Vaccination news

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019

"A new data analysis identifies clusters of unvaccinated people, most of them in the southern United States, that are vulnerable to surges in Covid-19 cases and could become breeding grounds for even more deadly Covid-19 variants.
"The analysis by researchers at Georgetown University identified 30 clusters of counties with low vaccination rates and significant population sizes. The five most significant of those clusters are sprawled across large swaths of the southeastern United States and a smaller portion in the Midwest...
"The five clusters are largely in parts of eight states, starting in the east in Georgia and stretching west to Texas and north to southern Missouri. The clusters also include parts of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Tennessee, and are made up of mostly smaller counties but also cities such as Montgomery, Alabama; Shreveport, Louisiana; and Amarillo, Texas.
"Most of these states are currently seeing increases in Covid-19 cases."

It's unfortunate that so many posts and even threads on social media put the onus on vaccinations. The facts show they protect a shield for those of us who have both shots of one of the two major vaccines; due diligence has determined that they are safe and yet too many in our States and Counties / Parishes are fearful of the shots and put themselves in harms way.

"A new data analysis identifies clusters of unvaccinated people, most of them in the southern United States, that are vulnerable to surges in Covid-19 cases and could become breeding grounds for even more deadly Covid-19 variants.
"The analysis by researchers at Georgetown University identified 30 clusters of counties with low vaccination rates and significant population sizes. The five most significant of those clusters are sprawled across large swaths of the southeastern United States and a smaller portion in the Midwest...
"The five clusters are largely in parts of eight states, starting in the east in Georgia and stretching west to Texas and north to southern Missouri. The clusters also include parts of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Tennessee, and are made up of mostly smaller counties but also cities such as Montgomery, Alabama; Shreveport, Louisiana; and Amarillo, Texas.
"Most of these states are currently seeing increases in Covid-19 cases."

It's unfortunate that so many posts and even threads on social media put the onus on vaccinations. The facts show they protect a shield for those of us who have both shots of one of the two major vaccines; due diligence has determined that they are safe and yet too many in our States and Counties / Parishes are fearful of the shots and put themselves in harms way.

Look on the bright side.

Unvaccinated individuals now account for the vast majority of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the U.S., according to available data​

XiNN is married to Trump and panic porn.

Wait a second, we are told by the same tabloids, that it's mostly conservatives not yet vaccinated, then you name primarilly liberal leaning cities low in vaccination percentages and they are counties/regions that you wanted us to believe voted 90% for Biden during the late mail in ballot counts after the vote tallies stoped for a fake pipe burst? Which is it, no voter fraud and liberals refuse vaccinations or low vaccinations in conservative communities and systemic voter fraud by the left?-oops
Does anyone take into acct those not getting shots who had covid?
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Wait a second, we are told by the same tabloids, that it's mostly conservatives not yet vaccinated, then you name primarilly liberal leaning cities low in vaccinatuon percentages and they are counties/regions that you wanted us to believe voted 90% for Biden during the late mail in ballot counts after the vote tallies stoped for a fake pipe burst? Which is it, no voter fraud and liberals refuse vaccinations or low vaccinations in conservative communities and systemic voter fraud by the left?-oops
Does anyone take into acct those not getting shots who had covid?
So you white conservatives have all gotten vaccinated? We didn't know that.

Yes, blacks are as dumb as Republicans when it comes to not trusting uncle sam. Actually they have good reasons to not trust the government. You white conservative Republicans are just paranoid because for decades Republicans told you don't trust the government. But you trust Republicans right?

You know Trump got the vaccine.
XiNN is married to Trump and panic porn.

A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 86% of Democrats have been at least partially vaccinated for COVID-19 compare to only 45% of Republicans, which explains why red states have the lower vaccination rates. The message that Biden has aggressively promoted — that the sooner Americans get vaccinated, the sooner the U.S. will be able to get back to normal and achieve some level of herd immunity — is obviously resonating in blue states more than red states

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“They're not thinking right!”
Jim Justice (WV): "The red states probably have a lot of people that,

you know, are very, very conservative in their thinking.
And they think,
Well, I don't have to do that.'

But they're not thinking right!"

Low COVID vaccination rates are a daunting problem for red state governors

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said the COVID-19 Delta variant is hitting younger residents hard and told CNN, "The solution is the vaccinations…. It is a great concern… We are in a race. And if we stopped right here, and we didn't get greater percent of our population vaccinated, then we're going to have trouble in the next school year and over the winter. So, we want to get ahead of that curve. Working very hard to do that."

Hutchinson: "In terms of the vaccine distribution, it's been seamless. And I was delighted that we had a ... 14% increase in vaccine supply last week. This is going to be very, very important for us!”

"Thank goodness we have that partnership which is good with the federal government. And President Biden and his team is -- is working to assure that partnership and not tear it apart, which I'm very grateful for!"

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) told CBS’s “Face the Nation” the disparity in vaccination rates along party lines was “troubling.” A recent Washington Post poll found 86 percent of Democrats have received at least one dose of vaccine, compared with just 45 percent of Republicans. The poll found 38 percent of Republicans said they definitely will not receive the vaccine.
“I spoke about this unfortunate it is that politics is becoming religion in our country, politics is becoming sport and entertainment in our country... It’s a huge mistake, it’s caused us to make bad decisions during this pandemic and in other phases of our life as well,” he said.

For their sakes, for that of their families and neighbors, and for that of the nation, let's hope that Govs. Justice,Hutchinson, Cox, and others with their problem succeed in meeting the President's goals.

Maybe, the Republicans can get the vaccinated Former Guy to tell his cult,

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XiNN is married to Trump and panic porn.

A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 86% of Democrats have been at least partially vaccinated for COVID-19 compare to only 45% of Republicans, which explains why red states have the lower vaccination rates. The message that Biden has aggressively promoted — that the sooner Americans get vaccinated, the sooner the U.S. will be able to get back to normal and achieve some level of herd immunity — is obviously resonating in blue states more than red states

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“They're not thinking right!”
Jim Justice (WV): "The red states probably have a lot of people that,

you know, are very, very conservative in their thinking.
And they think,
Well, I don't have to do that.'

But they're not thinking right!"

Low COVID vaccination rates are a daunting problem for red state governors

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said the COVID-19 Delta variant is hitting younger residents hard and told CNN, "The solution is the vaccinations…. It is a great concern… We are in a race. And if we stopped right here, and we didn't get greater percent of our population vaccinated, then we're going to have trouble in the next school year and over the winter. So, we want to get ahead of that curve. Working very hard to do that."

Hutchinson: "In terms of the vaccine distribution, it's been seamless. And I was delighted that we had a ... 14% increase in vaccine supply last week. This is going to be very, very important for us!”

"Thank goodness we have that partnership which is good with the federal government. And President Biden and his team is -- is working to assure that partnership and not tear it apart, which I'm very grateful for!"

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) told CBS’s “Face the Nation” the disparity in vaccination rates along party lines was “troubling.” A recent Washington Post poll found 86 percent of Democrats have received at least one dose of vaccine, compared with just 45 percent of Republicans. The poll found 38 percent of Republicans said they definitely will not receive the vaccine.
“I spoke about this unfortunate it is that politics is becoming religion in our country, politics is becoming sport and entertainment in our country... It’s a huge mistake, it’s caused us to make bad decisions during this pandemic and in other phases of our life as well,” he said.

For their sakes, for that of their families and neighbors, and for that of the nation, let's hope that Govs. Justice,Hutchinson, Cox, and others with their problem succeed in meeting the President's goals.

Maybe, the Republicans can get the vaccinated Former Guy to tell his cult,

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Fuck you, fuck your senile fuck-up president, and fuck your experimental gene altering juice.

I already had the FauxiVirus, so my natural immunity is better than anything that you fascist shiburgers could stick into me.

Oh, and did I mention fuck you?
Fuck you, fuck your senile fuck-up president, and fuck your experimental gene altering juice.

I already had the FauxiVirus, so my natural immunity is better than anything that you fascist shiburgers could stick into me.

Oh, and did I mention fuck you?
You should compose yourself, and support the red state governors who are following the President's leadership.

It is in the interests of all Americans.

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