VA Deaths Proves Two Things. Liberals Won't Admit It In A Million Years

Do we have aother scandal in the Obama administration....
And where is Michelle in all of this.
I see all the time the Obama lovers here heralding the FLOTUS for her amazing work
with veterans...
Well established fact that the military is hated by Democrats, especially by their Kenyan (just to piss you off, that) Soros-puppet. Given that, is it any wonder that our veterans are being abused in this cavalier fashion?

OH MY LORD! a Kenyan! sheesh.....

''... all liars: their part is in the burning Lake of Fire...'' in the end of careful!:eek: REV 21

my father USAF, Chief Master Sargent, 22 years, 1 year in Viet Nam, awarded Bronze Star-agent orange victim, 3 related cancers so far....Democrat

And my husband served for 4 years, and is a disabled VET,

so you and other Con artists can take their lies and put it where the sun don't shine....

And SHAME on you!
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Well established fact that the military is hated by Democrats, especially by their Kenyan (just to piss you off, that) Soros-puppet. Given that, is it any wonder that our veterans are being abused in this cavalier fashion?
''... all liars: their part is in the burning Lake of Fire...'' in the end of careful!:eek: REV 21

my father USAF, Chief Master Sargent, 22 years, 1 year in Viet Nam, awarded Bronze Star-agent orange victim, 3 related cancers so far....Democrat

And my husband served for 4 years, and is a disabled VET,

so you and other Con artists can take their lies and put it where the sun don't shine....

And SHAME on you!
You'd have to remove your head first. The Democrat party consistently downsizes the military when they have the ability to do so. That doesn't mean that no service members are Democrats.
Well established fact that the military is hated by Democrats, especially by their Kenyan (just to piss you off, that) Soros-puppet. Given that, is it any wonder that our veterans are being abused in this cavalier fashion?
''... all liars: their part is in the burning Lake of Fire...'' in the end of careful!:eek: REV 21

my father USAF, Chief Master Sargent, 22 years, 1 year in Viet Nam, awarded Bronze Star-agent orange victim, 3 related cancers so far....Democrat

And my husband served for 4 years, and is a disabled VET,

so you and other Con artists can take their lies and put it where the sun don't shine....

And SHAME on you!
You'd have to remove your head first. The Democrat party consistently downsizes the military when they have the ability to do so. That doesn't mean that no service members are Democrats.
here is what dems did for the VETERANS....

.Under Democratic majorities, Congress passed the largest increase in veterans funding in history and enacted the Post 9/11 GI Bill; restoring the promise of a full, four year scholarship for veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the House, we passed a bill to end the Disabled Veterans Tax which unjustly targets military retirees who were injured in the line of duty.
Increase funding for veterans’ health care and other services by $23 billion (60%)
since January 2007
including the largest single increase in the history of the VA.
(This is more of an increase in three years than the GOP-controlled Congress provided
in 12 years.)
Strengthened quality health care for 5.5 million veterans
adding 12,000 new doctors and
nurses since 2007, increasing Vet Centers and mobile health centers, and expanding access
for rural veterans

As far as DEFENSE spending, I have no problem at all cutting the WASTE...

I also have no problem with down sizing the Military if so many are not needed....this just means recruiting fewer people, NOT making those enlisted quit... I also have no problems increasing the Military's size, when we NEED the troops to be larger.

Seriously! It's SILLY to say calling for defense spending cuts and for our Defense dept to rid themselves of their waste and become more efficient with less money as being unpatriotic, or not supporting the Military....

not supporting the waste in the Military Industrial Complex DOES NOT EQUATE with not supporting the military personnel.
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the military to be downsized drastically. Even the General Eisenhower would agree with that

The backlog and subsequent deaths of dozens of veterans proves a couple of things. Liberals will never admit to it either. Government inherently provides substandard service, and this administration not only knew about this, but doesn't intend to do anything about it.

There is nothing that the private sector does that government can't do in a more expensive and frustrating manner. The VA has always had a backlogged waiting list. When Obama was sworn in there was a waiting list of approximately 11,000 patients. Today there is anywhere from 200,000 to 600,000 patients waiting for benefits. Many of them are cancer patients waiting for life-saving treatment. Unfortunately 40 have died in Arizona, and dozens more have died in several other states.

There are incentives that VA workers have to meet to keep in the good graces of management. There is incentive pay, performance based salary increases, and awards for workers who meet specific quotas. It seems that fudging the records is going on, not just in Arizona but all over the country. They have discovered that some of these workers are keeping two separate lists. One special list where they put most veterans, and the real list that will be seen by their supervisors.

In order to receive incentives care providers have to process veterans in a specified time period. The incentive should be to keep your job. However, the government has temporary employees, conditional employees, and permanent employees. No matter how worthless the worker is you can't fire them as long as they show up to work and don't punch other workers out. Being a discipline problem isn't that big of a consideration. Being a lazy piece of crap isn't even a consideration. Seems this is the primary cause of the backlog. And the backlog seems to be an unintended consequence to Obama's draw-down of the military. The backlog is getting out of hand, and veterans are dying waiting on treatment. Vietnam vets are having to wait in line with all of the new patients being pushed out of active duty into the VA.

I've used the VA health care system one time. Back in the 70s I had my tonsils removed at a VA hospital in La Jolla CA. I was offered a chance to use the VA when I retired and passed. Waiting 6 months to a year to get a checkup was a bit much.

Workers should be doing jail time for allowing veterans to linger on their secret lists insiders call "Gaming Lists". Some veterans records have disappeared while on these lists. However, it looks like nothing is going to happen outside of administrative leave, which is paid leave while waiting for the dust to settle. The White House has very little to say about this other than they're mad as hell, and Eric Holder said essentially that he's waiting on the media investigation before acting, if ever. Hearings will be held, answers will not be forthcoming. The Administration will stonewall this like they do every other scandal. This will be called a fake scandal in a few weeks just like the IRS, NSA, BLM, Fast & Furious, and Benghazi scandals. All of them are still going on and nothing is being done about them. This one will have to wait in line like the rest of the Obama Administration scandals, which are fake of course.

Dude, who really cares?

I do........



VA wait-list scandal: Senate, veterans to finally hear from Shinseki -
Salary, Awards, and Recognition - VA JOBS
Some Tips for Filing a VA Disability Claim | VAntage Point

How does this prove that Social Security is poorly run?
"This 7-to-1 ratio of wounded to killed has to be an all-time record," said Michael O'Hanlon, a scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. For many of the nation's wars in the last century, the ratio was 3 to 1, he added.

The first burn patient that Maj. Louis Stout dealt with from Iraq stunned him.

"He should have been dead. You could see how badly his arms and head were burnt," said Stout, head nurse for the intensive care unit at the burn center at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio.

Medical advances save lives of GIs ravaged by war - Chicago Tribune

I would not go so far as to say that Govt. run Medical facilities both VA and Military are worhtless, and while the article I posted is an old one , imagine the numbers with an additional 10 years of war added onto it and the numbers of men and women in the system and add to that all the Vets from previous wars and you have a system that is burdened to say the least. However, having said this, while it does not reflect badly on the devoted men and women who actually take care of the Vets and men and women in the Military what it does reflect badly on is poor planning and poor management and poor supervision and creating an atmosphere where job retention is more important than the actual mission of caring for the warriors who have honorably protected this nation. So it would seem to me that the folks responsible for all this should be held to account regardless of what political party they happen to belong to.
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The Kochs have to disclose like everyone else.

Online donations like the ones Obama received during his campaigned never had to disclose anything. Support through Soros funded organizations are basically backdoor campaigning. Media Matters, ThinkProgress, Center For American Progress, SEIU, ACORN splinter groups, Occupy Wallstreet, all have close ties to Obama and Hillary. Nevermind all of the free advertizement in the news and in every Sitcom and movie that Hollywood produces. The View is pure liberal propaganda. ESPN covers what Democrats want them to cover. MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, BET, Comedy Central, VH1, MTV, NPR, PBS, Disney Corporation, all of them are pumping out free advertizement for Democrats.

If there's a way around the law the Dems have discovered it and used it. If a conservative group uses anything the way the Dems do they get hammered by the media. Fox News, the Devil. Rush Limbaugh, the Devil.


Persecution complex, too?

I don't think so.

Do you Muckety?

I wouldn't call it a complex.

Just an observation.

Not sure what Muckety is. :eusa_shifty:

First of all, let me drop this on the media. There is a book that came out several years ago and is updated periodically written by a man called Ben Bagdikian. The reason that I say him is that he was the first to write on it and over time people haven't given him the credit that he deserves or they have the blank look if you say his name. At the time that I first came across him there were the big six media conglomeration. They owned all of radio, television, newspaper, publishing, magazines, etc. There were less then 2,000 independent media sources and that includes those journals that came out twice a year.

Like so:
In 1983, the men and women who headed the 50 mass media corporations that dominated American audiences could have fit comfortably in a modest hotel ballroom. The people heading the 20 dominant newspaper chains probably would form one conversational cluster to complain about newsprint prices; 20 magazine moguls in a different circle denounce postal rates; the broadcast network people in another corner, not being in the newspaper or magazine business, exchange indignation about government radio and television regulations; the book people compete in outrage over greed of writers’ agents; and movie people gossip about sexual achievements of their stars.

By 2003, five men controlled all these old media once run by the 50 corporations of 20 years earlier.
The New Media Monopoly . . . Excerpts (2) ? Ben Bagdikian

Before you might find a subsidiary of ABC that owned barges that carried nuclear waste across a large body of water. An accident occurs. Would they allow that to be reported? Nope. NBC was owned by GE until it's deal with Comcast which was completed last year.

Did you ever see any of this on any of NBC or MSNBC?
Such was the case with GE. Last year, it tumbled from being the nation's 24th biggest defense contractor to being the 33rd, pulling in $844 million in defense dollars. In 2001, it lost the $4 billion competition to provide engines for the JSF; that contract went to Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies (the 21st largest defense contractor, with $1.47 billion in annual military contracts).

But all was not lost. GE joined forces with another beleaguered contractor, Rolls Royce, and successfully lobbied Congress to hand them a long-term contract to research and produce "alternative" engines for the JSF aircraft. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was a big booster of the extra-engine deal, perhaps because GE's Cincinnati construction plant was in his district's back yard.

Resistance to the "extra engine" program came from diverse corners, including deficit-decrying tea partiers, dovish progressives, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates. "My idea of competition is winner takes all," and GE's plan was a loser, he told the Senate appropriations committee last summer. At the height of the debate, the dueling engine makers created rival websites, GE's and Pratt & Whitney's, where they sniped at each other in entertainingly bureaucratic fashion. "Eliminating the extra engine once and for all would be a great way for Washington to start winning the budgetary war and the voters' respect," P&W's blogger boasted. GE responded that P&W's case "has been debunked by fact-based information."
GE's $3 Billion Pentagon Boondoggle | Mother Jones

Nope. Not gonna ever see that. You see whatever they want you to see and you see it presented in the way you are brainwashed into taking it. Faux right/left bias is a shit argument.

So, let's check out Robert Iger:
Robert A. Iger relationship map - Muckety

Scroll down to Partnership for a New American Economy. Hover over it and a side bar opens up. Look at the list of individuals.

The Partnership for a New American Economy is a coalition of business leaders and mayors launched by Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch to influence public opinion and policymakers toward comprehensive immigration reform. "The partnership will enable Mayors and CEOs to demonstrate to policymakers the vital role that immigration plays in our economy by publishing studies, conducting polls, convening forums, and sponsoring public education campaigns."[1] Among other goals, the partnership will pursue Congress and the White House to enact legislation which will create "a path to legal status for all undocumented immigrants now in the United States".[2] The partnership will seek to influence "by publishing studies, conducting polls, convening forums, and sponsoring public education campaigns".[1]
Partnership for a New American Economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can find the link to their site in there.

Rupert Murdoch? Publishing their own studies to influence public opinion?

Say it ain't so, Jack.

You aren't persecuted. You're being taken for a ride.
Well since the VA falls under the president, because it is a cabinet post, it's directly under him.

End of story....

whatever that has to do with what we were talking about......

It has EVERYTHING to do with what we're talking about......

yea im sure it does this going to be a conversation like the one we had about the drought in Ca. where we were all talking about what you posted,but you were talking about a different area of the State without anyone knowing, since you did not mention it till later in the this like that?....because what you said has nothing to do with being a hack...which was what we were discussing....

Persecution complex, too?

I don't think so.

Do you Muckety?

I wouldn't call it a complex.

Just an observation.

Not sure what Muckety is. :eusa_shifty:

First of all, let me drop this on the media. There is a book that came out several years ago and is updated periodically written by a man called Ben Bagdikian. The reason that I say him is that he was the first to write on it and over time people haven't given him the credit that he deserves or they have the blank look if you say his name. At the time that I first came across him there were the big six media conglomeration. They owned all of radio, television, newspaper, publishing, magazines, etc. There were less then 2,000 independent media sources and that includes those journals that came out twice a year.

Like so:
The New Media Monopoly . . . Excerpts (2) ? Ben Bagdikian

Before you might find a subsidiary of ABC that owned barges that carried nuclear waste across a large body of water. An accident occurs. Would they allow that to be reported? Nope. NBC was owned by GE until it's deal with Comcast which was completed last year.

Did you ever see any of this on any of NBC or MSNBC?
Such was the case with GE. Last year, it tumbled from being the nation's 24th biggest defense contractor to being the 33rd, pulling in $844 million in defense dollars. In 2001, it lost the $4 billion competition to provide engines for the JSF; that contract went to Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies (the 21st largest defense contractor, with $1.47 billion in annual military contracts).

But all was not lost. GE joined forces with another beleaguered contractor, Rolls Royce, and successfully lobbied Congress to hand them a long-term contract to research and produce "alternative" engines for the JSF aircraft. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was a big booster of the extra-engine deal, perhaps because GE's Cincinnati construction plant was in his district's back yard.

Resistance to the "extra engine" program came from diverse corners, including deficit-decrying tea partiers, dovish progressives, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates. "My idea of competition is winner takes all," and GE's plan was a loser, he told the Senate appropriations committee last summer. At the height of the debate, the dueling engine makers created rival websites, GE's and Pratt & Whitney's, where they sniped at each other in entertainingly bureaucratic fashion. "Eliminating the extra engine once and for all would be a great way for Washington to start winning the budgetary war and the voters' respect," P&W's blogger boasted. GE responded that P&W's case "has been debunked by fact-based information."
GE's $3 Billion Pentagon Boondoggle | Mother Jones

Nope. Not gonna ever see that. You see whatever they want you to see and you see it presented in the way you are brainwashed into taking it. Faux right/left bias is a shit argument.

So, let's check out Robert Iger:
Robert A. Iger relationship map - Muckety

Scroll down to Partnership for a New American Economy. Hover over it and a side bar opens up. Look at the list of individuals.

The Partnership for a New American Economy is a coalition of business leaders and mayors launched by Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch to influence public opinion and policymakers toward comprehensive immigration reform. "The partnership will enable Mayors and CEOs to demonstrate to policymakers the vital role that immigration plays in our economy by publishing studies, conducting polls, convening forums, and sponsoring public education campaigns."[1] Among other goals, the partnership will pursue Congress and the White House to enact legislation which will create "a path to legal status for all undocumented immigrants now in the United States".[2] The partnership will seek to influence "by publishing studies, conducting polls, convening forums, and sponsoring public education campaigns".[1]
Partnership for a New American Economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can find the link to their site in there.

Rupert Murdoch? Publishing their own studies to influence public opinion?

Say it ain't so, Jack.

You aren't persecuted. You're being taken for a ride.

GE's CEO, Jeffery Immelt, worked directly for Obama.


Obama administration

In February 2009, Immelt was appointed as a member to the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board to provide the president and his administration with advice and counsel in fixing America's economic downturn.[14] When President Obama chose to put Jeffrey Immelt at the head of the Economic Advisory Board, he felt that Immelt had attributions in knowing what would help the global economy. Obama has reported that Immelt has emerged as one of his top economic advisors in regards to trying to rebuild America's economy.[15]

On January 21, 2011, President Obama announced Immelt's appointment as chairman of his outside panel of economic advisers, succeeding former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker.[16] The New York Times reported that Obama's appointment of Immelt was "another strong signal that he intends to make the White House more business-friendly."[16] Immelt will retain his post at GE while becoming "chairman of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, a newly named panel that President Obama is creating by executive order."[16] Despite this, in July 2011 Immelt's General Electric announced that it is in the process of relocating its X-ray division from Wisconsin to China.[17][18] Immelt had previously referred to China as GE's "second home market".[17] Jeffrey R. Immelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks to Immelt jobs in his plants went to China. He's also responsible for our new laws banning incandescent light-bulbs.

Oh, and you'll love this; GE doesn't pay taxes

whatever that has to do with what we were talking about......

It has EVERYTHING to do with what we're talking about......

yea im sure it does this going to be a conversation like the one we had about the drought in Ca. where we were all talking about what you posted,but you were talking about a different area of the State without anyone knowing, since you did not mention it till later in the this like that?....because what you said has nothing to do with being a hack...which was what we were discussing....

California is a big state. Not my fault you didn't know that. I'm not sure if it was you who was claiming I didn't know where Death Valley was. Like the usual liberal twerp, you ran off when I showed it to you on the map.

It's also not my fault you didn't read every post in the thread. Maybe you would have followed it a bit closer then.

Central and Southern California is supposedly in a massive drought. My contention was that this is normal. I wasn't focusing on only one area. There are several areas that are effected by what Obama and Harry Reid are doing.


Report: Evaporation from California Irrigation Adds Enough Water to Colorado River to Supply 3 Million People | Circle of Blue WaterNews
It has EVERYTHING to do with what we're talking about......

yea im sure it does this going to be a conversation like the one we had about the drought in Ca. where we were all talking about what you posted,but you were talking about a different area of the State without anyone knowing, since you did not mention it till later in the this like that?....because what you said has nothing to do with being a hack...which was what we were discussing....

California is a big state. Not my fault you didn't know that. I'm not sure if it was you who was claiming I didn't know where Death Valley was. Like the usual liberal twerp, you ran off when I showed it to you on the map.

It's also not my fault you didn't read every post in the thread. Maybe you would have followed it a bit closer then.

Central and Southern California is supposedly in a massive drought. My contention was that this is normal. I wasn't focusing on only one area. There are several areas that are effected by what Obama and Harry Reid are doing.


Report: Evaporation from California Irrigation Adds Enough Water to Colorado River to Supply 3 Million People | Circle of Blue WaterNews

you are the one who posted the fucking thread...about the Central Ca. situation with the farmers in the Central Valley....did you not?.....everyone was commenting on said the place was a desert.....i said the Central Valley is not,which is the area your dam OP was said it was.....if you were talking about the Imperial Valley it would have been nice if you would have told us....and no one ran away from that thread except a stupid drunk named you know him?...and if anyone did not read the was you dumb time try posting sober....and remember the thread is not that old were it cant be found to prove who actually read it and who ran from it....
Guys...let's stick to the topic here - the VA :)
I wouldn't call it a complex.

Just an observation.

Not sure what Muckety is. :eusa_shifty:

First of all, let me drop this on the media. There is a book that came out several years ago and is updated periodically written by a man called Ben Bagdikian. The reason that I say him is that he was the first to write on it and over time people haven't given him the credit that he deserves or they have the blank look if you say his name. At the time that I first came across him there were the big six media conglomeration. They owned all of radio, television, newspaper, publishing, magazines, etc. There were less then 2,000 independent media sources and that includes those journals that came out twice a year.

Like so:
The New Media Monopoly . . . Excerpts (2) ? Ben Bagdikian

Before you might find a subsidiary of ABC that owned barges that carried nuclear waste across a large body of water. An accident occurs. Would they allow that to be reported? Nope. NBC was owned by GE until it's deal with Comcast which was completed last year.

Did you ever see any of this on any of NBC or MSNBC?

GE's $3 Billion Pentagon Boondoggle | Mother Jones

Nope. Not gonna ever see that. You see whatever they want you to see and you see it presented in the way you are brainwashed into taking it. Faux right/left bias is a shit argument.

So, let's check out Robert Iger:
Robert A. Iger relationship map - Muckety

Scroll down to Partnership for a New American Economy. Hover over it and a side bar opens up. Look at the list of individuals.

Partnership for a New American Economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can find the link to their site in there.

Rupert Murdoch? Publishing their own studies to influence public opinion?

Say it ain't so, Jack.

You aren't persecuted. You're being taken for a ride.

GE's CEO, Jeffery Immelt, worked directly for Obama.


Obama administration

In February 2009, Immelt was appointed as a member to the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board to provide the president and his administration with advice and counsel in fixing America's economic downturn.[14] When President Obama chose to put Jeffrey Immelt at the head of the Economic Advisory Board, he felt that Immelt had attributions in knowing what would help the global economy. Obama has reported that Immelt has emerged as one of his top economic advisors in regards to trying to rebuild America's economy.[15]

On January 21, 2011, President Obama announced Immelt's appointment as chairman of his outside panel of economic advisers, succeeding former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker.[16] The New York Times reported that Obama's appointment of Immelt was "another strong signal that he intends to make the White House more business-friendly."[16] Immelt will retain his post at GE while becoming "chairman of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, a newly named panel that President Obama is creating by executive order."[16] Despite this, in July 2011 Immelt's General Electric announced that it is in the process of relocating its X-ray division from Wisconsin to China.[17][18] Immelt had previously referred to China as GE's "second home market".[17] Jeffrey R. Immelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks to Immelt jobs in his plants went to China. He's also responsible for our new laws banning incandescent light-bulbs.

Oh, and you'll love this; GE doesn't pay taxes

I have major issues with corps that don't pay taxes or pay this game and especially when they take our cash via contracts.

Ya, and Immelt is a Republican. He isn't a RINO. The reality is that this left/right bs is only for us peasants.

Whoops. I left the screen up to go take care of stuff and didn't see the prior post.

Back on topic with the VA. Swear.
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Look thru this and see how much of it does not relate to healthcare for our vets. Why are you not screaming that something be done about management within? Increasing funds without getting rid of those mismanaging will only lead us directly back to where things are today. The budget of $138.8 billion, if handled properly, an increase in 2013 over 2012 by more than 10%, should take care of their needs. And don't tell me I don't care for our vets as the vets in my family say it is mismanagement going on.
Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

You know........I'm hesitant to post this. But, wtf. My grandfather is or was a WWII vet in Arizona. He was showing signs of dementia and there were two tries to get him into a facility. He was in Tucson and the closest home is in Phoenix. He was hospitalized for dehydration and finally was moved to a facility. He died two months later.

I have an uncle that has a bizarre strand of Alzheimer. He was a rocket scientist. Really. He got to the point that he was forced into retirement and he is beyond the families control. Not kidding. Someone has to stand at the front door and guard it and someone has to stand at the back door and guard it. If he makes it to the street then his behavior is so aggressive that we are worried that he may be shot. Closest VA nursing home is in Phoenix. My aunt has cancer. In order to get this guy into a nursing home she has to put her house up.

My dad is now encountering medical problems and it was hard as hell to get him to start looking into his benefits. Hell, he was doing PTSD before they even gave it a name. His was a pride issue of not having to ask for anything.

So, where am I going with this? Sanders just had legislation on the table that the R's voted down. Senate rejects bill on veterans benefits

Do NOT tell me that the liberals are the problem. You are lying your ass off in an effort to privatize that shit too. Hell you can't be trusted to take care of the vets NOW. You whip them out to show case them on special little holidays and then shit on them the rest of the year. Do not tell me you give a shit when you clearly do not.

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