VA treatment


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2020
Does anyone else have a problem with the VA and how they treat veterans?

The accessibility, consistency of their providers and the time they take to do anything, or their reluctance to allow for community care?

From tyhe form of the question you can assume that I have had problems with them. Yes, they have gotten somewhat better in recent years but are still and continually lacking in many aspects.

Your thoughts?
Does anyone else have a problem with the VA and how they treat veterans?

The accessibility, consistency of their providers and the time they take to do anything, or their reluctance to allow for community care?

From tyhe form of the question you can assume that I have had problems with them. Yes, they have gotten somewhat better in recent years but are still and continually lacking in many aspects.

Your thoughts?
I haven't been to the VA in over 40 years because they're the last place I'll go for medical treatment. When I retired they gave me an appointment for a physical 6 months after I retired to see what my disabilities were and I never showed up. They should have done the physical before I retired.
I use the VA and yes somethings do take time so it is best to start as soon as possible.
Personally, I went to the VA about ten years after separation from the service.

The suggested treatment was so poor that I avoided them for some forty years. At that time, my PTSD became such a problem that I sought them out for treatment. They tried to help, but with the rotating of care givers it caused an increase pf stress that I am not sure of its efficacy, although they did wind up rating me 100 percent disabled. They took their sweet time doing this and made me jump through numerous hoops that at the time, I almost gave up. As I stated in the OP, they did try but with nominal support.

When I got cancer (agent orange) they did allow for me to seek community care for treatment and I no longer have any cancer. Some good, altghought not treatment from them.
Does anyone else have a problem with the VA and how they treat veterans?

Yep, always have.

Typical example is going on right now. Back in February I told them I needed to see my provider, and they made me an appointment for late May. Now that alone is fairly typical, being given appointments 3 months down the line.

But the day before my appointment I got a call, and said they had overbooked. And the next available appointment is in late August. So that is 6 months from making an appointment until I will actually see my doctor.

And if anybody wonders why I was so resistant to "Government healthcare", this is a perfect example of why. If the Government can't even take care of the 10% or so they are mandated to take care of, how in the hell are they going to take care of the other 90%? I have actually had a friend die about 20 years ago because of this kind of nonsense. They kept pushing back his appointments so far that by the time they actually saw him, he had advanced prostrate cancer. And they delayed yet again scheduling him for treatment, and he died before his surgery date. And this is sadly typical of the system.

And it has been that way for over 30 years, when I first fell under VA care. It is largely a system that really does not care for Veterans, and is yet another department that does the minimum they can get away with and still collect their paychecks. But do not think I blame the caregivers, I really do not. It is the system that I blame for all of this.

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