

Not only that, but the ones that are getting the free treatments for -- Whatever..... You name it and they're getting it -- FOR FREE. IF they have a minimal disability.

Which is why so many Vets bust their asses to get a minimal disability rating.

Say.... 10% for PTSD or loss of hearing (huh? What was that you said? Say what?) or whatever.

So guys like me, who HAVE NO CHOICE but to use the VA system, gotta wait in line behind free-loaders.

Yeah. Free-Loaders.

I just rode to Miami VA Hospital with some scumbag that got discharged from the Army because he was discharged with Juvenile diabetes.

The Army didn't cause that. That is a congenital disease all the way. But I don't get a preference because my disability is Service Connected. No way.

Last time I rode over with an 80 year old guy who is stinking rich. But he goes to the Miami Va because he gets a shot from them (in the eye) with something that would cost around $2,000 per shot in private practice....

So he saves the money by using the VA. His disability? He fell off a truck at Fort Sam Houston and broke his arm. Says it gives him trouble. He's at 10%

Why did I tell you all this?

Because the dimocrap scum had a provision in the bill that would have opened the flood gates for more abuse of the system.

Republicans also objected to provisions making more veterans without service-connected injuries eligible for treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. They said that would swamp an already overburdened system.

Read more: Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits - Washington Times

So you know what? Fuck you. Fuck all of you non-serving, gutless pussies.
Get ready to join a million vets in Washington DC and online! The Administration has closed down war memorials that are normally open 24/7 and that do not have any staff to guard them under normal circumstances.

Remember that? How about we take that free market and shove it up your ass.

Liberals understand perfectly. Stop shitting on vets.
Vets deserve the care they aren't getting with government run health care, you shove that up your pompous ass. I've been there and speak with experience.

The memorial shutdown was a typical leftist ploy whenever there's a budget cut, or failure to increase. They want to hurt the people the most and blame it on their political enemies. Morons gobble it up all day long.
Last edited:
So give veterans a voucher that fully covers buying insurance on an exchange?

Oh wait, that would be Obamacare, that the Republicans are going to repeal on Feb 1st, 2017,

or so they hope...
Maybe Blackwater could run the VA. Or maybe that criminal enterprise that Gov. Scott in Florida was involved in.
Maybe Blackwater could run the VA. Or maybe that criminal enterprise that Gov. Scott in Florida was involved in.

Or Solyndra. Or the company run by Mooschelle's old roomate that set up the Obamacare website on a no bid contract?
See how that works?
The government is an arrogant culture of corruption, and incompetence. The only effective branch of it is the military! I think that they should run the VA - active military personnel!
So give veterans a voucher that fully covers buying insurance on an exchange?

Oh wait, that would be Obamacare, that the Republicans are going to repeal on Feb 1st, 2017,

or so they hope...

Everyone has been telling me to apply for disability at the VA. Just go see what I qualify for.

I'm not going to do it. Not as long as I can pay for it through my workers' insurance at my job.

My knees were all fucked up when I got out. Nobody pushed me in the right direction to get disability for it, so I did what I could on my own. The only disability I have on record is for a broken nose during a smokers while in the Navy. I have no other records. Mainly because I wasn't a constant whiner while I was in. I didn't become a profile warrior constantly walking around in tennis shoes and unbloused BDUs. I didn't want to deal with the hassle. So consequently I have no documentation for anything else, other than the tonsils. That was taken care of years ago. Couldn't get it done while on active-duty. The medical care for active-duty guys is just as bad or worse.
No one is going to privatize the VA.

If you deliberately underfund something then you will force it into substandard care. The moment that he put his thread up and highlighted specific phrases then you see the direction that it is taking----by the article even if he does not get it. This has been an ongoing battle and there have been consistent fights in different areas for different places.

These are Florida, which is what I have been dealing with until I have recently been forced to go back and deal with Arizona.

Lakeland Ledger - Google News Archive Search 02_16_2011 ONLINE REVISED.pdf
From your link:
"Republicans complained about how to pay for it. Sanders' legislation had more than 140 provisions costing $21 billion over 10 years.

Most of that money was to come from billions of dollars the government projected it would be allowed to spend on wars overseas in the fight against al-Qaeda.But Republicans argued that this is "phony" budgeting becasue U.S. participation in the Iraq War is over and operations in Afghanistan are winding down."

The problem with liberals is that don't understand that goods and services need to be payed for. Come up with a plan based on reality budgeting and quit blaming those that don't spend your grandkids into an early grave.

I had military dependent care all through my childhood and worked in a VA hospital for 3.5 years. The problems are much more than administrative. I'd rather see the VA hospital system done away with and use that money to pay for vet services in private care. Without ObamaCare calling the shots.

UPDATED: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:35 PM EST – The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle is about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner. Mr. Cruz, Ms. Palin and some attendees, including political parties may have not been aware of the goals of the marches which took place in over 60+ rallies across the nation. Please check our Facebook page at

Get ready to join a million vets in Washington DC and online! The Administration has closed down war memorials that are normally open 24/7 and that do not have any staff to guard them under normal circumstances.

Remember that? How about we take that free market and shove it up your ass.

Liberals understand perfectly. Stop shitting on vets.

Too bad the Democrats in Washington don't understand this.

We don't call 'em Republican lite for nothing.
I personally don't give a crap what party is in charge , what I do care about is that there is ZERO excuse for the kind of nonsense that has gone on at the VA and has gone on for a very long time across several Administrations. The situation in Phoenix here should result in no less of many people losing their jobs over this, again there is no excuse for this kind of thing. I'm not surprised though, to give you an example, of how screwed up the VA is, after having been approved for disability which took years btw, the very first months check amount from the VA , that exact amount was deducted from retirement pay. So basically you end up paying your own disability, and that too took 3 years to fix. So does it surprise me that this happened at the Phoenix VA? No, There should be no excuses for allowing any Vet. to suffer because of someone wanting to look good for their boss, or for that matter anyone, and the person that does that sort of thing should be terminated right on the spot. I don't care who it is and that includes Gen. Shinseki
UPDATED: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:35 PM EST – The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle is about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner. Mr. Cruz, Ms. Palin and some attendees, including political parties may have not been aware of the goals of the marches which took place in over 60+ rallies across the nation. Please check our Facebook page at

Get ready to join a million vets in Washington DC and online! The Administration has closed down war memorials that are normally open 24/7 and that do not have any staff to guard them under normal circumstances.

Remember that? How about we take that free market and shove it up your ass.

Liberals understand perfectly. Stop shitting on vets.

Too bad the Democrats in Washington don't understand this.

We don't call 'em Republican lite for nothing.

That's Boner and McCain. Anyone who talks like a Republican but votes like a Democrat is a Republican Light.

Get your definitions right.
So give veterans a voucher that fully covers buying insurance on an exchange?

Oh wait, that would be Obamacare, that the Republicans are going to repeal on Feb 1st, 2017,

or so they hope...

Everyone has been telling me to apply for disability at the VA. Just go see what I qualify for.

I'm not going to do it. Not as long as I can pay for it through my workers' insurance at my job.

My knees were all fucked up when I got out. Nobody pushed me in the right direction to get disability for it, so I did what I could on my own. The only disability I have on record is for a broken nose during a smokers while in the Navy. I have no other records. Mainly because I wasn't a constant whiner while I was in. I didn't become a profile warrior constantly walking around in tennis shoes and unbloused BDUs. I didn't want to deal with the hassle. So consequently I have no documentation for anything else, other than the tonsils. That was taken care of years ago. Couldn't get it done while on active-duty. The medical care for active-duty guys is just as bad or worse.

I think you should go and get in the system. No doubt about it.

Your Private Insurance and your Private Medical People are probably superior but the VA deals with VETERANS issues that most Private Doctors just aren't familiar with. At all.

Trust me on that. Been there, done that. Get in the system. Just don't abuse it.

And I got nothing against the guys that are using the system to their benefit. They served, God Bless them.

It just kinda pisses me off that.....

Look, here's the deal..... If you read your Health Insurance Policy under "Exclusions" (which is the first part of ANY Insurance Policy you should read) you will find an exclusion that says (I Paraphrase) "Any treatment for any condition for which a Government Agency is responsible"

Which means that I COULDN'T use my Private Insurance even if I wanted to. I had no choice but to use the VA.

Then, if you want to keep your disability, you BETTER be using the VA system.

Sure, the first time you go in, they don't mind getting information from your Private Doctors, Hospitals, etc. But if you get a disability rating FOR that condition, you need to see THEM for the treatment of it or they might just lose interest in your disability payment.

Oh, the more proof you take with you, the better. Orders, efficiency reports showing where you were and what you did, commendations.....

For instance, my records just show that I was B Company somewhere in the Central Highlands. The official records, especially for a sneaky pete :) don't show jack shit.

Take anything you can that will help them. They're on your side. Especially when they see what you did. fer real.

Worst thing that can happen? You wasted some time :dunno:

Bottom line....? Go for it. Do it. At least maybe you can get on their Prescription Program which is $8 per prescription (I think, the wife pays the bills). For my Service Connected treatments, it's free. For the sequalae, it's not worth the fight so I just pay the lousy $8 and forget about it. Going through the rating exams sucks anyway.
So give veterans a voucher that fully covers buying insurance on an exchange?

Oh wait, that would be Obamacare, that the Republicans are going to repeal on Feb 1st, 2017,

or so they hope...

Everyone has been telling me to apply for disability at the VA. Just go see what I qualify for.

I'm not going to do it. Not as long as I can pay for it through my workers' insurance at my job.

My knees were all fucked up when I got out. Nobody pushed me in the right direction to get disability for it, so I did what I could on my own. The only disability I have on record is for a broken nose during a smokers while in the Navy. I have no other records. Mainly because I wasn't a constant whiner while I was in. I didn't become a profile warrior constantly walking around in tennis shoes and unbloused BDUs. I didn't want to deal with the hassle. So consequently I have no documentation for anything else, other than the tonsils. That was taken care of years ago. Couldn't get it done while on active-duty. The medical care for active-duty guys is just as bad or worse.

I think you should go and get in the system. No doubt about it.

Your Private Insurance and your Private Medical People are probably superior but the VA deals with VETERANS issues that most Private Doctors just aren't familiar with. At all.

Trust me on that. Been there, done that. Get in the system. Just don't abuse it.

And I got nothing against the guys that are using the system to their benefit. They served, God Bless them.

It just kinda pisses me off that.....

Look, here's the deal..... If you read your Health Insurance Policy under "Exclusions" (which is the first part of ANY Insurance Policy you should read) you will find an exclusion that says (I Paraphrase) "Any treatment for any condition for which a Government Agency is responsible"

Which means that I COULDN'T use my Private Insurance even if I wanted to. I had no choice but to use the VA.

Then, if you want to keep your disability, you BETTER be using the VA system.

Sure, the first time you go in, they don't mind getting information from your Private Doctors, Hospitals, etc. But if you get a disability rating FOR that condition, you need to see THEM for the treatment of it or they might just lose interest in your disability payment.

Oh, the more proof you take with you, the better. Orders, efficiency reports showing where you were and what you did, commendations.....

For instance, my records just show that I was B Company somewhere in the Central Highlands. The official records, especially for a sneaky pete :) don't show jack shit.

Take anything you can that will help them. They're on your side. Especially when they see what you did. fer real.

Worst thing that can happen? You wasted some time :dunno:

Bottom line....? Go for it. Do it. At least maybe you can get on their Prescription Program which is $8 per prescription (I think, the wife pays the bills). For my Service Connected treatments, it's free. For the sequalae, it's not worth the fight so I just pay the lousy $8 and forget about it. Going through the rating exams sucks anyway.

I have 10% disability. The problems with my knees I took care of. Everything else is non-service related.......except for the PTSD I get every time I see stupidity.
This is Bernie Sanders:

The Insiders: Bernie Sanders vs. the Koch brothers

By Ed Rogers
May 15 at 12:23 pm

We don’t hear too much from socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt). He is a low-key, reliable member of the left-wing majority in the Senate, a classic old-school liberal among liberals. The only noise he ever makes is the occasional golf clap in support of the growing entitlement culture. But on Friday, someone gave him a wacky Democratic talking point linking the Koch brothers to the Veterans Affairs scandal. That’s right: He suggests that the malicious neglect at the VA is somehow the Koch brothers’ fault. In an interview with the Nation’s John Nichols, Sanders actually said that the “Koch Brothers and others … want to radically change the nature of society, and either make major cuts in all of these institutions, or maybe do away with them entirely.” He insinuated that Republicans are criticizing the VA only because they are against all large government programs, not because the VA failed our veterans. It makes you wonder how much Sanders understands about “the nature of society.”

Sanders’s comments are a good illustration of how the Democrats’ well-reported Koch problem is here to stay. Their obsession with the Koch brothers reminds me of the “handler” ads that occasionally show up in campaigns. Some campaign consultant decides to use the candidate’s money and airtime to go after his or her opponent’s campaign consultants. These ads are a waste of time and money — no one ever votes for or against a candidate because of who the candidate’s handlers are.
The Insiders: Bernie Sanders vs. the Koch brothers

Bernie Sanders put poison bills in his bill that he knew wouldn't fly, and now he's blaming the Koch Brothers for this.

The conservative group Heritage Action urged senators to oppose Sanders' bill, saying its failure to revamp the VA results in "harming both veterans truly in need of assistance and taxpayers in the process."

Read more: Veterans benefits bill clears initial Senate hurdle |
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