VA Deaths Proves Two Things. Liberals Won't Admit It In A Million Years

This is Bernie Sanders:

The Insiders: Bernie Sanders vs. the Koch brothers

By Ed Rogers
May 15 at 12:23 pm

We don’t hear too much from socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt). He is a low-key, reliable member of the left-wing majority in the Senate, a classic old-school liberal among liberals. The only noise he ever makes is the occasional golf clap in support of the growing entitlement culture. But on Friday, someone gave him a wacky Democratic talking point linking the Koch brothers to the Veterans Affairs scandal. That’s right: He suggests that the malicious neglect at the VA is somehow the Koch brothers’ fault. In an interview with the Nation’s John Nichols, Sanders actually said that the “Koch Brothers and others … want to radically change the nature of society, and either make major cuts in all of these institutions, or maybe do away with them entirely.” He insinuated that Republicans are criticizing the VA only because they are against all large government programs, not because the VA failed our veterans. It makes you wonder how much Sanders understands about “the nature of society.”

Sanders’s comments are a good illustration of how the Democrats’ well-reported Koch problem is here to stay. Their obsession with the Koch brothers reminds me of the “handler” ads that occasionally show up in campaigns. Some campaign consultant decides to use the candidate’s money and airtime to go after his or her opponent’s campaign consultants. These ads are a waste of time and money — no one ever votes for or against a candidate because of who the candidate’s handlers are.
The Insiders: Bernie Sanders vs. the Koch brothers

Bernie Sanders put poison bills in his bill that he knew wouldn't fly, and now he's blaming the Koch Brothers for this.

The conservative group Heritage Action urged senators to oppose Sanders' bill, saying its failure to revamp the VA results in "harming both veterans truly in need of assistance and taxpayers in the process."

Read more: Veterans benefits bill clears initial Senate hurdle |
Follow us: @ABC7News on Twitter | WJLATV on Facebook

[ame=]Sen. Bernie Sanders on CNN with Wolf Blitzer - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks for proving my point.

Bernie Sanders is a lying Socialist bent on overloading the system. He's rotten to the core.
dimocrap scum sued Ohio, and won, to prevent Military Absentee Votes from counting

Obama campaign sues Ohio over early voting law for military | Fox News

Campaigns Spar Over Military Absentee Ballots |

The piece of fucking shit closed the WWII Memorial out of sheer spite

Order to Close WWII Memorial Came from Obama Administration, Park Svc. Says | CNS News

And now we have dimocrap scum in here defending the Lying Cocksucker in Chief when Veterans die waiting for VA Hospitals to do their jobs?

Anybody as shocked as I am? :eek:


dimocraps are scum

It's just that simple
This is Bernie Sanders:

The Insiders: Bernie Sanders vs. the Koch brothers

By Ed Rogers
May 15 at 12:23 pm

We don’t hear too much from socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt). He is a low-key, reliable member of the left-wing majority in the Senate, a classic old-school liberal among liberals. The only noise he ever makes is the occasional golf clap in support of the growing entitlement culture. But on Friday, someone gave him a wacky Democratic talking point linking the Koch brothers to the Veterans Affairs scandal. That’s right: He suggests that the malicious neglect at the VA is somehow the Koch brothers’ fault. In an interview with the Nation’s John Nichols, Sanders actually said that the “Koch Brothers and others … want to radically change the nature of society, and either make major cuts in all of these institutions, or maybe do away with them entirely.” He insinuated that Republicans are criticizing the VA only because they are against all large government programs, not because the VA failed our veterans. It makes you wonder how much Sanders understands about “the nature of society.”

Sanders’s comments are a good illustration of how the Democrats’ well-reported Koch problem is here to stay. Their obsession with the Koch brothers reminds me of the “handler” ads that occasionally show up in campaigns. Some campaign consultant decides to use the candidate’s money and airtime to go after his or her opponent’s campaign consultants. These ads are a waste of time and money — no one ever votes for or against a candidate because of who the candidate’s handlers are.
The Insiders: Bernie Sanders vs. the Koch brothers

Bernie Sanders put poison bills in his bill that he knew wouldn't fly, and now he's blaming the Koch Brothers for this.

The conservative group Heritage Action urged senators to oppose Sanders' bill, saying its failure to revamp the VA results in "harming both veterans truly in need of assistance and taxpayers in the process."

Read more: Veterans benefits bill clears initial Senate hurdle |
Follow us: @ABC7News on Twitter | WJLATV on Facebook

[ame=]Sen. Bernie Sanders on CNN with Wolf Blitzer - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks for proving my point.

Bernie Sanders is a lying Socialist bent on overloading the system. He's rotten to the core.

More fun and games to be continued:

Hearing | Hearings | United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

You do what the Heritage Foundation tells you to.
And do you know why none of the right wing clowns face him directly? Because he is right. Every time.

Thanks for proving my point.

Bernie Sanders is a lying Socialist bent on overloading the system. He's rotten to the core.

More fun and games to be continued:

Hearing | Hearings | United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

You do what the Heritage Foundation tells you to.
And do you know why none of the right wing clowns face him directly? Because he is right. Every time.

simply laughable.
if he was right so often you should have drafted him for president; instead of the failed community organizer
One thing you might want to think of. Because I didn't go thru proper screening when I retired, there is very little that the VA has records on, so even if I had a condition that was service related, my insurance has to cover it. I had a cyst removed from my back from all of the rucking I did and my insurance covered it. I may be screwed if my knees become arthritic again, but the VA has no records on it so my insurance has to cover it. As long as I'm working I'm covered. But once I completely retire there is no guarantee that the VA will treat me anyway. I assumed this from the beginning.

Thanks for proving my point.

Bernie Sanders is a lying Socialist bent on overloading the system. He's rotten to the core.

More fun and games to be continued:

Hearing | Hearings | United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

You do what the Heritage Foundation tells you to.
And do you know why none of the right wing clowns face him directly? Because he is right. Every time.

Dude, I rarely read anything from the Heritage Foundation.

Most of they time it's pretty dry and not all that interesting. :D
Thanks for proving my point.

Bernie Sanders is a lying Socialist bent on overloading the system. He's rotten to the core.

More fun and games to be continued:

Hearing | Hearings | United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

You do what the Heritage Foundation tells you to.
And do you know why none of the right wing clowns face him directly? Because he is right. Every time.

simply laughable.
if he was right so often you should have drafted him for president; instead of the failed community organizer

Keep thinking that. Bernie Sanders: ?I Am Prepared to Run for President of the United States? [Updated on March 19] | The Nation
Thanks for proving my point.

Bernie Sanders is a lying Socialist bent on overloading the system. He's rotten to the core.

More fun and games to be continued:

Hearing | Hearings | United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

You do what the Heritage Foundation tells you to.
And do you know why none of the right wing clowns face him directly? Because he is right. Every time.

Dude, I rarely read anything from the Heritage Foundation.

Most of they time it's pretty dry and not all that interesting. :D

Sure you do. You just don't realize it. They give directives the Republicans and the media follow suit. I am a dudette.
More fun and games to be continued:

Hearing | Hearings | United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

You do what the Heritage Foundation tells you to.
And do you know why none of the right wing clowns face him directly? Because he is right. Every time.

simply laughable.
if he was right so often you should have drafted him for president; instead of the failed community organizer

Keep thinking that. Bernie Sanders: ?I Am Prepared to Run for President of the United States? [Updated on March 19] | The Nation

good one; go for it!!!
More fun and games to be continued:

Hearing | Hearings | United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

You do what the Heritage Foundation tells you to.
And do you know why none of the right wing clowns face him directly? Because he is right. Every time.

Dude, I rarely read anything from the Heritage Foundation.

Most of they time it's pretty dry and not all that interesting. :D

Sure you do. You just don't realize it. They give directives the Republicans and the media follow suit. I am a dudette.


The Republicans have their support and Democrats have their's.

Democrats have their unions and their Sierra Clubs yanking their chains.
Dude, I rarely read anything from the Heritage Foundation.

Most of they time it's pretty dry and not all that interesting. :D

Sure you do. You just don't realize it. They give directives the Republicans and the media follow suit. I am a dudette.


The Republicans have their support and Democrats have their's.

Democrats have their unions and their Sierra Clubs yanking their chains.

Democrats stopped supporting the unions. Local Ohio has started to run their own party because the Ds keep screwing them. The question is how neoliberal are the Dems?

Both the Rs and Ds dance to Wall Street. Fun filled fact.
Sure you do. You just don't realize it. They give directives the Republicans and the media follow suit. I am a dudette.


The Republicans have their support and Democrats have their's.

Democrats have their unions and their Sierra Clubs yanking their chains.

Democrats stopped supporting the unions. Local Ohio has started to run their own party because the Ds keep screwing them. The question is how neoliberal are the Dems?

Both the Rs and Ds dance to Wall Street. Fun filled fact.

dimocraps haven't stopped supporting Unions; Unions.... Private Sector Unions, are getting a little miffed with the Lying Cocksucker in Chief over things like the Keystone XL but that's no bother to dimocrap scum..... The PUBLIC Sector Unions are the Big Boys and they aren't EVER going to stop supporting dimocrap scum

Until we bust them. Which needs to be done.

Even FDR was against Public Sector Unions. They're criminals. They seriously are

Just look at what our wonderful Public Sector Unions have done for the Public Schools.. (actually, this test involves ALL American School kids, so the Private Schools are actually boosting the number)

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA): 2012 Results - Mathematics Literacy: Proficiency Levels

Figure M1a. Percentage of 15-year-old students performing at PISA mathematics literacy proficiency levels 5 and above and below level 2, by education system: 2012


We're 35th in the World.



Study: US Education Spending Tops Global List

The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year

And you fucking idiots wonder why the VA can't function?

Are you fucking kidding me? Of course they can't, not with dimocrap scumbag Unions caring more about raping the American People than they do about Veterans themselves.

Same thing with the Children. They don't care.

Know why they don't care (about either the Veterans or the Kids)?

They don't have to. They got a fucking Union.

Public Sector Unions need to go.

We're producing the dumbest fucking kids on earth (a boon for dimocrap scum) and killing Veterans.

What a deal :dunno:
Sure you do. You just don't realize it. They give directives the Republicans and the media follow suit. I am a dudette.


The Republicans have their support and Democrats have their's.

Democrats have their unions and their Sierra Clubs yanking their chains.

Democrats stopped supporting the unions. Local Ohio has started to run their own party because the Ds keep screwing them. The question is how neoliberal are the Dems?

Both the Rs and Ds dance to Wall Street. Fun filled fact.

All of the top donors are unions, like ACTBLUE. federal employee unions and teacher's uions.

If the Dems turned their backs on unions they might not get 90% of their funding.
Maybe Blackwater could run the VA. Or maybe that criminal enterprise that Gov. Scott in Florida was involved in.

Or Solyndra. Or the company run by Mooschelle's old roomate that set up the Obamacare website on a no bid contract?
See how that works?

All you've done is agree that the private sector is as bad or worse.


$600 Mil ObamaCare Website Co. Exec, Michelle Obama Pal, Visited White House | FrontPage Magazine

Michelle's friend got fired. Solyndra went out of business.

The private sector has a market that dictates who stays in business.

The Republicans have their support and Democrats have their's.

Democrats have their unions and their Sierra Clubs yanking their chains.

Democrats stopped supporting the unions. Local Ohio has started to run their own party because the Ds keep screwing them. The question is how neoliberal are the Dems?

Both the Rs and Ds dance to Wall Street. Fun filled fact.

All of the top donors are unions, like ACTBLUE. federal employee unions and teacher's uions.

If the Dems turned their backs on unions they might not get 90% of their funding.

The problem is that the Unions are forced into a lesser of two evils. The Democrats are into profiting off of the privatization of education via hedge funds so they aren't exactly allies. Further, Obama is also into privatizing education. Obama is a neoliberal.
The problem has been ongoing since before Obama but you know he just kept on with it.

The fact is, that all political contributions from labor unions have to be disclosed, even if it goes towards indirect campaigning, like with political action committees (PACs.) Meanwhile, the Kochs have been able to secretly contribute hundreds of millions of dollars by setting up their own SuperPACs, creating shell companies or providing money to other people to then give to a candidate or a PAC supporting that candidate.

The fact is, that the CRP only shows disclosed and direct campaign contributions made by organizations, companies and individuals. On that level, the Kochs only show up as #59 overall for the past 25 years and contributed a total of $4.9 million in the previous election cycle. However, when you take into account all of the ‘dark’ money that the Kochs spent during the 2012 election, that figure balloons to a whopping $412 million. In comparison, the top ten labor unions combined spent a total of $153 million when counting all political contributions.
New Conservative Meme That Unions Outspend Koch Brothers On Elections Is Patently False

Here is the thing that is a huge problem. We have people like Gates that outsources American jobs. He's big on that. He is a liberal icon. We have people like the Koch brothers. These people are not impacted by legislation as the people are. They go in to profit and it is usually off of people's misery. They don't have to deal with the repercussions. So, we can either keep up the "football" team shit or deal with the issues. The media? Corporate. You won't see anything that they don't want you to see.
Democrats stopped supporting the unions. Local Ohio has started to run their own party because the Ds keep screwing them. The question is how neoliberal are the Dems?

Both the Rs and Ds dance to Wall Street. Fun filled fact.

All of the top donors are unions, like ACTBLUE. federal employee unions and teacher's uions.

If the Dems turned their backs on unions they might not get 90% of their funding.

The problem is that the Unions are forced into a lesser of two evils. The Democrats are into profiting off of the privatization of education via hedge funds so they aren't exactly allies. Further, Obama is also into privatizing education. Obama is a neoliberal.
The problem has been ongoing since before Obama but you know he just kept on with it.

The fact is, that all political contributions from labor unions have to be disclosed, even if it goes towards indirect campaigning, like with political action committees (PACs.) Meanwhile, the Kochs have been able to secretly contribute hundreds of millions of dollars by setting up their own SuperPACs, creating shell companies or providing money to other people to then give to a candidate or a PAC supporting that candidate.

The fact is, that the CRP only shows disclosed and direct campaign contributions made by organizations, companies and individuals. On that level, the Kochs only show up as #59 overall for the past 25 years and contributed a total of $4.9 million in the previous election cycle. However, when you take into account all of the ‘dark’ money that the Kochs spent during the 2012 election, that figure balloons to a whopping $412 million. In comparison, the top ten labor unions combined spent a total of $153 million when counting all political contributions.
New Conservative Meme That Unions Outspend Koch Brothers On Elections Is Patently False

Here is the thing that is a huge problem. We have people like Gates that outsources American jobs. He's big on that. He is a liberal icon. We have people like the Koch brothers. These people are not impacted by legislation as the people are. They go in to profit and it is usually off of people's misery. They don't have to deal with the repercussions. So, we can either keep up the "football" team shit or deal with the issues. The media? Corporate. You won't see anything that they don't want you to see.

So you're going to take the word of a liberal blog site over official records?

If you look up Republic Report on Wiki you get a redirect to Essential Information......a Ralph Nader source. So your link is pretty shadowy itself.......


The demon du jour seems to be the Koch Brothers, so they'll make up anything they can think about them.

This was posted by a commentator on your link:

Kizar_Sozay said:

Of course any sensible reader would recognize the footnote on the OpenSecrets page ONLY refers to the KOCH brothers. NO union could possibly donate to a Super Pac. They just wouldn't do it. Organizing for America, MoveOn and all those little spiders created when ACORN was dismantled would never ever receive a dime of union money. Thanks for pointing out the footnote so obvious.
Now let's turn to the chart posted as the result of RepublicReports diligent research. Following the links in the article the chart uses itself as a reference for its veracity. Most charts actually cite where the info came from. Not this one.

Lastly, let's remember the Koch Brothers are spending their own money. The unions are spending money coerced from members who have little say in the matter. The unions hold a hammer over the employee. Without the union card there is no job. The dues are taken from wages and the unions spend on election campaigns that may well be in opposition to the views of the workers who are footing the bill.

File this lame column under 'unsubstantiated'.
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